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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


TheRagnCajun said:
Doubt it will get anywhere close to that. I'm curious what it will close at today though.
I should have clarified stating that the DOW might look like 2008 this week.
The market was too high. I bought lots of good stocks today.

The only problem i see in canada is when the housing bubble is gonna burst (soon i hope) and our exportations.


The Power Of Snap said:
The market was too high. I bought lots of good stocks today.

The only problem i see in canada is when the housing bubble is gonna burst (soon i hope) and our exportations.
I dunno man. $600,000 lots in my neighbourhood are still selling by the day.


Wow I thought the market was about to make a swing their for upwards to end the day but damn it turned brutal again really fast.


The Power Of Snap said:
The market was too high. I bought lots of good stocks today.

The only problem i see in canada is when the housing bubble is gonna burst (soon i hope) and our exportations.

Canadian housing market is stilling growing because of foreign investment. Makes a lot of sense to invest in Canadian real estate instead of the market if a foreigner. I dont think the bubble will burst equally everywhere. Toronto condo market will eventually burst as it is extremely overinflated. Its hard to see huge collapse in prices for real estate in the suburbs or other parts of toronto.


bender_84 said:
Wow I thought the market was about to make a swing their for upwards to end the day but damn it turned brutal again really fast.
Problems don't fix themselves overnight.

The bubble burst.


pestul said:
Double-digit dips for a few big corps today, including BAC.

Sold off my BAC (for a loss) 2 weeks ago.
Now that loss I took is looking pretty good. I'll just write it off on my taxes and lol.


claviertekky said:
Problems don't fix themselves overnight.

The bubble burst.

Oh I know that. I just know the market isn't always logical either. I've seen plenty of times when the market rebounds in the same day for absolutely no reason....The news/report/event that sent the markets lower in the morning didn't seem to matter to the market/investors later in the afternoon....go figure.

Edit: And I'm hoping it continues to go down. There's no reason for the markets to recover right now considering the economic situations going on right now. It needed a correction anyways.


I knew I was right when I said a couple of months ago that I needed to sell. I did sell a lot of stuff, but not as much as I should have, and bought some more of stocks I already owned. At least I didn,t reinvest everything. But I wish I had sold to have the cash I need for my condo purchase.


Ether_Snake said:
I knew I was right when I said a couple of months ago that I needed to sell. I did sell a lot of stuff, but not as much as I should have, and bought some more of stocks I already owned. At least I didn,t reinvest everything. But I wish I had sold to have the cash I need for my condo purchase.

hindsight is 20/20
Ether_Snake said:
I knew I was right when I said a couple of months ago that I needed to sell. I did sell a lot of stuff, but not as much as I should have, and bought some more of stocks I already owned. At least I didn,t reinvest everything. But I wish I had sold to have the cash I need for my condo purchase.

Same here, in hindsight. I sold about 25% of my holdings in the last half year. Some out of choice, others out of force (company got bought). Using those proceeds now to buy stocks during these panic days.

I've used about 25% of my cash in the last three or four trading sessions. So I have about 75% of it left. I'll hold for now unless the Dow starts reaching 10.5.

Bought some more stock today.

Edit - At 10.5, I'll probably do another 25%. At 9.something, another 25%. Then the last of it at 8 something.

If it ever gets that low. I already have a list of three companies I'd like to invest into, just waiting for the right price.

While I wait, I'll gauge more companies.


Got my clock cleaned on "Bloody Monday".

My portfolio is down -0.52%. I started investing again June 2010 and at my peak (June 2011) was up 20%. I was very conserative and now have nothing to show for it :-(
I saw the small upturn on Friday and said "NOW IS A GOOD A TIME AS ANY", and bought the conservative shares I've been eying.

ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS is my day's loss on the first day of investing.

I'm sure it won't matter 15-20 years when I intend to withdrawal them, but CRIPES.
meltingparappa said:
I saw the small upturn on Friday and said "NOW IS A GOOD A TIME AS ANY", and bought the conservative shares I've been eying.

ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS is my day's loss on the first day of investing.

I'm sure it won't matter 15-20 years when I intend to withdrawal them, but CRIPES.

It takes hits to learn from. If I were you though, I would have put my money in gradually instead of what it seems like all at once. Some prescribe by the "thirds" mentality. They buy in 1/3 in the beginning. Wait a bit, then do another 1/3, then wait some more and do their last 1/3rd. It helps to balance out the daily fluctuations and help minimize freak-out when you lose or gain X amount the next day.

If it makes you feel any better, here's how I went today:
-$2,726.91. Every single stock is in the red.

Last couple of weeks I'm probably at about -6K.

I don't have that much invested, but am building my positions out.

Edit - Also, it's a paper loss. The loss is not real until you sell.
SlipperySlope said:
It takes hits to learn from. If I were you though, I would have put my money in gradually instead of what it seems like all at once. Some prescribe by the "thirds" mentality. They buy in 1/3 in the beginning. Wait a bit, then do another 1/3, then wait some more and do their last 1/3rd. It helps to balance out the daily fluctuations and help minimize freak-out when you lose or gain X amount the next day.

If it makes you feel any better, here's how I went today:
-$2,726.91. Every single stock is in the red.
Yeah, I absolutely should taken your advice of the gradually investing it in retrospect, but I opted for an index fund with a fairly large minimum purchase and it made me antsy to max out my Roth IRA contribution as well. It was perhaps too modest an amount to split up, or so I told myself, but I can see this past week being the exact reason why it's a wise strategy.

Fortunately I'm not actually upset by it because I'm under a deep assumption that on a long enough timeline, it'll eventually swing back and even out. Plus as you pointed out, my paltry paper losses most likely pale in comparison to you and the others here.

I can see how it's not for the faint hearted, but this is surely an exhilarating roller coaster ride that I've just stepped on. It's funny how quickly I now care about the economy!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So when am I going to stop dropping $12,000 a day, GAF? :(
So my prediction is tomorrow will be +500, another tanking on Wednesday and then another +400 on Thursday.

Aka: 2008 roller coaster redux.

Friday may be a black friday (-700) or a pause (+/-100)

Whos with me?
Angry Grimace said:
So when am I going to stop dropping $12,000 a day, GAF? :(

You think you have it bad. Just did an excel lineup on some of my fairly recent IPO's in my portfolio. Now to be fair some were in the red but we're beginning to show progress 6 months ago.


$ Market Value

$ Profit/Loss

% Profit/Loss


jamesinclair said:
So my prediction is tomorrow will be +500, another tanking on Wednesday and then another +400 on Thursday.

Aka: 2008 roller coaster redux.

Friday may be a black friday (-700) or a pause (+/-100)

Whos with me?
Japan is down another 3.5% for Tuesday.. I see another -300pt drop on the DOW tomorrow. Its mostly reactionary to the US market today, but it almost seems to be snowballing.


Down another 8.2k today. :eek:P


Overall down 26k. This shit is getting soooo cheap.


Only down 5.2% today. Yay? Anyone else really wish shit would calm down so they could snatch a few deals? Some of the bigger dividend payers are getting insanely cheap.


I can't believe so many of you have large amounts of cash in the market. You'll all get temporary relief when QE3 is announced, but just like the first two QE's that will only temporarily inflate the market. I'll continue to hold my position in precious metals and watch those numbers climb as the market bombs, but I sure as hell wouldn't be buying any stocks until they announce QE3. Those of you that are buying stocks without that official announcement are asking to lose money. The best bets are gold, silver, and mining stocks right now. Good luck to those of you still playing around in this market ;)


What I have been hammering for some time is that the economy has not been fixed in any way, shape, or form. You got the Fed on one end just trying to keep the stock market up hoping that the economy will eventually pick up on its own, never putting pressure on the government to solve anything because that would go against the capitalists-extremists' moto of "a good government is no government", and you have the government hoping that the Fed's tricks will do the job and that the economy will pick up on its own, before the elections come.

But the problems are not addressed at all. I said it before: China remains too competitive because it can exercise pressure on its competitiveness like democracies can't. This is why trading with non-democracies should have been established as being against any form of international trade agreements decades ago. Now it's too late.

And since governments are mostly run by right-wingers and have been for at least a decade now in most Western countries, regardless of what they say on the campaign trail, we have no governments doing what has ALWAYS worked in the past, which is having governments support the economy directly when it's down. The only thing governments are doing is passing austerity measures, trying to speed up the balancing act with China because they can no longer wait after China to become less competitive. They want to force us to become more competitive as soon as possible.

So their only actions are actions that will worsen the economy. It's going to make the middle class more risk-averse, even paranoid towards economic stability and they'll cut back on spending and creativity, innovation, and market confidence is going to remain atrophied.

Sure on the short term markets will go back up, for the same reason that gamblers end up winning again after major losses. This is in no way an indication that things are getting better. Most people don't get it, as it has been proven countless times over the past few years, and the stock market simply reflects people's beliefs, which are mostly on the ridiculous and deluded end. People invest like poker players.

That's why the only time I'll feel confidence to invest in this market, enough to not watch stock tickers every day, is when governments realize that the free market won't fix itself. It needs government intervention at a local level, not some miraculous global solution which will never work anyway. Individual countries must try to turn things around regardless of what it means for others. And that's why we aren't seeing this so far, for the same reason the IMF and co. will attack any countries that doesn't follow their line, any country that seeks solutions by itself for itself.

If back in 2008 countries had said a big fuck you to everyone and actually decided to support their economies locally with massive spending where it is needed most (increase worker mobility and improve access to affordable energy, which both would have created countless jobs since and improved the economy for everyone else), we would be going upward today, this is 100% certain.

So I don't care how low the DOW is. I'm not going to buy based on how low a chart is, I'm going to start buying when I see consistent action to fix the economy. I accumulated money to invest it before, I can do it again. What I have invested already will remain there, but I'm not going to throw more money at the markets because the DOW is at 9000 or 8000. I'll do it when governments get involved like they did in the past to fix such problems, and they'll have no choice but to do so in the end. The longer they wait to do so, the less likely I'll be to invest again.

The top class are pretty much like oil prices. The more they rise, the more they choke the economy. Soon enough no one will be able to deny that excessive wealth accumulation and lobbying by said wealthy is detriment to the health of the economy, either locally or globally, and you'll start seeing action taken against that. The only alternative will be DOW 0.
pestul said:
Japan is down another 3.5% for Tuesday.. I see another -300pt drop on the DOW tomorrow. Its mostly reactionary to the US market today, but it almost seems to be snowballing.

Is Japan reacting to NY or will NY react to Japan?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Luckyman said:
Lot of fear

Which means it's time to buy stocks.

teruterubozu said:
Rollback to 2008. Like Obama never happened!

That would be insane even for the market's irrationality level. I doubt DOW will drop another 5000 points when large cap value stocks are getting P/E below 10. Europe will fix the smaller European debt issues by absorbing it with strings attached to controlling their social programs. I'm confident that countries like Germany, France, and the UK can manage it

The US downgrade means what, a bit higher interest rates? Nothing worthy of 40% further drop in the market. It'll hurt companies' productivity a bit, but not halt it like a few years ago.

unomas said:
I can't believe so many of you have large amounts of cash in the market. You'll all get temporary relief when QE3 is announced, but just like the first two QE's that will only temporarily inflate the market. I'll continue to hold my position in precious metals and watch those numbers climb as the market bombs, but I sure as hell wouldn't be buying any stocks until they announce QE3. Those of you that are buying stocks without that official announcement are asking to lose money. The best bets are gold, silver, and mining stocks right now. Good luck to those of you still playing around in this market ;)

Read some history and apply that knowledge to long term investments. In short, even if I invested just before the market crash of 1929 and I cashed out for retirement in 1959, I would have gotten about 12% annualized interest - well above the market average. This little market drop or maturing recession is NOTHING. NOTHING. It will be a blip in this graph:



unomas said:
I can't believe so many of you have large amounts of cash in the market. You'll all get temporary relief when QE3 is announced, but just like the first two QE's that will only temporarily inflate the market. I'll continue to hold my position in precious metals and watch those numbers climb as the market bombs, but I sure as hell wouldn't be buying any stocks until they announce QE3. Those of you that are buying stocks without that official announcement are asking to lose money. The best bets are gold, silver, and mining stocks right now. Good luck to those of you still playing around in this market ;)

I'm 30+ years long in my 401k. I'm not moving a thing through all this market fluctuation. It'll come right back up eventually. Even if it doesn't everyone else is in the same boat so deflationary stuff will kick in.


Markets are bleeding overseas. Hang Seng Index (Hong Kong) down nearly 7.5%!! DOW futures tanking again for Tuesday. Gold is skyrocketing to the moon.. oil is crashing. Absolutely insane and impossible to predict what may happen day to day. Imagine BAC declares bankruptcy tomorrow. :O
I didn't listen to my gut instinct, and got back early last week on my dad's advice.

I am down 4 and 10% on my accounts. That was from being 6 percent up. I think it's a good lesson in that it's time for me to start making my own financial decisions. I could have been set for a upper teens gain this year, and will most likely be looking at near -20%. I think since I am in now, I might as well stay in.

I am 22 and have about 9k in. I am currently investing 100% into the growth fund. Should I just keep my contributions going in there, or move future contributions to cash, or what should I do.

I am so fucking mad at myself.


I regret not putting more than 7000k in gold a few weeks ago:p

But whatever the case, what I am most worried about right now is my company's stock. It has been falling in freefall even before this shit began, and now it just keeps on going. We're at our lowest since 2003/2004:| I'm not too worried about my job specifically, but I hope this doesn't lead to buy-out, or worst.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
The_Inquisitor said:
I didn't listen to my gut instinct, and got back early last week on my dad's advice.

I am down 4 and 10% on my accounts. That was from being 6 percent up. I think it's a good lesson in that it's time for me to start making my own financial decisions. I could have been set for a upper teens gain this year, and will most likely be looking at near -20%. I think since I am in now, I might as well stay in.

I am 22 and have about 9k in. I am currently investing 100% into the growth fund. Should I just keep my contributions going in there, or move future contributions to cash, or what should I do.

I am so fucking mad at myself.

When do you intend to cash out this investment? Within 1 year? Consider selling if you really, really need it. More than 2 years? Hold. More than 5 years? Increase the investment rate and you'll make tons of money over 5-10 years. I'm about to triple my 401k investment rate if this continues for a couple of weeks.

Buy low, sell high. Selling now is selling low. It solidifies losses.

P/E ratios are low right now, approaching very low. This is panic more than anything.
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