Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


Haha. Started up a new monster game and it finally grew to 1000/1000 players and then immediately, "The game is now over" popped up. So yeah, probably best to just wait until 10am PT to try and start again.
You can actually start games?! Are you a wizard?


Yesterday I bought:

- upgrade from ds2 to ds2:sotfs 20 €
- edge 0,3 € (90% discount)
- killer is dead nightmare edition 10 €
- sonic cd 2 €
- metal gear ground zeroes 10 €

I think I'll buy a couple of more games in about one hour.


Don't listen to these losers. Buy hard, buy fast.


Is everyone's Steam level being 0 an error on my end?
Nah, it's an error on Valve's end. Their community server is powered by an arthritic hamster running in a rusted wheel.

Haha. Started up a new monster game and it finally grew to 1000/1000 players and then immediately, "The game is now over" popped up. So yeah, probably best to just wait until 10am PT to try and start again.

Likewise. I was wondering why it ended an hour before Valve o'clock.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
New deals cant get here soon enough.

Btw, as I said earlier PICK UP METRO REDUX NOW if you havent already.

EASILY the best $10 you will spend.
Oh no, I thought the monster game would be going for one more hour. Only managed to get 2 cards out of it today, even though I played for 6-7 hours.

I only got a second card when I started a new game just a bit ago (which didn't end up working). I haven't had them drop naturally with time, both in a web browser and in Steam itself.


I think the next round of the monster game may not start until 1pm est. Maybe they are making some changes that make it not be absolutely terrible.


So now I can't access my badges or profile pages at all and my steam level is showing as 0 instead of 27. Great. Any suggestions, or is Steam just being wonky?


In the Steam client, I only got 2 cards running the thing almost all night.

Until I get enough cards to craft the badge, I can't persist any cash or abilities over to the next day, correct? That's going to suck for a few days until I get 10 cards.


I only got a second card when I started a new game just a bit ago (which didn't end up working). I haven't had them drop naturally with time, both in a web browser and in Steam itself.
Sounds about the same for me. I've got a total of 3 so far. 2 from starting games (1 just about 10mins ago) and then one random yesterday while in a monster group.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
So far this Steam sale has simply been #Shared_ButtonOK to me, not great, just #Shared_ButtonOK. Here's hoping for more titles to excite me.

On the plus side, plenty of good games to be gifted come that last day of sales that I'm sure won't get any Flash or Daily deals (already more than 90% off).


Tied to the highest level cleared, I guess. Or at least the highest level with a boss. Still just 100 exp?
I can't tell. I can't see any details of the badge right now and I can't even edit my showcase to show the new badge. Steam is all sorts of borked atm.
Got the GTA complete pack. Holy shit GTA IV is the worst piece of sh*t game I've ever installed.

Had to download gaming for windows or something? and then launch it in windows 7 compatibility mode. the game launches in 800x600 and is a real pain in the ass to try adjust and even then it's still totally broken cause you can't adjust anything at all.

I give up. Completely uninstalling it. How can Rockstar allow this? I know the game is years old but c'mon. Just happy I got it on a sale for dirt cheap.

Ever since this sale started Rockstar has gone done fucked up big time. Ripping off people for GTA V and IV won't even run on a modern system.
After 3 days trying to make it run, I gave up too. Got the game running but couldn't save in single player because GFWL won't connect if you have 2-step verification on.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
if ive never played the original HL, is it still worth buying or should I just get Black Mesa?

You can get HL1/HL1:Source and various other games for $5 less than Black Mesa AND play the "original intended" without missing two or three levels. So yes, it's worth getting the original Half-Life until Black Mesa is finished finished.


I bought Outlast: The Whistleblower DLC, my only purchase thus far.

Ziggurat is tempting but it's probably going to be in a HIB within the next 3 months.

Bring on day 2!


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Legacy of Kain collection worth it for someone who knows zero information about Kain games, including what they play like or even what genre they are?


That bad with GTA IV, huh? I'll do a refund. Not worth it. I already played it.

I'll keep San Andreas to keep the old trilogy complete, though. There's a patch called 'SilentPatch' that deals with issues regarding GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas apparently.


Damn it! I spent all that time guiding my Monster game for me to come back to it broke or reset?!?! Grrr Where did the community unlocks go?


listen to the mad man
Damn it! I spent all that time guiding my Monster game for me to come back to it broke or reset?!?! Grrr Where did the community unlocks go?

the community unlocks will come up at 10 PDT (9 PST) like they said it would.

the game resets every day like they said it would--your progress from the previous game gives you "badge points" that helps you start with an advantage in this game.


Of course everything is working again right after I submit a support ticket. I'm betting 1pm EST is going to be fun.
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