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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


lil smoke said:
Yeah this sucks. Tuesday has been erased. I'm thinking that this is the way it's gonna be for a long time. One good day nulled by 2 following bloodbaths. This means that tomorrow will be a green day overall, but next week will start off tumbling down. Numbers or not, we're stuck in a rut.

Don't discount the fact that we have recovered 1000 pts in the Dow over the past 2 weeks, even with today and yesterday.
gkrykewy said:
I still think the market has bottomed, financial apocalypse is off the table, and this is just a recessionary market rather than a depressionary one. If we fall back to the low 8000s, I'll be buying blue chips this time for the long haul. DOW, specifically.

Any in particular you're looking at? I've got the same relative plan as you, lots of long term buys of blue chips, especially if the market gets down to low 8000s. I'm looking at GE right now (already got in on CAG and MMM when the market was about 700 points lower a bit back), but always up for some more stocks to look into.


There are a lot of talks that China would be in a much worse position then they are letting it seem. If their growth falls below 8% it's major job losses, under 5% it's likely to be chaos.


Solars are crazy volatile, one could make a lot of money on short term it seems: yesterday STP was down like 23%, today up 21%.


China Unveils $586 Billion Stimulus Plan as World Heads Toward Recession


Nikkei up 500 pts so far.

ADSK warned of major reduction in demand, as I expected. Hopefully I can buy soon, they will release their earnings and I doubt the shares will move upward much if earnings are good, but they are likely to head down much more if earnings are not good.

What I believe is that while their softwares will be in lessened demand during a recession, it is also likely that infrastructure investment will be one of the steps all governments will take, so that's good news for them.

Basically, I'm very confident long term on them, so they are my priority right now.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?

A nice reminder of how crazy pre-market trading can be.
Remember kids, use limit orders!
Is it worth buying Nintendo shares? I was looking at them today for 250.00 when the 52 wk range has been 200.00 - 421.50.

Seem like a bargain to me but then I don't know anything about shares, what say people?


replicashooter said:
Is it worth buying Nintendo shares? I was looking at them today for 250.00 when the 52 wk range has been 200.00 - 421.50.

Seem like a bargain to me but then I don't know anything about shares, what say people?

In the US, Nintendo has been trading at around 40-42 USD today. Where are you seeing that range? The US Pink Sheet ticker is NTDOY.


What happens if you own a cash-covered put on a stock at the time a company goes into the pink sheets? Does it automatically exercise, buying 100 shares of the stock and selling them at the strike price to the contract writer? Does it leave you up shit creek with a worthless option if you don't have the shares by that time? Or could the shares still be bought on the pink sheets and "put"?


I am so pissed right now. I have been looking at STEM for years but it never really moved so I never bought it. It dropped to $0.60 last month, but I failed to notice it because I was focused on SNDK. Today the damn stock is up 30% and is trading at $2.30. I think it is too late to buy now since it is trading near its 52 week high. Damn I am so stupid.


tarius1210 said:
I am so pissed right now. I have been looking at STEM for years but it never really moved so I never bought it. It dropped to $0.60 last month, but I failed to notice it because I was focused on SNDK. Today the damn stock is up 30% and is trading at $2.30. I think it is too late to buy now since it is trading near its 52 week high. Damn I am so stupid.

Would have been a nice gain, obviously, but you didn't get out at the wrong time or anything. Hindsight is always 20/20.
gkrykewy said:
In the US, Nintendo has been trading at around 40-42 USD today. Where are you seeing that range? The US Pink Sheet ticker is NTDOY.

I was looking at this:

Yahoo Finance

But the company is listed as nto.be? As I said before I completely new to the whole stocks thing.



I know this gets asked periodically, but I don't know what to think right now. The market is in the crapper and blah blah blah. I know the warning, and I'm jumping into shark-infested waters anyway. I have a zecco account setup and activated already. I haven't xfered any money yet. I was wondering if I should stick with zecco (lowest fees all-around, it seems) but I hear people bitching about the delay in adding funds. I noticed it took over a week to activate my bank account, and I'm wondering if this will be a problem for the forseeable future. I would like to be able to have money appear in my account within a few hours, at worst. A few minutes would be more preferable.

Can I stick with zecco, or is there a better alternative for what I need? With the volatility, I don't want to have to wait long to make a buy. But I don't want to pay a lot either. Thoughts? PEACE.


China's Retail Sales Rise 22% as Financial Crisis Fails to Damp Spending


China's retail sales rose 22 percent, close to the fastest pace in nine years, signaling that domestic demand may help the fourth-biggest economy through the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Sales climbed to 1.008 trillion yuan ($148 billion) in October, the statistics bureau said today, after gaining 23.2 percent in September from a year earlier. The increase matched the median estimate of 16 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News.

Like I said some time ago, the big solution for China is to increase domestic consumption, to rely less on exports, but this means richer Chinese, so it's all about taking this process at a pace that won't endanger its cheap-exports-based economy. But then they'll have to find someone to produce stuff for them, it's the inevitable outcome.

lil smoke

hectorse said:
I would think right now is not a very good moment to get started into investing right?
It's a great time to invest. Just not in the stock market :lol

Seriously, very long term looks good. This is a set it and forget it market right now.

Pimpwerx said:
I know this gets asked periodically, but I don't know what to think right now. The market is in the crapper and blah blah blah. I know the warning, and I'm jumping into shark-infested waters anyway. I have a zecco account setup and activated already. I haven't xfered any money yet. I was wondering if I should stick with zecco (lowest fees all-around, it seems) but I hear people bitching about the delay in adding funds. I noticed it took over a week to activate my bank account, and I'm wondering if this will be a problem for the forseeable future. I would like to be able to have money appear in my account within a few hours, at worst. A few minutes would be more preferable.

Can I stick with zecco, or is there a better alternative for what I need? With the volatility, I don't want to have to wait long to make a buy. But I don't want to pay a lot either. Thoughts? PEACE.
The 1st transfer always takes longer. Once your bank info is set up, it shouldn't be too bad, however, you should plan ahead and watch your balance. You don't want to miss opportunity (yeah right) with lack of funds.

If your ballsy and want to jump in and out of stocks quickly, yeah you don't want TD. $10 for every buy, $10 for every sell. Don't mistake $9.99/trade as $9.99. It's $19.98.
I am thinking of buying some Bonds and then just before Christmas buy some low bound to recover stock... just a little.

And my paper stocks just suck lol I bought 500 GM shares =]
lil smoke said:
Seriously, very long term looks good. This is a set it and forget it market right now.

Bingo! I'm just sitting on all this for however long it takes for the entire economy to recover (I can't imagine it being less than 5-6 years, but if it takes less, I'm fine with that)! In the mean time, I am just going to enjoy whatever dividends are still around, having them all reinvested into each stock, and hope it all makes it worthwhile years from now.


Paulson says troubled assets will not be purchased


The government has abandoned the original centerpiece of its $700 billion rescue effort for the financial system and will not use the money to purchase troubled bank assets.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Wednesday that the administration will continue to use $250 billion of the program to purchase stock in banks as a way to bolster their balance sheets and encourage them to resume more normal lending. He also announced that the administration was looking at a major expansion of the program into the markets that provide support for credit card debt, auto loans and student loans.

lil smoke

Soka said:
(I can't imagine it being less than 5-6 years, but if it takes less, I'm fine with that)! .
5 years would be good for me. No longer, I'm getting old! I do imagine sometime in the future there will be a handful of people that'll think back and be glad they stuck thru this period. Everyone else will be 'shoulda coulda woulda' !
lil smoke said:
5 years would be good for me. No longer, I'm getting old! I do imagine sometime in the future there will be a handful of people that'll think back and be glad they stuck thru this period. Everyone else will be 'shoulda coulda woulda' !

Everything is should coulda woulda in this game right?

I plan on entering into my career market next semester and without any debts, owning full equity of my house and car and no other lingering costs (not married, no children, etc.) so investing looks like a very attractive option as soon as I start getting paychecks (hopefully big =] )

lil smoke

hectorse said:
Everything is should coulda woulda in this game right?

I plan on entering into my career market next semester and without any debts, owning full equity of my house and car and no other lingering costs (not married, no children, etc.) so investing looks like a very attractive option as soon as I start getting paychecks (hopefully big =] )
Thats a damn good start to life! Look for 401K with companies that contribute double, and you can't go wrong!

I'm over 10 years out of college and not even close to being caught up. Much of it is by choice, however.


I'm a bit torn on GM & Ford with regard to a government bailout. One part of me says that if they go bankrupt , so be it. They should have had foresight that the love of the SUV would have eventually worn off. But then the other part of me thinks that the impact of the these companies going under would have an enormous effect not only to the American psyche but on the economy as a whole. Plus, I really want GM be successful with the Chevy Volt.


I see STEM is down 43% today on an announcement that they will issue 13.8 million new shares of common stock to institutions for $1.45. This will surely dilute the stock price. I'll jump in under $0.90. It is currently trading $1.20.

Deku Tree

How many times are they going to change the terms of the bail-out? :lol

How can anyone invest in this environment? The rules of the game keep changing...

Paulson said he has no regrets for the revised plan. ``I will never apologize for changing a strategy or an approach if the facts change,'' he said.

What facts have changed? :lol
I like down days.

I set randomly low buy limits, and voila, they execute!



Evergreen solar
Previous Close $3.71

Even if they keep falling, I dont care because Im in at what I believe is a very fair price.

All this under the assumption that the companies arent going under of course.
jamesinclair said:
I like down days.

I set randomly low buy limits, and voila, they execute!



Evergreen solar
Previous Close $3.71

Even if they keep falling, I dont care because Im in at what I believe is a very fair price.

All this under the assumption that the companies arent going under of course.

Cemex is a Mexican cements transnational, it's nowhere NEAR going under. Venezuela had to nationalize their interests recently


jamesinclair said:
I like down days.

I set randomly low buy limits, and voila, they execute!



Evergreen solar
Previous Close $3.71

Even if they keep falling, I dont care because Im in at what I believe is a very fair price.

All this under the assumption that the companies arent going under of course.

ESLR could very well go under. They still haven't turned a profit, entering this hideous cycle. Stock bounces a lot - I would sell next time it hits 4.50 or so, assuming it does. I lost $500 on that firm this year, mistiming the market :(


Bah you guys can't be worst off than me, I must be down like 40 to 50% total, maybe more.

Obviously Autodesk warning of significantly lower demand for their softwares in October due to the credit crunch, and now Intel warning of severely lower demand as well, you can imagine that really bad earnings are on the horizon for a LOT of companies. Oil could go down in the 40s soon too.

So really, it's very difficult times, and yes companies like solars and other economic-boom-supported businesses are going to be hit, but you can't have winners all across the board.

Keep a good cushion for emergencies, as they say around 6 months' worth of expenses. Then for the rest all you can do is keep on investing into your 401k and buy stocks or bonds or whatever if you want, just don't reduce your cushion.

That's all we can do really, or do nothing at all and keep all our money. It's all about objectives, how much time you're giving yourself, etc.

Deku Tree

I am sitting on the sidelines. I started selling in June. Now I finished selling in Oct and I'm sitting in Money Market's, except for a few positions that I am keeping long term. We are in a vicious deflationary spiral. All asset classes are getting hammered hard. Even traditional guaranteed annuities may be in trouble in not too long... And the doctors who are currently trying to cure the economies financial woes show no signs that they have what it takes to fix things (bail out money is being circuitously used to boost Bonus pools).

I'd rather miss some upside than gamble against more deflation, even though I am young and have a very long time horizon.

As of today Buffet lost almost 50% on his investment in Goldman. :lol :lol :lol


Deku Tree said:
As of today Buffet lost almost 50% on his investment in Goldman. :lol :lol :lol

Don't laugh, I have lost 47% of my investment in Goldman!!! And I ain't getting a 10% dividend or interest rate or whatever he got.

Ehtersnake, I think I am down over 50% for the year, but I refuse to calculate.
Almost everyone is down overall, but that's probably already pretty obvious. I was really looking strongly into GE sometime soon, but I'm starting to get a bit worried about it. I couldn't imagine GE, fucking GE of all companies filing for bankruptcy or other death thrashes, but damn if I'm not starting to get worried that some shit is going down, or at least going to drag the value of the stock down to ~10 at the minimum.

Anyone know of a website that keeps up to date on upcoming IPOs? Considering taking a shot in the dark at some random one with a few grand to not look at it again for 10 years and see if any magic happens. Assuming it's lost money, but kind of tempted.


Neo Member
Didn't Deutsche Bank or someone else recently lower their target price for GM to 0? Or was that equity value?
Anyway, on a technical basis I am down 50.74% this year, but that doesn't take into account dividends and the recent 20% or so rise of the dollar against the euro. Last week I bought my first turbo short. Might turn out to be my best investment this year. :lol


what do you guys think about GM?

Very tempting to buy a few shares and hope it turns into gold a while from now.

Im thinking of picking up 100 shares each of Ford and GM as little side deals so I wont be risking much. I don't really think they will hit the bucket, I'm pretty sure Chrysler is gonna though unless something happens soon.

GM and Ford are just unfortunate victims of this crisis IMO. Chrysler was already slightly heading in the direction, this recession is just making it faster.

Deku Tree

Pimpwerx said:
I know this gets asked periodically, but I don't know what to think right now. The market is in the crapper and blah blah blah. I know the warning, and I'm jumping into shark-infested waters anyway. I have a zecco account setup and activated already. I haven't xfered any money yet. I was wondering if I should stick with zecco (lowest fees all-around, it seems) but I hear people bitching about the delay in adding funds. I noticed it took over a week to activate my bank account, and I'm wondering if this will be a problem for the forseeable future. I would like to be able to have money appear in my account within a few hours, at worst. A few minutes would be more preferable.

Can I stick with zecco, or is there a better alternative for what I need? With the volatility, I don't want to have to wait long to make a buy. But I don't want to pay a lot either. Thoughts? PEACE.

If you've got 25k, I would suspect that Bank of America has better service.

There is also Wells Fargo. I haven't tried either though...


Pimpwerx said:
I know this gets asked periodically, but I don't know what to think right now. The market is in the crapper and blah blah blah. I know the warning, and I'm jumping into shark-infested waters anyway. I have a zecco account setup and activated already. I haven't xfered any money yet. I was wondering if I should stick with zecco (lowest fees all-around, it seems) but I hear people bitching about the delay in adding funds. I noticed it took over a week to activate my bank account, and I'm wondering if this will be a problem for the forseeable future. I would like to be able to have money appear in my account within a few hours, at worst. A few minutes would be more preferable.

Can I stick with zecco, or is there a better alternative for what I need? With the volatility, I don't want to have to wait long to make a buy. But I don't want to pay a lot either. Thoughts? PEACE.

With Scottrade, my funds are available the instant I transfer them from my bank. Basically Scottrade floats you the cash immediately instead of making you wait for the transfer to complete. I think it might require having a margin account in case your fund transfer fails for some reason, but it's definitely handy.

Justin Bailey

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Pimpwerx said:
I know this gets asked periodically, but I don't know what to think right now. The market is in the crapper and blah blah blah. I know the warning, and I'm jumping into shark-infested waters anyway. I have a zecco account setup and activated already. I haven't xfered any money yet. I was wondering if I should stick with zecco (lowest fees all-around, it seems) but I hear people bitching about the delay in adding funds. I noticed it took over a week to activate my bank account, and I'm wondering if this will be a problem for the forseeable future. I would like to be able to have money appear in my account within a few hours, at worst. A few minutes would be more preferable.

Can I stick with zecco, or is there a better alternative for what I need? With the volatility, I don't want to have to wait long to make a buy. But I don't want to pay a lot either. Thoughts? PEACE.
You won't have your money available in a few hours with Zecco. Even with margin accounts I think they take at least a day. If you're concerned about speed I'd go with Scottrade or something like that.


CAE (CGT) quarterly profit rises 25 percent :D

Of course this means nothing for the shares price on a short term basis, but it reinforces my confidence in the company.
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