Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


I know a lot of Rayman Origins levels are in Legends, which I have, as bonuses. Origins differences still worth $2.50? I'm kind of tempted just so I can play it without booting up UPlay.

Gameplay in Legends is much more refined than in Origins but Origins is good still.


So one of the Ark devs just posted on the community hub

You get the Dino Spectacles even if you bought it previously, just respawn and they're yours! (or if you don't wanna respawn, go onto a different server and send them through Steam Inventory.) As for the Daily Deal, the Spectacles is our way of saying thank you, but yes to avoid making anyone feel bad about buying the game at its launch price, we weren't able to discount it any further.

So they waste a daily spot? Cool, thanks guys.


Glad I grabbed the Batman Arkham Origins Cold, Cold Heart DLC from Amazon the other day when it was $2.49 considering the Season Pass price on Steam right now...


Drunky McMurder
So one of the Ark devs just posted on the community hub

So they waste a daily spot? Cool, thanks guys.

CS:GO ate up a daily spot without any additional discount too. Granted, it was more than 17%, but it still wasn't any different discount than it has seen for the rest of the sale.
Strider is fine. It's not great but it's not bad, just plainly a mediocre metroidvania. For under $5, if you're hankering for a metroidvania and haven't played one of the other dozen or so available on steam already that are probably a bit better than this then I say pick it up.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Tomorrow is encore, right? I guess the Trails in the Sky deal was really the monster click thing that wasn't unlocked. Disappointing.

The 21st is a Sunday and it makes no sense for regular programming to resume then, so I assume that'll be the encore day and things will be back to normal come Monday's store update.


CS:GO ate up a daily spot without any additional discount too. Granted, it was more than 17%, but it still wasn't any different discount than it has seen for the rest of the sale.

CS:Go has also been out for a long time and was on sale for relatively cheap.

Ark just went into EA like two weeks ago, and just comes off to me as a dumb marketing ploy, and really rubs me the wrong way.


So The Escapists was a price mistake, huh? I thought it was kinda expensive even at that level, considering it seems like a game that's fun for maybe 3 hours...


Drunky McMurder
CS:Go has also been out for a long time and was on sale for relatively cheap.

Ark just went into EA like two weeks ago, and just comes off to me as a dumb marketing ploy, and really rubs me the wrong way.

I don't see how it's better to eat up a daily sale with an older game that doesn't have a better discount than with a newer game without a better discount.


Whether you buy it from Steam or from somewhere else, definitely pick up Dying Light.

It's one of the most underrated games of the year so far, and a massive step up from Dead Island.


Whether you buy it from Steam or from somewhere else, definitely pick up Dying Light.

It's one of the most underrated games of the year so far, and a massive step up from Dead Island.

Agree with you. I was sick of the genre, and zombies in general, but that game is so well done. Got many, many hours out of it.
Strider is fine. It's not great but it's not bad, just plainly a mediocre metroidvania. For under $5, if you're hankering for a metroidvania and haven't played one of the other dozen or so available on steam already that are probably a bit better than this then I say pick it up.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement, haha. I think I'll pass for now.


Strider is fine. It's not great but it's not bad, just plainly a mediocre metroidvania. For under $5, if you're hankering for a metroidvania and haven't played one of the other dozen or so available on steam already that are probably a bit better than this then I say pick it up.

Could you name the other Metroidanias that are better? I know there's Ori and Outland... anything else I should be looking for?


Whether you buy it from Steam or from somewhere else, definitely pick up Dying Light.

It's one of the most underrated games of the year so far, and a massive step up from Dead Island.
I really wanted to, it was among the top games on my list for this sale but 25% is just too small of a discount when another place has 50%. One I unfortunately can't take advantage of.


Bought Ori. Probably the only game I'll pick up this sale. I don't know too much about it other than it supposedly being fairly challenging and having an amazing artstyle.


First time seeing or hearing of 'Freedom Planet'.



I don't see how it's better to eat up a daily sale with an older game that doesn't have a better discount than with a newer game without a better discount.

Oh, I'm not saying it's better.

Just 10x doucher of a move to use it to promote your new game at barely any sort of discount vs an old game thats pretty steeply discounted.


Drunky McMurder
Could you name the other Metroidanias that are better? I know there's Ori and Outland... anything else I should be looking for?

Guacamelee and Axiom Verge are two big ones you're missing. La Mulana to some degree, I hear good things about Escape Goat and Apotheon but I haven't played either.


Drunky McMurder
Escape Goat is a stage based puzzle game. Still a fantastic game as is the sequel.

I wasn't sure, I saw it under the metroidvania tag when I checked to see what I missed but that tag is a mess. Most of what's listed doesn't fit the genre at all.
Is the base game enough, or should I get the expansions as well?

The expansions are really good, particularly Eternal Lords. They both add all sorts of new stuff to the game; a new campaign, race, units, systems, and items, with EL adding two races and a new class - all aspects of the game are improved!

Though I will say that the Deluxe DLC is more for the soundtrack than anything. AoW3's music doesn't do much for me, so I wouldn't go out of my way to get it. That said, grabbing all three DLCs in the bundle would be cheaper than just avoiding the Deluxe DLC, according to the prices I see anyways.
Great, no discount for the Arkham Origins Season Pass or at least the Cold, Cold Heart DLC. The Season Pass is now 33% more expensive than Arkham Asylum, Arkham City and Arkham Origins combined. Ridiculous.
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