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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Soka said:
I've decided to take my lumps and go down in the fire. I'm young enough and have enough money in other areas that I can afford the hit in the stock market. Not happy about it, but I'll be fine. Just biding my time until I can buy in big.

Yeah I'm not really selling. I'll tough it out. I need to get my margin paid down this year before I get into anything else though. Was hoping to sell half my AAPL shares after some gains from earnings. So much for that plan.

Cheesemeister said:

Just got the date from their investor relations page --


I bought my 140 NVDA shares this morning but I know it will keep on dropping. I have around 2500 left I can invest. Then I'll be sitting on my ass.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
kathode said:
Yup, just like I thought, it looks like the AAPL outlook is missing the estimates, and shares are tanking. I'm about ready to cash out my entire portfolio and stuff it inside my mattress at this point :(

I tried so hard to warn you all from getting caught up in Apple.


After Hours: 137.20 -18.44 (-11.85%) - Jan 22, 5:38PM ET

Apple is getting corrected. But please realize that in a time of recession, a company like Apple's earnings are going to go down, which will increase the P/E ratio, and it will need further correcting.

Apple is a good company, and it will return likely in years (unless we have a crazy bad recession). But my advice to consider getting out. Either wait until a temporary rebound, or get out now.

Don't put it under a mattress. Buy stocks that went down simply because the rest of the market did. Stocks that have substance/value to them, that will rebound.

Buy Altria:


P/E is only 14 (value), and they own a significant portion of the food and cigarette industry. They will rebound. In fact, it's a good long term stock period. Average annualized interest if you reinvest dividends is like 18% with this since 1960.

Exxon is cheap:


Normally I'd recommend at least buying gold, but so many people are doing this now that I think even gold has been bubbled up.


Exxon is still practically at their all time high, the drop has been rather minimal.

TGI has had a sharp drop recently, from around 85 to 57. Their earnings are on Friday btw. Altho I expect anyone's earning to be lower than expected, so I'd wait till Friday morning to buy.

EDIT: It was clear the Fed Rate cut would do nothing considering Friday's close.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Ether_Snake said:
Exxon is still practically at their all time high, the drop has been rather minimal.

By cheap I meant that the P/E is low (12).

I mean if we were judging stocks by their price #, BRK.A would be crazy high.


All big oil P/Es are low. The industry average is 11.66

RDS.A: 8.43
CVX: 10.19
TOT: 10.33
BP: 10.77
COP: 11.31
XOM: 12.30
PBR: 15.79 (finished up)
HES: 16.26 (finished up)


Asian stocks rebounding for now.

EDIT: Daaaaaaamn, I hadn't looked at cigarette companies. ITY looks mighty tasty right now. Too bad it's too expensive for me.
Don't look now but asian rally is dying out and futures are selling off, with a swiftness.

Dow futures have fallen 40 points in the last half hour, now off over 100 for the night. :(
OMG i'm seriously thinking of going all in on TTWO tomorrow. The last trailer comes out tomorrow and everyone is waiting for the release date. Gamestop supposedly has a huge push planned for april and this pass sundays target ad actually had late april printed as release. the odds are looking pretty good. what would you do?


For zecco traders, I stumbled on a helpful little site (www.zeccopal.com) that will generate Schedule Ds and D-1s for you. If you've only made simple trades (no shorts or options), this is a way around paying for Zecco's 24.99 service. I've tried it - works well enough for me.


Yeah TTWO could be a good buy right now, but I still doubt that the game will not be delayed. Of course, I could make a few bucks buying now I guess, but I'll just hold on my current shares instead. Gotta save my money for something bigger.

NVDA is up a dollar from what I bought them yesterday. Let's hope it keeps on going;)

INTC is still low, but bouncing. For how long? I think it will fall some more in the days/weeks to come, considering the past trends.

UN is down some, almost bellow 30.

PEP has really taken a hit recently too. Good opportunity. It seems to usually bounce quickly.

TGI looks very good at this price. I'd wait tho.

SNE down 6% right now.

BP almost at 52-week low.


I wouldn't. PE is very high, sales have been low, and they have been going down for some time. Looks risky, but it's up to you.


Okay! I'll be getting roughly 6000+ USD next month (I think) and I want to get rich.

Advice? Good stocks? Now is the time since everything is rock bottom.



Who says everything is rock bottom? Look at some stocks and how they traded over the past 10 years, there have been worst times. We don't know if it's rock bottom yet, or even close.


Ether_Snake said:
Who says everything is rock bottom? Look at some stocks and how they traded over the past 10 years, there have been worst times. We don't know if it's rock bottom yet, or even close.

I was thinking we were nearing a bottom, but I don't think we've seen the worst until we're in the 10,000, or even sub 10,000. Given some of the early earnings forecast, I think we're going to get raped hard.


Fine, not "rock bottom". But some stocks are damn cheap. I'm thinking of buying some ericsson stocks just for the hell of it, they are _dirt_ cheap right now.


A lot of companies have done well but set lower forecasts than analysts expected, bringing their stocks down (like AAPL).

As for Ericsson: It was dirt cheap at 50 compared to its high of almost 250, but it never returned to 50. http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=ERIC&t=my&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

Look at the ratios too;

PE might be low, but the rest is not too hot IMO. Management looks alright, efficiency too, but growth has been rather poor. Maybe take a look at VZ too. Looks better overall, PE is on industry average, rest of the ratios are better. You're call tho, I haven't been keeping watch on them:)

EDIT: There are a LOT of companies that look cheap right now, much better performing ones too. It's just difficult to tell if we have a while more to go down.

Here are some:

BP (not a top company tho, I'd be careful)

And then some.

EDIT2: Railroads upgraded. Talked about it a few posts before. BNI, CNI, CP, UNP.

EDIT3: Markets up!:) Don't get caught up in the hype tho, a bounce is normal. More drops are coming for sure, lots of earnings on the way, and depressive news stand about positive ones these days.

EDIT: MOT profits plunge. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a_spyicstr30&refer=home


Hail to the KING baby
I'm probably going to wait to buy until we get to the absolute bottom, that way it's a safe investment b/c there's no way to go but up. imo it's silly and even irresponsible to get in early just to "go along for the ride."


AstroLad said:
I'm probably going to wait to buy until we get to the absolute bottom, that way it's a safe investment b/c there's no way to go but up. imo it's silly and even irresponsible to get in early just to "go along for the ride."

It's going to be hard to call a bottom. I was thinking about making an investment in February, but a combination of a lack of funds and not thinking we're near a bottom will make me just wait through the earnings season, do some research, and see if I could just hang up my investments for a little bit and wait. It's way too early to get in here. Like I said before, I think we've got a couple thousand points to fall. I don't even want to look at what my stocks are doing sometimes...because I might freak and sell.


Yeah I'm sure I bought my nvda shares too early, there was at least still some time for more falls. It's tempting to buy more right now, but screw it, better safe than sorry.


Hail to the KING baby
Do you guys actually sell anything short term? I have to keep everything long term (and I can't invest in individual stocks either) or the capital gains (aherm, there's a fond memory of days gone by) would slay me.


Ether_Snake said:
Yeah I'm sure I bought my nvda shares too early, there was at least still some time for more falls. It's tempting to buy more right now, but screw it, better safe than sorry.

Yeah, I'd wait. I think you definitely made a smart purchase at the end of the day, but I'm guessing the way tech is getting absolutely KILLED today, and will probably continue to be, you probably jumped the gun in the short-term. Good buy anyways, bud.


AstroLad said:
Do you guys actually sell anything short term? I have to keep everything long term (and I can't invest in individual stocks either) or the capital gains (aherm, there's a fond memory of days gone by) would slay me.

I don't. I'm one of those "buy and hold" types. Like you said, the capital gains will kill your returns. (Plus, if you hold longer, I think you get some tax savings.) Add in transaction costs and inherent risks of having a short-term outlook, and you've got a recipe for disaster.

Investing in long-term, stable, dividend-paying companies will paying off when you're creeping up on retirement, I think.
I was thinking of selling my NTDOY with the presumably upward spike after the earnings report tonight, but the freaking capital gains tax is making me ponder it further. I was up 40% at one point, but now I'm only at 16%.


I don't have the money to invest very long term (like, more than 5 years). I mean if I wanted to do that I'd buy from BA/LMT/ITY/XOM/etc. I can rarely make a purchase of something above the 25$ range. Commissions are expensive too, and I don't buy often.


Cheesemeister said:
I was thinking of selling my NTDOY with the presumably upward spike after the earnings report tonight, but the freaking capital gains tax is making me ponder it further. I was up 40% at one point, but now I'm only at 16%.

I'd would personally wait on selling NTDOY. I think that right now the company enjoyed a speculative bubble mostly (even if it was on strong results, the rise came from people who bought on the news, haven't been following the sector, etc.). I would presume that the strong earnings will confirm NTDOY's status and turn the speculation into solid trust towards the company. There will be profit taking, but really I think we have to look even more long term with Nintendo.

What is the NDS? It is the Gameboy, it's been around for a long time, but remember how every parent knew what a Gameboy was? Then it became the Gameboy Advance, a bigger hit, which was thanks to the Gameboy's brand popularity. Now the NDS, a continuation of the Gameboy Brand's success, this time capitalizing on its past iteration sales AND news sales aimed at non-"boys" (hence the name change). When Nintendo releases its next handheld device, unless they change course or make a fatal mistake (not impossible), it will capitalize on the GB/GBA/NDS' past success and install base. There's always the possibility of some competition from Apple tho.

You can see the same pattern with the Wii, to a certain extent. NES/SNES/N64/Gamecube and now the Wii, which breaks out of the gamer audience to grow the brand further. The next Wii won't have to convince soccer moms, they'll be there day one.

It doesn't mean I would wait forever to sell, but that 16% gain can surely be higher. But Nintendo has a knack for taking a downturn after a success.


Ether_Snake said:
I can rarely make a purchase of something above the 25$ range.

Actually, I was going to ask you about that. Why do you do that?
Whatever you invest, it's the same money. You might buy more shares...but you're still investing the same dollars and lose/gain at the same percentage.

EDIT: Might the market prove me wrong? We're up 100 points? What the hell happened? *Goes searching for news*


ArtG said:
Actually, I was going to ask you about that. Why do you do that?
Whatever you invest, it's the same money. You might buy more shares...but you're still investing the same dollars and lose/gain at the same percentage.

EDIT: Might the market prove me wrong? We're up 100 points? What the hell happened? *Goes searching for news*

Maybe this: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a6I9sOoEkfnU&refer=home

EDIT: BTW the reason I say I can't buy stocks above 25$ is because I don't like buying below 100 shares of a company. The commission is 30$ to buy, 30$ to sell. I rarely aim below a 750$ MINIMUM return.

EDIT2: NM, that makes no sense! WTF have I been doing lol


Hail to the KING baby
Ether_Snake said:
I don't have the money to invest very long term (like, more than 5 years). I mean if I wanted to do that I'd buy from BA/LMT/ITY/XOM/etc. I can rarely make a purchase of something above the 25$ range. Commissions are expensive too, and I don't buy often.

You're outside the US right? Basically we get taxed at the regular rate on our short-term profits and at a defined lower rate on LT profits (>1 year), so it's pretty nuts to go for short-term profits unless you're in a really low-income tax bracket. Wife and I are planning on buying a house next Mar., so I'm putting away the money in foreign equity until Mar. of this year, then I need to switch over to muni bonds. Of course none of this is a worry with the 401(k) and other retirement savings (although 401(k) is the only retirement savings mechanism that gives me any tax benefit :/).


I think it probably works the same as in the US (I'm in Canada), altho I'm not sure about being taxed less over long term gains.

My 401k contributions are just 100$ a month (plus company contributions). I need to raise it, but not until I get a raise. Plus I don't even know wtf they are being invested into, I knew jack shit back then when I signed the papers and never looked back.


Hail to the KING baby
Ether_Snake said:
I think it probably works the same as in the US (I'm in Canada), altho I'm not sure about being taxed less over long term gains.

My 401k contributions are just 100$ a month (plus company contributions). I need to raise it, but not until I get a raise. Plus I don't even know wtf they are being invested into, I knew jack shit back then when I signed the papers and never looked back.

Yeah, I manage my 401(k) directly. There is a default fund it goes into, but I have all my own allocations that I can change on the fly at any time. I max out my 401k contributions each year for the sweet, sweet tax-free growth.


AstroLad said:
Yeah, I manage my 401(k) directly. There is a default fund it goes into, but I have all my own allocations that I can change on the fly at any time. I max out my 401k contributions each year for the sweet, sweet tax-free growth.

I can probably do this too. The thing is it's invested through another bank than the one I personally deal with. I'll check how to access it online.

BTW what do you guys think of CM? Looks damn cheap. PE is very low. http://stocks.us.reuters.com/stocks/ratios.asp?symbol=CM


AstroLad said:
You're outside the US right? Basically we get taxed at the regular rate on our short-term profits and at a defined lower rate on LT profits (>1 year), so it's pretty nuts to go for short-term profits unless you're in a really low-income tax bracket.

It's not nuts, depending on how long term your outlook is - you can only get taxed if you profit. For example, I cashed out of NTDOY at 77.50, and will be taxed on my profits at my short-term rate. If I'd held longer, I'd have no profits to be taxed on. I can buy back in now at my original buy-in value, earn similar profits again eventually, and get taxed again.... but my cumulative profits will still be much greater, even figuring the short-term tax x2.

My outlook isn't about a retirement horizon (I have separate retirement savings); it's about wealth building over the next few years.


Hail to the KING baby
gkrykewy said:
My outlook isn't about a retirement horizon (I have separate retirement savings); it's about wealth building over the next few years.

I'm the same way; my main focus is retirement savings and 2-5 year savings. Of course, by short-term I mean only profits from <one year holdings. Certainly there are situations where it's advantageous, but for the average investor who's not cash-strapped and who's in a higher tax bracket, but short of trading on inside information those situations are few and far between. The tax on short-term gains is absolutely meant to deter average investors from short-term profit-seeking, and it does a decent job of being a deterrent.


I know in Canada we are taxed on 50% of our gains. Gotta check if it is lower with longterm gains.

Doesn't look like it: Currently 50% of capital gains are taxed in Canada at the general rate. (ie $100 CG with 30% tax rate will attract $15 of tax.) Some exceptions apply, such as selling one's primary residence which may be exempt from taxation.[1]


AstroLad said:
I'm the same way; my main focus is retirement savings and 2-5 year savings. Of course, by short-term I mean only profits from <one year holdings. Certainly there are situations where it's advantageous, but for the average investor who's not cash-strapped and who's in a higher tax bracket, but short of trading on inside information those situations are few and far between. The tax on short-term gains is absolutely meant to deter average investors from short-term profit-seeking, and it does a decent job of being a deterrent.

I agree - I suppose it's less of a deterrent to me because I believe we'll be in the 15% bracket (my wife is in graduate school).

EDIT: Holy shit, this market is exploding. Is this a sucker's rally? I'm not aware of any news.


Hail to the KING baby
I agree - I suppose it's less of a deterrent to me because I believe we'll be in the 15% bracket (my wife is in graduate school).

Right absolutely, ymmv. Although I think the lowest brackets get taxed at just 5% rather than 15% on long-term gains, but I'm not sure how that works.

Ether_Snake said:
I know in Canada we are taxed on 50% of our gains. Gotta check if it is lower with longterm gains.

Doesn't look like it: Currently 50% of capital gains are taxed in Canada at the general rate. (ie $100 CG with 30% tax rate will attract $15 of tax.) Some exceptions apply, such as selling one's primary residence which may be exempt from taxation.[1]

Nation of day traders, I tell you.


Soka said:
I don't care why it's rallying, but I'm fucking happy. Wachovia up 15.23%.


I just wonder if it'll stick. Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I'd assume that we'd just see a lot of these gains wiped out at the open of tomorrow. Seeing as I'm pretty much always wrong, maybe this is good news for the market. ;)
Ether_Snake said:
Nope, just a transaction online. Stupid RBC.

That's rough. Etrade might be in the tank as a bank but the commissions are fair.

NVDA looks like a solid play. Excellent ROE and ROI, no debt, 33% sales growth, P/E is fair in the 20x range. I'll wait and see how the market plays out, I'm still not sure if I want to jump, but NVDA looks promising.


Yeah pretty sure we'll see profit taking, but some will hold. Not necessarily for the best:p

EDIT: INTC jumped 7%. Usually its drops have been over a longer period, so I'm waiting for sure.
Does anyone find the following analyst statement about Apple's future ironic

"Clearly, the iPod halo effect is alive and well, but there are other factors contributing to the Mac's resurgence," Wolf said. "[Including] the poor reception accorded Vista, and the newfound ability of the Mac to run Windows along with Mac applications."

So Vista had a poor reception, so that's good news for apple.

But Mac's can now run Vista, so that's good news for apple.
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