Red Dead Redemption 2: First Trailer, now available as a high-bitrate non-Youtube version to see more detail.
White. You disappoint me dex![]()
3hr battery life and what looks to be like a 720p screen. Maybe 900p?
Seems to be a very cheap device overrall. Nintendo needs to sell it for like 200$.
Download it from (Down ATM)
Before we we get started, we need to set expectations
This is an early Pre-Alpha
It will crash, it will glitch out, and it will crash again
Core game loop is there alongside a lot of the mechanics
The neighbor will track your movement and anticipate your upcoming actions
You _can_ get into the basement and thats where this build ends
The more you play, the harder it will get
The build DOES NOT have final artwork, gameplay, house layout, etc.
- Controllers are supported but you won't be able to throw items with a controller. You need that to smash windows. Because you know, that's how you bust into someone's house.
- What are the minimum specs to run it? We recommend at least 8GB of RAM, an i5 processor, and GT 770. Adjust quality settings for lower end machines.
- How much will the final game cost? Expect 20-30 USD
- Is MAC coming? For the final game possibly. Not for the alpha builds.
- CONSOLES! I WANT CONSOLES!!!!?!?!?! Were not talking about console versions at this point. Seriously please stop e-mailing us with this question. For every question we get about consoles, a puppy cries in sad tears of hunger as instead of feeding it, were answering e-mails.
- Will there be multiplayer? No. Because no man should promise multiplayer in single player games.
- Where do I report bugs or share my amazing ideas? On Steam forums, go here -
- Can I share gameplay footage? Yis.
- Will the game be localized? Yus.
- Will there be multiple houses, story, etc? In a way yes. Were not sharing what the full games structure is, as thats dynamic and will shift around. We can tell you there will be multiple locations and a full-on story. Follow the development in-depth to get an idea of how its shaping up.
Honestly, I don't see it being less than $300, more likely closer to $400. And another $50+ if you want the pro controller. Ninty doesn't like selling things at a loss, and the word "custom" generally equates to "not cheap".
All this switch info is edging me ever more to get a wii u
Thoughts on Stellaris? I tried Crusader Kings 2 a couple of years ago, but I felt it was extremely complicated. I heard that Stellaris is more of a 4X. I used to love Alpha Centauri and games like that.
Would Stellaris be more up my alley?
Thoughts on Stellaris?
Oh Resident Evil Revelations. Why did they put such "great" effort into making Quint and Keith into these very obnoxious characters and then make you play them. I don't want to play as them, even if it's just briefly. That's like having to shake someones hand after he touched himself.
What's this about Dark Souls 3 dlc being out already, or was that just fanto doing what fanto does?
What's this about Dark Souls 3 dlc being out already, or was that just fanto doing what fanto does?
Looks like Xanadu Next worldwide PC release (Falcom RPG) comes out on Nov 3.
Same!The action RPG will be available on Steam,, and the Humble Store for $19.99 with a launch week discount of 10%.
Not bad. I might have to grab it from Humble.
Oh Resident Evil Revelations. Why did they put such "great" effort into making Quint and Keith into these very obnoxious characters and then make you play them. I don't want to play as them, even if it's just briefly. That's like having to shake someones hand after he touched himself.
No, they just had to do that with the logo to fit in the 3 'o's in 'Tycooon'.Is this porn studio on mars?
It releases next yearI want the Xanadu about modern Japan though
Looks like Xanadu Next worldwide PC release (Falcom RPG) comes out on Nov 3.
Looks like Xanadu Next worldwide PC release (Falcom RPG) comes out on Nov 3.
I want the Xanadu about modern Japan though
Don't both the vita and small 3DS have 3hr long battery times? 3hrs sounds perfectly fine to me, especially with how popular battery banks are nowadays.
Looks like Xanadu Next worldwide PC release (Falcom RPG) comes out on Nov 3.
Well, yes. By going to the previous posts, I conclude that by not announcing PC version right now, it means that there won't be a PC version until they announce the remaster version down the road later, which is for PS5 and XB2. PC version will have to wait until the current gen ends.
GTAV = PS3 + XB360 no PC, then later PS4 + XB1 + PC
RDR2 = PS4 + XB1 no PC, then later PS5 + XB2 + PC
Is there a voucher for GMG right now (for Civ 6)?
GMG doesn't do vouchers anymore, just the "you are logged in" discounts
It seems to be out on Xbox only right now for some reason. PC and PS4 still have to wait.
I have the season pass and I already see it on my dlc list, but it's not installing yet. Although it did download a 500MB patch earlier today.
Don't both the vita and small 3DS have 3hr long battery times? 3hrs sounds perfectly fine to me, especially with how popular battery banks are nowadays.
Looks like Xanadu Next worldwide PC release (Falcom RPG) comes out on Nov 3.
I'm looking forward to playing it on the GPD Win, assuming I get mine in November...Looks like Xanadu Next worldwide PC release (Falcom RPG) comes out on Nov 3.
I need to watch some Xanadu gameplay, not sure what to expect.