Enter the Dragon Punch
Got my BLOPS 3 key from Funstock and turns out it's invalid. Goodie.
glad I went GMG. yikes
Got my BLOPS 3 key from Funstock and turns out it's invalid. Goodie.
Seems like people that bought Black Ops 3 from GMG before the current promo don't get the Nuk3town bonus![]()
Got my BLOPS 3 key from Funstock and turns out it's invalid. Goodie.
Got my BLOPS 3 key from Funstock and turns out it's invalid. Goodie.
Battleborn needs more time, it seems. Gearbox and 2K have announced that it has been delayed out of February and the publishers fiscal year.
Battleborn was slated to arrive on February 9, 2016. It now lands on May 3, 2016.
For more on Battleborn, you can read a recent hands-on preview. Take Two will be holding its second quarter earnings call later this afternoon.
Our Take
This is a good decision, even if it does have an impact on Take Twos current fiscal year. As I mentioned in my preview, Battleborn has great ingredients, but they arent coming together quite well enough just yet. This buys Gearbox more time to get it right.
VN fans should downvote positive reviews for G-Senjou no Maou. I don't blame SP for the CG cropping (it's was the devs who did it), but locking and deleting threads bringing the issue to light, is absolutely abhorrent. They claim they're not allowed to talk about it, but even so, there's no reason for their behaviour. Apparently SP is asking the dev for the uncropped CGs so hopefully it works out, but if not I can't support it.
Blops3 costs R$129,99. I have R$126,85 in my wallet. :'(
i don't think it was fair at all for ppl that already had the game, it was way too expensive for something that probably should've been free on pc in the first placeI'm just as big (if not bigger) of a fan of the Souls games as you are.
I preordered DS2 and bought the season pass.
And I had no problem with the discount I was offered to "upgrade" on Steam; but regardless of all of that, whether you were pissed off at the upgrade pricing (which ultimately only affected enemy placement, online populace, and what engine it rendered in as the major content changes were patched in for owners of the DX9 version with the Season Pass/all DLC) or not, at the end of the day it was fair to all customers, offering larger discounts to those who had spent money supporting the original game and DLC (which is the opposite of what Nordic is doing here).
Presented without comment.
Me too, me too...Glad I refunded my order.
And I'm glad I skipped Funstock.
Finally an adventure game that gives tough choices.
Wait what the hell
That's obnoxious behavior. You take the heat and say nothing you could do, you don't censor. This is basics.
stahp, halloween is over!
Blops3 costs R$129,99. I have R$126,85 in my wallet. :'(
Yup. Second key is invalid too.
Yikes :/Yup. Second key is invalid too.
Yup. Second key is invalid too.
Yup. Second key is invalid too.
Presented without comment.
He has a point. Maybe the guy who went to college at like 12 or whatever is just too stupid to get it for free.
Yup. Second key is invalid too.
Yeah was kinda laughing at this myself but I've had to grow a pretty thick skin over the years. I haven't been responding in there or censoring comments, but it is a bit of a shame that it's getting so many downvotes.
Damn, that sucks, it was cheaper than GMG by like 4 bucks ;s
Then again, someone on the gaming side said his AK key from GMG was revoked and they tried to hide the fact he bought it from them by removing the purchase from his history or something similiar
All these sites seem shady as fuck lol
Never had any problems with Funstock and there's no reason to think they are being shady by any means. I am sure that you will get your keys (try mailing them your order number on Twitter like other people seem to do ATM, there seems to be an larger issue with the keys)
still waiting for vita version
Quoted you by accident.
There's Star Wars: Battlefront III. There's Star Wars 1313. There's even that Darth Maul game. But no one mourns Star Wars: First Assault.
According to the YouTube description, "This was a tech beta ran on Xbox Live a while back before the game was canned. The beta only had this one level and i couldn't spawn bots or add another player."
First Assault was, ironically, meant to be Star Wars' answer to Call of Duty and Battlefield. It was planned as a digital multiplayer shooter that would lead into an eventual Star Wars: Battlefront III by winter 2015 (hello!) and reportedly came as close as $10,000 in certification fees away from a public beta in winter of 2012.
Then Disney took over LucasArts, putting all projects on hold, and EA ended up with 10 years of the Star Wars license by May 2013.
That's STILL not out yet? Seriously?
That's STILL not out yet? Seriously?
Vita update
I often feel like if I dont mention Vita, people will assume that its not always on my mind. It is, and I can report that significant progress has been and is being made! I will be giving some more detailed updates on this in the next month or so, but for now lets just say that theres some light at the end of the tunnel. Keep in mind that it is retroactively cross-buy, so if you bought Axiom Verge on PS4 already, you will get the Vita version for free when it launches. Also, if any of your friends have a Vita, they can take advantage of the aforementioned upcoming sale and get both for the price of one!
Thanks again for everyones support and patience. It was a lot more complicated than any of us expected it to be, but were getting there.
dude's been busy having a kid and shit man
Not in any rush, just thought it was supposed to be out during the Summer for some reason. I wish him and his wife the best
Deserve to get juniored tbh :^)