Tried out Transistor. I knew the aesthetic/music/etc. would be great but had heard mixed things about the combat. Loving it personally, enjoy the real-time/turn based hybrid and I hadn't read about the ability combination system which seems fun.
Might be hard to stick to my plan of keeping everything under 2 hours until the next round of Humble Bundles.
Do you find the story hard to follow? I started playing as well and apart from a few major points of the story I find it quite hard to follow whats going on in the story.
Tangentially related to this thread, the sale at appears to be winding down because they've put everything back on sale ... including Trails in the Sky for 50% off ($10), DRM free.
real quick cause I just impulsed by Castlevania: Mirror game whatever
Is Lords of Darkness worth it? I don't remember much about the demo except it was going all god of war-like.
Minigame is so ridiculous now. I just start it for the cards.
I made sure to start joining a room immediately at reset today. We are at about 16,000 so far, so it looks good. Yesterday was pathetic - our room never even made it to 10,000.
Minigame is so ridiculous now. I just start it for the cards.
Was DARK SOULS: Prepare To Die Edition ever put up for a daily or flash sale? Sitting at 66% off right now.
I used that code to get a Fallout 4 Steam code for $ has Batman and some 2K games on sale
Use this code to get 25% off
I believe you mean Lords of Shadow ;3
The first game is OK and is rather GoW-like. 2 improves on the combat but is IMO a worse game than 1.
If anything get LoS 1 at least if you wanta GoW-like game.
Was DARK SOULS: Prepare To Die Edition ever put up for a daily or flash sale? Sitting at 66% off right now.
Or would it be better to just go for Dark Souls 2: Sins of the Scholar instead? Never played a Souls game before. The closest, if it could be considered close in difficulty, to that type of game is Monster Hunter for me and hunting the monsters there.
I got into a reddit room: Level 85000+ after 4 minutes...
I'm hoping Scholar of The First Sin goes on sale
It was only sale in one of the first days at 50% hopefully again.
Got into one of the good rooms early yesterday, so we made good progress but apparently petered out ... didn't even make it to Level 100,000. I'm in another good one today, though, so we'll see how it goes. I mostly bought Wormholes this time and I'm not buying any damage-boosting upgrades, so I guess I'm playing the game correctly now?
Dont do any dps. No clicks, no nukes, no auto cannons. nothing.I got into a reddit room: Level 85000+ after 4 minutes... has Batman and some 2K games on sale
Use this code to get 25% off
The correct way is not to do any dps and buy only health.
So i guess that's a yes.
Dont do any dps. No clicks, no nukes, no auto cannons. nothing.
The first 100k levels were just spam. Now the game begins.
I believe that's correct if you only owned Dark Souls 2. If you own Dark Souls 2 + season pass then the upgrade is cheaper. Speaking from personal experience. My upgrade price is $13 because I own both. My friend who only owns the game and not the season pass is the same as the 50% off price ($24.99).I just noticed on Scholar of the First Sin that both the upgrade and the full game have the same price 19.99 but different discount 20 and 50 %. That can't be right.
To all the people who used a wormhole on level 495, skipping us to level 502: Why?
Also, why do I care? I know I shouldn't. I'm not even getting cards for this.
I believe that's correct if you only owned Dark Souls 2. If you own Dark Souls 2 + season pass then the upgrade is cheaper. Speaking from personal experience. My upgrade price is $13 because I own both. My friend who only owns the game and not the season pass is the same as the 50% off price ($24.99).
I joined as soon as it started hoping that would get a better group this time, and am on level 9,300. A friend is on 380K. So much for that.
Anyone want to trade summer sale cards?
I Need:
Gold Helm (our lord and savior)
Have multiples of that you can trade for:
Cerulean Carmouth
Dire Frog
Trade link:
It's been this way since day one of the sale, though.I dunno. I remember the game being at 29.99 and the upgrade at 19.99, but now they have the same price. Maybe it's being prepared to show up on daily/flash.
20 minutes for more disappointment. I'm sure Trails in the Sky will never be a Daily Deal or Flash Sale this Summer Sale
Maybe if I act defeated GabeN will have pity on me!
So, only today and tomorrow left ?
I was able to use the code the other day. Did you type it or copy and paste? Note that it's PERCNT, not PERCENT.Somehow there's not enough room for the last letter of the code, it ends up saying the code is invalid. Anyone else having the same issue?
Today is the final day for fresh deals, I think. Other days are encore days.I thought it would end this Sunday and there were two days left after today?