Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


Junior Member
I'm lvl 267, but I don't know what am I doing... Bought Valkyria Chronicles and FRACT OSC, I have 7 bucks left to engorge my backlog.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
So at least Valve is still being Valve and not fixing their damn minigame.. everything still lags like a motherfucker.


Wait, so XCOM Enemy Unknown is on a daily deal, but Enemy Within isn't? And apparently the complete pack is, which makes it cheaper than getting Enemy Within by itself. If I buy that, would there be any way to regift the Enemy Unknown (which I already have) but keep Enemy Within?

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I think I've only gotten one card from the game so far. Because everyone gets one at the start of the sale, right? Aren't you supposed to be able to get three a day?


I'm buying shit I'm never going to play. Even if I wanted to I would never have the time for half of this.

I await the day Steam Sale Addiction is added to the DSM. Then I'll be able to justify this to my wife.


You could be dead tomorrow. Better buy now.

How the hell does this mini game work? I couldnt play it yesterday due to server issues, I click on it today and it says i'm level 107, with a crap load of gold and to resume playing.

Where'd that come from?
Still debating on Enemy Within, the pricing of complete edition makes me not want to spend that much. I'll wait till encore day and see.


Picked up Fez and Ziggurat yesterday. I'm hoping MGS: Ground Zeroes goes < $5 sometime. Another game I'd love a deep discount on is Ori And The Blind Forest.


I died a million times in the first mission of Valkyria Chronicles (the first one with a tank and shocktrooper). Thats not a good sign I guess. I feel so dumb. lol


Between GoG and Steam I've spent maybe $15 and got a ton of games (yes, many of them retro). Origin needs to get in on the sale business.

I'm hoping Icewind Dale and Shovel Knight get nice good discounts.


What's the chance ffxiv is going to be on sale?

Just want to double dip lol

I bet it almost definitely will - but just a heads-up, the Steam version is considered different from the non-Steam version as far as keys entered to your service account goes. This could be an issue if you mix Heavensward versions. As in, if you register FFXIV-PC using a Steam purchase key, you have to get Heavensward through Steam also.
How the hell does this mini game work? I couldnt play it yesterday due to server issues, I click on it today and it says i'm level 107, with a crap load of gold and to resume playing.

Where'd that come from?

You're in teams that progress through the game together. You get gold just as everyone else in your team does.
I bet it almost definitely will - but just a heads-up, the Steam version is considered different from the non-Steam version as far as keys entered to your service account goes. This could be an issue if you mix Heavensward versions. As in, if you register FFXIV-PC using a Steam purchase key, you have to get Heavensward through Steam also.

I had FFXIV vanilla for PC. I then bought the Steam version and all I had to do was log into the game. So far, it appears my Green Man Gaming copy of Heavensward will work fine as I got all the early access stuff registered on my account.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I'd think you'd only need like 50 active players to really blow through levels on the minigame.. just seeing the numbers on the lanes on my game.. of the like 900+ players.. only 10-15 are actively playing at all.. you can tell by how many switch lanes after a kill to an active lane.. it's surprisingly little.


I had FFXIV vanilla for PC. I then bought the Steam version and all I had to do was log into the game. So far, it appears my Green Man Gaming copy of Heavensward will work fine as I got all the early access stuff registered on my account.

That's because you're using the Steam FFXIV software but never registered the Steam FFXIV key to your service account (didn't need to) - I did the same thing. So as far as keys on your SE service account goes your GMG Heavensward is non-Steam, your original FFXIV is non-Steam, there's no Steam involved. Steam is just launching the FFXIV launcher.
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