Nothing out of the norm. Some exp, an emoticon, a background, and a summer sale card to start your way onto the next level.Also, has anyone crafted the summer badge? Any reward for doing so?
Nothing out of the norm. Some exp, an emoticon, a background, and a summer sale card to start your way onto the next level.Also, has anyone crafted the summer badge? Any reward for doing so?
I believe this is the site you're looking for: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xelios/badges/what's that site that has all badges up? Want to see what HLM and Bastion look like.
Most likely a glitch, which I jumped on.
Steam... erh, cards? What are they for?
You primarily earn cards via "drops", which occur on the odd occasion while you're in-game (you don't actually have to be playing; you can just idle in the main menu and alt-tab to do something else). You'll have no drops remaining for F2P games if you didn't spend $9 in the in-game store prior to the trading cards being implemented (or, in the case of TF2, didn't own a copy prior to it going F2P), whereas for paid games, you'll either have an amount of drops equal to half or half+1, depending on the total amount of cards available (e.g. if a game has 8 cards, you'll get 4 drops; if it has 9 cards, you'll get 5 drops).
As for the cards themselves, there are regular cards and rarer foil cards, the latter of which you can flog off for a pretty penny if you beat the market crash; additionally, you can also earn booster packs, which are a set of three cards, with a chance of a foil, that "drop" infrequently as long as you've signed into Steam once in the past week. Obviously you cannot complete a set with the limited amount of drops, so you're encouraged to either trade for or purchase from the Steam Market the missing cards. You can gain drops in F2P games by spending money in the in-game store, but given that you only earn a single drop per $9 spent, it's far cheaper to just buy what you need from the market. While cards disappear from your inventory when you craft a badge, once you've "maxed out" a certain badge, they will remain in the badge section of your profile, so you can view them at your leisure. (Valve will soon be implementing a virtual binder wherein your cards, whether present in your inventory or having been used to max out a badge, will reside.)
Badges can be "crafted" either by completing certain tasks (such as the Steam Community badge) or "spending" a complete set of cards. The ability to "level up" promotional badges (i.e. those not based on cards) varies, but regular card-based badges can be taken to level 5, while the special foil badges can be crafted just the once. When crafting a badge, you earn an emoticon, profile background (both related to the game in question), a Mysterious Card and 100 XP. XP in particular is used to "level up" your Steam Community profile, and with each level you gain an additional five friend slots as well as a showcase slot to show off something of your liking on your profile (rare/favourite games, games/DLC owned, achievements earned, etc.)
Edit: If a badge is not showing up in your list, either because you don't own the game in question or haven't spent enough money in the in-game store, it will appear after you receive a card pertaining to it. For instance, I didn't spend money in Dota 2 prior to the trading cards going live, so the badge didn't appear in my list until I began buying Dota 2 cards.
Edit edit: Sorry, I can't type tonight.![]()
Do you guys think Civ5 will go on sale? Just the basic game.
Do you guys think Civ5 will go on sale? Just the basic game.
Vanilla is great, it's easily the best flavor of ice cream in the universe. But when it comes to Civ V, the more expansions you have the more complete your game is; whether this matters to you, whether you're going to play or you just want to have it for the sake of having it, is for you to know and me to stop caring about in approximately five seconds.
I believe this is the site you're looking for: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xelios/badges/
Is Little Inferno still available?Yeah so I'm a complete and utter beginner at steam sales, something about cards?
Anyway I have a few keys remaining from previous humble bundles for Mac. These include:
Dear Esther
Little Inferno
Intrusion 2
Steam Rush
Thomas was alone
Hotline Miami
Please let me know if I can help any of you guys out.
Looking to finally get around to playing Left4Dead2 at some point if/when I get out of work. Just out of curiosity do any of you know if it's still on sale? I can't access steam at work.
forgot to add rules, but oh well, here it goes
for the 2-3 years ive done the sales threads so far i've always made a thread on the last day with cheap recommendations or stuff that didnt get featured thus went overlooked, wich mostly involve indies. If you want we can merge those 2 together
Got my first Foil card, now hoping it sells for a good price!
Here's an overview:
Summer Sale cards can be earned by:
- Spending $10 on the store (one drop per $10 spent)
- Voting on Community's Choice polls (one drop per three votes)
- Crafting the Summer Sale badge (one drop per level up)
- Trading with other users/purchasing directly via the Steam Market
Got my first Foil card, now hoping it sells for a good price!
Bought Bioshock Infinite for $25. 17GB?
I would like to try Hotline Miami.Yeah so I'm a complete and utter beginner at steam sales, something about cards?
Anyway I have a few keys remaining from previous humble bundles for Mac. These include:
Dear Esther
Little Inferno
Intrusion 2
Steam Rush
Thomas was alone
Hotline Miami
Please let me know if I can help any of you guys out.
Looking to finally get around to playing Left4Dead2 at some point if/when I get out of work. Just out of curiosity do any of you know if it's still on sale? I can't access steam at work.
The foil market crashed terribly when Valve removed the level 10 restriction. If you're not quick, it's essentially a race to the bottom.
Everybody has the cards thing or only the people who got access in the beta? because I can't find any tab or option about cards on my steam![]()
What they did?!?! No wonder it plummeted so fast. T_TThe foil market crashed terribly when Valve removed the level 10 restriction. If you're not quick, it's essentially a race to the bottom.
The beta ended a few weeks ago. You can see which card drops you're eligible for by viewing the badges section of your profile, and you can see a list of the available card-supporting games by clicking here.
Yeah, I love vanilla. For baking and ice cream. For Civ V, ugh, no thanks, BNW or bust.You liked vanilla, really? I thought it was seriously lacking, culture was useless more or less and it just felt, how I say it, bare? I stopped playing vanilla I bought gold just I could enjoy it more.
Since you are doing that last day thread usually, are you okay with me taking over that thread and posting it today and having it a community WIP? I know you've been doing the older threads and dont want to take away that responsibility if you want to make it, because in the end, its probably going to be similar to the threads you usually make.
Ok, but where do I see the cards I have?
I hope by the end of the sale, every game on steam gets trading cards
Holding for the super duper special double discount for Infinite at the end of the sale that will push it down to $10
It's on flash sale right now dude.
Ok, but where do I see the cards I have?
Your inventory.
I believe this is the site you're looking for: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xelios/badges/
Civ5 good?
Yeah, I love vanilla. For baking and ice cream. For Civ V, ugh, no thanks, BNW or bust.
That's not possible simply due to the fact that the developers need to create the high-res card art, profile backgrounds, and emoticons.
Yes, if you have any specific question/doubt you are having, please ask for specific details.
Are they going to put anything interesting on sale?
Are they going to put anything interesting on sale?
I didn't get mine either, are they supposed to show up in your inventory, or HB page, or just show up when going to buy it?
Bought Civ5 and it says I bought Football Manager 2013? Wtf. I am installing Civ5 but when I purchased it, it brought my to my newly acquired items which had that there instead.