I H8 Memes
I'm sure that The Witcher 2 will end up being a Daily Deal at some point.
seems I missed Witcher 2.....
thats my punishment for not having a sleep disorder and not being a 24/7 stay indoors nerd with no life I guess
seriously though, the flash sales need to be at least 10 hours so that us with normal sleeping patterns do not miss anything
pyrrhic victoryThis is the reason I played both on PS3.
Harley Quinn's Revenge worth it?
Ugh, 17GB for Batman AC. That's approaching Rage size territory.
Harley Quinn's Revenge worth it?
The game is fucking awesome. You fly around as Batman beating bitches up, that's all that needs to be said really. I really don't get why people seem to have liked it less then the first game. Neither one has the best story, but they're okay and the gameplay is fuck awesome so that balances it out.
If you are at all a fan of Batman, you want it.
Haha damnit you're doing it wrong! I asked for reasons NOT to buy it! In all seriousness it is very tempting but I don't think I will purchase it right now, I've already played the first and did like the combat a lot but I have a good amount of games to play right now already.
So what's the chances of arkham city going down to 75% off?
I already have Civ II, Civ III, and Civ IV and have played the shit out of all of them.
Is it worth it to buy the Civ V complete edition because of the flash deal? Or should I just stick to playing Civ IV when the Civilization bug hits me?
I already have Civ II, Civ III, and Civ IV and have played the shit out of all of them.
Is it worth it to buy the Civ V complete edition because of the flash deal? Or should I just stick to playing Civ IV when the Civilization bug hits me?
they need to release one for BlackBerry users as well!
Just got the Batman franchise, but the skins pack for AC isn't unlocked for me oO
It says that I have to buy it...mmmmh?
No one knows with the community choice specials being new. However, I believe the chances are slim for the summer sale. If you are patient the game may be 75 percent off by the winter sale. Maybe. Batman is a decent selling game.
There's a very real chance that, once the Summer/mid-year sale is over, my Community game count will have hit the 1000 mark.
You got it for a steal. Definitely worth it. Paid $5 two years ago for it. Combat may take awhile to getting used it. It's a lot of fun. Stopped playing for a little over a year. Came back and picked up right where I left off. Thank you cloud storage!Bought The Witcher: Enhanced Edition for 2.75USD.
Worth it? I don't know anything about it.
Can't use the skins until you beat the game. It's dumb.
Nah. If a genuinely great game comes out that I'm excited for I'll buy it at launch if I have the time to play it. Most of the games I generally buy during these sales I'd never of bought otherwise.Does anyone here only buy games during the Summer/Winter sale? I'm seriously beginning to think it's smart just to not buy any games all year and wait for the sales. Granted, the only game I've bought full price recently was Skyrim which was worth 60 bucks Imo. Some of those pack deals are insane if I didn't already own a lot of the games in them.
Opinion is mixed on Civ V, but I really like it. It has a lot of great changes, and I find it hard to go back to Civ IV now. The 'vanilla' game does feel a bit stripped down and bare compared to Civ IV Complete, so you'll want to get the Gods & Kings expansion if you decide to get V. Well worth it though, it's just as addicting as previous games!
Civilization V is the least-Civilization-y of them all. I'd recommend giving it a shot - via the demo if nothing else - but it's definitely simplified compared to past games. I love it, but I'm not a hardcore strategy junkie. If you are, skip it; if not, go right ahead.
Yeah that's what I thought, was hoping to hear otherwise really. Might just buy the main game and forget about the costumes and DLC. I already own batman AA GoTY and don't want Gotham city imposters.
Anyone get a weird bug where it says in Steam you DON'T have the Wonders of The Ancient World DLC? It does show up in the DLC tab of Civ V.
In fact, apparently I've bought it twice before in sales because of this according to my account:
And I almost bought it AGAIN.
Here it is giving me the option of BUYING it again. I'm not crazy am I? Has the sale claimed my sanity already?
Is it stupid that I want to buy l4d2 even though I'm not into fps?
Can't use the skins until you beat the game. It's dumb.
I have the same problem too. So I count the number of DLC I have to see if I had them all already.
Save the money for something you want.
Does anyone here only buy games during the Summer/Winter sale? I'm seriously beginning to think it's smart just to not buy any games all year and wait for the sales. Granted, the only game I've bought full price recently was Skyrim which was worth 60 bucks Imo. Some of those pack deals are insane if I didn't already own a lot of the games in them.