Fellow GAFfers... I just finished
To the Moon and as much I would like to say something about the game I find some problems while trying to find the right choice of words. Perhaps it's because English is not my main language or perhaps it was because this game just caught me by surprise. The Story is very original and creative and you will want to see the end, you may get a bit emotional, you will laugh and I'm sure you will enjoy the ride. I really wanted to say better things about the game but lack of better words fail me. I'm sorry. Maybe it's because we ( I ) are living hard times, maybe because we are getting closer to the Holiday Season, or perhaps maybe it has something to do with the story itself I don't know, some fellow GAFfers now that my 93 old grandfather had an accident and it's up to me and the family to take care of him. Between, work, family, love and gaming I had to find time for him, to carry him over a two floor building in a wheelchair until my hands got blisters and I become tired. It feels good to be kind and this Story really was some fresh air on my gaming, on my Steam Library, and so on.
Give it a try some day, fellow GAFfers, sorry for the wall text, thanks for reading.
PS: It seems this game is 50% Off right now.