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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Sorry to hear that Soka:/ I lost 60% or so on IMMR since October so I know how it feels.

kathode: it had better days. Solar stocks are extremely volatile, that's all I know.


Soka said:

Oh God my poor Merck. All my monies :(

That sucks man, sorry to hear it. The good thing is that when pharma stocks take major dives on one medication's bad news, usually it's overly reactionary, because the company still has a fleet of other meds that are doing just fine. So I think it will come back in the next few months ok.


Yeah I guess you can always keep the shares and go longer term.


Weird about COOL.

Ubisoft just raised their forecast because of great R6 sales. I think it will rise nicely tomorrow. It was at 49 a few weeks ago, and like I said back then it can more than likely go back up to the mid 60s again.

STP yeah it has tempted me before but sadly solar stocks are seen as "hope stocks", so they are traded highly on emotions, moreso than a lot of other sectors. Everyone is trying to make the big hit.


Ubisoft rose 5%, as expected:p That's two times 10% in around two weeks.

Ubisoft, the story of my life or "How I missed a bunch of opportunities to get really rich because I'm too lazy to open an account to trade on Euronext".

I have ALWAYS been right on this company!:lol

CRDN up 10% on new army contract.


Any day I have a four-digit gain is a good day as far as I'm concerned. GME took off like a rocket today. Up 7.66%! Falling a bit in afterhours. I'm debating whether to ditch it or not.


Supposed signs that the worst of the credit crisis is behind us is what triggered this.

``The market's getting a little more comfortable that the crisis is over,'' said Henry Herrmann, president and chief executive officer of Waddell & Reed Financial Inc. in Overland Park, Kansas, which manages $65 billion. ``It's a rally associated with the presumed elimination of survival risk.''

ADSK +4.29% (down 2% in AH but anyway I'm holding for a while on this).
NVDA +6.11%

That's all for me. IMMR was down 1.83% on no news, but there are actually reports that VibeTonz is used in a wide array of phones. Whatever, we'll see on this one, I don't recommend this to anyone;)

Looks like I did possibly miss a few good stocks but with tight funds I can't blame myself for it. Mainly CRDN and ERTS, but CRDN is still has IMO good potential growth.

CRDN +8.98%
CELG +3.34% (nothing exceptional considering today's overall market performance)
GR +2.61%
CM +4.92% (still enough time to get in this one unless I get something else instead, but I'm not gonna be investing for a couple of weeks at least)
ERTS +4.03%, was trying to get in at 47, but went with ADSK. Now trading at almost 52. Oh well!
BA +2.03%, nothing exceptional, might still buy it, it's still low IMO.

EDIT: Asian stocks rallying big time right now, Nikkei up 400 points.


STP up 10%! What a crazy rubber ball stock. I sold out of GME last night. Feel pretty good about it as I made some profit although it's up a bit more today. I'll keep my eye on it.


Yeah good job on LXP.

NKE keeps rising this week. Had it on watch because it has been doing extremely well over the years, very consistent rise, but the lack of a big drop made me stay away from it.

CGT doing well too this week, again probably on acquistion hopes. Got 500 shares, bought at around 13 (so I'm still down a bit but it's very long term).

NVDA down, ugh. ADSK doing fine, yay. ATVI holding its 27 price, very long term too.


I'm seeing red everywhere today, and damnit NVDA down 5%.


I personally would keep ATVI (I'm doing so actually). COOL is very small cap, very volatile, very unpredictable. Just my opinion, I don't want to make you miss an opportunity, and of course things could turn around nicely for COOL longer term, but ATVI has room for growth IMO. I might invest in COOL once I've got all my top picks covered:)


Nice bounce right now. BTW Soka, COOL is down 6% on no news (as far as I can tell).


ATVI is still at the 27.50 range but to say that it has been at this price for so long is very short term view IMO. They have remained at that price while EA went down to almost 52-week low, and while the overall markets were pretty bad. There is more to come, such as Star Craft 2, more Guitar Heroes (and other such ventures), and obviously more MMO from Blizzard eventually.

BTW CRDN up 4% today on more orders. NVDA up 3% after Friday's -6%. I definitly missed the ADBE and ERTS boat:p

UBI back above 60$, up 3% today. That's around +23% in four weeks or so.

CGT doing well too, good article on them on Yahoo, and can't wait till earnings are released.


CGT up 5.8% right now, over no news, unless its delayed impact from yesterday's good review of the company?

Anyway, can't complain:p

COOL up 4.5% too. No news. Is my ticket watch broken? :lol

WAT, IMMR up 4% too. WTF. :lol


Yeah it's just that +5 when the indexes are down is surprising.

IMMR up 9%:p


Yeah I bought IMMR at 17$ in October. Worst stock purchase I've ever made (I was dumb back then:p). On 20,000 invested in CGT, NVDA, ADSK, IMMR, and ATVI, I'm down 1000$ right now. Made something like 1,300 with my TTWO sell.

Everything I hold is long term for now.

EDIT: IMMR finished up 23%. Yesterday there was news on their new medical tech, which is always nice, but the delayed jump is strange. Same for CGt, took 24 hours for anything to happen.


Sounds risky to me. OCTL is very very small cap, so it can be volatile and unpredictable on any time frame. There should be safer investments. Just my opinion.


On January 2, I bought a senior subordinated bond floated by TOUSA, a struggling homebuilder. It was pennies on the dollar then. Then they filed for Chapter 11 reorganization and got a bailout from Citigroup. I'm submitting a claim now for the full $1,000 par value, plus the $52 interest payment they missed. It's uncharted territory for me, and I have no clue what I'll get out of it. Months will pass before I even know what I'll get, and several more before I actually get it.. but if it works, good god. Can you say 1400% return?


:lol That would be nice, good luck:)

Today sucked. Can't buy anything for a while, been buying too much stuff I had been holding back on (clothes, mp3 player, etc.), and I still haven't bought my PS3 or an HD TV yet.

I'm trying to save money on food (usually cost me around 10$ a day at lunch when I go out to eat at work).
I'm finally going to "play for real" in the stock market. I opened up a Roth IRA today just-in-time to contribute to 2007. I'm a little nervous since it is for real this time, but I have been messing around with sample portfolios since 1999 and have done very well. My mom is going to help me out in order for me to familiarize myself with the company's site, as well as advice in what to buy etc. It will be nice to contribute to this thread, because I do love business in general (especially the market). Looking forward to reading about everyone's experiences and adventures in the future.


NTDOY earnings on the 24th of this month, but the price is at $69.25. Debating whether to sell ahead of earnings or not. Last earnings release was stellar but the stock tanked :(


INTC up 7% in after hours due to "upbeat outlook". NVDA up too in AH (finally). I hope it's up from here for NVDA.


Neo Member
Wow this has been a helpful thread, I've Been wanting to get into the stock game for a bit this helps a ton thanks to all the posters.

To the point, I'm thinking about investing in a couple stocks, but not too sure would like some advice before drop the $$

1st, Konami, they have MGS coming out so to me it seems pretty reasonable that their stock will go up, however over the 52wk period its almost doubled (from like 28-45) so is that due mgs already or will the stock go up more once it hits?

2nd, I was thinking about Atari they are pretty much rock bottom right now at like 1.6 but with the recent switch by Phil harrison, I think something must be up for atari. But what happens if they tank or get bought out? do i end up loosing or is that a win?

TIA guys


It is likely that Infogrames will be absorbed by Atari.

Also, today: Infogrames CEO considers Atari name change: http://news.google.ca/news/url?sa=t...384629&usg=AFrqEzehEAhXBw61rrP_jU6PAPt9hSiPjw

ATAR was up today 2.67%. Alone in the Dark should be a good seller if marketed right.

It's risky anyway, it's up to you. I wouldn't know.

MGS has definitly driven up Konami's shares but overall the company has done well so it's not just MGS. I wouldn't buy now because it's already high like you said, better to wait for a drop IMO.

Capcom would always be a nice investment, I wish I had access to it:D


Neo Member
Ok so atari is consuming infogrames? i thought it was the other way around? So does that mean i should invest in atari or infogrames if i want to get in on the harrison/gardner team up? Sorry to pester just a bit of a newb.

But ya i'd love to dip into capcom, I'm still getting used to the fact that you cant buy stocks in everyone.


Whoops you're right it's the other way around, I don,t know what the fuck I was thinking :lol

You can buy Capcom shares, but I don't have access to them through my bank because I can only buy or sell on US or Canadian markets.

BTW wtf happened, INTC was up 7% in AH, NVDA up 3% in AH, and now both are down.
Ether_Snake said:
Whoops you're right it's the other way around, I don,t know what the fuck I was thinking :lol

You can buy Capcom shares, but I don't have access to them through my bank because I can only buy or sell on US or Canadian markets.

BTW wtf happened, INTC was up 7% in AH, NVDA up 3% in AH, and now both are down.

I'm sure that was due to profit taking. A lot of people were in the market to buy once they knew the earnings report were good, and they rode the wave up and cashed out. Atleast that's my guess on Intel. Did NVDA report today also?

edit: looks like INTC closed up .22 and NVDA closed up .21 though. Also NVDA reports on May 8.


Yeah but now we're gonna finish lower.

I bought NVDA at 23 and again at 19.something.

Oh well, here comes the wait. The long long wait.


V - Good time to short sell?

I'm also interested in how the GTA IV release will affect the price of TTWO shares, with the recent jump from EA's intent to buy, will there still be another?


Difficult to say. If they were to raise their forecast, yeah.


IBM had good Q1 results, up 26%, mostly due to currency fluctuation. After INTC, I hope this bodes well for NVDA.

Overall, earnings seasons sounds good. Makes me want to invest more, but no monies right now:|


So how is everyone's portfolio doing lately?
I am up pretty big last week from DRYS, AAPL, ACI, RIG and GS.
I sold all my positions today except for DRYS.


ATVI is still at around 27 and has been since the merger announcement (bought at 17).
NVDA is down from when I bought it but not by much. I expect to make around 10$ a share before I sell.
CGT is always wobbling around 12. I have 500 shares I bought for 13. Long term stuff.
IMMR is getting more attention these days from investors, was up 9% today just because of the overall markets. But I'm never gonna make a profit on this one :lol
ADSK is a bit below the price I paid for it. I expect to make around 10$ a share here too before I sell.

So while I may be down on NVDA and ADSK, I believe I bought at close to bottom especially in ADSK' case. I missed my chance to do so with ADBE. Missed my chance on CM also, and a couple of other stocks I had on close watch, but oh well!:)
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