Voting for Quake as well.
Voted for Quake.
True. But I voted for Quake anyway. Hopefully it's a deal on the franchise, I'm missing Quake 2.We all know who's gonna win...
Fine, you got myaxevote.![]()
Why vote for ME when you can't even have all three games on Steam? Guess some people don't care. That'd drive me up the wall.
I wanna get Trine 2.
Worth getting Trine 1 as well? Or maybe the pack?
Haha bullshit.
Modern Warfare was 9.99 for the longest time during this sale and suddenly its up to 14.99.
What a crock of shit.
Voted for Quake even though I own all of the games(except part 4).
It was 9.99 because it was on sale with the rest of the games.
Haha bullshit.
Modern Warfare 4 was 9.99 for the longest time during this sale and suddenly its up to 14.99.
What a crock of shit.
Haha bullshit.
Modern Warfare was 9.99 for the longest time during this sale and suddenly its up to 14.99.
What a crock of shit.
Voted for Quake even though I own all of the games(except part 4).
It was 9.99 because it was on sale with the rest of the games.
I will never understand the need to put dailies, which were available for 48 hours, up again as flash sales. This sale is lame. And no, it's not because I have everything, it's because the discounts are no longer impressive and all I can gift to friends is the same old shit.
I don't know if I'll ever have the patience to play the older ones X_X
I will never understand the need to put dailies, which were available for 48 hours, up again as flash sales. This sale is lame. And no, it's not because I have everything, it's because the discounts are no longer impressive and all I can gift to friends is the same old shit.
Just bought the Gods and Kings expansion, before even having touched bare bones CIV 5.
What are the odds that the GOTY DLC will go for cheaper than 5? It's now at 50% discount, but I feel it's a bit steep considering I paid like 3,20 for Gods and Kings.
Edit: Were you able to obtain the extras?
That is weird, it didn't ask me for mine. Although I already had an existing Funcom account from Age of Conan. (Which I bought a cheapass collector's version of years ago and then never played beyond the tutorial, but I digress.) As for the Secret World, getting it started was an exercise in frustration. First it took like 7 hours to download from Steam (I wish I were kidding) and then the patcher went nuts downloading data exceeding what it was supposed to download, to the point that it caused a fatal error, and apparently this is not uncommon according to their tech support forum. So i finally get ingame and my framerate never goes above 20fps no matter what I do. DX9 or 11, makes no difference, changing the visual settings doesn't make much difference either and it's not anywhere near pretty enough to justify this performance hit.
I'm in this exact same conundrum: I never played Civ V, I got it, should I buy Gods & Kings?
Isn't it a different "single player" experience? Wouldn't that just be more Civ V to play?
We all know who's gonna win...
I'm in this exact same conundrum: I never played Civ V, I got it, should I buy Gods & Kings?
Isn't it a different "single player" experience? Wouldn't that just be more Civ V to play?
I may get Trine, because a fellow gaffer gifted me Trine 2
Do you guys think I should get it so I play them in order or just play 2 and then get 1 if I like it?
Yes, it totally improves Civ V. I liked the base game, but the improvements are so good that many people that complained about Civ V not being as good as Civ IV found that the Gods and Kings Expansion brought it back up to standards.
Here are some of the improvments/additions to the single player:
-adds the ability send spies
-create your own religion and spread it for cultural influence
-improved AI
-a bunch of new Civilizations to play
-new scenarios
For $3 it is an amazing deal. It was a full $30 expansion earlier this year and was totally worth that.
But the changes from Gods & Kings get applied to the main game, or it's a different single player option on the menu screen?
Applied to the main game.
So Devil May Cry,
- are both DMC3 and DMC4 good?
- are they good ports?
- are they playable with keyboard/mouse?
Trine 2 is the much better experience. Just play that. There isn't much story in Trine 1. The first 4 minutes of Trine 2 catches you up. And Trine 2 has the same mechanics but hugely improved in terms of adding new mechanics so the characters are more balanced and allowing for online play.
- are they playable with keyboard/mouse?
I still find Quake 1 to be really enjoyable.
It definitely has the best level-design of the series. (IMO)
there are still some days left. all hope is not lostIs Paradox not really active in this sale? I saw Crusder Kings 2 up for a vote and that's it. No publisher pack and I haven't seen EU3 or Hearts of Iron 3. I've been waiting to pick up HoI 3 on the cheap.