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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


I haven't been monitoring my portfolio, but it looks like it crashed for a few weeks and has recovered this week, only one stock in the red.


I'm surprised in all the RIM takeover speculation, very few people are talking about Lenovo - already very enterprise-orientated with the Thinkpad business and little to no presence in the smartphone market outside of China.

Are they a contender or do they simply don't have the $$$ to pull it off?

Sounds more viable than some of these crackpot theories floating around though... SAP? Really?


Bought some more PBR.

Still wondering what tapping in the strategic oil reserves really means. It sort of came out of nowhere, and I recall no mention that it would be a likely option come this summer if the Lybian situation was not resolved, yet suddenly it was decided out of nowhere. Either the US feels the situation in Lybia is going to get worst or last longer than anticipated, or they are finally admitting that the cost of necessary expenditures is what is keeping the economy down and are ready to act.


Ether_Snake said:
caliblue15 how come you are up so much in the Investopedia game? Every time I look at your stocks they aren't doing THAT good.

Gallbaro: How did you make all those picks? They turned out all great except for MERC and DSX.

How'd I do?

Anyway I picked them according to the Fama French model, exactly how I said I would. Low P/E stocks that also have a smaller market cap.

Edit: I have not touched that portfolio. USMO is the only stock in my real portfolio that I did fundamentals on.


Ether_Snake said:
What's small market cap to you? Below 1 billion?
Usually I keep it at $2 billion and below, and I like that to be close to the EV as well. The smaller the market cap though, when dealing with real money, the more research I have to put into that company.


Ether_Snake said:
What's small market cap to you? Below 1 billion?

$1B is a good starting point. Anything in that range I put a lot of extra research into if possible, though. Raven Industries is the only stock I hold with such a small market cap, and that's only because it's been around for a very long time. There are very few small cap Dividend Aristocrats out there. Plus I like agriculture as a whole in the coming years.


Ether_Snake said:
caliblue15 how come you are up so much in the Investopedia game? Every time I look at your stocks they aren't doing THAT good.

Gallbaro: How did you make all those picks? They turned out all great except for MERC and DSX.

My stocks in the last two weeks crashed, they are all up now. With Halliburton up 5% today. I had been buying stocks, then selling them whenever they get about 5%, been holding onto them now as alot of stocks went crazy after I sold them. I think I'll sell all my stocks above 10% which NFLX is above now.

I also stopped paying attention in those two weeks as I got a new job.


You're up 25%, that's crazy.

I haven't been investing in the investopedia game like I do in real life, thankfully. Usually the "method" I follow is look for low P/E stocks which have tanked around 15% over a relatively short period of time after a rather well-sustained rise, as long as said dip was not market-wide. I usually look at anything over 1B market cap.

All I'm doing right now though is adding to stocks I own, if they fell a bit, which is why I bought PBR today.

Right now this is where I stand (note that I offloaded a lot of my winning stocks recently so I'm not left with many winners):

ERTS: +34%
CAE: +18.75%
XOM: +6.6%
GLD: -3%
MON: -5.75%
SWY: -6.4%
PBR: -6.7%
STP: -56.7%

Portfolio value: -1.8%


ERTS up 6%. Wonder why. Whatever the case I'm happy.

Forgot Monsanto earnings were today, it's up 4.5%, should have added.


Junior Member
I bought a share in Mastercard on Monday as part of my initial portfolio (just opened a trading account last week). Feels good man.


BTW I suggest reading this four-part article on China:


Part 1, 2 and 3 are available at the bottom.

From part 4:

Instead, China’s most likely reaction -- to focus still more on exports -- will exacerbate its hard landing. If consumer spending doesn’t increase substantially in the next few years, China will have a serious problem using all the industrial capacity it has built, partly to keep people employed. Capacity is mushrooming so rapidly that even in China’s booming economy, most manufacturers are still seeing flat or falling utilization rates.

This unused capacity portends weak profits and trouble for the loans that financed it. My judgment is that it will once again be used for exports aimed at the U.S. and Europe. And once again, this will add to global excess supply and put downward pressure on prices.

Then China, along with other export-dependent emerging economies, will be competing fiercely in a world of slow growth and deflation.

This is something I've been saying since early 2009. China is in a situation similar to the one the US was in before the great depression. It has excess capacity as a result of falling demand abroad. I've been saying that deflation is inevitable and necessary because the global economy is facing a crisis that results from unbalanced trade. China is an entity that is too dissimilar to its competitors: it has a huge population, a low currency value, and it can enforce on its workforce low wages and deprive them from social services and the right to unionize. This results in unfair competition, but thanks to credit and loans it takes time for its trading partners to feel the negative impact of this unfair competition, and hence it takes time for the consumers that sustains the demand for its products to be negatively affected as well. But eventually the balance falls apart, and demand is crushed, resulting in excess capacity in China.

Excess capacity leads to deflation due to companies' unsold inventories and low utilization rate of its machinery. It's like starting a business, everything is going well so you expand it, and then suddenly everyone lost their jobs. It can only have a deflationary impact on your prices.

Any inflation we have seen is short-term; it cannot last unless world trading partners are more balanced with one another. Even oil prices can't remain high without a bull economy to back demand.

This is why we keep hearing about austerity measures. Our governments know they cannot wait for China to become equal to themselves (higher valued currency, more expensive workforce, etc.). So they are enforcing measures that will make themselves more competitive. The US wants a weaker dollar and a cheaper workforce, Europe wants to cut on its population's social benefits and privatize, etc. It's all a race to the bottom in classic capitalist fashion. We're all employees of our nation-corporations and the nation-corporations are putting in place cost-cutting measures, trying to make us more competitive.


And now SWY is up another 14%. That's almost 30% in two days:)

edit: d'oh, it's Canada day, lol


LNKD went from 63 to 96 in 15 days. Good for my buddy who ended up buying it at 102.


Ether_Snake said:
LNKD went from 63 to 96 in 15 days. Good for my buddy who ended up buying it at 102.
Like most rookies I'm sure LNKD will get back to 102 and he'll hold on with dreams of 200.

Then it'll plummet a week later.

If he asks you for advice tell him to sell when he gets his money back. If he doesn't then I'd keep my mouth shut. Market needs fish, unfortunately.


Unconfirmed Member
Has anybody come across any good links of analysis/opinion on what could happen to stocks ahead of debt ceiling garbage? Considering dumping some of my stock ahead of August 2.
caliblue15 said:
If that's the case. SELL SELL SELL. I joined halfway, so I'm happy where I am.

I'm only up 1.5%. ERTS being my saving grace. I make a lot of blind commodity investments just so I could track them easily over the last 4 months. Suffice to say gold mining companies continue to suck, I don't know why they never bounced back like gold did.


ChefRamsay said:
Like most rookies I'm sure LNKD will get back to 102 and he'll hold on with dreams of 200.

Then it'll plummet a week later.

If he asks you for advice tell him to sell when he gets his money back. If he doesn't then I'd keep my mouth shut. Market needs fish, unfortunately.

Yeah he himself had told me he would like two or three days after he bought it, still says he will.


Just put a stop market order on Netflix for 285. I got it at 242, so even though I haven't had much money to invest as a whole, I will make around 300 bucks. I'm happy with that, seeing as I'm a fairly poor, college student. YAY!


Dartastic said:
Just put a stop market order on Netflix for 285. I got it at 242, so even though I haven't had much money to invest as a whole, I will make around 300 bucks. I'm happy with that, seeing as I'm a fairly poor, college student. YAY!

Yep, I bought NFLX at 235 it's at 289 now, up 8% today. I'm up a total of 6.5% today, and 42% for the entire simulation game. I'm just holding on to stocks now that the game ends on July 7th.

Kind of wish I bought real stock in it, NFLX has just been amazing up 23.5% since I bought it April 26th.


caliblue15 said:
Yep, I bought NFLX at 235 it's at 289 now, up 8% today. I'm up a total of 6.5% today, and 42% for the entire simulation game. I'm just holding on to stocks now that the game ends on July 7th.

Kind of wish I bought real stock in it, NFLX has just been amazing up 23.5% since I bought it April 26th.

You're now up over 40%.

Want to manage my investments?:p


Ether_Snake said:
You're now up over 40%.

Want to manage my investments?:p

Lol, i've always been good at this for some odd reason, i really don't know why. I haven't started really investing yet cause I'm only just now out of college, but I'm afraid if I really did it, I would never get the returns I get in these simulations.


If you play the same way, you probably would:) How do you decide on your picks?


Ether_Snake said:
If you play the same way, you probably would:) How do you decide on your picks?

I pick companies I like and I know are performing well in their field. That's the base of my madness, I had been using fool.com for some research and suggestions of companies. Really wish I would have jumped on Buffalo Wild Wings, it's up 23% since April 26th or so, and I was warned it would blow up, but as we all know that's said a million times in this industry.

I also look at charts and when I find a company I like I wait for the fall, then buy on the low, cause I know it'll go back up.


caliblue15 said:
I pick companies I like and I know are performing well in their field. That's the base of my madness, I had been using fool.com for some research and suggestions of companies. Really wish I would have jumped on Buffalo Wild Wings, it's up 23% since April 26th or so, and I was warned it would blow up, but as we all know that's said a million times in this industry.

I also look at charts and when I find a company I like I wait for the fall, then buy on the low, cause I know it'll go back up.

Similar to what I do in real life, where I do much much better than in this game:)


So the winners are:

1. caliblue15: +45.54%
2. Gallbaro: +20.81%
3. Kinitari: +12.52%

I ended up in 18...

Let's do this again:)


Ether_Snake said:
So the winners are:

1. caliblue15: +45.54%
2. Gallbaro: +20.81%
3. Kinitari: +12.52%

I ended up in 18...

Let's do this again:)

I'm in. I say we make it longer this time though. If you could make it this time, that'd be great. I honestly don't have the 5 mins it takes to set it up :(


dudeworld said:
I'm in. I say we make it longer this time though. If you could make it this time, that'd be great. I honestly don't have the 5 mins it takes to set it up :(

I will as soon as I take the time to:)

BTW who is thinking of selling right now? I don't like the idea of getting rid of CAE, I like this company, and ERTS too, but I made good profits on both and I'm thinking the days ahead aren't very bright for the economy. I still need my cashdown for an eventual condo purchase, so it would go into that.

I think we will have a double-dip recession, or at least a lost decade.


Ether_Snake said:
I will as soon as I take the time to:)

BTW who is thinking of selling right now? I don't like the idea of getting rid of CAE, I like this company, and ERTS too, but I made good profits on both and I'm thinking the days ahead aren't very bright for the economy. I still need my cashdown for an eventual condo purchase, so it would go into that.

I think we will have a double-dip recession, or at least a lost decade.
LOL. There are no economic indicators out there that have the U.S. or Canada heading for a double-dip recession. North America and most countries will have positive GDP growth this year and are poised to do the same next year.

Why would you even think about getting rid of CAE or ERTS. Let your winners run.



Because jobs won't be created, because the fundamentals haven't changed. The governments are ALL doing the wrong thing. They should be doing price control on energy, fund major transportation projects that will make it easier for people to move around and live outside the big cities, and doing major regulatory and tax reforms. That's how you fix this economy. Instead we are now in stupid land where it's a fight against taxes, a fight against wages, a fight against the middle class, all things which just help the rich for some time and eventually destroys the middle class enough to bring the whole economy down.

And Canada will be impacted by slowing growth in China.

And Europe is putting itself in a deeper mess every month.

BTW can you guys join the game? I just created it, it will start Monday and end November 11. I know it's not very long I think if it was longer people wouldn't pay attention around the holiday period and maybe then not come back.


Re: double-dip recession. My dad is worried its going to happen. The US Unemployment rate is going back up, they're also in deep debt, speculation around printing money and huge inflation. Greece may default on their loans, rumours of Spain doing the same. So he's hedging his investments in gold right now.

Personally, I wouldn't be going all bear on big companies right now, but I am looking at picking the right horses. I wish I could have bought into ERTS 6 months ago. I think they have nowhere to go but up still, although they might drop a little at next quarterly report.


TheRagnCajun said:

Re: double-dip recession. My dad is worried its going to happen. The US Unemployment rate is going back up, they're also in deep debt, speculation around printing money and huge inflation. Greece may default on their loans, rumours of Spain doing the same. So he's hedging his investments in gold right now.

Personally, I wouldn't be going all bear on big companies right now, but I am looking at picking the right horses. I wish I could have bought into ERTS 6 months ago. I think they have nowhere to go but up still, although they might drop a little at next quarterly report.

All the pieces are in place for worst than we have seen so far. We are still in a "maybe the economy will pick up" phase, but soon enough it will be "ok, there will be undeniably be years of no growth". The stock market reflects the future + speculation, both of which will have no choice but to get a wake up call soon enough.
Ether_Snake said:
All the pieces are in place for worst than we have seen so far. We are still in a "maybe the economy will pick up" phase, but soon enough it will be "ok, there will be undeniably be years of no growth". The stock market reflects the future + speculation, both of which will have no choice but to get a wake up call soon enough.

I think we're in the 'slow growth' phase. I think the common wisdom these days is that growth will be modest, or stagnant for the next year or two. Double-dip doomsayers are still a minority though.


Yeah, I'm with you TRC.

The major issues that the market has on it's plate right now are: Euro-zone debt, U.S. debt ceiling, and job growth.


The thing is, slow growth will lead to much bigger issues, especially with China. If China slows down its demand, then this would be something entirely new and likely to last for some time. This is not something we have yet gone through, and it isn't reflected in the markets.

edit: Come on guys join the game. http://simulator.investopedia.com/Portfolio/?gameid=151241


ERTS tanking 4% in AH after announcing that they are buying Popcap.

Good fit for EA. Not enough of a significant drop for me to add though.

And join the game!
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