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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Curious how or if this will effect P&G. I wouldn't mind a couple more points down to add to my position.

It still feels like any day now we could begin a smallish pullback. Volume sucks, prices are erratic, earnings aren't too exciting. I've been building my cash waiting for such a pullback with no luck yet! Kinda frustrating.


looking at the FIVE year low, HEAT, never seems to have ever dipped below $3, when the hell did you buy in at .41? like 10 years ago? that's kind of super long haul there to be patting yourself on the back so much.

edit: you bought in at 4.41, right? apologies for jumping to that conclusion. seeing the omission of the 4 made me think you had some rather insane luck.

second edit: upon further reading, it was a 1:10 reverse stock split that made it look like insane monies!

So the guy is including the 1:10 split in his "1200%" gain?


Holy shit. That's both sad and amazing. SEC web ninjas should permanently ban him from any and all trading in the future... For his benefit.


I predict UNG is going to quadruple in the next week. Every share will be worth 4 x as much just like that!

Don't buy it.


Junior Member
Look at HEAT last 5 days. On Monday it was .41

I'll be nice and actually explain it to you, okay?

Let's say you bought 100 shares at .41 three months ago. The stock has gone through a 10:1 reverse split on Monday, which means your 100 shares are now actually only 10 shares, but each share is worth 10 times more, at $4.10.

On a share price basis, sure, it looks like a return over 1000%, but if you've got 10x fewer shares, it evens out to nothing at all. Which is why people are laughing at you for thinking you've got such massive returns when in fact, you haven't made much of a profit on it.


Shit Apple is exploding all over my face. It's up almost $20 since yesterday's close.

So far I'm up 15%... if only I was able to buy more


Junior Member
In line with my expectation that we're nearing a short term top, I've decided to sell my RIO shares at a small loss (~12%).

I've always regretted buying those as they fell down pretty hard last fall. At one point, I was down 35% from my purchase price of $69 back in June. It's had a pretty good run back up to $61 lately, but since it's a volatile stock I feel it's just going to drop back down, and I'm doubtful I could recoup all of my money anytime soon. I think I'm better off cutting my losses and investing elsewhere.

So that's freed me about $500. I'm waiting for the obligatory pullback and in the meantime, I'm looking at possible new investments.

Staying put on the rest, I'm still confident about most of my stocks.

Shit Apple is exploding all over my face. It's up almost $20 since yesterday's close.

So far I'm up 15%... if only I was able to buy more

Yep. My AAPL shares just hit the 50% profit level today. Unstoppable.

I'm fighting myself. I want to just add another AAPL share, but it's already worth about 1/3rd of my portfolio at current prices; it would be irresponsible to add more.


On the DMND situation, I had sold puts a while back at the 22.5 strike (about 40% of where they were trading), since they had the juiciest premium of the entire stock market and I thought there was no way in hell it could drop that much. On Tuesday I had a nightmare that the investigation results were released and the stock was plunging, woke up sweating and shit. Because of the nightmare I closed out the short puts Wednesday before the market close, and voila, the stock drops 40% after hours.

If I would have kept the short puts open to squeeze out the last bit of premium, I would have been down over 5,000% on those puts

LOL, I'll never forget this.


On the DMND situation, I had sold puts a while back at the 22.5 strike (about 40% of where they were trading), since they had the juiciest premium of the entire stock market and I thought there was no way in hell it could drop that much. On Tuesday I had a nightmare that the investigation results were released and the stock was plunging, woke up sweating and shit. Because of the nightmare I closed out the short puts Wednesday before the market close, and voila, the stock drops 40% after hours.

If I would have kept the short puts open to squeeze out the last bit of premium, I would have been down over 5,000% on those puts

LOL, I'll never forget this.

Isn't it good if the stock plummets and you're holding puts???


Isn't it good if the stock plummets and you're holding puts???

I wasn't holding them, I sold them. When you sell puts you immediately get cash deposited to your account. The drawback is that if the stocks drops to the strike price you sold them at you are obligated to buy 100 shares per contract sold.

It is a good way to buy stocks you really want at a discount, and you get to keep the cash paid to you no matter what.

Edit: In the case of DMND, since I didn't want to own the stock just take advantage of the huge money people were willing to pay for puts, I would have had to buy back the puts I sold , which would have cost me a few 1,000% more than what I sold them for.


I wasn't holding them, I sold them. When you sell puts you immediately get cash deposited to your account. The drawback is that if the stocks drops to the strike price you sold them at you are obligated to buy 100 shares per contract sold.

It is a good way to buy stocks you really want at a discount, and you get to keep the cash paid to you no matter what.

Ah. It's like the financial equivalent of a double-negative. Kinda. Not really.


I look at my watchlist and see all that red and I'm like... Greece fucking up again.

Well looking forward to Apple breaking $500 next week at the least.
On the DMND situation, I had sold puts a while back at the 22.5 strike (about 40% of where they were trading), since they had the juiciest premium of the entire stock market and I thought there was no way in hell it could drop that much. On Tuesday I had a nightmare that the investigation results were released and the stock was plunging, woke up sweating and shit. Because of the nightmare I closed out the short puts Wednesday before the market close, and voila, the stock drops 40% after hours.

If I would have kept the short puts open to squeeze out the last bit of premium, I would have been down over 5,000% on those puts

LOL, I'll never forget this.

So the lesson is: be wary when premiums are very high?


At the very least, stay out of the way of companies with known accounting issues.

I could do for a bit more Grecian fear out there if it helps to drive down some of these stocks. Kinda just twiddling my thumbs for now without a lot of good targets to add to or begin. Oh well.


still a newbie to all this, but i was wondering if anyone can answer why my etrade account shows that i have $0 available for withdrawal but over $5k of cash purchasing power?

i am doing fairly decent in day trading of smaller stocks, usually making about $150-$200 every other day and now that I think of it, I don't think I've ever seen my available for withdrawal ever show any dollar value.

How the fuck do I get my money out?


still a newbie to all this, but i was wondering if anyone can answer why my etrade account shows that i have $0 available for withdrawal but over $5k of cash purchasing power?

i am doing fairly decent in day trading of smaller stocks, usually making about $150-$200 every other day and now that I think of it, I don't think I've ever seen my available for withdrawal ever show any dollar value.

How the fuck do I get my money out?

You need to wait 3 days after selling a stock before you can withdraw that money.
Anybody else here dabble in currencies? It's definitely one of the most interesting times, as major historical economic developments happen only every 20-30 years.

I've been doing the EURUSD for years now, and you develop a certain intuition about the market. Forex is a casino, and the major players institutions and central governments. Trend lines rule, if you trade on fundamentals you will get killed by the market, and the market is NOTORIOUS for chasing stops.

If you think it is lingering at 1.32 and due for a drop, it will probably pop to 1.33 to then drop like a rock. If you think the obvious move is for it to go up, look for an opportunity to sell. The big players are out for suckers. Wide stops and longer time frames are key to long-term success.

With that said, we'll see how it goes with Greece. March will be key, but it's the end of the line. They will drop out of the EUR, and based on experience, this will probably and ironically cause a rise in the EUR for a little bit. I say this because by now the Fed, the Chinese, and the ECB are well prepared for this event. It will probably pop to 1.35 before free-falling down to the 1.20 level (closer to the intrinsic value).

It's a fun time to be trading.
Anybody else here dabble in currencies? It's definitely one of the most interesting times, as major historical economic developments happen only every 20-30 years.

I've been doing the EURUSD for years now, and you develop a certain intuition about the market. Forex is a casino, and the major players institutions and central governments. Trend lines rule, if you trade on fundamentals you will get killed by the market, and the market is NOTORIOUS for chasing stops.

If you think it is lingering at 1.32 and due for a drop, it will probably pop to 1.33 to then drop like a rock. If you think the obvious move is for it to go up, look for an opportunity to sell. The big players are out for suckers. Wide stops and longer time frames are key to long-term success.

With that said, we'll see how it goes with Greece. March will be key, but it's the end of the line. They will drop out of the EUR, and based on experience, this will probably and ironically cause a rise in the EUR for a little bit. I say this because by now the Fed, the Chinese, and the ECB are well prepared for this event. It will probably pop to 1.35 before free-falling down to the 1.20 level (closer to the intrinsic value).

It's a fun time to be trading.
So basically you might as well go out an bet on horse races instead .... I think that at that point it stops to be " investments" and it becomes pure gambling .

I use currencies only for diversification sake, and often indirectly (through equities of other markets / etf / funds).

Anyway it is an interesting post / view on the currency market, I must admit that I am fairly ignorant on that kind of trades.
So basically you might as well go out an bet on horse races instead .... I think that at that point it stops to be " investments" and it becomes pure gambling .

I use currencies only for diversification sake, and often indirectly (through equities of other markets / etf / funds).

Anyway it is an interesting post / view on the currency market, I must admit that I am fairly ignorant on that kind of trades.

You can study price movements and follow trends, or if you think Greece will default and the Euro will tumble, you have to be able to stomach large movements against you. I knew I wanted to sell around 1.44 when all the fundamentals pointed lower. The Euro went up to 1.48 before tumbling all the way down to where it is today.

But yeah, short-term traders and many people that fail see it as a casino.
Pretty sure it's nowhere near as simple as 'following the trends' or thinking that the 'Euro will tumble.'

Of course everyone will have different ways of entering a trade, but trend following and good money management I have found to be the key to success.

This also applies to stocks, but stocks are more heavily influenced by the fundamentals. Forex can be irrational at times.


Anybody else here dabble in currencies? It's definitely one of the most interesting times, as major historical economic developments happen only every 20-30 years.

I've been doing the EURUSD for years now, and you develop a certain intuition about the market. Forex is a casino, and the major players institutions and central governments. Trend lines rule, if you trade on fundamentals you will get killed by the market, and the market is NOTORIOUS for chasing stops.

If you think it is lingering at 1.32 and due for a drop, it will probably pop to 1.33 to then drop like a rock. If you think the obvious move is for it to go up, look for an opportunity to sell. The big players are out for suckers. Wide stops and longer time frames are key to long-term success.

With that said, we'll see how it goes with Greece. March will be key, but it's the end of the line. They will drop out of the EUR, and based on experience, this will probably and ironically cause a rise in the EUR for a little bit. I say this because by now the Fed, the Chinese, and the ECB are well prepared for this event. It will probably pop to 1.35 before free-falling down to the 1.20 level (closer to the intrinsic value).

It's a fun time to be trading.

Forex, like any other market is supply and demand driven. And technicals are bullshit unless you can fucking speak to the enormous confluence of algos trading forex. It is entirely luck in FOREX with the odds against you.

But individuals get shot in FOREX because you have many legal manipulators (sovereigns) and illegal manipulators (banks) that can just screw the curve in an instance.

You can study price movements and follow trends, or if you think Greece will default and the Euro will tumble, you have to be able to stomach large movements against you. I knew I wanted to sell around 1.44 when all the fundamentals pointed lower. The Euro went up to 1.48 before tumbling all the way down to where it is today.

But yeah, short-term traders and many people that fail see it as a casino.

Local currency increases during financial crisis, as the banks need to bulk up their capital reserves before their "assets" go to shit. So they repatriate their money.
Forex, like any other market is supply and demand driven. And technicals are bullshit unless you can fucking speak to the enormous confluence of algos trading forex. It is entirely luck in FOREX with the odds against you.

For some it's luck, I call it probability. If you have technical indicators that have a history of being 70% right, It's all about losing very little in the 30% and making a lot in the 70%. The luck is being there for the really big moves, and getting out with the biggest gain after a trend is over.


Looks like the Greeks have finally struck a deal for their $100 billion dollar bailout.

Well, European Finance Ministers still have to agree to give them the money. Last week, it sounded they were going to ask for even more austerity, and "actions instead of words", or something like that. Whatever it means, we haven't seen the end of this saga. In fact, I would argue the "best" is yet to come.


Barring some kind of major market-wide meltdown I think Apple will be nothing but flat to up until their investor day on the 23rd. Depending on if they announce a dividend then, and how much it is, the stock could do almost anything. Apple is pretty good at buying the rumor and selling the news, so you'll probably be best off just hanging out for awhile or looking elsewhere.


I had AAPL at 360 and sold at 420, FML.

I am also waiting for some Greece-induced market meltdown to grab some shares away from chicken little investors.

Cmon, Greece! Do something crazy! :(

Moody's has you covered.

Moody's adjusts ratings of 9 European sovereigns to capture downside risks

As anticipated in November 2011, Moody's Investors Service has today adjusted the sovereign debt ratings of selected EU countries in order to reflect their susceptibility to the growing financial and macroeconomic risks emanating from the euro area crisis and how these risks exacerbate the affected countries' own specific challenges.

Moody's actions can be summarised as follows:

- Austria: outlook on Aaa rating changed to negative

- France: outlook on Aaa rating changed to negative

- Italy: downgraded to A3 from A2, negative outlook

- Malta: downgraded to A3 from A2, negative outlook

- Portugal: downgraded to Ba3 from Ba2, negative outlook

- Slovakia: downgraded to A2 from A1, negative outlook

- Slovenia: downgraded to A2 from A1, negative outlook

- Spain: downgraded to A3 from A1, negative outlook

- United Kingdom: outlook on Aaa rating changed to negative


Speaking of catching a nice move, I shorted the EURUSD this morning at 1.3250, down to 1.3160 and counting. I'm letting this one ride for a bit.


I'm curious, does anyone have an objection, either morally or whatever, to investing in a given company/industry? My girlfriend always gives me grief for holding positions in Philip Morris, Altria and McDonald's.


Junior Member
I'm curious, does anyone have an objection, either morally or whatever, to investing in a given company/industry? My girlfriend always gives me grief for holding positions in Philip Morris, Altria and McDonald's.

No. Although a share is a part ownership of the business, it's going to keep going regardless of whether or not you invest in it, and you're only using it as a vehicle to make money.

Would your girlfriend consider someone evil for having a job at a cigarette company? To them, it's a way like any other to bring income home. The same thing is true of an investment.


Eh, I don't think she considers it evil. I just think she'd rather I pump more money into something else for whatever reason. Much like you I have no qualms about profiting from fast food and/or cigarettes and beer.


I had AAPL at 360 and sold at 420, FML.

Hah.. about the same for me. Bought at 380, sold at 390, then re-bought them at 425 and sold again at 450.

Not unhappy about my gains, but damn I didn't think it would go this high this fast. Waiting for another off day so I can try to get in again, but it just keeps going up.


Junior Member
Apple has entered ridiculous territory here. Up another 3% to $523...I'm getting uncomfortable at this level in the short term...considering selling to buy back whenever it dips.


Eh, I don't think she considers it evil. I just think she'd rather I pump more money into something else for whatever reason. Much like you I have no qualms about profiting from fast food and/or cigarettes and beer.

I have had this 1 sided discussion with others. I call it 1 sided because they have no impact in my life and are usually just talking when they hear what I do.
But basically there is always going to be someone with a problem about something somewhere. And if I took in what they said I would not be able to buy stock in anything because I am sure there is some fool who thinks that making money is just plain bad. So it comes with the territory. When it comes down to specific things like cigarettes or whatever, I can see the complaint. I can see it...doesn't mean I do anything differently. There are many real problems out there that people should concentrate on not the fake ones.



Apple has entered ridiculous territory here. Up another 3% to $523...I'm getting uncomfortable at this level in the short term...considering selling to buy back whenever it dips.

looks like there was some profit taking but I'm holding strong, will keep my shares for now.
Apple stock is only going up for the medium term, especially once they show off the next generation of television viewing. I don't know why people are even considering hopping off the express train to cashmoneyville.


Apple stock is only going up for the medium term, especially once they show off the next generation of television viewing. I don't know why people are even considering hopping off the express train to cashmoneyville.

Possibly longtime shareholders? But I don't know there are always idiots willing to part with their money.
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