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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Looking good. The big question for me is whether or not to sell my GOOG calls today ahead of earnings. With so many earnings pictures looking good, I'm leaning towards holding. But the fact that ebay had good earnings and still dropped is a bit worrying. (well they had slower sales growth than ever before apparently)


CM up 5% for now.

I see some selling for STP today because of yesterday's big gains.


Out of GOOG for a 39% profit. Considering doing a small straddle play ahead of earnings if it drops just a bit more.

I want to shoot T in the face.


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
Out of GOOG for a 39% profit. Considering doing a small straddle play ahead of earnings if it drops just a bit more.

I want to shoot T in the face.

I'll supply the gun.


ETFC has now made up for all of the losses I've incurred in my foreign-stock mutual fund, in two days. Awesome. Maybe this mutual fund stuff is for the birds after all.


MER missed very badly. Tomorrow may be a slaughter.

The nation's largest brokerage said it lost $4.9 billion overall. It
lost $4.6 billion, or $4.95 a share, from continuing operations, down
from a profit of $2.01 billion, or $2.24 a share a year ago. Analysts
polled by Thomson Reuters were expecting the company to report a loss
of just over $1.8 billion, or $1.91 a share on this basis.


Holds a little red book
I shorted 325 shares of Freddie Mac at $8.39. It's going to disgorge every cent of today's illicit gains tomorrow with MER and C (hasn't happened yet, but they're two peas in a pod) dragging down the whole sector again. Finally, on the right side of a bet for once.


JPM <3.

IBM <3.

ML :lol

Google missed it's ridiculous estimate but revenues were great. It only missed on exceptionals due to a couple of acquisitions. Buy at 450 resistance, might test 420.

Citigroup will post exceptionally shitty earnings tomorrow morning.


Holds a little red book
Jamie Dimon knows his shit. Listen to that man. Financials are going to be toxic for at least the rest of the year. Advice I should have adhered to myself. Only way to make money is to short.


Got out of ETFC in an afterhours sale at $3.47. Total gain: $74.51 on an investment of less than $300 in two days. Not bad at all.


Comics, serious business!
sonarrat said:
Got out of ETFC in an afterhours sale at $3.47. Total gain: $74.51 on an investment of less than $300 in two days. Not bad at all.

Congrats man. It would have been impossible to time it any better!


RSTEIN said:
Congrats man. It would have been impossible to time it any better!

Well, if I had sold just before close I would have made another $25, but knowing what I knew, I think I did all right.


STP and all solar stocks were hurt big time today because of falling oil prices, which is RETARDED. Lower oil prices don't mean shit, solar energy is here to stay and can only gain market share, lower oil prices makes everything else more affordable, giving businesses breathing room to invest in the solar market for tougher times.

No wonder they are so volatile, a lot of shareholders are who have a taste for bubbles.

Everything else was nice today, except NVDA. Hopeless NVDA:|

I really feel like selling ATVID and taking all my profits to buy 100 shares of ERTS. I think I could make at least 10$ a share on ERTS, but I missed the bottom. I need more time.

If CGT can go back up to 14$, as much I like the company, I'm sick of seeing it never surpass 14, so I might sell then and make $1000.

ADSK, I want to see them go back up over 40 and stay there over 40, but I might sell in the mid-40s instead of 50s as originally planned. Would still make around $1000.

NVDA and IMMR make me weep:p

CM (I don't own them, Canadian Imperial Bank) was up almost 7% today.

Still have my eyes on CM, CRDN, CELG, BA, BP, PTR (Petro China) and ERTS. But mainly on ERTS.

EDIT: Added FPL Group to my watchlist (not my current to-buy list because they haven't dropped enough recently): http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=FPL Had a steady rise since its foundation except in the late 90s. Also added SO.

EDIT2: Never wanted to buy MSFT but tomorrow if it opens down 6% or so, it could be a decent opportunity for a potential 5$ a share over a few months.


Futures are looking good :lol We'll just see how much I lose today on Google. Hopefully my puts can pare my losses a bit, but I'll likely be out a couple grand today on my calls as I was heavily weighted in that direction. To hold or just cut my losses and sell? hmm...


ATVID +4% right now. MSFT down 6% so it is tempting. Everything in my portfolio other than CGT and ATVID are down.


I bought GOOG calls last night for $1.10. They opened at .05 :lol What can you do but laugh? I'm hoping it gets back up to about .50 before they expire.


NTDOY is getting to buying opportunity range. Currently listed around 64.60 on pinksheets.com, and earnings coming out 7/30. I don't think I'm ever going to play earnings ever again though :D


Man...i missed the BAC short train...
put in an order near market close on Tues that didn't go through...it's up 40% since :/


kathode said:
No clue at all. What's the context where you're seeing that?

E*Trade actually called to let me know what it was. The counter wasn't allowing anyone to open positions on that stock, only close them. Now that I've done a little research I'm glad for it, it would have lost me a lot of money if I had bought that option.


I am so tempted to sell ATVID. Bought 140 at 17.40 or so, now trading at 37.24.

I could pour all that in ERTS, especially if it drops a bit again. But I feel safer keeping the money in ATVID. Also if I wait more I will really shrink my possible 10$ a share on ERTS.

Decisions decisions:|

EDIT: Also, I can't help but feel after looking at the ratios that NVDA is under valued.


just got a quick question. Is there anyway to find historical data charts on the top % gainers/losers per nasdaq, nyse everyday?

if you go to yahoo it shows the top % gainers, movers for that day but i would like to look at historical data just for kicks.

If anyone knows a website that has this data i would be grateful.

Okay guys, I'm trying to buy a mutual fund, AFJAX (Allianz), but although I buy more than the minimum value, it doesn't let me. I keep getting this message:
Buy orders are not currently being accepted on this fund. Please contact a Schwab representative for assistance.

Other than the obvious contacting Schwab, what does that mean? Do I have to wait for someone to sell off their share? Did they run out?

Also, does anyone have any recommendations for similar funds?


Comics, serious business!
nakedsushi said:
Okay guys, I'm trying to buy a mutual fund, AFJAX (Allianz), but although I buy more than the minimum value, it doesn't let me. I keep getting this message:

Other than the obvious contacting Schwab, what does that mean? Do I have to wait for someone to sell off their share? Did they run out?

Also, does anyone have any recommendations for similar funds?

It might be closed to new investors.
RSTEIN said:
It might be closed to new investors.

I thought so too but I just checked on E*Trade and it says open to new investors. I don't know what else it could be, possibly a system error. Double check how much you're initial investment is, and that you're looking at the initial investment, and not the initial IRA investment (unless this is an IRA account.) Since there's a 2.5k difference.


I think if AAPL comes out positive tonight we will see some positive movement for GOOG as well. Who knows how sustainable. If AAPL is negative the whole sector will be punished, if not the whole market.

Edit: Profit up 30%+, but a miss with their forecast. Shares down nearly 6% in afterhours.
IFLI, international fight league is rumored to be bought by UFC. penny stock. i picked up 50000 shares. worth it to see if it actually plays out.


Fucking ADSK got downgraded by UBS this morning after yesterday's no-news drop. Another -3% today.
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