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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Junior Member
I'm underperforming the indexes' terrible performance today thanks to RIO, down 7% after missing estimates for the latest quarter.

MA, AAPL, KO and GOOG are the only stocks keeping me above break-even (hovering around 6% overall at the moment). Everything else is lower than I bought at the moment.


All QE1 and 2 did was keep the stock market artificially inflated. This would have been fine if in parallel work had been done to fix the economy.

But no, nothing has been done at all, so now that QE is over the market is going back to its true value.

QE3, if it happens, will have even less strenght in floating the markets upward, and it will be our last opportunity, IMO, to sell everything.


Ether_Snake said:
All QE1 and 2 did was keep the stock market artificially inflated. This would have been fine if in parallel work had been done to fix the economy.

But no, nothing has been done at all, so now that QE is over the market is going back to its true value.

QE3, if it happens, will have even less strenght in floating the markets upward, and it will be our last opportunity, IMO, to sell everything.

Agreed 100%, but I do think we're guaranteed to see QE3, but it will potentially be even bigger this time than the previous two because like you said it will be less likely to strengthen our economy. I do agree as well that it will be a last chance for the people that are smart enough to get out of stocks completely and put their money into things like physical metals that have a much better chance of preserving their wealth. Now it just becomes a waiting game....


Seems like the market is anticipating another recession at this point. Something I just don't think will happen. Im looking at this as a buying opportunity when volumes calm down a bit.
Mortgage Insurance stocks taking a bad beating today. PMI, MTG, RDN, ORI all down double digits today. All at new 52 week lows. Wish I had the sack to gobble some up in hopes the housing market improves, but I'm not so sure this is close to the bottom for some of these guys.
Market today:



So with what we know, do you guys think the market will continue to drop tomorrow or can it bounce back? I'm hoping for reality to finally be settling in instead of it bouncing back.
thirty said:
So with what we know, do you guys think the market will continue to drop tomorrow or can it bounce back? I'm hoping for reality to finally be settling in instead of it bouncing back.

I don't know, all I know is if you don't need your money for a few years, now is a great time to buy. tomorrow is great too. Its too hard to pinpoint the rock-bottom point, but stocks are going for 'cheap' right now.


Cheap? Lol if you believe bs. There's a headline about the jobs report showing a positive outlook. I look at all the stores that have shut down over the past 3 years and laugh at that. There's no way in hell we'll be able to turn this all around in 12 months. The market is so falsely inflated right now it's laughable. It's completely unbalanced. It's up because of corporate profit due to all the lay offs which leaves people unemployed and not spending. If people aren't spending the profiting can only go so far before it comes back around.

I just opened my trading account two days ago and was about to make my first stock purchase today. Only reason I didn't was because Scottrade marked my funds as Restricted* for three days.

Would you people say tomorrow and Monday are in general good days to buy?


There's no day to buy on. You research. You buy what you know. Otherwise it's all risk. Are jobs reports coming out tomorrow? I just heard that and heard things look pretty bleak.


Tomorrow is going to be bad as well. Jobs report is going to be weak ,as expected. We're definitely heading for a self correction here. Great time to buy in long or short.
thirty said:
There's no day to buy on. You research. You buy what you know. Otherwise it's all risk. Are jobs reports coming out tomorrow? I just heard that and heard things look pretty bleak.

Yep, I did research the individual stock I am planning to buy. Am just thinking about the overall market condition and checking if I should wait another day or two to get a better buy price. Not too knowledgeable about day to day changes and overall market effects and whether I should even take that into consideration.
thirty said:
Cheap? Lol if you believe bs. There's a headline about the jobs report showing a positive outlook. I look at all the stores that have shut down over the past 3 years and laugh at that. There's no way in hell we'll be able to turn this all around in 12 months. The market is so falsely inflated right now it's laughable. It's completely unbalanced. It's up because of corporate profit due to all the lay offs which leaves people unemployed and not spending. If people aren't spending the profiting can only go so far before it comes back around.

I didn't mean all stocks are undervalued right now. Obviously its up to you to do the homework and pick the right horses.

Yep, I did research the individual stock I am planning to buy. Am just thinking about the overall market condition and checking if I should wait another day or two to get a better buy price. Not too knowledgeable about day to day changes and overall market effects and whether I should even take that into consideration.

And that's impossible to predict, which is really the point I'm making. Day changes are unpredictable, and especially now volatile.


TheRagnCajun said:
I don't know, all I know is if you don't need your money for a few years, now is a great time to buy. tomorrow is great too. Its too hard to pinpoint the rock-bottom point, but stocks are going for 'cheap' right now.

never try and catch a falling knife
TheRagnCajun said:
I didn't mean all stocks are undervalued right now. Obviously its up to you to do the homework and pick the right horses.


And that's impossible to predict, which is really the point I'm making. Day changes are unpredictable, and especially now volatile.

Got it, thanks. I don't need this money right now, was not planning on it being a short term investment. I'll just go with the stocks I had picked and not sweat the volatility over the next two-three days.


Large Professor said:
Business Insider says the market is still pretty overvalued: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-crash-in-context-stocks-are-still-30-overvalued-2011-8

Personally I'm focusing on cash rich companies with lots of pricing power like google or apple.

I like to buy companies that I myself use. I figure it's kind of like a discount. I buy a shit ton of crap on amazon and amazon goes up, I just got free stuff!

That leads me to a question: I want to buy some Nikon stocks... it is listed on the TYO and the PINK exchanges? What is better/ the difference? Can I even buy it from a standard scottrade account?


There will be no job creation. The only solution to the economic crisis is reducing trade deficits, an energy revolution, and investing in infrastructure. But governments everywhere in the Western world are tired of waiting for China to become less competitive on its own growth and are instead trying to implement austerity measures in the hopes that this will speed up the process.

This is extremely dumb because it can only lead to an economy with a weakened middle class, which means lower demand.

The central banks can only inflate the stock markets, not create jobs. And now that governments have basically promoted the idea that government spending = bad, none of them have the credibility left to actually spend to solve the problem using the measures necessary, which invariably imply massive spending like in the 1930s/1940s.

So if no political party are promoting the idea of spending in energy, infrastructure, and reducing the trade deficits, then it means no political party which currently exist can fix the solution.

When the usual options are all exhausted, revolutions are inevitable. There will be NO jobs creation without a 180-degree turn.

We'll see worst than we did in 2008, because we are out of options.

We've basically run out of fuel, and run out of strength to push the car, under the blazing desert sun.

So if no political party are promoting the idea of spending in energy, infrastructure, and reducing the trade deficits, then it means no political party which currently exist can fix the solution.

When the usual options are all exhausted, revolutions are innevitable. There will be NO jobs creation without a 180-degree turn.

We'll see worst than we did in 2008, because we are out of options.

We've basically run out of fuel, and run out of strenght to push the car, under the blazing desert sun.
Haha, too bad all my stocks are in limbo being transferred from Raymond James to Vanguard. So much for getting some of these guys out of this mess! I'll just sit over here hoping something is left when I can access them.


Neo Member
Flo_Evans said:
I like to buy companies that I myself use. I figure it's kind of like a discount. I buy a shit ton of crap on amazon and amazon goes up, I just got free stuff!

That is amazing logic! (unless the company is TINY)


bwtw said:
That is amazing logic! (unless the company is TINY)
I'm not saying it works, just makes me feel better. Instead of looking at charts and graphs I go with companies I know because I have used them for years.

I am a total n00b investor though so don't listen to me ;P
Flo_Evans said:
I'm not saying it works, just makes me feel better. Instead of looking at charts and graphs I go with companies I know because I have used them for years.

I am a total n00b investor though so don't listen to me ;P

Warren Buffett would pat you on the back.


Job report today .. doesn't seem like the news is good enough to spark investor confidence. We might see another sell off but not as drastic as the one yesterday. A couple of interesting things ..

- Economists surveyed by CNNMoney are expecting the report to show that the U.S. economy created 75,000 jobs in July. That would be a slight improvement over the paltry 18,000 jobs added in June.

- Gold futures for December delivery gained $10, or 0.6%, to $1,669 an ounce Friday, while oil for September delivery.

- The dollar lost ground against the euro, the Japanese yen and the British pound.

- The price on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury fell, pushing the yield up to 2.42% from 2.46% late Thursday
Remember, in times like this, use no emotions. Think logically, where your money is now and where it can go though will be better... or if leaving it be is best. Investors can pull through this if they forget confidence, arrogance, and fear.


Soka said:
Remember, in times like this, use no emotions. Think logically, where your money is now and where it can go though will be better... or if leaving it be is best. Investors can pull through this if they forget confidence, arrogance, and fear.

Agreed. This is where the regular joe investor looks at the 500 point loss yesterday and feels like pulling his investments in his 401k and going 100% cash. The mistake that most will make is that they won't know when the market comes back and miss the reversal in trend. Sure, I lost approx 40% of my value in 2008. I've also made it back and then some.


sajj316 said:
Agreed. This is where the regular joe investor looks at the 500 point loss yesterday and feels like pulling his investments in his 401k and going 100% cash. The mistake that most will make is that they won't know when the market comes back and miss the reversal in trend. Sure, I lost approx 40% of my value in 2008. I've also made it back and then some.

That really does not make any sense to me. a 401k/roth ira is a long long long term investment. Why the hell does it matter what the market does when you are only going to see the money in 10/20/30 years.


Junior Member
sajj316 said:
What's your source?

nvm .. just saw it. I would still like to get your source as you got it before me ;)
There was a small banner on top of the homepage on TheStreet.com ;)


Gonaria said:
That really does not make any sense to me. a 401k/roth ira is a long long long term investment. Why the hell does it matter what the market does when you are only going to see the money in 10/20/30 years.

That's my point. It doesn't make sense as the decision to do so is purely emotionally driven (fear, doubt, anxiety). I've had friends/coworkers due this and they are in their 30s. Now, if you're 60 years old and close to retiring .. that's a different thing.


sajj316 said:
That's my point. It doesn't make sense as the decision to do so is purely emotionally driven (fear, doubt, anxiety). I've had friends/coworkers due this and they are in their 30s. Now, if you're 60 years old and close to retiring .. that's a different thing.

even in my 60s, I think I would wait a few years to see if the market rebounded instead of selling low


Gonaria said:
even in my 60s, I think I would wait a few years to see if the market rebounded instead of selling low

Don't disagree with you. My point is patience. Don't you think a few people panicked in 08 when losing 40-50% of their invested value?


sajj316 said:
Don't disagree with you. My point is patience. Don't you think a few people panicked in 08 when losing 40-50% of their invested value?

Oh yea, not trying to argue with you or anything since I think we hold the same viewpoint. Just using your posts as a jumping off point to voice my opinion since I really don't why people would ever sell low. Well, I guess if you absolutely needed the money in 2-3 years then it would probably make sense, but that is about the only reason I can see.


What a disaster, remember when being a kid meant that all these numbers and words were all just a bunch of greek, yeah I miss those day's right about, now.


Junior Member
sajj316 said:
Seems the market likes the good news with the job report. Good enough for 100+ points. Hope it sticks the full day.
Welp, guess that didn't quite work out. A mere half hour, and we're down 60...
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