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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


I think I'm going to buy some MCD just because it seems safe, pays a nice dividend and is better than keeping my money in a bank account. What site offers the cheapest trades (and is a respectable trading site with decent features)? Etrade is $10, so there is $20 gone I don't feel like paying.

If you are just buying and leaving it there then you can go with Etrade, since you get the first 60 days free to trade. When you sell (if further down the line) then you will obviously have to pay the 10 bucks. The differences between brokerages is around 5 dollars at max anyway.


Anyone have the balls to buy into AMZN before earnings tomorrow? I sure don't. Really hoping for a massive miss that can finally drive this thing down to more reasonable levels. I have the sneaking suspicion it'll be a great quarter, though.


Anyone have the balls to buy into AMZN before earnings tomorrow? I sure don't. Really hoping for a massive miss that can finally drive this thing down to more reasonable levels. I have the sneaking suspicion it'll be a great quarter, though.

Ain't touching that, have no idea where it'll go.


Amazon’s Sales Miss Estimates, Profit Drops 57%

It was pretty smart for Amazon to make Kindle, they knew someone would go on the book digitization bandwagon, and they'd see their book sales be affected, so they decided to cover their bases. Same with music downloads.

Costly move, but absolutely necessary if they want to cover all bases. The stock might go down in the short term, but over the long term I don't think they are taking the wrong approach. The thing is, I expect tablets and phones to kill everything like low-end cameras, e-book readers, etc. The all-in-one device will kill all other devices, and chances are Apple will be the one leading the charge thanks to brand power.


I still believe in the company and the stock in the long term. Takes a lot of money to take share from so many sectors at a time. I'm still waiting for everyone else to lose faith enough for me to get in at a more reasonable valuation though. With no dividend I have no problem keeping it on the watch list for years waiting for a pullback.

In fact a lot of stocks are getting to the level where I'm on the sidelines. Still thinking about adding to my JCI position.


Any opinions on the Facebook IPO?

Everybody is hyping it up but I'm so unsure how they will keep growing their revenue model which seems entirely based on ads which is recession prone.


Any opinions on the Facebook IPO?

Everybody is hyping it up but I'm so unsure how they will keep growing their revenue model which seems entirely based on ads which is recession prone.

Unless I could somehow get in the offering I'd stay far away. The aftermarket for this thing will probably be high for awhile. About $4b in revenue, so it'll open somewhere probably north of 20-25x sales. Revenue is growing very quickly, though, and they've pared advertising down to less than 85% of revenue from like 98% a few years ago. They seem to be headed the correct way, but that'll always be their strong point obviously.

I think it's a company that'll grow fast for a long time and will probably be quite powerful. I just think it might be a bit overpriced at what it's likely to open at.


Fak, ERTS up 6% in AH. Should have bought, I was too greedy!


Unless I could somehow get in the offering I'd stay far away. The aftermarket for this thing will probably be high for awhile. About $4b in revenue, so it'll open somewhere probably north of 20-25x sales. Revenue is growing very quickly, though, and they've pared advertising down to less than 85% of revenue from like 98% a few years ago. They seem to be headed the correct way, but that'll always be their strong point obviously.

I think it's a company that'll grow fast for a long time and will probably be quite powerful. I just think it might be a bit overpriced at what it's likely to open at.

Just think, they haven't even touched China yet.

I'm gonna take a look at their S-1 tonight.


I won't touch Facebook regardless; the chance is high that the stock will make huge gains the first few days but after that who knows. Facebook is not a necessity like energy, food or clothes. I'm hesitant to invest in companies like that, especially since Facebook will be priced at a ridiculous P/E ratio.

So, bottom line, while I think the stock will be a short-term success, I have plenty of doubts for its sustainability.


I think Facebook will start at an inflated value and will stay inflated for a while. I don't think there will be any huge increases in the near future like there were with Apple and Microsoft back in the day simply because Facebook isn't in a relatively huge growth stage anymore.


Junior Member
At such a high valuation, I'm personally staying away.

Certainly, Facebook is a great company and has a lot of growth ahead of it, but I still have doubts about whether it can grow enough in the coming years to sustain its initial share price once its valuation inevitably comes down to earth. Good companies aren't always good investments. Too risky for my tastes.

Fun story, my dad was awaiting that IPO for months thinking it would be a great growth stock. We often talk about our investments, and after I told him my concerns, I think I convinced him not to buy in.


Darn and now TTWO beat earnings.

Oh well, no stock buying until I come back from vacation.

Should have waited before moving my 401k to safer funds, markets rallied since:|
Anyone else waiting for a crisis before they buy anything? I'm hesitant to buy when the market is this high, though I'm getting really antsy looking at green numbers all the time.


Long on Bank of America turned into selling my position at 7.25 after the crazy upswing and watching it go above 7.80 since.



fuck should have bought back into PANL when it dipped to $40 again. Got too greedy and told myself to wait for 38-39 again.

Oh well at least Ford is almost back to the price I bought it at but either way I am long on it along with Apple.
Bought some EA earlier this week and failed to sell it yesterday, when I should've. It's taking a beating today.

Now thinking about holding my shares long because the Star Wars MMO seems to be doing pretty well, and it could be a cash cow. Still feels like a risky play, though.
Hi Stock-GAF - I lurk here sometimes but I don't know if I've ever posted ITT.

I'm screening for undervalued stocks, and I came across this little bad boy:

The Daily Journal Corporation - DJCO

It interests me because:

* It's a relatively easy business to understand (relative to semiconductors, I guess)
* They have a lot of cash/investments (about $52/share worth, when the price is $72)
* They have zero debt
* Margins have grown
* Charlie Munger is the Chairman
* By any sort of calculation I know how to do, it's undervalued (by a lot)

Yeah, it's the newspaper business. Yeah, they got a boost in revenue from foreclosure notices (ads) and that won't continue. But dayum they have a lot of cash/investments and have been buying a lot of stocks, it seems like a very well-managed company, and I think its significantly undervalued.

Any thoughts out there? Convince me not to buy some.


Hi Stock-GAF - I lurk here sometimes but I don't know if I've ever posted ITT.

I'm screening for undervalued stocks, and I came across this little bad boy:

The Daily Journal Corporation - DJCO

It interests me because:

* It's a relatively easy business to understand (relative to semiconductors, I guess)
* They have a lot of cash/investments (about $52/share worth, when the price is $72)
* They have zero debt
* Margins have grown
* Charlie Munger is the Chairman
* By any sort of calculation I know how to do, it's undervalued (by a lot)

Yeah, it's the newspaper business. Yeah, they got a boost in revenue from foreclosure notices (ads) and that won't continue. But dayum they have a lot of cash/investments and have been buying a lot of stocks, it seems like a very well-managed company, and I think its significantly undervalued.

Any thoughts out there? Convince me not to buy some.

Dat volume. If bad news happens and you need to get out quick you are fucked.

But having Charlie Munger at the helm is a huge plus. The man's a genius but can he keep up with the digital slamming of newspapers when younger management teams are having trouble? Probably, but that's a huge question mark in my opinion.
Dat volume. If bad news happens and you need to get out quick you are fucked.

But having Charlie Munger at the helm is a huge plus. The man's a genius but can he keep up with the digital slamming of newspapers when younger management teams are having trouble? Probably, but that's a huge question mark in my opinion.
Thanks - not looking to get in or out quick. I'm looking for something to hold onto for a few years.

I found the company through a screen, had no idea about Munger. Then in doing that research I saw the name - bonus points.

Also, this is almost as much an investment company as it is a newspaper company.


I've been holding onto a 100 shares of COOL for a couple years now. Should have gotten out when it peaked near 5. I bought way back a .92 per share. Thinking I'll keep holding and hope for them to knock another out of the park like Zumba and pay attention this time :)


I've been holding onto a 100 shares of COOL for a couple years now. Should have gotten out when it peaked near 5. I bought way back a .92 per share. Thinking I'll keep holding and hope for them to knock another out of the park like Zumba and pay attention this time :)

I bought in to COOL today and set a stop at 2.40 to see where it might go after Zumba Rush kinnect comes out on the 13th.


Hi Stock-GAF - I lurk here sometimes but I don't know if I've ever posted ITT.

I'm screening for undervalued stocks, and I came across this little bad boy:

The Daily Journal Corporation - DJCO

It interests me because:

* It's a relatively easy business to understand (relative to semiconductors, I guess)
* They have a lot of cash/investments (about $52/share worth, when the price is $72)
* They have zero debt
* Margins have grown
* Charlie Munger is the Chairman
* By any sort of calculation I know how to do, it's undervalued (by a lot)

Yeah, it's the newspaper business. Yeah, they got a boost in revenue from foreclosure notices (ads) and that won't continue. But dayum they have a lot of cash/investments and have been buying a lot of stocks, it seems like a very well-managed company, and I think its significantly undervalued.

Any thoughts out there? Convince me not to buy some.

My recommendation: get the fuck away from DJCO. Why would you want to own a business that derives significant revenue from the selling of newspapers? You know printed shit is spiraling towards oblivion and nothing will save it. Digital is the present and future.

Also, volume is 1,618 shares traded on average for 10 days. I've never seen a company stock with that low volume. If people aren't interested on trading that stock, why would you? Is not like all of a sudden you buy it and people will discover this "hidden treasure" and will rush to buy the stock to drive the price up. Better deals out there, even when the market has rallied furiously over the past few weeks. I would advise caution to anyone thinking about long into any of these companies that have rallied hard recently.

Neo C.

Guys, I need your help. I've been looking for Nintendo stocks, but there's a thing I don't get: What's the difference between NTO and NTOA? One is 103€ now, the other 13€.
Guys, I need your help. I've been looking for Nintendo stocks, but there's a thing I don't get: What's the difference between NTO and NTOA? One is 103€ now, the other 13€.
I might be wrong but I looked it up too back in the day. The more expensive one should the actual stock traded at the Japanese stockmarket. The cheaper one is 1/8ths and is made available on the foreign market by one of the big banks. JP Morgan? I'm not sure. Anyway something like that. So the cheaper one is not actually a stock stock but something else, don't remember the name. It still works the same from what I read. The 1/8th moves exactly like the actual stock. I'm sure someone else can explain it better.

Neo C.

I might be wrong but I looked it up too back in the day. The more expensive one should the actual stock traded at the Japanese stockmarket. The cheaper one is 1/8ths and is made available on the foreign market by one of the big banks. JP Morgan? I'm not sure. Anyway something like that. So the cheaper one is not actually a stock stock but something else, don't remember the name. It still works the same from what I read. The 1/8th moves exactly like the actual stock. I'm sure someone else can explain it better.

I've done a bit research as well, and it's as you say. Thanks for answer!
what does anyone think about Sprint (S)? I know they have an earnings call in the morning and I read some analysts are saying that the costs from subsidizing the iPhone are going to start hitting them now.
idk how much you guys like Penny Stocks but iv been pretty successful with them in the past. I have a new record. 1,200% gain in THREE MONTHS!

stock: HEAT. bought at .41
Its priced at 4.91 now

Iv had 4 stock portfolio averaging me over 30% gain in less then a year...EACH. This one is at 110% gain so far and its only been 3 months
i think daw480 was making a joke.

theres a billion sites and publications out there that are like "penny stocks! read the one simple trick to getting rich!"


what does anyone think about Sprint (S)? I know they have an earnings call in the morning and I read some analysts are saying that the costs from subsidizing the iPhone are going to start hitting them now.

Your question was answered on the previous page.


what does anyone think about Sprint (S)? I know they have an earnings call in the morning and I read some analysts are saying that the costs from subsidizing the iPhone are going to start hitting them now.

I watching them for a while along with Clearwire which they had invested 50% into, I'd wait until tomorrow to see if it takes a dive or not, if they make a good profit but dip due to the costs of the iPhone then I'd say that might be a good time to buy in.


I watching them for a while along with Clearwire which they had invested 50% into, I'd wait until tomorrow to see if it takes a dive or not, if they make a good profit but dip due to the costs of the iPhone then I'd say that might be a good time to buy in.

I was thinking this as well. If it takes a dive, I'm buying a lot of it I think.


Junior Member
So much for a BAC pullback. Still climbing and climbing and climbing.

Don't get ahead of yourself. The market is so overbought at this point that some sort of pullback is basically a guarantee sometime in the next few weeks.

I'm a bit stunned by the market's start this year, actually. I haven't had a single down day in about 2 weeks and a half, which is astounding, but...I can feel the drop coming once any kind of bad news happens. Very bearish in the short term.


idk how much you guys like Penny Stocks but iv been pretty successful with them in the past. I have a new record. 1,200% gain in THREE MONTHS!

stock: HEAT. bought at .41
Its priced at 4.91 now

Iv had 4 stock portfolio averaging me over 30% gain in less then a year...EACH. This one is at 110% gain so far and its only been 3 months

looking at the FIVE year low, HEAT, never seems to have ever dipped below $3, when the hell did you buy in at .41? like 10 years ago? that's kind of super long haul there to be patting yourself on the back so much.

edit: you bought in at 4.41, right? apologies for jumping to that conclusion. seeing the omission of the 4 made me think you had some rather insane luck.

second edit: upon further reading, it was a 1:10 reverse stock split that made it look like insane monies!


Man, Diamond Foods got hammered after hours. A few weeks ago I read about the walnut growers investigation in Businessweek but i completely forgot about.

Puts would've been such a great play.
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