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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


I have a feeling that the protests will spread to the rest of the middle and Africa, maybe some parts in South East Asia too. So I think this shit is going to last for a fucking long, long, time. I'm not really worried about the economy itself, just the market's reaction. But yeah I guess at the same time, no need to worry since I'm in long-term.


MiDNiGHTS said:
I've been waiting for a large enough dip to get in and this Libya dip is looking like my time.

Same. Only down about 1% thanks to XOM/CVX. AAPL, F and TEVA are all getting down to levels I've more interest in. Hoping for another day or two of drifting lower.


Only stocks I own that are up today are oil companies. XOM, BHI, PBR.


I'd love to get into stocks, but I don't have the know how, yet. Got a Stock Market for Dummies book that I'm soon going to crack into.

With the way gas prices are rising, I'd start investing in can foods and shotguns.



Atrus said:
What's so great about Majesco? I've seen others post about owning it but as far as I see, just about all public video game only companies are horrible.

Majesco shares have been fairly flat for years staying just above the minimum required to stay listed on the Nasdaq, they don't appear to offer any dividend and they've reverse split their shares twice to the detriment of shareholder value.

Looks like the only value to be had in the long term is if someone else buys them out or the world goes crazy for Zumba fitness and Cooking Mama.

COOL is definitely a short term stock for me. I will be selling soon when I hit a 50% return. There is a fare chance of them being bought this year and their numbers have been upwardly stable. I normally do not invest in penny stocks, but this one has done well for me. I would not easily hold it more than a year and change though, unless there is a drastically successful change in their games portfolio.
Najaf said:
COOL is definitely a short term stock for me. I will be selling soon when I hit a 50% return. There is a fare chance of them being bought this year and their numbers have been upwardly stable. I normally do not invest in penny stocks, but this one has done well for me. I would not easily hold it more than a year and change though, unless there is a drastically successful change in their games portfolio.

I've been banking on the "fare chance of them being bought" for the past 2-3 years that I've held the stock. Still holding on to that glimmer of hope.


SSN is treating me well still. Up to +142% now since September. Google says it's up another 21 cents on after hours, so hopefully that will translate into another big boost tomorrow.


mike23 said:
SSN is treating me well still. Up to +142% now since September. Google says it's up another 21 cents on after hours, so hopefully that will translate into another big boost tomorrow.

google is probably fine, but I recommend using Bloomberg's site for all things stock market related


What's going on with C? Down 10% from the beginning of the year. :(

If it keeps sliding I'm not going to hesitate to dump more cash in. If it hits $4.30 somehow ($4.57 now) it would be irresistable.


CLQ up 43%. My buddy has been making good money on this one, selling high and buying low.


dudeworld said:
maybe we should start an investment competition with investopedia's simulator. see who's the best investor on GAF

Yah that would be fun.


how long do you think a good length of time would be? The one with my school was a month long but it was too short. I'm thinking like 6 months? a year? we could even have no end


Four months maybe. We don't want people to drop out along the way.



we each get $100,000 to invest in US stocks and $100,000 to invest in Canadian stocks. Game starts on Monday (March 7) and ends July 7.

There's a 20 minute delay from when you put your order in and when your order gets processed. This is due to how the site works.

It's a public game so anyone can join. It's better that way in case there's only like 5 of us from neogaf that want to play. Use your neogaf name so we know who's who and post here once you've joined so we can keep track of who's playing.


So after not checking my stocks in a few weeks about an hour ago I decided to see whats up. It turns out one of my best performers, DEP (Duncan Energy Partners) was offered a buyout last week at approximatly $42.

I liked this stock. Paid a good dividend and moved up nicely over the past year.

Slow and steady wins this race. Buy quality stocks and you will be rewarded. SO HAPPY!!!


I joined the game on Investopedia.

BTW what do you guys think of YLO? They pay an 11% yearly dividend. Put $11,000 in and you get $100 a month. The shares have gone down a lot so I'm thinking of buying some and benefiting from the dividends on top of share price appreciation. PE of 10.90.
Well its been about a month since I last posted in this thread. Sorry to throw out another lets call it novice question, but I am now being told by my friend that she has been told she has to go to Australia to get her earnings from the Forex trading. I've Google'd this already of course, but am now even more confused as to exactly what sort of bullshit scam she's actually in. I suppose my need to understand at this point (given I have just started reading on the in's and outs of investing in general) is moreso so be able to flat out say "this is a scam, you're going to get burned" but having an alarm go off intuitively speaking and having something solid to back that up are two entirely different things. Anyway, any help?


No idea myself. It smells like a scam, that's all:p

BTW guys I'm planning to buy a condo later this year, or at worst next year. I need money for a down-payment. I can withdraw $25,000 from my RRSP account:

The Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) is a program that allows you to withdraw up to $25,000 from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to buy or build a qualifying home for yourself or for a related person with a disability .

Your RRSP contributions must remain in the RRSP for at least 90 days before you can withdraw them under the HBP, or they may not be deductible for any year.

Generally, you have to repay all withdrawals to your RRSPs within a period of no more than 15 years. You will have to repay an amount to your RRSPs each year until your HBP balance is zero. If you do not repay the amount due for a year, it will have to be included in your income for that year.

This is fine, but it really pisses me off that I can't use more money than that. I would understand if it was my second house purchase, but for a house purchase the $25,000 limit really sucks! So I would have to sell most of my stocks to get the rest of my money for my down-payment. Sure I could put a small down payment on 30 years but I prefer to put the biggest down-payment possible, on 25 years.

What do you guys suggest?

On one hand, I think it really sucks that I have to take any money out of my RRSP, and selling stocks, to make the downpayment. I know I got good returns on those investments and I especially dislike withdrawing money from my RRSP since over the long term, a withdrawal of $25,000 is much more than that when you consider how much it would be worth 25 years later.

Am I stupid for wanting to make a big downpayment?


Ether_Snake said:
No idea myself. It smells like a scam, that's all:p

BTW guys I'm planning to buy a condo later this year, or at worst next year. I need money for a down-payment. I can withdraw $25,000 from my RRSP account:

This is fine, but it really pisses me off that I can't use more money than that. I would understand if it was my second house purchase, but for a house purchase the $25,000 limit really sucks! So I would have to sell most of my stocks to get the rest of my money for my down-payment. Sure I could put a small down payment on 30 years but I prefer to put the biggest down-payment possible, on 25 years.

What do you guys suggest?

On one hand, I think it really sucks that I have to take any money out of my RRSP, and selling stocks, to make the downpayment. I know I got good returns on those investments and I especially dislike withdrawing money from my RRSP since over the long term, a withdrawal of $25,000 is much more than that when you consider how much it would be worth 25 years later.

Am I stupid for wanting to make a big downpayment?
Wish I could buy a condo in NYC. If u don't mind me asking, what's the total value of the condo?


tarius1210 said:
Wish I could buy a condo in NYC. If u don't mind me asking, what's the total value of the condo?

I'm in Montreal, not NYC. I am looking at something between $250,000 to at most $325,000. The later is a bit much for me though, would have to be perfect with low monthly fees.

BTW for the game, can we place orders after hours? I sometimes don't have time to do this during the day.


Ether_Snake said:
I'm in Montreal, not NYC. I am looking at something between $250,000 to at most $325,000. The later is a bit much for me though, would have to be perfect with low monthly fees.
I know you're in Canada Ether_Snake. I wish I could buy a condo here (NYC).


I wish I could buy a condo in NYC too:p

My problem is finding the right one. A lot of them have been built hastily recently, there's a big demand, prices go up fast, etc. The opposite of what happened in the US really. In 10 years some condos doubled value.


Gold Member
Ether_Snake said:
No idea myself. It smells like a scam, that's all:p

BTW guys I'm planning to buy a condo later this year, or at worst next year. I need money for a down-payment. I can withdraw $25,000 from my RRSP account:

This is fine, but it really pisses me off that I can't use more money than that. I would understand if it was my second house purchase, but for a house purchase the $25,000 limit really sucks! So I would have to sell most of my stocks to get the rest of my money for my down-payment. Sure I could put a small down payment on 30 years but I prefer to put the biggest down-payment possible, on 25 years.

What do you guys suggest?

On one hand, I think it really sucks that I have to take any money out of my RRSP, and selling stocks, to make the downpayment. I know I got good returns on those investments and I especially dislike withdrawing money from my RRSP since over the long term, a withdrawal of $25,000 is much more than that when you consider how much it would be worth 25 years later.

Am I stupid for wanting to make a big downpayment?

No, not really. A larger payment upfront reduces the total amount of interest (extra payments for nothing) you pay in total. Common sense says that people should be paying the mortgage off asap. However, keep in mind to keep a reserve base of funds for personal emergencies to get you through a few months.


Yeah but I'm wondering if I should touch my RRSP at all, since 25,000 over 25 years can become something between $200,000 to $230,000.

BTW for the game, I can't see what others have purchased.


Ether_Snake said:
Yeah but I'm wondering if I should touch my RRSP at all, since 25,000 over 25 years can become something between $200,000 to $230,000.

BTW for the game, I can't see what others have purchased.

Yeah I disabled that. Thought I'd keep it realistic, but I can enable it if you want, I guess.
Well its been about a month since I last posted in this thread. Sorry to throw out another lets call it novice question, but I am now being told by my friend that she has been told she has to go to Australia to get her earnings from the Forex trading. I've Google'd this already of course, but am now even more confused as to exactly what sort of bullshit scam she's actually in. I suppose my need to understand at this point (given I have just started reading on the in's and outs of investing in general) is moreso so be able to flat out say "this is a scam, you're going to get burned" but having an alarm go off intuitively speaking and having something solid to back that up are two entirely different things. Anyway, any help?

Absolute scam. Flying out to Australia sounds more like a deterrant if you've already been suckered into investing $500, especially when they can just wire the money to any part of the world. Tell your friend to cut her losses.

As a Forex trader, no, $500 into millions is not sustainable unless you have decades to play around with. That's not to say that you can't make 300% returns per year with a good system and the market gods on your side...

Yeah but I'm wondering if I should touch my RRSP at all, since 25,000 over 25 years can become something between $200,000 to $230,000

In simple finance terms, if you can finance those $25k at a low mortgage rate, chances are you can beat that rate in the markets. HOWEVER, you have to add any short-term deppreciation that real estate can have nowadays, you might end up underwater more easy, might have to get mortgage insurance due to a higher LTV, etc etc.

If you plan on staying there for a loooong time, I'd actually finance it (even use investment proceeds to pay it off earlier).


RJNavarrete said:
What type of investment options should I look into if I want something short term? Got about 2k to play with.
A savings account, no such thing as short term investing, its a contradictory statement.
Sanky Panky said:
Absolute scam. Flying out to Australia sounds more like a deterrant if you've already been suckered into investing $500, especially when they can just wire the money to any part of the world. Tell your friend to cut her losses.

As a Forex trader, no, $500 into millions is not sustainable unless you have decades to play around with. That's not to say that you can't make 300% returns per year with a good system and the market gods on your side..

That's about how I have reasoned it out myself, and am glad that my basic intuition was right. Sadly though, she's convinced it will work. But her lose is really only her initial investment so it's not so bad. But the gamblers mindset is really the issue.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Majesco reported earnings yesterday all I can say $$$$$$$. Been in the market for about 2 weeks now and had made a couple a grand. Yeah I know as easily I am up I can be down but boy is it exciting.
SSGMUN10000 said:
Majesco reported earnings yesterday all I can say $$$$$$$. Been in the market for about 2 weeks now and had made a couple a grand. Yeah I know as easily I am up I can be down but boy is it exciting.

Yeah. I'm surprised this wasn't factored in already, as I had thought just the announcement of the big sales from Zumba would have been enough. I'm happy with it, to say the least.


Congrats to all of the COOL owners out there. Depending when you got in today was a great day!

I'm eagerly awaiting earnings for RAVN tomorrow. With a good quarter I think they can push me up to a double in about 11 months. Even more factoring in dividends. They're still the holding I'm most excited about over the coming years.

Also noticed that F bounced nicely off of its 200 day MA. If it holds again through this week I might look to get in.


Scarecrow said:
Say I start investing in stock and make a few thousand dollars. What kind of taxes are involved (US)?

Depends upon how long you hold the investment and your tax bracket. If you hold the stock for more than a year before selling any capital gains are taxed at long term rates which are between 0% and 15% depending on your tax bracket. "Qualifying" dividends are taxed at the same rate; I forget the exact language about the timeframe necessary for your dividend to count as qualifying, but essentially it's there to prevent people from buying right before the record date and selling right afterwards. So long as you don't trade in and out of dividend stocks around the record date you should be fine. Unqualified dividends are taxed as normal income I believe.

Holding a stock for less than a year before selling causes the gains to be taxed as normal income.

Losses up to (I think) $3000/year can be deducted from your normal income. Anything over the cap will carry forward. If you have a mixure of capital gains and losses in a given year you'll net out long term gains vs. long term losses, then short term gains vs. short term losses, then those two things together. It sounds much more complicated than it actually is. Most of the information will be given to you by your broker in a very easy to use format.

It's been 2 years since I took my last tax class so I hope this is all correct!

Also keep in mind that this is all dependent on the tax cuts passed in the Bush administration and recently renewed. Were those to be phased out most of these rates would rise, sometimes dramatically.


Inflation hitting China big time, unrest continues in the ME, food prices keep on rising.

Sounds... bad.

This is not the right time for markets to thank, I wanted to sell most of my shares outside of what's in my RRSP soon!
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