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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


dionysus said:
I am now at 1.7x exposure to the stock market in my trading account. Scary but I love the rush.

It's all rushing to my head at the moment.

I'm thinking of shorting Wal-Mart. They keep outperforming the stock market, but I don't think that will continue. I think they'll fall hard as more and more people run out of money.


Does anyone use an accounts aggregator website? I've been using mint.com, which recently added an investments tab with some pretty nice charts. Now I don't need to go separatly to 4 different sites to see how much money I'm losing.

I was wondering if the competitors were any good. Geezeo is the only one I know of that also tracks investments.



Deku Tree

How does mint.com make money?

I use Bank of America's My Portfolio service to look at my investments, cash flow, etc. But it is not the greatest way to view investments...

Also Fidelity has a "Full View" thing, but I don't think it draws cool charts like the ones you posted...


Deku Tree said:
How does mint.com make money?

I use Bank of America's My Portfolio service to look at my investments, cash flow, etc. But it is not the greatest way to view investments...

Also Fidelity has a "Full View" thing, but I don't think it draws cool charts like the ones you posted...

mint.com has a checking, savings, brokers, and credit cards signup page that makes you offers from other companies showing you a comparison of rates of your own accounts versus theirs. I don't think they make a net profit off of just that though. There's probably a plan in place to use all the passwords they've harvested to transfer everything to them, and then fly away to the moon.
sonarrat said:
It's all rushing to my head at the moment.

I'm thinking of shorting Wal-Mart. They keep outperforming the stock market, but I don't think that will continue. I think they'll fall hard as more and more people run out of money.
But it is a step down play.

Yeah, the poor people will run out of money . . . but all the upper & middle-class people will abandon the malls and start flocking to Wal*Mart to make their meager money go further.


RotBot said:
Does anyone use an accounts aggregator website? I've been using mint.com, which recently added an investments tab with some pretty nice charts. Now I don't need to go separatly to 4 different sites to see how much money I'm losing.

Personally, I'm trying to stay as far away from all charts as possible. Mercy! Uncle! Halp!


Asian Stocks Fall, Extending Global Rout; Nintendo, Sony Drop


Nintendo Co. and Sony Corp. lost 4 percent on concern demand is slumping in North America, where the companies get at least a quarter of their sales. Japanese insurers tumbled the most since 1987, led by Tokio Marine Holdings Inc., after they slashed profit forecasts as investment values declined. Rio Tinto Group plunged 9.8 percent after commodities prices dropped.

``It's the end of the world as we know it,'' said Raymond Tang, who oversees $5.8 billion as chief investment officer at CIMB-Principal Asset Management Bhd., a unit of Malaysia's second-biggest bank. The economic slump is ``the worst I've seen on a global scale, with no region to help each other,'' he said.

Japan's Exports Drop Most in Seven Years as Global Recession Intensifies

South Korean Won Falls to Decade-Low, Kospi Slides as Risk Appetite Wanes

I think we will finally see a real big rise in gold soon. I think it's the only place where the value could actually rise based on nothing but a desire for a safe heaven (which doesn't really exist in gold IMO). So I think gold will spike soon, and then drop abruptly again like the last past few bubbles we had this year, cause everyone is in "gotta make my money back quickly and get out but I'll probably still stay in this game cause I always come back to it" panic mode.


Now I am tempted to pick up some scraps just in case.

Over 100 U.S. "blue chips" now selling for under $10 a share

NEW YORK (Reuters) - One hundred and one.

No, that's not Dalmatians but the number of stocks in the U.S. benchmark S&P 500 index now trading for less than $10 a share.

In fact, $10 would get you 10 shares of online broker E*Trade (ETFC.O: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), now the cheapest stock in the index at 98 cents a share. At the other end of this low-ball spectrum you can get a small slice of the garbage business with a share of Allied Waste (AW.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) at $9.90.

In between lies a raft of household names, many formerly held up as blue chips, including Citigroup (C.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) ($6.40), Alcoa (AA.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) ($8.16), Xerox (XRX.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) ($5.58), Motorola (MOT.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) ($3.44), Starbucks (SBUX.O: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) ($7.97) and Yahoo (YHOO.O: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) ($9.14), not to mention beleaguered automakers Ford Motor (F.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) ($1.26) and General Motors (GM.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) ($2.79).

In all, the group makes up the greatest number of sub-$10 stocks in the index in at least 28 years, said Howard Silverblatt, senior index analyst at Standard & Poor's.

In fact, Silverblatt said it could be the most in the post-World-War II era, though he cautioned that his data reaches only as far back as 1980.

"This is definitely unusual," he said. "I think you'd have to go back as far as the 1940s, when $10 was worth more to see a similar number," he said.

According to S&P data, 101 is almost double the 59 companies with share prices below $10 in October 2001 when the dotcom meltdown was in full swing and almost triple the 35 sub-$10 stocks in October 1987.

Ten dollars is more than just a psychological barrier. Some institutional investors cannot invest in shares below $10 and some bond contracts require companies above that level.

Some other gloomy facts: only five S&P 500 companies had share prices of more than $100 on Wednesday.

So far this year, the S&P 500 has plunged 45 percent. It is now worth just over $7 trillion, the index's lowest collective market value in 11 years.

Twenty-five stocks, or five percent of the index, don't make the $1 billion mark in market cap, and just 11 exceed the $100 billion level.

In fact, a third of the entire index is not even qualified to be in the index -- 186 stocks have market caps under $4 billion, the minimum value for consideration for S&P 500 membership.


Don't worry! Best thing you can is just adjust your spendings accordingly. You got kids too right? So it's alright!:)

Plus, unlike most movie make it seem, everything has been easier and less painful for society as the decades have passed. Unless you live in a really shit neighborhood I think there is little to worry, no matter how bad it gets.

Poor countries will probably have it really bad, but us not so much. There's no payback universal rule.

EDIT: Oh look at that, ATVI at 9$. I really haven't been keeping up. I think I lost my 80% gains on that one.
So far this year, the S&P 500 has plunged 45 percent. It is now worth just over $7 trillion, the index's lowest collective market value in 11 years.

Twenty-five stocks, or five percent of the index, don't make the $1 billion mark in market cap, and just 11 exceed the $100 billion level.

Bush sets another record! Woo-hoo!

Deku Tree

Buffet's 5B investment in GS is now worth about 2.2B. GS is at their lowest share price since they went public almost 10 years ago.
Deku Tree said:
Buffet's 5B investment in GS is now worth about 2.2B. GS is at their lowest share price since they went public almost 10 years ago.

That can't be! Buffet is god. Reminds me of an old news clip from 2007 with Peter Schiff and some other pundits (including Ben Stein). They were all saying to buy financials. Stein himself said that GS was a bargain. Schiff said all the financials were toxic and to buy hard assets. Not directly related to the WB thing but shows how the conventional wisdom is wrong.


Synth_floyd said:
That can't be! Buffet is god. Reminds me of an old news clip from 2007 with Peter Schiff and some other pundits (including Ben Stein). They were all saying to buy financials. Stein himself said that GS was a bargain. Schiff said all the financials were toxic and to buy hard assets. Not directly related to the WB thing but shows how the conventional wisdom is wrong.

Yes, the conventional wisdom has always been wrong and will continue to be wrong, and Peter Schiff will have all the world's wealth by 2013, which will amount to 7 British pounds or 173.8 trillion United States dollars.


STP down 28% after slashing forecasts. Argh. Oh well. Not surprised.

ADSK earnings tonight.

Deku Tree

GM Tumbles to Lowest Price Per Share Since the 1930s...

Meanwhile their CEO is spending $20,000 per trip to fly a private plane to Washington to ask for a bail out loan...


Deku Tree said:
GM Tumbles to Lowest Price Per Share Since the 1930s...

Meanwhile their CEO is spending $20,000 per trip to fly a private plane to Washington to ask for a bail out loan...

A CEOs time, even one of a struggling company, is probably worth about $50,000/hr if not much more. It makes economic sense for the company to fly him in a corporate jet.

That was just politicians going for sound bytes and the media needing some inflammatory headlines to get page hits.
When the world falls apart, do you want to be the one that hides in an underground cave, or the first one to start picking up the pieces?

I'm still intending on buying as the market keeps falling. Just holding for some more news on the Big 3 automotives, since that's the next big thing that I think can swing the market (besides bankruptcy announcements, of course).


lil smoke said:
Something to definitely follow.

A bailout I think is still unlikely. This is only a few senators. Besides, trading on news, especially government related news, is basically just gambling. No one has any clue what the terms of a bailout would be even if it goes through. Might as well spin the roulette wheel and bet on odds.


Holy crap, this is some crazy stuff. For those of you who are down like 40% for the year, how are you holding up? I'm down 9% (been very conservative this year) and still slightly annoyed :lol

Deku Tree said:
Apparently Mint.com buys their software from a competitor, Yodlee MoneyCenter.

Wonder if they are better...

I've tried both and Yodlee is MUCH better. I quit using mint after a few days but I've been on Yodlee since July 2007 and I use it EVERY day :D
the value of my stocks have lost about 25% since the summer (or at least last time i checked and was happy about it lol). this sucks because this is how i have to pay for my education, and i don't see my school lowering tuition anytime soon. on the plus side, i should have access to enough cash to get me through about the next 18 months or so before i have to sell anything, so i might get out of this without actually losing any money. however, it's also kind of annoying at the same time that i need that cash for school and living expenses and i can't buy up all the stocks that are hitting rock bottom right now. it's like i'm missing out on this big opportunity for a long term investment...maybe i can take out a small loan or something.

Deku Tree

The entire value of the 2002-2007 bull market has been erased and then gone down some more...

... does Yodlee have cool charts? Bank of America's My Portfolio is excellent in many respects, but their charts are terrible or don't exist. For sure, I can't compare my day to day rate of return vs. any benchmarks...


Deku Tree said:
The entire value of the 2002-2007 bull market has been erased and then gone down some more...

A lot of this is folks taking their money out as opposed to just losses, right? I hope lol
Deku Tree said:
The entire value of the 2002-2007 bull market has been erased and then gone down some more...
To put it another way . . . the Dow is like 1000 points below where it was when Bush came into office in 2001.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I've never invested before but I feel like maybe I should try with prices being so cheap (and falling)? Is it possible to just invest super short-term (like day to day basis) and see small (I'm not relying on the money to live, just kind of want to get my feet wet) and make a profit? If so, what do you guys recommend and what website do you use?

I feel like it'd be fun to buy 100 shares of GM and then sell later in the day if I could actually do that.

I only recently started buying T-bills, which is much more boring...


I took a quick peek at my 401k, it's down over 45% for the year, over $10k in market value lost.

I'm only 30 so I'm not too worried about it, but seeing that definitely hit me inside a bit. I still have a good 75% of my 401k focused on stocks, with most of the rest in bonds. I shouldn't need to worry about reallocating anything, right? I probably won't touch any of this for at least another 25+ years.
XiaNaphryz said:
I took a quick peek at my 401k, it's down over 45% for the year, over $10k in market value lost.

I'm only 30 so I'm not too worried about it, but seeing that definitely hit me inside a bit. I still have a good 75% of my 401k focused on stocks, with most of the rest in bonds. I shouldn't need to worry about reallocating anything, right? I probably won't touch any of this for at least another 25+ years.

Got ya' beat: -51.30% YTD :(


Wow STP fell 39%, and Ubisoft 10%, BHI down 12%. ADSK down almost 17% in AH after today's 5.8% drop (due to bad outlook).


lil smoke said:
At some point you almost HAVE to keep buying, to hedge off stocks bought when we thought the bottom had happened.

Right. I am SO down on everything.

I'm probably buying some ADSK tomorrow.

But it will be without any false impressions. Anything can happen, no one can even guess where the bottom is.

Buffet's purchase of GE and GS shares seemed more like a wild guess on his part, an attempt to stick to his motto instead of actually doing some thinking about the situation, basically a sort of superstitious act based on nothing. Sure he was getting a good deal at the time, but there was nothing indicating that the situation was going to turn around any time soon.
Every day I keep thinking I should buy GE, and every day it drops in price more and more. Glad I didn't buy in at 19 like I'd first considered.

Come on though, seriously, how much more can GE fall? This is getting insane and really just far too attractive to pass up anymore.


Soka said:
Every day I keep thinking I should buy GE, and every day it drops in price more and more. Glad I didn't buy in at 19 like I'd first considered.

Come on though, seriously, how much more can GE fall? This is getting insane and really just far too attractive to pass up anymore.

I agree. They have a big debt tho, so it's more about when will they have enough demand to be able to turn around and go up again than how much lower they can get.
Soka said:
Every day I keep thinking I should buy GE, and every day it drops in price more and more. Glad I didn't buy in at 19 like I'd first considered.

Come on though, seriously, how much more can GE fall? This is getting insane and really just far too attractive to pass up anymore.
You can say that for just about any stock on the market these days. There are just tons of stocks that seem insanely cheap when using the valuation standards of just a few months ago. The valuation standards have changed massively. There are many stocks selling at prices that are less than the amount of cash they have per share!


Maybe China will start buying all those US companies, and have half their population build the stuff, the other half buy the products:p

Seriously I think the next big significant event or news will be from China. The future of the economy lies on how things are gonna go over there IMO.
speculawyer said:
You can say that for just about any stock on the market these days. There are just tons of stocks that seem insanely cheap when using the valuation standards of just a few months ago. The valuation standards have changed massively. There are many stocks selling at prices that are less than the amount of cash they have per share!

Yeah, rational investing has gone out the window and fear has taken over. I guess it's working on me too, though, seeing as how I'd have already bought into GE (for example) multiple times now if I wasn't afraid of it still falling. I still think that, by the time I retire, any money I put into the market now will pay off heavily. Of course, it helps I have some 40+ years before I'll reach the standard age of retirement, so I have time to wait it out. :lol


Soka said:
Yeah, rational investing has gone out the window and fear has taken over. I guess it's working on me too, though, seeing as how I'd have already bought into GE (for example) multiple times now if I wasn't afraid of it still falling. I still think that, by the time I retire, any money I put into the market now will pay off heavily. Of course, it helps I have some 40+ years before I'll reach the standard age of retirement, so I have time to wait it out. :lol

Well, your trade might look good for 38 of those 40+ years, but year 39 might wipe you out as this year has shown.


ABX up 17%. Gold is rising as I thought it would.

Bought nothing.

Deku Tree

Anyone here looking at Playboy? :lol :lol :lol

It's hovering around a dollar a share, been beaten down hard. :D

Seems like a brand like PLA is here to stay. Although seems like anybody can fail in this environment....
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