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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Black Canada Mafia
I think buying stock in MMI was a bad idea :/. They had a pretty good last few days (before the weekend) but they seem to be back on a downward spiral. My question is - do I go with my guy and cut my losses? Do I hold on until I at least even out? All my other stocks seem to be on the way to making my ass some money, this is the stock that's holding me back.


Kinitari said:
I think buying stock in MMI was a bad idea :/. They had a pretty good last few days (before the weekend) but they seem to be back on a downward spiral. My question is - do I go with my guy and cut my losses? Do I hold on until I at least even out? All my other stocks seem to be on the way to making my ass some money, this is the stock that's holding me back.

If the reason/fundamentals behind your purchase of the stock has change then you should sell it. Especially if your gut is saying so.


Unconfirmed Member
So Citi anounced a 1-10 reverse split and the return to dividends today.

I understand what happens to my stock quantity after the split, say 50 shares becomes 5.

But what happens to the per share value. If it is trading at 4.50 at close on May 6 will it be trading at 45.00 on open the 9th after the reverse split?


scola said:
So Citi anounced a 1-10 reverse split and the return to dividends today.

I understand what happens to my stock quantity after the split, say 50 shares becomes 5.

But what happens to the per share value. If it is trading at 4.50 at close on May 6 will it be trading at 45.00 on open the 9th after the reverse split?

Fucking stupid. I'm getting out before the split.

Nortel did the same thing, and within a month all the gains they had spent months clammering back to an appreciable level were lost by a flood of shorters at the new attractive (higher) price with no news to justify it. It's psychological mind games that screw over the layman trader (read: you and me), nothing more.

And they can shove their 1 penny/share dividend up their ass too.

Yes, i mad. They just sent a voter card out to all the shareholders which stated that they wanted a vote to extend the right to split the stock "without ever having to enact such a right since the extension began" in the 90s. Oops.


Slayer-33 said:
So what will happen before the C RS? Mass sell off and then mass buying after the RS?

Sheer demand for the stock might actually increase as it may now be within the acceptable range for a greater amount of funds.

But on the other side it will also create a de facto stock buy back as the remainder of the division by 10 will have to be acquired by citi.


Gallbaro said:
Sheer demand for the stock might actually increase as it may now be within the acceptable range for a greater amount of funds.

But on the other side it will also create a de facto stock buy back as the remainder of the division by 10 will have to be acquired by citi.

Sorry for my ignorance, but what exactly happens if, for example, you have 19 shares when they do the split?


mike23 said:
Sorry for my ignorance, but what exactly happens if, for example, you have 19 shares when they do the split?

You would get 1 and 9/10 shares. The fractional share can't really be traded anywhere so the company will buy it from you at a pre reverse split price.

When I held citi up to a few months ago I entered that position with a round lot,100 shares, expecting this.


Starting to rise up in the game, now #6. I think with the couple of purchases I placed for tomorrow I'll be well positioned to keep on climbing by the end of the week, unless markets tank.


Yeah more people should participate on the Canadian fund too. I'm #2 there:p


I sold BHI for a 35% gain.

I sold ATVI for a 0.% gain. Too bad, I once made almost 40% on that one but kept it for too long. I am 100% certain they are done for. I'll write in details why later.


Wow, COOL up 24% uh? I wonder if it is really justified. But good for you:)

BTW guys Wolframalpha.com is awesome for searching for info on stocks. For example HP+eps = http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=HP+eps or HP+eps VS DELL eps = HP eps VS DELL eps

Anyway like I said I sold ATVI and here is my reasoning:

The management has consistently demonstrated that they have no idea what the're doing, that they don't understand the market. Emphasis on market here is important. EA is a company that is showing that they know how to turn things around, how to seize opportunities, they knew why they went down and hence understood how to come back. They managed to bring core gamers back to their games by making some good quality games, they succeeded in finally getting the most out of their acquisition with Bioware, they showed restraint and clarity of mind by canceling their TTWO offer, and they positioned themselves quite well on the casual-mobile front.

ATVI is unable to figure out what is a good pick. They are making a Prototype sequel, which shows desperation; they're doing it not because the brand established itself or because they can turn things around for it, they are publishing a sequel because it will be done on the very cheap and they need to release something to give a semblance of life. It has no chance of doing better than Prototype 1, which could NOT have become a big hit like they were looking for.

They bought Bizarre Creations, makers of Project Gotham Racing, to end up publishing Blur, another game that was 100% certain to fall flat and not establish itself as a brand. The studio was basically bought in the hopes it would guarantee ATVI a position in the racing genre, yet they ended up with something entirely different than what they should have been looking for. They hired Arnold Schwarzenegger because they were impressed by Terminator 2 and went on to make The Eraser.

Singularity was a no-hit-chance title. Made by an unknown studio, no chance at capturing a wide crowd because of its steel-cold-barren-sci-fi-Soviet theme, it was a certain flop right on paper.

Guitar Hero. Since when do companies announce that their brands are officially dead? Instead of rethinking the series and prepare themselves to release it anew at the right time, the management preferred to send a message to any investors looking at the video game sector: We give up on Guitar Hero and declare the whole music genre dead, so don't imagine for a second that this will benefit our competitors since we are saying the genre is dead and so it is.

We'll it's not. They are demonstrating that they do NOT understand the market. They do NOT understand that the music genre can actually be once again VERY successful. They don't know how it can be done, because they are clueless. Music is still popular, music games can still be popular.

Tony Hawk and DJ Hero: I won't even bother addressing this. It's similar to what I've described above (one dead-on-arrival serie, one missed opportunity).

COD: Battlefield is coming back, the REAL Battlefield, the one Pachter doesn't know of because BF2 goes back to the days where he had no idea wtf BF was and he never witnessed firsthand how much people were into the thing. I have MAJOR DOUBTS about whatever ATVI will release this year for COD. I see three possibilities actually: IW is not ready to release it this year because of the post-MW2 internal fiasco, so they'll either release something that won't live up to the expectations of the market at a time when BF might be making a come back (you don't want to see your flagship series do worst than expected with the competition making a comeback in the same genre) or they won't release any COD this year, which will make investors freakout, or they'll release one that isn't from IW, which means it's a completely wildcard.

Blizzard: Their long development cycles are a double-edge sword. Long development cycles is not always a good thing; the industry moves FAST and your designs can quickly become outdated, and long development cycles can lead to easy-going development for a year with excessive trial-and-error, wasted production hours, etc. I think Blizzard will NOT be able to make a true successor to WoW. The market is changing quickly, and Blizzard cannot expect a 2004-market to still exist and be ready to jump in whatever they'll release to replicate WoW's success when it releases. So this means they'll have to do something very different and new. This is dangerous because it means chances are high that they'll never be able to have the equivalent subscriptions WoW had, or similar revenues. Best way to look at it is Final Fantasy. Square will never release a FF title that will sell more than FFVII did. There are various factors that make this simply a one-time event that can't happen again for them. So in the end, Blizzard's odds of replicating WoW's success are extremely low. The market is changing too fast and the conditions for WoW's success are not going to come back.

And I haven't even talked about ATVI's minuscule presence in the mobile/digital market, which again points to the management's ignorance, lack of foresight and lack of understanding of the market.

Considering all of this, I expect ATVI to either slowly erode in prominence, and/or buy a studio or two. They'll try to save face on the console market by possibly buying TTWO, which is small enough yet with a good ability to turn unlikely candidates into successes using a proven design philosophy and now owns a couple of good IPs, but the console market, now an exclusively core-gamer market, has a very uncertain future. Or they'll go for some companies in the mobile sector, which is like picking internet stocks back in the late 90s. ATVI has not demonstrated the understanding and foresight ERTS has demonstrated to pick the right companies. Or they'll do both.

So my conclusion is that ATVI is going to go down because if they do nothing, profits will sink and the bigger they are the harder they fall, or they will do something which means buying studios that are likely to bring them nothing good in the end.

It was not easy selling for a 0% profit when I once had something like a 40% gain (soon after the merger), but I am too confident of my view of the company to hold it any longer.

edit: I own ERTS, I'm up 18% on it. I also own TTWO and I'm up 51.56% on it.

BigNastyCurve said:
What game is everyone talking about?



amazing game still tells me I have it, up 4.5% in 4 days, finally selling some stock, need to find what my next investments will be.
I am concerned about ATVI too. Thinking of selling soon at a 1-2% gain (so, basically break even when costs are included).

I haven't signed up for the game yet. I am flying across the country for school/business for about a week and have been busy prepping for that. When I get back things will wind down and hopefully I can get started, I'm getting anxious about joining up!


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Dang it I shorted COOL at 2.75. Oh well I still made several grand on it. If it pulls back a bit I may jump on again. Currently investing in CIGX.


Real World

Purchases I have on tap for tomorrow:

AA - Alcoa
BBW - Build a Bear Workshop
BIDU - Baidu
ERTS - Electronic Arts (adding shares)
MRF - American Income Fund (adding shares)
RTN - Raytheon
SLV - IShares Silver Trust ETF
VDC - Vanguard Consumer Staples ETF
VHT - Vanguard Health Care ETF
VIS - Vanguard Industrials ETF
VWO - Vanguard Emerging Markets ETF

I've done very well with my stock purchases from last June. I'm up a little over 20% which I guess is pretty decent considering pretty much all of my purchases have been conservative. With these addition purchases I will be so diversified it isn't even funny.

Again, continuing my trend, the majority of these stock pay dividends, the only exceptions being BBW, ERTS and BIDU.

I really like SNDK. Will be adding more shares in a week or two.


I bought it over a year ago. I sold it because it was up 35% since I bought it, nearing all time high, and oil prices are/were going up too quickly which I felt might shock the economy, which would send oil prices down. I also have XOM and PBR so if the oil sector keeps going up I'm guessing they will too.

I also need to start pulling money out for an eventual cash down.

Probably not a good move but whatever.


Bit of a dilemma guys.

I wanna invest in an energy fund but all of the ones that I know have Halliburton in them. As you you can tell I don't like Halliburon. What should I do?

These are the ETF's I'm looking at:

VDE - Vanguard Energy ETF
PXJ - PowerShares Oil & Gas Services Portfolio

Do you guys know of any energy ETFs that don't include Halliburton? As much as I don't want to, if I can't find any, I'll just have to pick one. Please HELP!!!!


i'm in CCJ, ASYS, and DORM right now, all short term and doing pretty well overall. still hoping CCJ bounces back after the nuke thing blows over (no pun intended!)

i took a couple thousand and set it aside as speculation/gambling money, betting here and there on some break outs with those shady low cap stocks that get advertised here and there, and i had really bad luck so i'm swearing that off. it would usually go like, i'd have a bit of good luck, get out, get cocky, go back in, and just get burned. house always wins. stay away from shady stocks is my (noobish) advice, now matter how tempting their wild upswings might be.


tarius1210 said:
Bit of a dilemma guys.

I wanna invest in an energy fund but all of the ones that I know have Halliburton in them. As you you can tell I don't like Halliburon. What should I do?

These are the ETF's I'm looking at:

VDE - Vanguard Energy ETF
PXJ - PowerShares Oil & Gas Services Portfolio

Do you guys know of any energy ETFs that don't include Halliburton? As much as I don't want to, if I can't find any, I'll just have to pick one. Please HELP!!!!

What's the problem with HAL? Even if you found an ETF that didn't have HAL in it, it could at a later date.


Ether_Snake said:
What's the problem with HAL? Even if you found an ETF that didn't have HAL in it, it could at a later date.

I think I found it what I'm looking for...IGE (iShares S&P North American Natural Resources Sector)

This ETF is a broad market energy fund. It tracks different types of energy like oil, solar, and wind. This might be the one.

If you want some exposure to clean energy...PZD (PowerShares CleanTech Portfolio ETF).

I'll do a bit more research on these two tonight.

EDIT: VDE it is. Financials look better and I'm a sucker for John Bogle :p
The P/E scares me though.


I got burned on solar with Suntech (still holding it, but not buying more, hoping for it to one day go back up enough for me to sell it). ETF would be better.

Right now I think almost everything is a bit high. I made myself a watchlist on google finance and I sort it by losses since their last high, which would be the most interesting purchases for me. All I see right now are HP, Mega Brands and Amazon (was lower yesterday, bought it at market open in the Investopedia game today after their cloud announcement). I don't know HP enough to put money in them right now. HP fell 15% since I marked it so it could be interesting especially if it falls more.

BTW if Activision announced MW3, watch out. Last time, in April 2010, the stock tanked when they announced Black Ops. People price it in already, so when the game is announced they sell right away. Just a teaser could lead to a drop.


Black Canada Mafia
I just invested in a lot of Pharmaceutical and Oil companies. JAZZ Pharmaceuticals was my best investment, nearly netting me 5k.

I let go of Motorolla a little while ago, after it losing me nearly 2k, and I'm hanging onto GOOG for no real reason. I think if this competition was longer, I would hold onto them both, but for a month long competition I don't think they're the best investments.

Anyway, I've gone from last place to second place, I am assuming mostly from blind dumb luck.


Kinitari said:
I just invested in a lot of Pharmaceutical and Oil companies. JAZZ Pharmaceuticals was my best investment, nearly netting me 5k.

I let go of Motorolla a little while ago, after it losing me nearly 2k, and I'm hanging onto GOOG for no real reason. I think if this competition was longer, I would hold onto them both, but for a month long competition I don't think they're the best investments.

Anyway, I've gone from last place to second place, I am assuming mostly from blind dumb luck.

It's all because of JAZZ with it up 17% in like two days.

And since it's only a month long, i've been selling stocks early, then trying to find a new hidden gem instead of staying with big hitters over a long haul. up 5% then sell.


Just found a nuclear energy fund: NUCL (iShares S&P Global Nuclear Index Fund)

Was trading at $46 prior to the Japanese earthquake now it's at $41.


May contain jokes =>
Anyone with more insight than me have opinions about duPont (DD)? It seems to be steadily climbing and I'm certainly fine with that. But I'm a student and not interested in taking risks at this point in my life, so I just want to sell what I have when I can get the most money for it. I'm just watching it every day and plan to sell if it starts to go down, but I'm definitely curious what people here have to say about it.


Emerson said:
Anyone with more insight than me have opinions about duPont (DD)? It seems to be steadily climbing and I'm certainly fine with that. But I'm a student and not interested in taking risks at this point in my life, so I just want to sell what I have when I can get the most money for it. I'm just watching it every day and plan to sell if it starts to go down, but I'm definitely curious what people here have to say about it.

looks like a good steady stock since middle 2009, motley fool says it's almost buffet style type of stock. Looks like one to buy stock and hold it and watch it grow which your trying to do, they are also very diversified in what they do.


tarius1210 said:
Just found a nuclear energy fund: NUCL (iShares S&P Global Nuclear Index Fund)

Was trading at $46 prior to the Japanese earthquake now it's at $41.

In the investopedia game I invested in a lot of Uranium stocks/etfs/etc. and then got out because things have gotten worst in Japan so I see no likely turnaround. Too risky for me.

ERTS almost at 20$. Nice. TTWO fell 3% today for not apparent reason, less nice.


I feel so out of touch. I was making an insane amount of money daily when I started this thread (pre-recession) and then I pulled out before the recession hit. Besides a few minor stocks, I haven't invested in anything in ages.

Which industries are moving nowadays? I have $5K i can blow.

Edit: I did buy $20,000 in mutual funds though during the recession. That portfolio has almost tripled since but that's untouchable retirement money :)


koam said:
I feel so out of touch. I was making an insane amount of money daily when I started this thread (pre-recession) and then I pulled out before the recession hit. Besides a few minor stocks, I haven't invested in anything in ages.

Which industries are moving nowadays? I have $5K i can blow.

Edit: I did buy $20,000 in mutual funds though during the recession. That portfolio has almost tripled since but that's untouchable retirement money :)
Good for you Koam.

I always wondered why you never post in here.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
koam said:
I feel so out of touch. I was making an insane amount of money daily when I started this thread (pre-recession) and then I pulled out before the recession hit. Besides a few minor stocks, I haven't invested in anything in ages.

Which industries are moving nowadays? I have $5K i can blow.

Edit: I did buy $20,000 in mutual funds though during the recession. That portfolio has almost tripled since but that's untouchable retirement money :)

What funds are those?


Hey Pimpwerx, what is that options portfolio in the Investopedia game? You're up 117%, I want to know how that works:p


Purchases for next week:

SIRI - Sirius Satellite Radio (adding shares)
VAW - Vanguard Materials ETF
VPU - Vanguard Utilities ETF

What do you guys do with your dividend payments? Do you automatically reinvest the funds?


tarius1210 said:
Purchases for next week:

SIRI - Sirius Satellite Radio (adding shares)
VAW - Vanguard Materials ETF
VPU - Vanguard Utilities ETF

What do you guys do with your dividend payments? Do you automatically reinvest the funds?

I automatically reinvest just because I don't receive enough to offset the fees from pooling them and buying more stuff. When I get to the point where I'm receiving multiple thousands per year in dividends, should that time hopefully come, I think it'll probably be more appropriate to let them accumulate in a sweep account or savings and reinvest them as opportunities present themselves.


For my RRSP it is reinvested of course, but otherwise I don't.

And btw, CAE did great this week, glad to see it continue to rise. I say it all the time, simulation is the future of education and formation all over the world! I'm glad to see them expand in medical and mining simulation.

TTWO dropped almost 10% recently, has been on a down trend since mid-February. Hoping to see this turn around, or a buyout:p
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