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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Good buys after the whole market has run quite a bit since the start of the year?


They've all dipped undeservedly, mostly dragged down by other companies in the sector and in the case of COG low prices of natural gas.


URBN was a good dip buy yesterday... today it has run up a bit but it might be good if you're going in long-term. I wouldn't touch it, however, as their earnings consistently decreased all throughout last year and so far the retail sector has not recovered. Also, URBN is "losing its touch" with consumers reflected in analysis and sales.

Yeah, I'm up 1.24% on it today. At the first hint of a drop I'll bail out into something else.

I am currently watching REXX. Not sure why really, doubt I'll buy any.

Also, analysts seem to be recommending Delta Airlines. WSJ has it as a strong buy rating.....


I held on today and so far glad I did, the stock seems to be getting some support at least for today. I'm aiming to get out probably around $46-48 since I assume there will be a pullback from investors trying to break even when they got in at 50.


I held on today and so far glad I did, the stock seems to be getting some support at least for today. I'm aiming to get out probably around $46-48 since I assume there will be a pullback from investors trying to break even when they got in at 50.

Yeah, I might have bit too early on that. Oh well. 8% gain in 4 days aint bad, aint bad at all.


ERTS was down 7% today. At around 16$ it would be a good deal I think. Even now at 18 it's not bad.


So, I am up about 1k on the shares of AAPL I have left. Time to set a $410 stop for half or ride through earnings? (1/28)

Up about 6% on all my accounts (roth/ira/brokerage/401k) combined. Beats a savings account!

Fuck I need to be taken under someone's wing

I'm going to get 1% for a year from my high yield checking account lol.. $20+ as it grows bucks a month in interests, feels badman.jpg


Bank interest rate are rally terrible right now. Remember a few years ago ING had 4% yields? That's just crazy to think about.


The Canadian stocks have been doing poor over the last few months, and I see higher unemployment numbers here in Quebec. Housing bubble continues to rise, and I see banks now competing with one another more than ever for low mortgage rates. BMO offers 2.99% on 5-year fixed rate when the variable rate for five years most banks have right now is at least 3.25%.

Rates went up pretty quickly recently, the economy is not looking good in Quebec and Canada as a whole, and I'm certain we have all the ingredients coming together to see the housing bubble pop. 8.8% unemployment in December in Montreal.

Hopefully it happens soon, I was planning to buy a condo in July. Maybe I'll just move and wait a bit more.


The Canadian stocks have been doing poor over the last few months, and I see higher unemployment numbers here in Quebec. Housing bubble continues to rise, and I see banks now competing with one another more than ever for low mortgage rates. BMO offers 2.99% on 5-year fixed rate when the variable rate for five years most banks have right now is at least 3.25%.

Rates went up pretty quickly recently, the economy is not looking good in Quebec and Canada as a whole, and I'm certain we have all the ingredients coming together to see the housing bubble pop. 8.8% unemployment in December in Montreal.

Hopefully it happens soon, I was planning to buy a condo in July. Maybe I'll just move and wait a bit more.

Ether, I haven't looked into it but if the Canadian housing market is in a bubble then buying now will be a terrible thing to do, judging from the US experience and its aftermath. It is 2012 and house prices in some places still haven't stop dropping. Millions are underwater in their mortgages and it will be years before they reach break-even.

Maybe it will be best to keep saving, keep making bets on the stock market with stocks you feel the safest with, and wait it out that way.


I was looking at the housing bubble myself recently and found a nice webpage with a few useful graphs: http://www.jparsons.net/housingbubble/

Basically, the U.S. overall seems to have gotten back on track as far as the bubble is concerned. There are still regions that are having overall prices falling, but overall, it's pretty much back in line with where it "should" be. I've been happy with buying my place when I did (mid-2011) as it seemed to be just near the "bottom" of the bubble in my region.

Also, unrelated, but I don't think I'll ever sell my shares in MCD. I'm up ~450% on it and I really like looking at that number.

Wow, lol. When did you buy MCD?


Yeah, I might have bit too early on that. Oh well. 8% gain in 4 days aint bad, aint bad at all.

Looks like you were smart to get out it's diving today a bit, I'm still up but barely. Hah should have followed suit but didn't feel like 13% gain was worth selling for on 30 shares.


Looks like you were smart to get out it's diving today a bit, I'm still up but barely. Hah should have followed suit but didn't feel like 13% gain was worth selling for on 30 shares.

I saw that. Wonder if I should jump back in! lol

edit: I think it's going to continue to fall. If it hits mid 30s again I'll definitely buy.


I was looking at the housing bubble myself recently and found a nice webpage with a few useful graphs: http://www.jparsons.net/housingbubble/

Basically, the U.S. overall seems to have gotten back on track as far as the bubble is concerned. There are still regions that are having overall prices falling, but overall, it's pretty much back in line with where it "should" be. I've been happy with buying my place when I did (mid-2011) as it seemed to be just near the "bottom" of the bubble in my region.

Also, unrelated, but I don't think I'll ever sell my shares in MCD. I'm up ~450% on it and I really like looking at that number.

That's the problem, a bubble can be very local, and one across all of Canada might not pop as bad everywhere.

I really think Quebecers have, historically, a poor understanding of fiscal matters. It's starting to change, but I feel like something is boiling.

Rising house value, rising municipal taxes, leads to a demand for higher salaries.
Higher salaries leads to companies cutting labor.
Cutting labor leads to unemployment.
Unemployment leads to rising credit debt, and potentially reduced income once a job is found.

It takes time for the full effect to be strong enough to lead to someone selling his house early or defaulting.

And if I bought back in 2008 I would have today a condo that would be around 30% more valuable. It's difficult to know if waiting more will just bite me in the ass or not. Even if the bubble pops, by how much will prices fall?

For example, a year ago a variable rate for five years could be found for 2.2%. Now they are at 2.75%. A fixed five-year rate was at 3.8%, and is now at 3.2%, so that actually lowered. Banks are competing more to attract people.

If I had access to all the data like unemployment, income, debt, etc., it would help to figure things out, you can never trust people who work in the mortgage sector to give a good picture. So on one hand I keep hearing banks saying they see slower growth, and how house prices will stabilize, but it could be much worst than that. There's no way to figure it out, so buying a house become a huge gamble, much worst than in the past.


I am in the plus in 22 of my 25 stocks today. Of the 3 that are down, 2 are less than 1% and one is almost 30% (COOL). I've lost so much in COOL today that I'm down 4 figures for the day overall despite the other 22 stocks all being varying levels of positive.

Have another sleeper hit like Zumba, you bastards!

Oh damn, that sucks really badly. That's why you have to watch this shit like a hawk and sell if you hit an 8% overall loss as a rule.


I am in the plus in 22 of my 25 stocks today. Of the 3 that are down, 2 are less than 1% and one is almost 30% (COOL). I've lost so much in COOL today that I'm down 4 figures for the day overall despite the other 22 stocks all being varying levels of positive.

Have another sleeper hit like Zumba, you bastards!

Dam that's crazy, you didn't bother to set a automatic limit order?

At $2 per share it looks tempting.


Oh, I'm still up like 90% on COOL. The truth is, I'm long on all my stocks. I mean, really long, like 10+ years minimum. I have no interest in selling anytime soon and as such consider this just a single wave in my ocean. Or some shit like that.

Anyway, I should probably set some automatic limit orders on my stocks, but really, I've never done it before and seem to be doing well just waiting. I'll tell you what though, I'm certainly not panicking. It's just one of those fluke-type of days.

Ah, that makes more sense. I have a 8% loss sell and a 12% profit sell motto. I am not sure how to automatically set my system to do that though. Sometimes I'll fudge on the sell percent though. I won't take more than an 8% loss on anything though.


My 401k contributions were heavily vested in Canadian stocks, but I'm going on vacation soon so I moved everything to government bonds and the like in a safe mutual fund. I don't want to see things to go to hell while I'm on vacation and not be able to react, lol.

Hopefully when I come back I'll have a clearer view of where the Canadian economy is going.


I pretty much stopped actively trading after Zecco discontinued it's free trades. I'm 3+ years long on all my stocks. If Zecco had shut down free trades one month earlier and prevented my last 2 transactions, I'd be up 373% on AMZN instead of down 99.68% on STEM.

Still need to do my IRA contribution for this year, though.


I pretty much stopped actively trading after Zecco discontinued it's free trades. I'm 3+ years long on all my stocks. If Zecco had shut down free trades one month earlier and prevented my last 2 transactions, I'd be up 373% on AMZN instead of down 99.68% on STEM.

Still need to do my IRA contribution for this year, though.

I haven't used Zecco since the calamity in 2008. I have stocks in there that have doubled, tripled and quadrupled in value in that account. It's nice to go in there once in a while and look at those percentages.


I'd be up 373% on AMZN instead of down 99.68% on STEM.


I guess stop losses are useful after all, goddam that's pretty bad.

That said, I'm done trading stocks and I'm using options only right now. Feels empowering to achieve similar or much better results using only a tiny fraction of the money.

Specifically, I'm selling deep out of the money puts for income, and has been working great so far. If I get a stock assigned, I'll sell covered calls with a strike price close to my purchase price until I can get rid of the stock.

I have no confidence in this market, and don't want to get trapped with a lot of money on stocks during all these cyclical downturns.


Woot my limit order got activated yesterday on my penny stock IJJP!

I set it to sell to cover so I am up 69% on what I sold to break even and I maintain at current value $800 in shares that I will keep in case the stock truly explodes.

May dip in again if the patterns I've been watching keep at it.


I stopped out at $420 on 30 of my 40 shares. I was mad when it went to $429 but it fell back again on Friday lol

What do you guys think of GOOG? That was a huge drop on Friday. Good time to get in?

Cloudy, GOOG may still have some downside, specially if there's a broader market pullback next week (markets have been rallying for weeks, so a pullback is overdue), but, now it is a good time to get in specially with a long-term mindset. 580 - 590 is a great price for Google. I'm still not convinced the Euro nations can get their shit together to avoid another market meltdown that would take Google and almost everything else down with it.


I stopped out at $420 on 30 of my 40 shares. I was mad when it went to $429 but it fell back again on Friday lol

What do you guys think of GOOG? That was a huge drop on Friday. Good time to get in?

I had a feeling GOOG was going to pullback eventually the company has little going on other than the Android war drums beating so $630 was a bit overvalued for it and Wall Street tends to overreact over minorly bad news.

I'm still going to wait as I'm not sure what potential upside there is right now at 580-590, I'd see more upside potential if it was down to 550.

I want to get it on Apple though but need to clear up some funds before I jump in. I'd say we are due for a nice jump climb in ext couple of days.


Burden of being considered #1 best city to live in?

Maybe when you have a job. Vancouver will bust, and IMO it is the beginning of Canada's housing bubble collapse. It's happening in Australia, and I always believed both economies evolve very similarly.


I moved all of my 401k contributions to a fund that invest in bonds (all Canadian). Averages around 6% a year or so.

Sucks that I ended up with a -11% drop recently on my 401k before making the move:(

When I come back from vacations, I might split it 70% bonds, 30% small cap (which has always been a big winner). No point in risking everything for an extra 4% average return over ten years.

Outside of my 401k, gold has been the safest investment I made. It is only up 7.5%, but this thing has held up even in the worst times. I'll probably keep on making my tax-free savings account investments all gold.


Neo Member
Vancouver Is Second-Costliest Housing Market (in the world)

And I know some companies are closing shop in Vancouver. Excessively high housing costs = demands for higher salaries = businesses moving elsewhere or shutting down.

We moved there from 2008-10 while I was getting my Masters at UBC. Initially we thought we'd buy a house, but it only took a few hours of research to realize everything was out of our price range. We ended up renting 650 sq feet in a nice part of town for $1,400 a month.


We moved there from 2008-10 while I was getting my Masters at UBC. Initially we thought we'd buy a house, but it only took a few hours of research to realize everything was out of our price range. We ended up renting 650 sq feet in a nice part of town for $1,400 a month.

For that price you could have a 1000 sq feet mortgage in Montreal.


Does anyone have a good fund in mind if I'm looking to hold it for a year or more? I'm looking at around 2k or so. A friend of mine recommended basics and commodities...


BAC (Bank of America) is up over 30% in 2012. I bought enough shares when they were low to get my break-even point to 7.01 and now I am 2% to the good.
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