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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


They are going to be bought by Bank of America (supposedly).

Intel is under investigation over abuse of "monopoly powerz" (not the first time it happens): http://kotaku.com/343319/new-york-ag-subpoenas-intel

IMMR was up 4.49% today, yay! But I know shareholders are waiting for it to go back to around $12 and sell. No one trusts them, no doubt.

STP has been falling a lot recently. From 85 to 67 in 5 days.

UBI's shares have been going down of around 10 Euros in just a few days. Probably related to the delays of FarCry 2, Splinter Cell, etc. Trading in the 55 Euros now. I think it may continue to go down a bit more, there is almost nothing in line for the next few months until Fall/Holidays 08, which should be a good for the company. In other news, they have announced that they are going to publish Soul Calibur IV in Europe (they publish a lot of games for Japanese companies over there, like RE4 for the PC, FFXII, DQVIII, etc.)

Gold was up again thanks to the fact that more rates cuts will lead to a weak dollar:p

I'm gonna be keeping a closer eye on ARA: Aracruz Celulose S.A., engages in the production and sale of bleached hardwood kraft market pulp primarily in Brazil. I noticed that not only has the company been doing good for a few years, but it's a big rise and fall and rise stock. So if it drops significantly again, after some good analysis, it may be worth a pick to be sold soon afterwards.

AMD was up 7.78%, probably because of the probe aimed at Intel? Anyone knows when Intel releases its fiscal results for the year? The stock has been low, I think it could be a good pick (don't take my word for it).

NVDA still down. Again, it's interesting to me. I presume that the Chinese market is being good to them no? Anyone knows? Computer sales can only keep on rising over there, same for PC gaming (unlike here).

And man, I've been looking at MSFT for like the past three years and it's always at the same price range, basically never above the low 30s. I guess it's a good money maker if you have loads of cash to move in and out on a weekly basis.

Brazilian stocks (well the one I have an eye on) have been doing good today. Some of you might remember that on the virtual stock exchange I only bought shares from Brazilian companies when I got in a few months ago. I'm still in the red tho:p

BRP (which I own on vse) plunged today 10.20%. Weird cause they are going to be bought out by Oi. Whatever:p Here is a new article on Brazil and why it's a good investments among the BRIC (overly optimistic as always http://www.fool.com/investing/international/2008/01/08/profit-from-the-next-economic-superpower.aspx)


Actually I forgot something. Ubisoft has Vegas 2 this spring. Maybe End Wars too, I forget.

And: China December Trade Surplus Narrows as Exports Cool

China's trade surplus narrowed for a second month as export growth slowed, indicating that the fastest economic expansion in 13 years may have peaked.

Shaky hands will probably drop stocks out of panic. Careful if you have any Chinese stocks.


Unless I have a solid lead, then I'm staying away from Chinese stocks or anything that really depends on their market. It's like the wild, wild east over there. I might as well bet on horses.

Meanwhile, SNDK is killing my portfolio and I'm still debating if I should get into TTWO or any other video game stocks for that matter...


There's a whole lot of short interest in TTWO right now for some reason. I don't know why it's doing so poorly.

DOW was -300 briefly, now -236.

Also I found out that they actually build a commission into bond sales of less than 5 bonds where E*Trade acts as the principal. I don't know whether to be pissed I just paid a $40 commission, or glad that I dodged the first one somehow.


Soka said:
Market is taking such a massive nosedive. If it falls below 12,000 I'll start strongly considering buying, and if it goes below 11,500 I'm almost positive I'll start tossing some money out into some prospective good stocks. I don't see it falling much lower than that, although any major news could make me re-adjust this idea.

now is already a good time to buy. for long term investments.


What is everyone's thoughts on Asian stocks?(seeing how ~50% of my portfolio is comprised of them).

Safe through the Beijing Olympics?


Shitty day, but it's surprising to me that IMMR was my least affected stock:p But then again it dropped so much already.

Anyway here's what caught my attention today:

Air Force Fighter Fleet in 'Crisis'; Stress of War Pushes Aging Air Force Jets Beyond Limits; Fixes May Not Solve Deeper Problems.

Most defense/Aerospace stocks were down, except Northrop which got a $595M contract from the Navy related to the construction of an aircraft carrier. Textron has been going down a lot over the past few weeks. From the low 70s to 59 right now, in around three or four weeks. Seems to be related to a slash in funding by congress for helicopter construction back in December (Pentagon was asking for more, congress agreed to less).

Amazon almost back in the 70s.

RIMM dropped 6.91%, seems to be due to downgrade.

AKNS (solar energy) up 5.36% after the recent plunge. Other that than almost all energy stocks were down.

GME (Gamestop) has been going down even on good sales and expectations. I have never been interested in that stock, I HATE the idea of investing in retailers. Anyway Mothleyfool has a piece on it for those interested: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2008/01/11/gamestop-ed-cold.aspx

ERTS is now in the low 50s. I haven't been keeping up with EA and its future releases, they're too big, I lose track.

SNE is getting good news as far as the Blu-Ray is concerned, but we all knew that:p

UBI dropped another 4% today. Now in the low 50s instead of high 60s. We saw the first real trailer (CG) for R6 Vegas 2 today. It will release this spring, should do well enough, altho don't rely on EGM/1up for reviews because of the recent Sony/Ubisoft and whoever else who are no longer going to provide them with anything. EDIT: Oh, I think Haze too in the Spring, maybe?

Burger King is going to release its second quarter earning on Jan 31st. Was trading at around 28 recently, now around 23. Dropped today 6.77% Kraft will release their fourth quarter results on Jan 30. I have no idea what to expect from either, especially Kraft (I'm staying away from that one).

McDonald's dropped 6.62% today. Should be rather recession proof no? Anyone has an opinion on this stock? McD's is low grade food, people don't decide to cook more because the economy's not doing well, but they will go for cheaper "treats" foods. I would expect higher sales from McD during bad times:p

UN (Uniliver). Someone was interested in them too here I remember. Well they dropped 5.48% on analysts gloom. Bank of America initiated coverage of UN today on Buy. But regardless, I'm keeping my eye on it.

Most Brazilian stocks were really down today.

AMD was up 4.87%, again probably due to the coming probe on INTC and it's gotten quite accessible at $6.25. I'm not touching it tho, don't know enough about the market, sounds risky. INTC down 2.44% again. I'm keeping a very close eye on this one, next week will probably not be better as far as the stock markets go, so I expect it to go down unless it's close to its near bottom.

NVDA down 4.38% today. Tasty, especially long term. Situation still unclear to me tho, I want to figure out how much growth potential it has in nations were PC gaming is on the rise, especially China. Same for the mobile market.

ADBE has dropped a lot too. Check it out. Not sure what to think tho. They have very little competition, everybody knows them, they are well positioned. But is there growth in sight? I'm thinking that China has been getting more and more professional in the computer-related sector, especially the graphics/entertainment/games one, salaries are going up too in that field because there is a lot of talent demand. Read this article about Ubisoft in China to get an idea of the situation: http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8451&Itemid=51 To me it indicates that actual sales, rather than pirated software, will be on the rise in the near future. But this could be highly accentuated if Adobe adjusts its price range for the Chinese market. I'm not sure about where they stand in this regard, I'll look it up and post what I find when/if I do.

ADSK (Autodesk), dropped a lot this week too. I put them in the same basket as ADBE, but I think they may have less products that the Chinese market would be in high demand of. Seems too high end, not enough directed at sectors that are outsourcing a lot. I could be wrong tho.

CREE and PANL (OLED stuff) down a lot today too. No idea about them. They always go up a few points only to fall again.

That, is all!


Here is all I found on Adobe in China. Goes in hand in what I expected:


Adobe revenue is increasing 50% yearly in China, and the piracy rate is slowly dropping as more purchasers within China fully enter the wider global economy.

Creative Suite 3 in Simplified Chinese is starting out its sales cycles with steep discounts, to try to gain a wider foothold in the market.

Adobe will now be on my close-watch list;)

And remember, Flash=Adobe now.

EDIT: BTW. In my RBC account, I bought CGT on two occasions (twice 200 actions). Why would they be all put together? Shouldn't they remain separate? Like, what I bought at let's say $13 should be separated from what I bought at $12?


Ok so anyone has any BAD info on Tata Motors?

I had them on my watch list a couple of months ago when I was looking for some potential BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) investments, and saw that they made a lot of vehicles in India (trucks, buses, tractors, etc.). Now the 2,500$ car aimed at developing countries like China, India, etc., sure sounds interesting. The company can definitly grow, and while I'm vary wary of anything car-related, anyone has an opinion on them? I'm sure a lot of doubt towards Tata is keeping the value of the stock low. It could boom soon, the car is not intended for the US or European market anyway. Any ideas?


Ether_Snake said:
]ADBE has dropped a lot too. Check it out. Not sure what to think tho. They have very little competition, everybody knows them, they are well positioned. But is there growth in sight? I'm thinking that China has been getting more and more professional in the computer-related sector, especially the graphics/entertainment/games one, salaries are going up too in that field because there is a lot of talent demand. Read this article about Ubisoft in China to get an idea of the situation: http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8451&Itemid=51 To me it indicates that actual sales, rather than pirated software, will be on the rise in the near future. But this could be highly accentuated if Adobe adjusts its price range for the Chinese market. I'm not sure about where they stand in this regard, I'll look it up and post what I find when/if I do.

This will be on my watch list. Adobe's only real threat is Apple. And it's certainly a possibility that Apple could decide to acquire Adobe. That would give Apple some serious leveraging power in the platform game.


fobtastic said:
This will be on my watch list. Adobe's only real threat is Apple. And it's certainly a possibility that Apple could decide to acquire Adobe. That would give Apple some serious leveraging power in the platform game.

Yeah I'm pretty sure Apple no longer intends to really beat Windows in the business/production environment, they prefer to maintain their base and grow it through iPhone/iPod marketing, making their PC products feel more casual than non-Apple computers. Basically, make people who just want a computer for non-production and non-gaming purposes go out and buy Apple instead of a PC with Windows. Their business model is IMO more consumer-friendly. Having a version of Photoshop, website design software, flash production, it would be enough for them to market a whole new PC directed at amateur content production. More and more people are getting comfortable with the idea of making websites, graphic content, video montage, photo touch ups/color correction, etc.

We'll see:)

EDIT- In other news: Retail Sales Probably Stalled in December: U.S. Economy Preview

I think this week will not be a great one again for the stock markets.


Ether_Snake said:
Yeah I'm pretty sure Apple no longer intends to really beat Windows in the business/production environment, they prefer to maintain their base and grow it through iPhone/iPod marketing, making their PC products feel more casual than non-Apple computers. Basically, make people who just want a computer for non-production and non-gaming purposes go out and buy Apple instead of a PC with Windows. Their business model is IMO more consumer-friendly. Having a version of Photoshop, website design software, flash production, it would be enough for them to market a whole new PC directed at amateur content production. More and more people are getting comfortable with the idea of making websites, graphic content, video montage, photo touch ups/color correction, etc.

We'll see:)

EDIT- In other news: Retail Sales Probably Stalled in December: U.S. Economy Preview

I think this week will not be a great one again for the stock markets.

Adobe would be a tremendous asset. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesigh, Flash, Acrobat (as much as I hate PDFs, good luck dethroning it)... Apple could leverage these Adobe products to ensure Microsoft supports Office on Macs.

BTW, considering the circumstances, I'm surprised I'm not seeing much talk about gold stocks beyond Yamana.
Well I just got a note in the mail from Delphi about their bankruptcy reorg. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, though the fact you need around 1,581 old stock for 1 new stock is disheartening to my 26 stock. Anyone else still have this? It would cost me about 40x what the stock is worth to sell it so that's really not an option.


fobtastic said:
Adobe would be a tremendous asset. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesigh, Flash, Acrobat (as much as I hate PDFs, good luck dethroning it)... Apple could leverage these Adobe products to ensure Microsoft supports Office on Macs.

BTW, considering the circumstances, I'm surprised I'm not seeing much talk about gold stocks beyond Yamana.

There's GOLD (Randgold Ressources), KGC (Kinross Gold), ABX (Barrik Gold). All have had similar progression charts (basically, in line with gold's value). I don't know much about the whole gold investment thing really, I'll have to read up on it. What can be invested in, why, etc.

EDIT: I would be careful because gold has gone up quickly recently as seen in the charts, so a strong drop is soon likely. At that point, maybe it would be a better opportunity. It will probably continue to go up a bit for a week or two but I think it will drop soon, if I look at the past as an indicator.


Ether_Snake said:
There's GOLD (Randgold Ressources), KGC (Kinross Gold), ABX (Barrik Gold). All have had similar progression charts (basically, in line with gold's value). I don't know much about the whole gold investment thing really, I'll have to read up on it. What can be invested in, why, etc.

EDIT: I would be careful because gold has gone up quickly recently as seen in the charts, so a strong drop is soon likely. At that point, maybe it would be a better opportunity. It will probably continue to go up a bit for a week or two but I think it will drop soon, if I look at the past as an indicator.

There are a lot of juniors that are still a great value. Gold certainly has gone up quickly (it's about time), and there will definitely be some resistance (I'm sure we'll see a lot of people taking profits as it touches 900). But there are just so many factors indicating that the upward trend will continue in 2008. With turbulent times ahead, everyone needs gold in their portfolio.


Yeah I meant that it will probably drop within two or three weeks. The recent rise has been on a short-term basis no doubt, people buying and ready to sell soon as the wave is still high, looking to make a quick buck on bad news. So I think it will go down, and then have a more stable/normalized upward progression.

BTW I read a lot more about Tata Motors. Really, I see a lot of potential. It's risky in the sense that a lot is in the balance right now, but obviously the company has been acting like a professional business, aiming at strong growth, international markets, and innovation (unlike a lot of American car makers). They won't be my next purchase, INTC will probably the one, but they're on close watch, especially considering the shares are very affordable (unlike ADBE for example, which is really expensive for me).

Anyone has an opinion?




Ah, they make semiconductors of all sorts. http://finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?s=AMAT

I don't know anything about them. I'm blind as far as the semiconductor sector goes. I know NVDA/INTC because I'm gamer, the rest I have no idea about:)

BTW I made more research on DCO (Ducommun). I compared them to the rest of the Aerospace & Defense sector (peer comparison), and they're an interesting choice (plus it's affordable to me).

Right now, since I want to diversify, I'm keeping a close watch on these:

Aerospace & Defense: Ducommun (sector could end up slowing down with less defense spendings due to recession, downsizing of military in the US, and other factors, but I'm keeping an eye on it anyway)
Semiconductors: INTC and NVDA (should continue to fall this week, INTC has been following the NASDAQ/DOW/S&P on an almost day to day basis for a year now)
Processed & Packaged Goods: UN (gotta make more research, maybe tomorrow evening).

I won't invest further in what I already have because I need to diversify after the IMMR blunder (which I still own btw):p

EDIT: http://jdin.janes.com/public/jdin/index.shtml for Aerospace & Defense news.


nice day for INTC and NVDA. Too bad I haven't made my purchase yet (was waiting for lower). Markets are not recovering, so I think this rise is temporary.

And damn IMMR, down on an up day:p

UBI still low, NPD numbers coming, quick buck likely:D

EDIT: CGT good news (of course, stock goes down, but I'm a believer! good long term investment) http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/080114/mo464.html?.v=6

CAE partners with AirAsia to build an aviation training centre of excellence and selects Kuala Lumpur as its Southeast Asian training hub

EDIT: Ha! Look at that, INTC, NVDA, DCO, all up big time today. UN up too. I hope they won't go too high so I can still buy them:|

EDIT2: TGI has also been dropping a lot recently. Could be a good opportunity. Balance sheet not that great, but still, this has been a steep drop. ATVI has also been going down, but NDP numbers are close. Hmm.

EDIT3: AAARGH! INTC earnings tomorrow, after the close! I forgot!:| Oh well, maybe some bad news? Ugh, probably not.


This thread used to be more lively!

Koam! What have you done with your shares?

Anyway; China's BYD Aims to Sell Hybrid Cars in U.S. by 2010

"We are the best in battery technologies, and I am sure we will be the best in the automobile industry as well, because electricity will replace gasoline''

Makes sense to me!

And: Tata in Talks to Sell $2,500 Car in China, China Daily Says

In order of interest:

TTM (risky but interesting)

Hopefully I haven't missed my chance.


INTC earnings this evening at 5:30. This is tempting, do I buy or not?:p

If I do, it will be 200 shares. Should I wait till tomorrow, after earnings?


Ether_Snake said:
INTC earnings this evening at 5:30. This is tempting, do I buy or not?:p

If I do, it will be 200 shares. Should I wait till tomorrow, after earnings?
Buying after earnings will be meaningless. You won't be fast enough. It's dropping right now amid a weak market today, may be a good opportunity to buy in now and make a profit tommorow.
If you are not sure about INTC why not put down half now/half later?

I think INTC could see a nice pop in after hours. I'm 100% sure their earnings will beat. The big question is if they will guide up or down and how will their margins for the future be.

Me thinks that the new 45nm chips will keep the margins on the good side.


thegreyfox said:
If you are not sure about INTC why not put down half now/half later?

I think INTC could see a nice pop in after hours. I'm 100% sure their earnings will beat. The big question is if they will guide up or down and how will their margins for the future be.

Me thinks that the new 45nm chips will keep the margins on the good side.
The market already adjusted big to their earning forecast yesterday, could they have overshot? Or do you think there's still a bit more to go. If it keeps falling today, definitely a good decision to buy.
bune duggy said:
Well I just got a note in the mail from Delphi about their bankruptcy reorg. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, though the fact you need around 1,581 old stock for 1 new stock is disheartening to my 26 stock. Anyone else still have this? It would cost me about 40x what the stock is worth to sell it so that's really not an option.
so am I the only one who still has Delphi stock? :(


bune duggy said:
so am I the only one who still has Delphi stock? :(

Probably, and with 26 shares not sure what you can do really.

Argh, do I buy or not, not sure. It will cost me a lot, but long term INTC is good. The thing is, how long will I have to wait if it drops tomorrow and things get worst in the next few weeks for the economy:|

EDIT: Looking at the 5 year graph, what I notice is that INTC never recovered quickly after a steep drop. So the current drop could continue for some time, like a month.

EDIT2: I'm not buying, screw it.


I haven't been willing to look at my shares lately because of all the bad news, and I'm trying to pay down my margin loan so I don't have money to get in anything new. I ended last year just under 20% gain, but I'm several thousand dollars down so far this year :) Knew I should've sold AAPL at $200! Ah well, hopefully it bounces back some today :D

One stock I've owned for something like 18 months is Alfacell (ACEL). They're developing a Mesothelioma-fighting drug that is looking extremely promising. The drug has been granted fast-track status by the FDA and they're charging through testing. Today it was announced that another company has bought the licensing and commercialization rights, and the stock is up around 17% right now. Too bad I only have a little bit of money in there, but still good nonetheless. I think as this progresses in testing it's going to keep on going up and up.


I'll have to look into pharmaceuticals too eventually. Must be risky tho, with callbacks and such, but I guess it happens less often than we think.

As for INTC, the reason I'm not buying is I think, based on the past stock movement, that it may rise soon if earnings are good and all, but it will drop over the following weeks. Still unsure when buying will become acceptable, but I think I can wait a bit more. NVDA could be at its low right now, difficult to tell. But anyway, at worst I miss my chance.


I think I might throw more money at ATVI or TTWO tomorrow. Crazy to some extent, but the game market should be doing very well, and I think this will continue to bring more attention to the game sector as rather downturn-proof.

But I'm starting to have doubts about GTAIV being released soon. Even tho Take2 never did much hype for the game until very close to release, it feels very qiuet. Another delay would hurt, but can they really afford it? And if they can't afford it, then not delaying the game might just lead them to deliver an unfinished game that could leave a sour note to what should be a new start for the series.

ATVI is safer of course, but more expensive. AtT that price, I almost prefer to diversify instead.
I want to buy more of TTWO and NVDA, but I don't have the funds right now. I still have CROX and SBUX in my portfolio. OUCH. I think I'm going to sell as soon as they reach what I bought them at but who knows when that'll be!


sonarrat said:
Ha. Was a good choice to buy a short interest in Citibank yesterday. :D ...Wish I had done that with real money. Ah well.
Sigh, I should have done this instead of deciding to do the apple thing


How much did you pay for CROX? I remember it falling big time. That always sucks:|

TTWO's Carnival Games has been selling well non-stop. Basically, as long as the Wii sells, the game is being picked up too. But hey, that's just one game. I'll figure out tomorrow if I buy more or not.
Ether_Snake said:
How much did you pay for CROX? I remember it falling big time. That always sucks:|

$40 for CROX. So not as bad as $70 but still not good!

Crap, did NVDA just get downgraded? Grrr...should have sold when they were at $36 a few weeks ago.


Fuzzery said:
Sigh, I should have done this instead of deciding to do the apple thing

It sucks that the keynote didn't buoy the stock as usual. BUT on the plus side, I believe they announce earnings next week. Hopefully that will be able to get some forward momentum going.


Intel missed earnings estimates by 2 cents, triggering a 14.7% drop in share price after hours.

Looks like tomorrow will be another bloodbath for stocks.


Good thing I didn't buy afterall, I almost did today at work before I decided against it. Still on my must-buy list, along with NVDA.

AMD is going down too (not interested in that tho). DCO down 11% today! Looks like people are angry with management, but overall I don't know why it dropped so much. UN is alright, for now I guess:p

As far as INTC is concerned, like I said before, it seems that when it does a steep drop it continues to fall during the following weeks at a slower pace before it picks up again, so I'll more or less buy when I feel it reached its low. But right now, the markets are too uncertain, I'm even wary of accumulating more.

I won't buy more of TTWO or ATVI, because this market drowns everything with it right now, even tho the gaming sector is doing fine.

I might accumulate a bit more of CGT since it has been going down too.

EDIT: Soka; yahoo finance has after hours listed clearly. Oh and it's also on Google finance, just under the quote.

EDIT2: NKE, never thought about it. Dropped good recently, and of course a recession would make it go lower, but now that I think about it this would be a safe long-term investment. I can't afford it for now, but I'm bookmarking it:)

I need more funds:(


Weird, not sure why.

I've been spending all week long looking for new stocks to add to my list. Of course, a lot of stuff is on my watch list, but few I'm actually keeping an eye on as a potential buy. I'm looking for more longterm investments basically.

But like I said in my previous post; I need more funds:p Damn job and its lack of promotions. Better have one after this project.

Burlington Northen Santa Fe Corp. (BNI) added to list. Check the chart, check the company, check the current share price, sounds good. But out of my budget:|

EDIT: Check its competitors too. CNI is nice too.


For what?

BTW I was an inch from clicking the confirm button to buy INTC. But I backed out, I'll stick to the idea that it will drop some more.
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