Ori, awww yiss.
Is Anno 2070 similar to Banished? If so which do I get.
Thinking one of those and Ori.
I think it's better than Risen 2.So...Risen 3, any opinions? More like Risen 1 or 2?
Do I want (need?) FTL for $2.49?
Hard Game But Its Pretty FunDo I want (need?) FTL for $2.49?
For people wanting Dark Souls, Scholar of the First Sin is $25 right now, and the original is $7. That's not too shabby.
Do I want (need?) FTL for $2.49?
For people wanting Dark Souls, Scholar of the First Sin is $25 right now, and the original is $7. That's not too shabby.
For people wanting Dark Souls, Scholar of the First Sin is $25 right now, and the original is $7. That's not too shabby.
Do I want (need?) FTL for $2.49?
Anyone else getting "An unexpected error has occurred" at check-out?
I have tried several payment methods, etc... but cannot make a purchase. I was trying to check-out with just Ground Zeros before the sales rolled over, and no-go... and now Life is Strange won't work either.
Do I want (need?) FTL for $2.49?
I'd bite on Rayman but $10 is a tad high.
Rule #1 of Steam sale: Wait for the dailies/flashFor people wanting Dark Souls, Scholar of the First Sin is $25 right now, and the original is $7. That's not too shabby.
I like how batman franchise is up there but it's only city and asylum.
Not the first time theyve done that this sale though.Is there really no further discount on ARK? All the other deals are updated.
That'd be really shitty if so.
Is there really no further discount on ARK? All the other deals are updated.
That'd be really shitty if so.
hm? origins is there too
I'm holding out for some Transformers: War/Fall of Cybertron love
hm? origins is there too
Thoughts on Battleblock Theater?
It's a cool game to play with friends; alone, not so much.Thoughts on Battleblock Theater?
Tomorrow is encore, right? I guess the Trails in the Sky deal was really the monster click thing that wasn't unlocked. Disappointing.
You gonna ruin it.
Just you, because I see a 75% off in the dailies.
I think it's better than Risen 2.
Generally, it's very much Risen: janky combat, fun dialogue but not much story depth, well realized world and great exploration.
Surprisingly beautiful too.
But we want a BIGGER discount.For people wanting Dark Souls, Scholar of the First Sin is $25 right now, and the original is $7. That's not too shabby.
Thanks for that. I was shocked when Dying Light only got a 25% discount. But 50% is much more in line with where I would consider pulling the trigger.Dying Light at 25%?
Lol, no. Everyone looking for a REAL discount on this game should buy it here:
Tomorrow is encore, right? I guess the Trails in the Sky deal was really the monster click thing that wasn't unlocked. Disappointing.