Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


I thought Ori was $15 normal price for some reason. I'll jump on $12. If worse comes to worst I'll only "lose" $5 or so. I don't see it going below $7.50 anytime soon.
Bought Jazzpunk on a lark and thoroughly enjoyed the first level. I adore the tongue in cheek humor and the game oozes personality. Highly recommend


Looking for opinions on Game of Thrones and Life is Strange.

Worth picking these up?

Yes to Life Is Strange if you don't know any spoilers.

Haven't tried GOT, but what I watched on a Twitch stream was a worse version of TWD, but seemed decent


Drunky McMurder
Anybody have any opinions on Strider vs Castlevania Mirror of Fate HD? I think I'm going to grab a mediocre Metroidvania but can't decide which.


what are the chances Ori drops below $12 before the steam summer sale next year? =p

I could buy it, but all I'd be doing is adding to a back log and I'll probably want to play it a few months from now.

Apply rational reasoning, come to your own conclusion.
So I'm trying to play Vampire The Masquerade, downloaded that VTMBup75.exe patch and installed it into my Steam folder. The game runs, but how do I get it into 1920x1080?

You should have an extras folder in your install folder. There is a ResPatch application in there that you might have to use.


Anybody have any opinions on Strider vs Castlevania Mirror of Fate HD? I think I'm going to grab a mediocre Metroidvania but can't decide which.
Strider's combat is very fun. Probably its strongest point, in fact. He has a good deal of special moves, & you can switch his basic moveset between four different properties (fire/ice elemental, homing attacks, projectile-reflection) on-the-fly. His natural ability to scale walls & ceilings makes for a lot of vertical exploration.

The one thing I disliked about it was the map system. There are fast-travel points, and the map doesn't always make it obvious where certain points will transport you to. I guess you could look it up online easily enough if you didn't mind.

The non-gameplay/upgrade-related collectibles are also rather boring. Just concept art/character bio stuff and color palette-swaps for Strider. Not very compelling imo unless you're going for the achievements.

Post-game, there isn't much beyond a speedrun cheevo, and the separate bonus beacon run (checkpoint-based speedruns) and survival modes.

Lol, basically, if you're looking for combat in your Metroidvania, then it's not a bad choice. It's rather average in everything else.
I picked up D4 during the sale(I really want to find the D) but the steam overlay isn't working, I wanna know when I'm getting messages/achievements D:

Anyone experienced a similar problem and managed to fix it?
what are the chances Ori drops below $12 before the steam summer sale next year? =p

I could buy it, but all I'd be doing is adding to a back log and I'll probably want to play it a few months from now.

1. Buy it
2. Don't play it
3. Wait for next sale
4. Request a refund
5. ???
6. Profit


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Any chance Half Minute Hero Bundle will go lower than $2.49? Its not a daily or flash deal.

Why do people keep asking questions like this? Shall we use our psychic powers to divine the future for you? If you do believe us prophets, why aren't you asking for lottery numbers instead of pondering if you can save 30 cents on a videogame?


The dailies have been pretty good in general - despite some spots being taken by games that have had no extra discount. e.g. Ark, Batman.

The flash sales have been pretty crap in general. Nothing again today!


Any thoughts on Elminage Gothic? (GOG) I just moved into a new apartment and only have a wired connection for some reason my steam wont connect so I am just gonna buy DRM free games for the time being. Anyway the reviews for Gothic seems split, will I like this if I like Etrian odyssey?


Any thoughts on Elminage Gothic? (GOG) I just moved into a new apartment and only have a wired connection for some reason my steam wont connect so I am just gonna buy DRM free games for the time being. Anyway the reviews for Gothic seems split, will I like this if I like Etrian odyssey?

It's a lot harder than EO, unforgiving as well. If you did like the gameplay aspect of EO, like the battles, character creation and exploration, you should enjoy Elminage Gothic.

What would you rather play?
GOAT Edition or GOTY Edition? Of a game that has just launched? What is funnier?



It's a lot harder than EO, unforgiving as well. If you did like the gameplay aspect of EO, like the battles, character creation and exploration, you should enjoy Elminage Gothic.

I just watched some gameplay vids I think I might get this and Hatoful Boyfriend =/

Red Hood

Maybe a little off-topic, but I see some profiles having an "achievement showcase". Can't seem to do it on my profile. When I try editing my profile it only gives me an option to display badges and primary groups. For what it's worth I'm just level 5 (switched to PC gaming recently), maybe that has to do something with it?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What was the price of Awesomenauts during last year's summer Sale?

Someone gave me a gift copy that I never redeemed and I feel awful if the price was above the $.99 this flash sale is going for.

Seriously, never buy me MOBA/RTS's or recommend them. I don't care for them.


Any thoughts on Elminage Gothic? (GOG) I just moved into a new apartment and only have a wired connection for some reason my steam wont connect so I am just gonna buy DRM free games for the time being. Anyway the reviews for Gothic seems split, will I like this if I like Etrian odyssey?

Amazing monster design, vicious dungeons. Story is minimal, but if you like EO, you'll be right at home.


Maybe a little off-topic, but I see some profiles having an "achievement showcase". Can't seem to do it on my profile. When I try editing my profile it only gives me an option to display badges and primary groups. For what it's worth I'm just level 5 (switched to PC gaming recently), maybe that has to do something with it?

I think you need to be level 10 to get the achievement showcase option.
And... I think I am over with the sales:

- Tomb Raider (2013)
- Freedom Planet
- castlevania: Lords of Shadow.

With this have enough games for the whole summer. This time I've limited myself to titles in the wishlist.
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