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Steel Diver: Sub Wars |OT| Deep Deep Down


This game is better than it seems. Especially when you're playing with experienced players on both teams.

Just finished playing in a huge underwater cavern type map. Very few and small pockets of surface water are in the map making players extremely cautious of when to use Masking. My team was moving together onto one location and it took quite a while for us to find the enemy team even though the map gives you a general idea of where they are. But trying to find them was so tense. Not knowing where they are, possibility of them catching us by surprise and I was using my Para-scope and Sonar non-stop.

Slowly but surely, my team was closing in on a lone enemy sub. We all fired our torpedoes making it look like we were side by side at a shooting range or something. We sunk the enemy sub with a long ranged shot. After that, it went quiet for a few seconds and then suddenly I hear a faint explosion from behind. I quickly pull out my Para-scope to locate the source and the three remaining enemy subs were all right behind us! I quickly scramble to inform my teammates via Morse code, as they were ahead of me. I just said, "B" hoping they would understand that I mean back or behind. Pushing the lever up at full throttle, I evaded the incoming enemy torpedoes and began to turn. The enemy team was quickly making their way towards our position and that's when the torpedoes began to hit. Thankfully my teammates understood my 'B' and were currently turning around as well.

Unfortunately, it was a little too late. The jump the enemy team had on us was enough to take us all down. We landed a good number of hits and sunk another one of their subs but in the end, we slept with the fishes.

Fishes is a real word by the way.
Anyone actually morse during battle?

I have messaged where I'm heading before, especially on the much talked-about underwater cavern map, where it can be a while before you locate the enemy.

Speaking of said underwater cavern, not only do the limited air pockets make you weary of masking yourself, but it can also impede people who rely on repairing their submarines on the surface via the mechanic crew member.

I also feel that something should be set for the game's music: the victory music is energizing, the defeat music is mournful, the music becomes more tense if you lose one of your teammates, and some of the map music is especially fitting of the respective map's atmosphere! In particular, I recall the music on the sunken ruins map being particularly grand and adventurous, while the music in the underwater cavern map is slow and mysterious.

You know, these maps have formal names that are mentioned at the bottom of the top screen at the start of each battle. At some point, someone needs to start compiling a list of the official names of these maps.

Glass Joe

No what I bolded are horrible ideas, not just for a ftp game, but for any game.

A ftp game is a free game where you can play and complete the game without having to spend a cent, but where you're able to spend money IF you want.

Here almost everything is behind a paywall. You can use only 2 subs out of 18, you can only do 2 missions out of 7.

That's the definition of a demo, a fraction of the game you can play to see if you like it; than you can buy the game for the full price. Exactly this situation.

For example Fat Princess on PS3 has a demo where you can play as many online matches as you want, it's just that much of the options and stuff are blocked until you buy the game.

Of course you consider my examples that you bolded horrible ideas. They are certainly annoying. They are, however, staples of the most successful f2p games out there right now (Candy Crush, Flappy Bird, etc etc). I'm really just taking issue at your statement that Nintendo has no idea what they're doing regarding f2p. From a business perspective, the goal is still to make money. Here, if anything, Nintendo might be too generous because I like the game and feel no need to pay for the extra stuff. But maybe it does tempt some people (the goal) because you seem to want more.

The locked stuff to me here just feels like paid DLC. The draw of the game is the online multiplayer, which has full stat tracking even in free mode. You admit to not trying online, so maybe you should before declaring Nintendo so cheap and clueless.

Oh, and most of the demos I play have extremely annoying restrictions or no online whatsoever. Sounds like you found a needle in a haystack and are using that as the definition.


Well, even 2 subs are fine to me. What I like about the game is the (online) multiplayer. Especially when there won't be any connection problems.

Glass Joe

It seems to me that homing missiles do less damage? Am I imagining thing or do they balance it that way?

I dunno. They're certainly slower to launch. I do know that using a regular missile and hitting from long range is worth 1.5x the damage.


I dunno. They're certainly slower to launch. I do know that using a regular missile and hitting from long range is worth 1.5x the damage.

Yeah I know there are damage bonuses for range attacks and basically as well for propeller hits. Watching the health bar in spectator mode it just looked like the homing ones might do less damage, but maybe the hit before was a long range hit.


Yeah I know there are damage bonuses for range attacks and basically as well for propeller hits. Watching the health bar in spectator mode it just looked like the homing ones might do less damage, but maybe the hit before was a long range hit.

I think homing missiles do slightly more than normal torpedoes? I would hope so at least considering how easy they are to avoid.
Nothing like your entire team converging on a crewman in the middle of your spawn points and then wolf packing your way to an easy win.


Loving the game, but am I the only one getting pretty frequent disconnects during matches? I have stable internet at home, but I've been disconnected from matches three times now in two play sessions. It makes me look like a douche.


Loving the game, but am I the only one getting pretty frequent disconnects during matches? I have stable internet at home, but I've been disconnected from matches three times now in two play sessions. It makes me look like a douche.

You aren't the only one. I've got 12 disconnects on my record so far, none of which were of my own accord. They've been getting less frequent, thankfully.


Ah, good to know I'm not alone. Hope Nintendo gets that cleaned up sooner than later -- hate to have those on my record.


Welp, I was supposed to do some work on a Sunday but reading you guys' posts is making me jump into a sub right now.....

Please net connection pleaseeesee.....


You know, these maps have formal names that are mentioned at the bottom of the top screen at the start of each battle. At some point, someone needs to start compiling a list of the official names of these maps.

You can find the map names in the local multiplayer mode. Here are they:

- The Trenches
- Islands
- Underwater Base
- Stone Pillars
- Sunken Ruins
- Swimming Pool
- Underwater Cave
- Fish Tank
- Hot Springs


Shit, this game can get intense :) I love it so far. Bought premium after a few offline missions yesterday and doubled down on the game today with two historical subs (VII and the japanese one). Ill have to download it on my sons 3DS as well and teach him what it feels like to be humiliated.

Does shooting allies give damage points? Ive had a few matches where we dominate the enemy 4 to 1 only to have a allie lose his mind, sinking all our subs and then finish off the last enemy.......


You can find the map names in the local multiplayer mode. Here are they:

- The Trenches
- Islands
- Underwater Base
- Stone Pillars
- Sunken Ruins
- Swimming Pool
- Underwater Cave
- Fish Tank
- Hot Springs
Which maps had the supply ship?
I know Swimming Pool and Islands (aka the most boring map ever) had it. What was the third?
Which maps had the supply ship?
I know Swimming Pool and Islands (aka the most boring map ever) had it. What was the third?

I think The Trenches. One of the pre-match game tips says that there's three, and if memory serves The Trenches was the third.

Does shooting allies give damage points? Ive had a few matches where we dominate the enemy 4 to 1 only to have a allie lose his mind, sinking all our subs and then finish off the last enemy.......

I don't think it gives nor takes points for hitting allies.


What's the proper way to do f2p? Google ads continually popping in and obscuring the gameplay? A prompt telling you that you must pay to continue during a game? Having to pay 99 cents for a three pack of homing missiles?

I think you're approaching the game from the wrong angle. It's an online multiplayer game, which is offered free with no distraction. Everything else is just ignorable fluff, for people who are really into it.

I'm glad I'm not alone. Totally confused because I've never had issues connecting to the eShop, doing downloads, or watching stuff like Netflix and youtube. But when there's an online multiplayer game I get that stuff a lot. I dunno if it's my router or its settings (Belkin) but I've tried a lot of stuff to no avail (both Wii U and 3DS). Heck, I have a LAN adapter for Wii U and still will get it for Wii Sports Club.

here in Portugal most isp routers are from thomson....yeah...you can enter the stores do downloads, etc..but try using the wiiu chat with anyone i also get the same error. Its when you directly connect to other players or Nintendo servers it seems...
This game might actually be a practical learning tool for Morse Code.

Just note that, as far as I can tell, the Morse code translations of ! and ? vary by source. Otherwise, yeah, even the numbers are correct! And the fact that you use them so much (before each match, and in Mission 4) is sure to end up drilling the dot and dash patterns in.


I found the enemy supply ship and just started shooting it over and over and over and over again. It never sunk but at the end of the match I had +23X10 points for hits.

So if you want a lot of points, just blast away at that thing.
I found the enemy supply ship and just started shooting it over and over and over and over again. It never sunk but at the end of the match I had +23X10 points for hits.

So if you want a lot of points, just blast away at that thing.

I believe it takes somewhere around 15-20, maybe even a bit more, torpedoes to sink (at short range, at least), but it can be done.

But yes, you can farm points from hits for damaging supply ships or, to a much lesser extent, CPU submarines, because you actually don't get points for sinking CPU submarines, only for hitting them.

There's another layer of strategy for those supply ships, too: if a ship surfaces near a supply ship of its team color, they'll get their damaged repaired at a moderate pace, which I believe is accelerated further if you have a mechanic crew member. Sinking the enemy supply ship takes away that repair (acceleration, for those with mechanics on board) possibility from the enemy team.


Making a little progress -- Unlocked Underwater Base and two subs. Doubled my level from 4, to 8. Played a fair amount of multplayer, had my first major victory, plus a few other wins & defeats.

Have so much yet to learn as far as tactics, but loving every second of this game.

Think I'll a take a break by watching a sub movie, maybe Hunt For Red October, Crimson Tide or that recent one with Ed Harris called Phantom.
OK now, what does shooting the lock of the treasure chest in the fishtank give you?

When I did it (once), it popped out a gold coin with a wrench icon on it, so a repair token (which repaired my ship as much as the boxes with wrench icons do). I have no idea if there are any others.


I keep getting error codes trying to play online. It works about 50% of the time. Anyone else seeing this?

Yes, everybody is getting those errors. Nintendo servers probably can't handle the demand.
The biggest problem is that its making getting win streaks impossible.
Yes, everybody is getting those errors. Nintendo servers probably can't handle the demand.
The biggest problem is that its making getting win streaks impossible.

Not impossible; I have a win streak of 3 on the side of my sub, but yeah, it does break those streaks up.

I'm hoping that they might give us some word on these server issues fairly soon. That and I hope Iwata mentions this game in the next Direct.


Wait a second, those numbers on the side of your sub equal highest win streak? Never knew that! I've got a five thus far.
Wait a second, those numbers on the side of your sub equal highest win streak? Never knew that! I've got a five thus far.

Yep, the number on the side of your sub is your highest win streak! That's why when you started, the number was 00. Congratulations on the 5! I think I saw someone with that number when I played, but nothing higher!


Neo Member
I noticed if you rescue crew members in multiplayer it gives the entire team access to him at the end of match.

If you see a purple blip though, make sure you get to it before the other team does; ended up racing someone from red to one and he managed to beat me to it.
bombarded him with torpedoes right after
I noticed if you rescue crew members in multiplayer it gives the entire team access to him at the end of match.

If you see a purple blip though, make sure you get to it before the other team does; ended up racing someone from red to one and he managed to beat me to it.
bombarded him with torpedoes right after

I love the aesthetic of surfacing and racing to a crew member: watching the nose of your submarine break the water's surface at a high angle and then gently come back down, followed by the formation of a bow splash as you race towards the life ring with a person waving for help in it. You can then briefly see the person and ring get raised onto your ship and you get the message that you saved them.


So far the game has been pretty awesome! I'm impressed. The best parts have been when you're quietly stalking eachother.

I've had a couple disconnects but only between matches, never during


So to people who have bought it, is the premium version worth it? I am enjoying the hell out of the free version and am strongly considering a purchase.


At first I was iffy about the premise of a first person Steel Diver but this is fun. I'm gonna buy the full version soon.
Is there any way to dodge or deflect a homing missile in multiplayer, or do you just have to be a goddam man (or woman!) and take it like a champ?


Do crew members impact multiplayer as well? And is there only one page of crew members or more?

Crew members do in fact work in multiplayer. Mechanic in particular is very useful, especially on the maps with supply ships.

There's only one page of crew members but considering they appear at random it'll probably take a while to get them all.

Is there any way to dodge or deflect a homing missile in multiplayer, or do you just have to be a goddam man (or woman!) and take it like a champ?

Use the Masker button. It throws homing missiles off your scent while also turning you invisible for a short period of time, at the cost of some air.
Crew members do in fact work in multiplayer. Mechanic in particular is very useful, especially on the maps with supply ships.

There's only one page of crew members but considering they appear at random it'll probably take a while to get them all.

Use the Masker button. It throws homing missiles off your scent while also turning you invisible for a short period of time, at the cost of some air.
Awesome! I knew Masking turned you invisi-bro (because allowing you to not be seen is such a bro thing to do!), but had no idea it affected homing missiles... because, uh, that isn't how it would work in real life :p Dat Nintendo "magic"!

Speaking of crew (which you were doing but I wasn't), I have no clue what their purpose is or what they do. Is there a link to a post or guide that gives an overview?
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