Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


Anyone got some impressions about Shroud of the Avatar? Wondering if it'll scratch my Ultima Online itch. Reviews on steam are little mixed
Anyone else getting "An unexpected error has occurred" at check-out?

I have tried several payment methods, etc... but cannot make a purchase. I was trying to check-out with just Ground Zeros before the sales rolled over, and no-go... and now Life is Strange won't work either.
For people wanting Dark Souls, Scholar of the First Sin is $25 right now, and the original is $7. That's not too shabby.

It's the same discount it's been on since the start of the sale, and while it may not see a higher one, at this point I'd prefer to hold out for the possibility til the end of the sale.
Anyone else getting "An unexpected error has occurred" at check-out?

I have tried several payment methods, etc... but cannot make a purchase. I was trying to check-out with just Ground Zeros before the sales rolled over, and no-go... and now Life is Strange won't work either.

Maybe that means they're fixing Life is Strange's price.

I hope so.


May contain jokes =>
Is there really no further discount on ARK? All the other deals are updated.

That'd be really shitty if so.


I know a lot of Rayman Origins levels are in Legends, which I have, as bonuses. Origins differences still worth $2.50? I'm kind of tempted just so I can play it without booting up UPlay.


Tomorrow is encore, right? I guess the Trails in the Sky deal was really the monster click thing that wasn't unlocked. Disappointing.
Really want Ori and Shovel Knight, but I think I'll wait and see if they have better deals in the winter sale. I have more than enough to play at the moment to tide me over until then.

Might pick up Strider though. $4.50 sounds like it's worth a shot. I remember being pretty pumped when it was first announced...then it seemed like it had a "meh" reception once it was released? How did you guys like it?


Rayman Origins is on sale for $2.50. Uplay free.

Anno 1404 should be on sale, but the US version, Dawn of Discovery, was never added to the Anno sub. Also Uplay free.
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