God damn, that Boss challenge is just...FIIIIIIIIREEEEE, the silly but energetic K-Rock blasting in the background, the unlocked move-set with the various Bayonetta-like teleports, the constant need for MGS Rising-like (OK, Sekiro too) parries with sparks flying everywhere, the amazeballs camera-cuts when bringing down the boss's shield and then the final killing animation/cutscene...FUUUUUUUUCK, this game doesn't have any right to be THIS good especially for being their 1st "big console game" try, fucking A my dudes, it ONLY took almost 4 years into this gen but, here we are, a motherfuxking GENUINE balls-to-the-wall character action game !
It's not about the tits, it's not about the ass, it's about pure, genuine hardcore gameplay mechanics coupled with amazeballs production values, God damn, it's been since MGS Rising since I've had THIS much fun screaming at the screen
ruuules of naaatureee"take this mothafuckaaaa !".
PS : watch this getting good reviews ('cause you have to be deaf, blind and stupid to deny its qualities) but - at the same time - getting blasted for the "obvious" reasons, it's gonna be a shitstorm online...
PS2 : LOL, dudes be trolling, the black full leather suit + eye glasses combo = literally Bayonetta, they knew what they were doing, pesky mothafuggas...