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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


The YHOO forum on Yahoo is moving at the speed of light.



These stocks are completely killer. Since 4/15 I'm up over 10 grand. Of course a lot of that is thanks to SDVI going up nearly a cent and a half :lol But still, feeling pretty good about my position right now. I will probably bump up SDVI to half a million shares if it drops back down below 3 cents. Also, some exec at Visa just bought herself 2000 shares at $83 so I still think this is a good buy.

BTW, I've owned some Apple for forever, but that and MORN were recent recommendations from the Motley Fool's Stock Advisor service (fool.com) which I subscribe to. I don't like to recommend that sort of thing because I know it makes me sound like a shill, but I've had a lot of luck with their picks. The SA portfolio as a whole is up 60%, and the amount of money I've made off it makes the $200 price seem pretty cheap. Something to think about if you want to expand your horizons as far as picks go. Without them I would probably have a portfolio full of game publishers and thats it :)


stock market needs to fall this week. everything's too expensive. Need to get cheaper to buy.

Fal this week market! FALL!! :lol
Soka said:
What the hell did you pretend to buy to do that to your portfolio? Damn dude!

MSFt/YHOO = clusterfuck. Bail out! Also, if anyone sees Iron Man, there's a fun portion about stocks that made me chuckle. Anyone that's partially invested in the stock market will probably get a little laugh at it.

Im now at -93.13%

The only thing Ive made hypothetical money on is short selling genzyme, but after transaction costs thats also a loss.

I bought hypothetical options on retail companies.


I started a fake stock exchange thing ages ago and totally forgot about it, now I'm 106/6001 with 59.76% return... (I invested in Take2 and EA)

What sucks is that I was actually going to invest for real but had no cash at the time :(


besiktas1 said:
I started a fake stock exchange thing ages ago and totally forgot about it, now I'm 106/6001 with 59.76% return... (I invested in Take2 and EA)

What sucks is that I was actually going to invest for real but had no cash at the time :(

One thing you might to keep in mind that it's much easier to take chances with virtual money instead of the real stuff. If you were investing real money you may not have been as aggressive.


he's Virgin Tight™
Market doing well today! USD is still going up against the Euro which is always a good thing. Dow is doing well, NASDAQ is rising. Some of my stocks:

Visa (its facing a small lump)
RIG (going down)

More shocking is ENER. I randombly purchased a few shares of this 3 days ago, my grandfather telling me they would be doing well. So, i luckly invested 100 dollars in them for a grand total of 3 shares (hah). Well... so far they have kept my portfolio up with a 14 dollar gain on each share. Gonna pull out tonight though.

Hmm... should I invest in USD? Euro? GBP? Gold seems to be going down. Bah so much shit to do :lol


Well....Although the currency might be rising, but if the interest is too low, investors might bring their cash out of US, and the dollar will drop again.

OR if the fed decides to do another injection (pls dont pls dont), the dollar will depreciate worldwide by that amount, with everyone now looking at US.

Whether u think u shd invest in US dollar should go with your sentiment whether the credit crunch/subprime crisis is over yet.


Relix said:
Market doing well today! USD is still going up against the Euro which is always a good thing. Dow is doing well, NASDAQ is rising. Some of my stocks:

Visa (its facing a small lump)
RIG (going down)

More shocking is ENER. I randombly purchased a few shares of this 3 days ago, my grandfather telling me they would be doing well. So, i luckly invested 100 dollars in them for a grand total of 3 shares (hah). Well... so far they have kept my portfolio up with a 14 dollar gain on each share. Gonna pull out tonight though.

Hmm... should I invest in USD? Euro? GBP? Gold seems to be going down. Bah so much shit to do :lol

yeah i saw ener going up $12

Anybody investing in solar energy? I'm looking at JASO right now


Tideas said:
yeah i saw ener going up $12

Anybody investing in solar energy? I'm looking at JASO right now

I used to follow Evergreen Solar Inc. (ESLR). Not sure what the company is up to nowadays, but as of two years ago it seemed like an interesting solar play.


Solar is very volatile.

NVDA released its earnings, not surprised on the results, stock is down a bit in AH.

ATVI did very well, so once again I know I'm keeping this for longer term (bought when it was at 17).

Waiting for CGT earnings now, hopefully it will be nice.

IMMR I don't even bother with anymore, but I'm surprised it hasn't fallen even lower:p

Ubisoft was up almost 5% today btw.


jamesinclair said:
Im now at -93.13%

The only thing Ive made hypothetical money on is short selling genzyme, but after transaction costs thats also a loss.

I bought hypothetical options on retail companies.
Dude, losing that much takes SKILL
Fuzzery said:
Dude, losing that much takes SKILL

I must have some amazing skills then. I decided to follow real strategy and make a protective put with costco.

The stock has fallen into the tiny gap where the put isnt valid yet, but the stock is down. :lol

Annual Return: -94.58%


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Relix said:
Hmm... should I invest in USD? Euro? GBP? Gold seems to be going down. Bah so much shit to do :lol

I think the same idea of buying low applies, so I would go for domestic. We definitely have problems, but economic pressures of a weak currency tend to make it bounce back. For the past several months, foreign goods have become more expensive, and it's indirectly causing people to gradually buy more domestic products, and we'll see more exports.

But if you literally meant currency, only do that for the very short term. Within 5 years, stocks are nearly 100% inflation safe.

If you're thinking long term (20+ years) and you invest by indexes, I would consider small-cap value. For centuries they have performed the best out of every sector, but they are very noisy in performance. In the late 70s/early 80s they sky rocketed, and between then and now they've been meh. As economic conditions inevitably improve, I believe that small businesses are going to have a strong comeback.


Neo Member
Hey all I've got about 250 to invest any ideas? right now I'm sitting pretty with ATVI but thats it, I kinda wanna stick in the nerdish zones, basically tech, media and the likes stuff I actually follow, but i'm open to other suggestions.


250 is very little, considering you have to pay a commission to buy and then to sell.

Soka: I'm not selling. If I ever feel that EA is really coming back on top (and they sort of seem to be doing so, too bad I didn't have the cash to buy some a couple of weeks ago when I wanted to at around 48$) I might sell then. But for now I don't see why we couldn't hit 40 at some point. Anyway, I can wait.

COOL is very very volatile. Personally I'm not touching it, but I know it can be tempting. I just don't like the risk. Good luck if you go with it tho!

Still no money to invest.


ATVI still going up. Ubi also, almost back to it's highest (we're getting a 15% discount at the company too on shares, so I might get some this time, we'll see).

NVDA is really disappointing me tho.


So following up on a topic from about 10 pages back, I finally received some info on the class action suit I signed up for regarding XING, the Chinese telecommunications stock that dramatically overstated earnings and fell like a rock once the truth came out. It's gone through court and a settlement is agreed upon, so it's time to back up the truck and collect the piles of money that's due to me. How much money? Well, the class has been awarded the princely sum of 9 cents a share in damages. At that price, I don't even want to bother looking up my info and figuring out how much I'm due. I know I had less than 100 shares. So after losing several hundred dollars on this stock, I'm rewarded with under $9. No thanks.



Beat street by $0.09bn the clean number, $1.06 on non-GAAP. Options tearing that shit up in extended hours right now.

Could have made £500+ on my £1.5/pt position today. Shit why did I close out EA today?

Also how the fuck have they managed these numbers for Q1?


Woot, ATVI +4% today.

I wish I did have the money to buy ERTS back in the high 40s like I wanted, they looked like they were positioning themselves better. Oh well. If EA really gets into a better shape, I might sell ATVI. But for now I'm keeping the shares. We'll see.

ADSK now over 40:D

CGT earnings tomorrow, crossing fingers.

lil smoke

Should have held on to TTWO a couple of months longer. I had $2 more to get. Now it looks stabilized at around $27, and I think that's all it will generate for awhile.


Ether_Snake said:
Woot, ATVI +4% today.

I wish I did have the money to buy ERTS back in the high 40s like I wanted, they looked like they were positioning themselves better. Oh well. If EA really gets into a better shape, I might sell ATVI. But for now I'm keeping the shares. We'll see.

ADSK now over 40:D

CGT earnings tomorrow, crossing fingers.

You always trade into earnings. Without fail you always trade into earnings.

Sell the stock now and wait for Q2 results in July. Activision will knock it out of the ballpark again. Everyone will get a bounce from GTAIV+MGS4+WiiFit.


avaya said:
You always trade into earnings. Without fail you always trade into earnings.

Sell the stock now and wait for Q2 results in July. Activision will knock it out of the ballpark again. Everyone will get a bounce from GTAIV+MGS4+WiiFit.

trade into earnings mean buy before earnings?

cuz some of these companies..u wish you short before earnings, haha


That is risky, and I don't have money right now. Following your logic, you would have lost money last summer and again last fall because ATVI's earnings tanked twice even after great results, the very hours after the release of the fiscal results. I've had these ATVI shares since July 2007 and I'm keeping them for a while. If I buy anything else it will likely be in another sector. Maybe I would buy EA shares if they feel below 50 again.

BTW EA is tanking now 2% in AH.


Just for shits and giggles I punched my 401k funds into Morningstar's xray to see what kind of nuggets are tucked away inside the funds. There's not much I can do about their choices, good or bad, since we only have a handful of different funds to choose from. What aggrevates the crap out of me is that there are only 2 international funds and they both suck. (2 and 3 stars) What I would like to do is bust this money out into an IRA so I could invest it where I want but the only way to do that without incurring heavy taxes and penalties is to switch jobs or for the company to be bought out. That's not happening. Do you guys know of any other way to roll money out of a 401k into a standard IRA? Probably the only thing I can do in the mean time is to reduce my contributions to the minimum needed to keep the full company match (6%) and put the rest in an IRA, but it sucks starting from scratch. I'd like to have more control over the money I've already got in the system. I would REALLY like to get most of it into a ROTH while I'm still in a low tax bracket, but that's a whole other issue.
Anyways, here's a couple of the interesting funds.

FLIR-2.23%- $1,828

This is heavily weighed out of the tech fund since I don't recognize most of the companies held in the others. :lol


SNE is soaring.

NVDA up also for once, but this one has been going up and down a lot.

CGT had good earnings, now back above 13 (the price I paid for the shares). Hopefully it will more or less stay above from that from now.


I don't want to be responsible for missed opportunities tho, invest in what you want;)

But yeah I'm not selling ATVI. EA, portfolio-wise, is heading in a good direction thanks to DICE and Bioware as well as a few publishing deals, but that would only be really interesting to me if they were not at the top already. I'll buy if the fall in the 40s again, maybe.

NVDA up 5% right now. It's really up and down, but at least it left its ugly 18$ price.

If I had money I would possibly get into BA and/or CM, but I haven't done a major review of the stuff on my watch list in a while. Bottom was a few weeks ago for a lot of big companies, but some are likely IMO to go for their 52-week high still.


ADSK +1.84% (bought at 32 a couple of weeks ago, now at almost 41), ATVI +2.98% (bought at 17 now 33), CGT +2.15% (bought at 13, still worth 13:p), IMMR +4.79% (bought at 17, now worth 10:eek:), NVDA +7.75% (bought at around 21, now worth almost 24 after a recent fall).

I have no actual target for ADSK and ATVI, altho I'be ready to sell ADSK in the mid to high 40s. IMMR = lol. My target for NVDA is somewhere in the high 20s or low 30s, not sure yet.

Ubisoft is almost back to its 70. I've always been 100% right on this company, too bad I never bought any. It's up like over 1000% since I wanted to buy it :lol Might get in later this summer thanks to a company 15% rebate, but I'm not sure yet.

EDIT D'oh, didn't even realize ADSK earnings were today. Oh well no big deal, earnings are fine.


What makes you want to invest in REV? Looking at the ratios I don't see what's good here. Again, just my opinion:)


ERTS is back under 50. I think it might go lower, so I'll wait. At worst I miss my chance:p


AFJDX has been amazing (large-cap foreign stock fund). I've had it a little under a month and it's up 6.5% with no signs of stopping, even as the foreign indexes are stagnating. Very, very solid start to my IRA.


Yeah I think buying YHOO right after MSFT' offer was removed would have been good. Now, it's difficult to say.

NVDA +3% right now, hopefully the trend continues. I'm now in the green on everything (ATVI, CGT, NVDA, ADSK) except IMMR. My top earner is of course ATVI, followed by ADSK and then NVDA.

It really looks like investing in companies related to the industry I work for as always paid off. ATVI, TTWO, I always called on Ubisoft with almost 100% accuracy (altho never bought the shares, would have made a killing), and now ADSK and NVDA. I also wanted to buy some ADBE when I was about to buy ADSK but earnings came in and it shot up high.

I still want to diversify tho. BA and/or CM would be my next purchase, but for now I have no cash unless I sell something, and I'm not selling yet. And I was sure it was bottom for them a few weeks ago, I just had no cash on myself.

ERTS might be interesting too. I think I could make around 5$ a share or so if it falls a bit lower.


Ubisoft now above 70 euros at 71.

Even tho markets are up, a lot of stuff is trading against it suddenly.

ERTS is now at 47.


DRYS has really taken off in the past month. I am up over 70% on the stock in that short period. I will probably sell it when it hits $120. LDK and SOLF are also working for me as Chinese solar plays.
Ether_Snake said:
ERTS is now at 47.
Oh how the mighty have fallen. They've now extended their tender offer for TTWO. At last count, the number of tendered shares dropped from 8% to 3%. D'oh! Meanwhile, ATVI is soaring.
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