Anything that goes on sale on your wishlist will have an e-mail sent to your account e-mail.
Worth buying Costume Quest ($3.39) and Costume Quest 2 ($5.09) at 66% off?
Part of me thinks they can go lower.
I'm lvl 267, but I don't know what am I doing... Bought Valkyria Chronicles and FRACT OSC, I have 7 bucks left to engorge my backlog.
Actually, do publisher bundles go in daily or flash sales in general? New to steam so this would be good to know.
If I buy that, would there be any way to regift the Enemy Unknown (which I already have) but keep Enemy Within?
I just checked the Monster Game, and i'm lvl 222. Still missing a card drop too.
They're the worst developer out there now. Ubisoft and EA could only hope to be so greedy.What a disaster.
No they don't. If you want a publisher bundle just go for it.
Quite incorrect. Things like Valve Complete Pack or Telltale Collection do have a chance of popping up as daily deals/flash sales with bigger discounts.
I cant decide if I should get Homeworld remastered or not D=
in 2 hours my life will become meaningful again...
I cant decide if I should get Homeworld remastered or not D=
Hoping for the Disney Mega Pack.
You could be dead tomorrow. Better buy now.
I've still only gotten one card drop from the monster game. Fuck that.
Or: You could be dead tomorrow, so don't buy it as you will be leaving less money behind for your significant others.
What's the chance ffxiv is going to be on sale?
Just want to double dip lol
Play Long War!X-Com Complete bundle was too good, brother wants to play as well so value through the roof.
How the hell does this mini game work? I couldnt play it yesterday due to server issues, I click on it today and it says i'm level 107, with a crap load of gold and to resume playing.
Where'd that come from?
I don't get the meta game thing. Every time I click play now I get a message telling me to try again later.
I cant decide if I should get Homeworld remastered or not D=
I bet it almost definitely will - but just a heads-up, the Steam version is considered different from the non-Steam version as far as keys entered to your service account goes. This could be an issue if you mix Heavensward versions. As in, if you register FFXIV-PC using a Steam purchase key, you have to get Heavensward through Steam also.
I'm pretty sure it'll be shown as a repeat deal towards the end of the sale. Plus if Daily Deals work like before, you still have another 24 hours to decide.
I had FFXIV vanilla for PC. I then bought the Steam version and all I had to do was log into the game. So far, it appears my Green Man Gaming copy of Heavensward will work fine as I got all the early access stuff registered on my account.