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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


relies on auto-aim
I need some (6) very safe stocks to put my money in for a month.
It's fake money, so don't worry. Ideas? Everything seems to be going down.

I don't even know where to begin. Last time I put money into DCSYX when I needed a 6th stock.

*Also shooting myself for buying to cover COOL at $3.30 when I had sold short at $3.90
It's at 2.50 now


Hazaro said:
I need some (6) very safe stocks to put my money in for a month.
It's fake money, so don't worry. Ideas? Everything seems to be going down.

I don't even know where to begin. Last time I put money into DCSYX when I needed a 6th stock.

*Also shooting myself for buying to cover COOL at $3.30 when I had sold short at $3.90
It's at 2.50 now

PM/MO seem to be holding strong recently. O as well, maybe. REITs seem to be holding on strong as a whole for some reason.


Hazaro said:
I need some (6) very safe stocks to put my money in for a month.
It's fake money, so don't worry. Ideas? Everything seems to be going down.

I don't even know where to begin. Last time I put money into DCSYX when I needed a 6th stock.

Coca-cola and any 5 Canadian banks you can find (TD, CIBC, BMO, BNS, RY).

(serious post)


I sold 160 out of my 260 shares of ERTS. I'm keeping the remaining 100.


Ether_Snake said:
COOL up 17%. Dang.


Guys tell me why it would be a bad idea to put a good amount of money in GLD. I don't want to risk this money much, I just need to put it aside for some time, and I can't imagine that it would tank and stay down for much over a year. At worst I'm thinking my return will be 0%, which is not an issue. But it seems more likely that it would at least appreciate some.

What do you guys think?


Ether_Snake said:
Guys tell me why it would be a bad idea to put a good amount of money in GLD. I don't want to risk this money much, I just need to put it aside for some time, and I can't imagine that it would tank and stay down for much over a year. At worst I'm thinking my return will be 0%, which is not an issue. But it seems more likely that it would at least appreciate some.

What do you guys think?
Check out what it did during the 80s. People who invested then lost a shit-ton of money and couldn't break even for 25 years. If there's a chance this is a bubble, (And personally I feel strongly enough to short it if I had tghe extra money) then it would be a horrible investment.


Well then I'm gonna have to find something to put that money in:|
Ether_Snake said:
Guys tell me why it would be a bad idea to put a good amount of money in GLD. I don't want to risk this money much, I just need to put it aside for some time, and I can't imagine that it would tank and stay down for much over a year. At worst I'm thinking my return will be 0%, which is not an issue. But it seems more likely that it would at least appreciate some.

What do you guys think?

All I know is when you start thinking "Well, the worst I can do is no gain, right?", then you're not thinking of the worst case scenario.

It's an investment. Investments can lose money. Treasuries are the safest investment you can make, and even those have a chance of default.


i bought a certain stock about $3.30 and it went up to 3.75 over a couple weeks. i put in stop sell order yesterday at 3.65 to protect my 10% while hoping it keeps goin up. so it climbs to 3.80, hangs around there for a bit, then for about 5 seconds drops to 3.65 exactly before climbing back up to 3.80 to close. triggered my sale at 3.65, and i lose on the extra 5%.

i know you're not supposed to take this shit personally but really? it really hit my exact stop sell price for 5 seconds just to fuck me? not a penny higher or lower? it's hard to believe there isn't some troll-face somewhere pushing all the buttons in these situations....


People who invested in gold in the 80s were ridiculed a lot I'm sure. But those who managed to stick through the wild swings were rewarded immensely for keeping it as a long term investment. The reality is it's being regarded more and more as a legitimate form of money by countries all over these days, looking to get away from the crumbling value of paper fiat currencies.

It will definitely go higher this year, the trend hasn't changed yet. That said, the rises and corrections will swing even more. If your timing is bad it will suck. Probably best to avoid it if you can't stomach that. Or just ride the waves! Next year will be interesting times for the markets.


diddles said:
i know you're not supposed to take this shit personally but really? it really hit my exact stop sell price for 5 seconds just to fuck me? not a penny higher or lower? it's hard to believe there isn't some troll-face somewhere pushing all the buttons in these situations....

Yep it's called stop running. Hedge funds and market makers can see them and will take them out. If they see a lot of stops around a certain price it's profitable for them to push it there and resume upwards or downwards. It happens more on thinly traded stocks.
diddles said:
i bought a certain stock about $3.30 and it went up to 3.75 over a couple weeks. i put in stop sell order yesterday at 3.65 to protect my 10% while hoping it keeps goin up. so it climbs to 3.80, hangs around there for a bit, then for about 5 seconds drops to 3.65 exactly before climbing back up to 3.80 to close. triggered my sale at 3.65, and i lose on the extra 5%.

i know you're not supposed to take this shit personally but really? it really hit my exact stop sell price for 5 seconds just to fuck me? not a penny higher or lower? it's hard to believe there isn't some troll-face somewhere pushing all the buttons in these situations....

The lesson here is to avoid stop losses.


vpance said:
People who invested in gold in the 80s were ridiculed a lot I'm sure. But those who managed to stick through the wild swings were rewarded immensely for keeping it as a long term investment. The reality is it's being regarded more and more as a legitimate form of money by countries all over these days, looking to get away from the crumbling value of paper fiat currencies.

It will definitely go higher this year, the trend hasn't changed yet. That said, the rises and corrections will swing even more. If your timing is bad it will suck. Probably best to avoid it if you can't stomach that. Or just ride the waves! Next year will be interesting times for the markets.

I might just put some money in my tax-free account in GLD, and the rest will just sit in my account I guess. I'll need the money in less than a year.
snack said:
ATVI, you crazy beast.

Damn it! I read about that COD Elite bullshit last night and didn't even think of the stock; that would have made a fine little day trade. Oh well, no coulda woulda shoulda in this game.


Don't buy the hype on ATVI. They are just reinforcing the fact that all their eggs are in the same basket.

Unless they buy Valve they are pretty much fucked IMO.


Woohoo, Had an amazing day, stocks are finally going up again, instead of being wish washy like the last week and a half. up 21.5% now, if only JAZZ would break even I'd be up even more.


So a friend of mine has obviously been wrong about almost every pick he was talking about. A lot of Canadian penny stocks, all of which have gone downhill since (things I wouldn't touch in real life, but invested in on Investopedia, hence why I'm dead last on the Canadian ranking! lol...) and a few others.

He bought LNKD on day one. I ask him at how much he paid, he says "50". I say bullshit, no way he bought it under 80-something at least. He tells me "101".

I tell him I'm not touching internet stocks outside of Google and Amazon and explain why (Have you guys ever heard of a website that made a comeback after seeing its user-base fall? NO! So why should we expect the opposite for a site's stock value? And that's not even getting into the details specific to LNKD's value). He says he thinks it's big and that they'll be bought out, but then says he's gonna wait for it to go back up to 102 and sell. It was at in the 90s when he told me that. It's now at 78.

I feel sorry for him:( I like the guy, but I feel bad for people who lose so much money trying to make a small fortune.


Ether_Snake said:
So a friend of mine has obviously been wrong about almost every pick he was talking about. A lot of Canadian penny stocks, all of which have gone downhill since (things I wouldn't touch in real life, but invested in on Investopedia, hence why I'm dead last on the Canadian ranking! lol...) and a few others.

He bought LNKD on day one. I ask him at how much he paid, he says "50". I say bullshit, no way he bought it under 80-something at least. He tells me "101".

I tell him I'm not touching internet stocks outside of Google and Amazon and explain why (Have you guys ever heard of a website that made a comeback after seeing its user-base fall? NO! So why should we expect the opposite for a site's stock value? And that's not even getting into the details specific to LNKD's value). He says he thinks it's big and that they'll be bought out, but then says he's gonna wait for it to go back up to 102 and sell. It was at in the 90s when he told me that. It's now at 78.

I feel sorry for him:( I like the guy, but I feel bad for people who lose so much money trying to make a small fortune.

Ouch =/ That sucks.

I'm sitting at about 30% cash right now and doing some side work to raise more. With the last 5 weeks or so slowly grinding stuff lower things are starting to look much more tempting. Specifically I'm looking at Aflac around current levels (though I wouldn't mind additional pullbacks), adding to Intel around $21.00 or lower, getting into Philip Morris around $67 if possible and Waste Management around $36-$37. Chevron is starting to look tasty below $100 as well, though the recent craziness in the oil/dollar markets makes it hard to predict near-term. Basically looking to get into or double-down on the more stable, dividend-paying 6-9% growth stocks.
Good day today, ERTS has been trading in a solid downward channel for the past week, so I sold short at the end of the day yesterday and covered this morning for a very solid gain. Today's daily chart looks like a cup-and-handle in the making, so I bought long at the end of the day today, we'll see how that goes.


Can anyone explain why Nintendo still trades on the Pinks outside of Japan?

If smaller Japanese-based gaming corps like Konami are on the NYSE and the TYO, why isn't Nintendo there or on the NASDAQ? Seems so silly but there *must* be a good reason.


What a slaughter, markets are doing horrible. Glad I have been offloading in the past months. I want to put some more cash in PBR but screw this for now, not putting money in anything.


I am starting to buy back into gaming stock, Nintendo is one because its going to rebound eventually. Sony is a really iffy, Microsoft is just there for stability. Any other gaming stock out there anyone thinks is going to go up in the coming year?


My feeling is right now people are losing hope that things will turn around.

Watch markets collapse as people pull their money out.


Gas Guzzler
Ether_Snake said:
My feeling is right now people are losing hope that things will turn around.

Watch markets collapse as people pull their money out.

My feeling is that it's June 2010 all over again.


Ether_Snake said:
My feeling is right now people are losing hope that things will turn around.

Watch markets collapse as people pull their money out.

Don't give in to that =/ Those feelings are why people almost invariably buy high and sell low. These are the doldrums of every investing year, perhaps prodded on by batshit crazy politicians the world over. Keep some cash ready to get in on companies that'll ride through without a hitch and let some of your dividends reinvest at lower multiples. This is the first time in months I've actually had a few stocks come back to levels where I'd consider buying in or adding.


Gas Guzzler
Anno said:
Don't give in to that =/ Those feelings are why people almost invariably buy high and sell low. These are the doldrums of every investing year, perhaps prodded on by batshit crazy politicians the world over. Keep some cash ready to get in on companies that'll ride through without a hitch and let some of your dividends reinvest at lower multiples. This is the first time in months I've actually had a few stocks come back to levels where I'd consider buying in or adding.

I agree.


I guess you guys are right:eek:

no I don't, just hope. I think we are at the height of a drop, so low prices aren't actually low yet


I'm going full bear on the investopedia game. Glad my return rate there is totally not like my real-life return rate, holy shit lol! I have been doing terrible in this game.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Ether_Snake said:
I guess you guys are right:eek:

no I don't, just hope. I think we are at the height of a drop, so low prices aren't actually low yet


I'm going full bear on the investopedia game. Glad my return rate there is totally not like my real-life return rate, holy shit lol! I have been doing terrible in this game.

I'm not seeing it. The United States with current trends will go brankrupt hard, and it will hit the world. But by the time that happens the US will be < 10% of the world GDP. Just diversify. Timing market collapses is just as risky as gambling on bull markets.

People are bad at predicting tomorrow's weather. Predicting the world economy in 5 years is a whole level above that.

If your time horizon is more than 10 years, you should be 100% stocks. Worst case we have a great depression, and in that scenario you make your money back in 8 years.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Anno said:
Don't give in to that =/ Those feelings are why people almost invariably buy high and sell low. These are the doldrums of every investing year, perhaps prodded on by batshit crazy politicians the world over. Keep some cash ready to get in on companies that'll ride through without a hitch and let some of your dividends reinvest at lower multiples. This is the first time in months I've actually had a few stocks come back to levels where I'd consider buying in or adding.


What I do:
1. Always invest 6% into 401k, 5k into IRA per year.
2. Keep several thousand around, pay off debts, save up for house.
3. During recession, after the market has tanked, immediately max IRA asap, triple 401k rate until market is close to it's previous peak.
4. When buying IRA, I buy my weakest performer to try to even things out. Chances are they'll bounce back and long term have the same performance, so this is buying low.
5. Haven't had to rebalance my 401k yet, not enough money in it for it to deviate significantly from my allocation %.

That's the most timing I'll do. When DOW was 9k a few years ago, I tripled my rate. It went down to 6.7k for a while, sure, but my investments were per paycheck. I rode a huge wave back.

I'm a long term index fund investor with little hands on management. It's like a really, really long game of civ. If I had more time to manage stuff on a monthly basis, I would read financial data from companies and understand their industry and make an educated guess on who is undervalued. Too much time with an engineering job to do that.

I can say with certainty that you won't get a bit of knowledge from CNBC or any of the financial media. That's like reading science articles on CNN or MSNBC, or thinking wrestling is real.


May contain jokes =>
Well, I just sold the 134 shares off DD that my grandfather gave me when I was born. I apologize for being one of the cut and run panic people with the market as it is right now, but I'm really not in a position to take any risks. I need the money for rent for the last two years or so of college. I told myself $50 was the point where I'd sell, and I did. I'm not going to worry about why I didn't sell at $57, nor will I be looking at the stock price in the future. It's still $6700 I desperately need and didn't have yesterday.

Thanks to Stock-GAF for the commentary. Though I rarely if ever posted I appreciated the discussion and thoughts over the last year or so while I sat on this.
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