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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Because high oil prices leads to inflation which leads to people cutting back on spending which leads to recessions which leads to lower demand for oil which leads to lower prices for oil:p



A sobering note came from two top commodities bankers who spoke at the conference about inflation and prices. “All currencies are going down, and commodities prices are going up,” said one. Central bankers in the U.S. and Europe have flooded the market with so much money that they will inevitably face a choice between raising rates to dampen inflation, cratering the economy, or watch rising commodity prices do the same thing. Not a pretty picture.

Another banker discussed the relationship of a falling dollar to oil prices. “Oil doesn’t go up because the dollar is weak,” this banker said. “Dollar weakness just masks the impact. If the dollar price goes up in Brazil, the rising real masks the cost and there is no meaningful demand destruction. Other countries like China recycle their foreign trade imbalances and use dollars as fuel subsidies. There are a lot of things in force in the world right now that are hiding the price signals.”

Translation: The water’s getting hotter, degree by degree, but U.S. consumers won’t know they’re boiling until it’s too late.

Food prices have been going up big time too, and I had myself to cut down on that. Luckily I don't own a car.


I believe quantitative easing has helped to keep the reccesion we had in check. I also feel inflation will not be a major problem once The Fed raises rates either Q3 this year or Q1 2012.

If major inflation does occur you already have a hedge. Stocks that invest in commodies or commodity based stocks are great when trying to ward of inflation. Keep Exxon :)


ELTP.OB up to 0.12

God fucking dammit man.. I had a chance to buy at 0.05 200k shares and I didn't pull the trigger, I would have made a $14,000 profit in less than 2 weeks...

I feel like shit man.


Slayer-33 said:
ELTP.OB up to 0.12

God fucking dammit man.. I had a chance to buy at 0.05 200k shares and I didn't pull the trigger, I would have made a $14,000 profit in less than 2 weeks...

I feel like shit man.
Or, you could've lost $14,000. Trading penny stocks is gambling.


tarius1210 said:
Or, you could've lost $14,000. Trading penny stocks is gambling.

True but..


Anyway I'm done feeling bad, I need to educate myself alot more before I even think of diving into this.

Is $12k USD capital a good starting point for someone to start off?

I'm looking at some books on amazon... I want to become addicted in trading to make serious $$$ lol...
Slayer-33 said:
True but..


Anyway I'm done feeling bad, I need to educate myself alot more before I even think of diving into this.

Is $12k USD capital a good starting point for someone to start off?

I'm looking at some books on amazon... I want to become addicted in trading to make serious $$$ lol...

You can't beat yourself up over what you could've done. Everyone has situations like that and probably just as many moves that would've lost them money, so don't sweat it. You would've felt like a genius, sure, but as the guy said above me, penny stocks are literally gambling, I'd advise staying away (personally).

And yeah, $12K is more than enough. I made my first trade with $1K and its grown substantially since then, $12K will give you more than enough room to work with.


luckyboyceo said:
You can't beat yourself up over what you could've done. Everyone has situations like that and probably just as many moves that would've lost them money, so don't sweat it. You would've felt like a genius, sure, but as the guy said above me, penny stocks are literally gambling, I'd advise staying away (personally).

And yeah, $12K is more than enough. I made my first trade with $1K and its grown substantially since then, $12K will give you more than enough room to work with.

Thanks for the comments guys,

If anyone knows of any good beginner books or websites to learn from I would appreciate it.

I want to become really good at this, working with your money seems really appealing to me lol.


The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing, 2010 Edition - Jason Kelly; Paperback

Trend Following: How Great Traders Make Millions in Up or Down Markets, New Expanded Edition, (Paperback) - Michael W. Cove

Added these two to my cart on Amazon.


Rumors were that Monsanto was going to be bought out by BASF. BASF says it's not true. I hope it's true!


Not related to the stock market and not sure about making a whole new thread, I wanted to pick the GAF financial brain trust regarding savings accounts/CDs as a more risk averse approach towards saving.

I know the money earned potential is DRAMATICALLY reduced going this route but I recently read about laddering CDs and techniques such as that. I have about $15k in a shitty wells fargo standard savings account but I also have a credit union account with these guys, firstent.org. I was curious about people's thoughts on the APRs they offer and so forth. Advice about best banks offering the best interest rates on higher value savings accounts would be appreciated.

I want to take this approach now versus playing the stock market since I have zero clue about what I am doing and I might as well get the best return on my pile of money current sitting in a shitty standard savings account. Oh, and that $15k will just keep growing as I continue to receive my severance and keep saving. So that $15k will probably grow to $25k by July-ish simply by saving the money still coming to me.

Many Thanks!!!


What do you guys think of precious metals? I'm thinking of putting part of the money I pulled out in a mutual fund that has performed pretty well over the years (average of 16%) that is invested in precious metals. Only thing that worries me is that we could be at the top of a bubble, but who knows really. I would invest it through my tax-free savings account.

Whatever the case, it has a 1.2% fee and it pays annually. Otherwise I don't know what to do with the money other than put it in GICs with a shit 1.9% return rate.

CFMOORE! said:
Not related to the stock market and not sure about making a whole new thread, I wanted to pick the GAF financial brain trust regarding savings accounts/CDs as a more risk averse approach towards saving.

I know the money earned potential is DRAMATICALLY reduced going this route but I recently read about laddering CDs and techniques such as that. I have about $15k in a shitty wells fargo standard savings account but I also have a credit union account with these guys, firstent.org. I was curious about people's thoughts on the APRs they offer and so forth. Advice about best banks offering the best interest rates on higher value savings accounts would be appreciated.

I want to take this approach now versus playing the stock market since I have zero clue about what I am doing and I might as well get the best return on my pile of money current sitting in a shitty standard savings account. Oh, and that $15k will just keep growing as I continue to receive my severance and keep saving. So that $15k will probably grow to $25k by July-ish simply by saving the money still coming to me.

Many Thanks!!!

Compound interest calculator here, can be useful: http://www.moneychimp.com/calculator/compound_interest_calculator.htm

BTW the CAD side of the Investopedia game is broken...


Ether_Snake said:
What do you guys think of precious metals? I'm thinking of putting part of the money I pulled out in a mutual fund that has performed pretty well over the years (average of 16%) that is invested in precious metals. Only thing that worries me is that we could be at the top of a bubble, but who knows really. I would invest it through my tax-free savings account.

If China is a bubble, and China does pop, metals will go with it. I am not following metals, but if they are trading a significantly lower levels since the tsunami you might be safe.


Gas Guzzler
I think Precious Metals are getting close to a top, but we probably aren't there yet. If interest rates rise by a decent chunk that should knock the wind out of PMs.


Neo Member
Fatghost said:
I think Precious Metals are getting close to a top, but we probably aren't there yet. If interest rates rise by a decent chunk that should knock the wind out of PMs.
Why would we now be close to a top? No fundamentals for this bull market in precious metals have changed. For those who think prices have risen too much, remember gold went from $35 to $875 in the previous bull market.

bob page

What are the best tech/gaming stocks to invest in nowadays? I'm looking to open a new portfolio since I finally have some stable income.

bob page

Ether_Snake said:
Sold TTWO at 15.81. 52% profit. Can't wait for them to be bought out without risking losing more, so I sold.
I was planning on buying some TTWO in the near future- do you recommend that I hold off for now?

bob page

lolmark said:
I'm going to taking my first step into the stock trading game. I looked at a previous post regarding SSD technology. I've been looking at OCZ, but I can't tell if I should wait until the prices drop.

Any advice?
OCZ is tanking right now because of a bad report- down 12% so far on the day. Might want to check into buying now if you want a lower price.

Edit: make that -30%


Up 3.5% today, selling off stock that's sky rocketed in the last week. up 12% total in the neogaf investment challenge so far.
Sold ATVI for a 3% gain... so, owing to fees, broke even after holding it for 3.5 years. Just wanted to offload it, was sick of it. Not a good investment in the long run.

Also sold PEP at a 15% gain. Had PAS but it was bought out by PEP and my shares converted a while back. Was never happy about owning PEP, collected some dividends along the way and finally decided to sell it.

Part of this is because I bought a house recently. It left my cash-on-hand a bit lower than I prefer, so thought it'd be nice to have a little more liquidity and presented as a good excuse to cut my losers from my portfolio.

Still strongly considering buying BUSE in the next month or two. Almost went into OCZ earlier today, but by the time I realized they were down 30% they'd already started to recover.


lol, nice to see people looking at my portfolio and buying stuff. Someone just bought Halliburton after I rode the train and got 11% return in 3 days.

bob page

caliblue15 said:
lol, nice to see people looking at my portfolio and buying stuff. Someone just bought Halliburton after I rode the train and got 11% return in 3 days.
How do I look at other people's portfolios?


Black Canada Mafia
caliblue15 said:
Talking about the game, you can click rankings, then peoples names and see what they have. and how well they are doing.

I'm tanking! HALP

(I was supposed to buy Haliburton like, last friday, but I just noticed yesterday that it didn't go through :(. Then I tried again yesterday and it didn't go through again)

Edit: I think it's time I stop purchases with just a cursory glance at history, and maybe I should start shorting stocks. A few months ago I didn't know what that meant.


Kinitari said:
I'm tanking! HALP

(I was supposed to buy Haliburton like, last friday, but I just noticed yesterday that it didn't go through :(. Then I tried again yesterday and it didn't go through again)

Edit: I think it's time I stop purchases with just a cursory glance at history, and maybe I should start shorting stocks. A few months ago I didn't know what that meant.

I haven't bought on history at all. The most I look at are charts to compare highs and lows. I like to buy companies I know of, and then use a little help from good investors for hints on stocks that have potential to do well. I bought Halliburton cause they hired me, and they told me they were booming in activity. lol.

I also try to be diversish.. not all my stocks in the same area.

bob page said:
What's the "game?"


Investopedia.com neogaf investment simulator/game


bob page said:
I was planning on buying some TTWO in the near future- do you recommend that I hold off for now?

Difficult to say. The reason I held TTWO was because I believed that they would eventually be bought out, and still think this is highly likely, especially if either EA or Activision ends up performing below their own expectations in the future on the console front. TTWO is certainly better positioned today than it was back in GTAIV's days, they aren't a one-trick pony anymore. But I'm wondering if EA and Activision have the stomach to buy them, I don't think shareholders would be happy at all. On the other hand, Warner Brothers could buy them, since in their case they have been on a steady rise so buying TTWO would be seen as a positive move expected in an upward trend. In EA and Activision's case, it would be seen as desperation and an indication that their own lineups are not doing well enough.

So I can't say really. I think TTWO's biggest liabilities right now are future titles like LA Noire, which could do well or not well at all, Duke Nukem, and Max Payne which will likely not sell more than a game like Kain and Lynch. A new GTA is going to help but that has to be already factored into the price.

If it was to drop to 12$ or 13$ or so I think I would buy again.

edit: Wow, COOL at 3.73 uh? Nice for those who owned it in the low 1$:)

edit2: I have been performing badly in the game recently, not sure what happened with my Canadian stocks but basically they tanked. I placed some orders tonight, but I am now out of cash in the US account to buy anything else until I sell.


I enjoyed the almost 8% pop in INTC today. Bought in at about 18 back in September, plan on holding it for a long time. Also up about 18% of AMRC in the last month for some really unknown reason. I anticipated a good run from where I got in under $13.00 but it's been a crazy run.


Anno said:
I enjoyed the almost 8% pop in INTC today. Bought in at about 18 back in September, plan on holding it for a long time. Also up about 18% of AMRC in the last month for some really unknown reason. I anticipated a good run from where I got in under $13.00 but it's been a crazy run.
LOL...I've been holding Intel since it was $15 in '09. It hasn't moved much. I don't see it going to $30 anytime soon. The "pops" usually dissipate within a few weeks. Intel and Microsoft are so identical.


In both cases the stocks seem very disconnected from the underlying companies which are both doing quite well. Since they both pay a decent-to-good dividend I don't have a problem waiting for the market to catch up. It is puzzling though.


I knew I should have bought more of PBR two days ago when it tanked.

Still not feeling confident at all about this market. Even if it sucks seeing TTWO, ATVI and BHI continue to rise after I sold them, I'm glad I don't have as much money in stocks right now.


How is everyone in the game doing compared to the indexes? Does it figure in trading fees into the simulation's total return?


Javaman said:
How is everyone in the game doing compared to the indexes? Does it figure in trading fees into the simulation's total return?

I'm up 12.31% vs 5.84% of the S&P, and each trade is $20.


Ugh. I loaded up (beyond my typical long position) on AAPL at 321 on Monday. Sold some at 333 yesterday and 344 before close today. Make a nice profit but still pwned lol

This stock seems unstoppable


bob page said:
How do you guys feel about SIRI right now?

i'm eh on it, they did get the tim mcgraw channel... Though they are about to report earnings and alot of people say it could double... I just don't like cheap stocks that often, they can hurt you easily but also make you alot of money.

bob page

caliblue15 said:
i'm eh on it, they did get the tim mcgraw channel... Though they are about to report earnings and alot of people say it could double... I just don't like cheap stocks that often, they can hurt you easily but also make you alot of money.
True, but I don't really except it to do worse anytime soon. It's finally profitable and they're getting more a more subscribers from deals with car companies and such.
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