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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!

lil smoke

Deku Tree said:
Not really penny stocks, just Playboy. I picked some up at just over a dollar a share. (I think it's going at least to $2 in the short term.) :D

Seems like you can really get burned bad with low volume penny stocks... or if you are extremely lucky you can turn $200 into $200,000 or more! Got any recommendations? :D

@ 1.37 LAST

I own it!

COST $410.41
GAIN $-400.82

Deku Tree

sonarrat said:
The definition of "penny stocks" is anything under $5 a share. I got lucky by getting C shares at $3.73 a pop, but usually, if a stock falls that low it's because there's a real problem.

Yeah, when Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed announced that he was going in for another Billion it was like he alone willed the stock price higher. :)


Deku Tree said:
Yeah, when Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed announced that he was going in for another Billion it was like he alone willed the stock price higher. :)

Actually, I believe the stock price only fell to $3 after Alwaleed's input. It was the $300B+ bailout from the US government that made it double overnight.


Comics, serious business!
Well guys. I quit my job as an investment analyst to become an options trader. I'm kind of on my own now. I'm buying Dr. Pepper Snapple & Campbell Soup calls.


RSTEIN said:
Well guys. I quit my job as an investment analyst to become an options trader. I'm kind of on my own now. I'm buying Dr. Pepper Snapple & Campbell Soup calls.

I think you should probably focus on hoarding the specie and not the paper right now, if you know what I mean..


he's Virgin Tight™
I have an investment technique i want to quickly share, and it's been working wonderfully for me in these harsh times:

1) Get a cheap discount broker. Zecco comes to mind, but I use Charles & Schwab simply because my account is linked.

2) Check trends, news, ANYTHING. The technique is Momentum Investing. These roller coasters days there will be moments when certain stocks (and overall index) will rise. Invest a lot of money there.... and then wait for the downturn. As soon as it hits that immediatelly start selling. Of course, this requires constantly checking news and how the stock market is doing, but it's feasible.

3) Cover comission costs, hold money back for next bull momentum. Wait, repeat. Buy some potential long-term stocks. Even if they are down right now, they could definitely go back up down the road. It's a risk worth taking.

3a) High risk stocks are a possibility. GM, Ford, Banks, etc. If you think of a chance then go ahead. Don't put too much into it though.

4) Invest in oil. Reason? Well, it's a long term investment. IT WILL DEFINITELY rise down the road. Lots of potential $$$ there. Now is the chance, it's cheap, VERY cheap.

I never share my portfolio, but for one month my performance has been way above average. 3 days ago, I invested $700. My return? Well over 1,100. Yesterday's rally also did well for me. Try it out.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
Why is the market rallying? The economy is full of doom and gloom. Argggggg

</ short seller's rant>


Looks like nothing can bring the markets down these days, no matter how bad. Must be the impression of "value" due to the share prices. But it could fall lower when things do get worst.


I've been researching ProShares and decided to play around with their ETF's for a while. I bought DUG this morning ahead of jobless numbers. DUG shot up $4 for a few hours. I would have sold right there, but my money doesn't settle till Monday (from selling C on Wed). Then the market started to rally and DUG closed down -$1.34. WTF!!!!! The country loses 500,000 jobs and the market rallies? I swear I can't catch a break. I feel your pain Toxicgonzo. DUG is an ETF that shorts energy stocks.

Deku Tree

tarius1210 said:
I've been researching ProShares and decided to play around with their ETF's for a while. I bought DUG this morning ahead of jobless numbers. DUG shot up $4 for a few hours. I would have sold right there, but my money doesn't settle till Monday (from selling C on Wed). Then the market started to rally and DUG closed down -$1.34. WTF!!!!! The country loses 500,000 jobs and the market rallies? I swear I can't catch a break. I feel your pain Toxicgonzo. DUG is an ETF that shorts energy stocks.

These double (or triple) leverage ETF's are really wonky. Especially if the markets are as volatile as they are now. It looks like if you keep moving two times as much in opposite directions back and forth, you can end up losing money or not making as much as you would have with a simple short ETF (sans the leverage). Of course if things just pile down, then you pile it up two times.


Relix said:
I never share my portfolio, but for one month my performance has been way above average. 3 days ago, I invested $700. My return? Well over 1,100. Yesterday's rally also did well for me. Try it out.

Tell us how you're doing in a couple of months. That kind of strategy always evens out. I agree with you on oil, however.


I'm really on the fence here. We're low, and at the same time I feel that we may head lower soon, but I've never been less confident about where in fact we are heading. It's all blurry.
Ether_Snake said:
I'm really on the fence here. We're low, and at the same time I feel that we may head lower soon, but I've never been less confident about where in fact we are heading. It's all blurry.

Agreed. Generally speaking, I think a purchase now will still result in long-term profit, but I can't help and wonder if it won't go lower before it goes higher. I have no idea anymore though, seems more and more bad news pours in and the markets still go up. Strange times.


Nikkei is going up over 300 points right now.


lil smoke

I got all my GM losses back and then some. Everything is up except one stock down -0.20 for the day. AAPL back near the 100s finally (for now).

Can't win em all, but it's a nice feeling to get some wins that balance all the previous losses.


I've got nothing up (everything down by double digits), except ATVI. Haven't made purchases in some time.



Everything I've got is painfully down. My penny stock that was worth about $30k is now worth around $5k. They've been steadily dropping ever since they announced one of their key titles got delayed until next year. Going to keep holding, but good news on that one is a long way out.

Should have some more cash to play with early next year though, so I'll be looking to sock that away largely in investments when the time comes.

lil smoke

kathode said:
Everything I've got is painfully down. My penny stock that was worth about $30k is now worth around $5k. They've been steadily dropping ever since they announced one of their key titles got delayed until next year. Going to keep holding, but good news on that one is a long way out.
ouch. That would be the end of me right there.

Might as well hold now. Better to lose it all, than not at least try to get some back.


ERTS down 11% due to its warning on profits. ATVI down 8%. Should give me some margin to buy soon, altho I'm not touching ERTS anymore. Mirror's Edge and Dead Space failed IMO. They are screwed. ATVI is in all the right places, so I'll probably add to that unless I buy some ADSK instead.

EDIT: Wow, actually down another 9% in AH.


I think I might pick up ERTS in a few weeks when technical indicators begin to show that the company's stock is undersold.


I'm wondering if they can turn around. I think with the recession, and the failure of their new IPs, they might be out of bullets. Activision is too well positionned with GH, CoD, Blizzard, and we'll see where Tony Hawk goes.

Now if only ADSK could fall a bit more so I can buy some.


Ether_Snake said:
I'm wondering if they can turn around. I think with the recession, and the failure of their new IPs, they might be out of bullets. Activision is too well positionned with GH, CoD, Blizzard, and we'll see where Tony Hawk goes.

Now if only ADSK could fall a bit more so I can buy some.

I agree but I don't think EA is a $13 - $15 stock. I'll buy if it reaches that level. They are currently trading at $16.83.

lil smoke

gkrykewy said:
Go go NTDOY! Iwata [laughs]! Back up to 48.xx on holiday sales momentum and DQ news.
LOL I came here to post similar. Man that was a slow climb, but they are getting there.

Are we seeing some slight consistency with the market now? I dunno it seems nore predictable the last few weeks.


Bought 100 shares of ATVI.

Here goes the waiting game again until I get some money for ADSK.


I would have waited a few more days to buy at a bit cheaper...but that's just me. ATVI hit its current trading price last Friday. Why didn't you buy then?


lil smoke said:
LOL I came here to post similar. Man that was a slow climb, but they are getting there.

Are we seeing some slight consistency with the market now? I dunno it seems nore predictable the last few weeks.

I still have no confidence in this market. I'm taking ~40% of my shares off the table at a small loss if it hits 49.50 today.

lil smoke

gkrykewy said:
I still have no confidence in this market. I'm taking ~40% of my shares off the table at a small loss if it hits 49.50 today.
Wait, where are you in on NTDOY again?

I'm 52.75 with only 10 shares, but for me, these days everything counts. No way I'm taking a loss on this! I believe we can get at least back to mid 50 short term, who knows long term. It took WAY too long to get the price decent. I'm not giving up now :lol


tarius1210 said:
I would have waited a few more days to buy at a bit cheaper...but that's just me. ATVI hit its current trading price last Friday. Why didn't you buy then?

Didn't make my mind back then:) I already had 240 shares I bought over a year ago, so I was just looking to add at a decent price.

Next move will probably be ADSK, but I need to add to at least HON and potentially CGT again. I'm really hurting on HON.



Tobin's Q Ratio Says Equity Bottom Much, Much Lower

A global stock slump may have further to go, according to Tobin’s Q ratio, which compares the market value of companies to the cost of their constituent parts, CLSA Ltd. strategist Russell Napier said.

The ratio, developed in 1969 by Nobel Prize-winning economist James Tobin, shows the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index is still too expensive relative to the cost of replacing assets, said Napier. While the 39 percent drop in the index this year pushed equity prices below replacement cost, history suggests the ratio must sink further as deflation sets in, he said. The S&P may plunge another 55 percent to 400 by 2014, Napier said.

“The Q has come down to its average, however it’s not always stopped at the average,” said Napier, Institutional Investor’s top-ranked Asia strategist from 1997-1999. “It has tended to go significantly below that in long bear markets.”...

Napier, who teaches at Edinburgh Business School and advised clients to buy oil in 2002 before it tripled, based his S&P 500 forecast on the Q ratio for U.S. equities as well as the 10-year cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio, another measure of long-term value.

Before the trough in 2014, investors are likely to see a so- called bear market rally for the next two years as central bank actions delay the onset of deflation, Napier said.

“In the long run, stocks will become even cheaper,” said Brian Shepardson, who helps manage $1.9 billion at Xenia, Ohio- based James Investment Research. The firm’s James Balanced Golden Rainbow Fund beat 98 percent of similar funds this year. “There’s a likelihood of some type of rally and further pullback surpassing the lows we’ve already set.”

The Q ratio on U.S. equities has dropped to 0.7 from a peak of 2.9 in 1999, and reaching 0.3 has always signaled the end of a bear market, said Napier, 44, the author of “Anatomy of the Bear,” a study of how business cycles change course. The Q ratio for U.S. equities has fluctuated between 0.3 and 3 in the past 130 years.

When the gauge is more than one, it indicates the market is overvaluing company assets, while a Q ratio of less than one signifies shares are undervalued ...

At the end of the four largest U.S. bear markets in 1921, 1932, 1949 and 1982, the Q ratio fell to 0.3 or lower, and history is likely to repeat, said Napier. From the 1982 trough, the S&P 500 grew more than 14-fold to the middle of 2000, when Napier says the last bull market ended....

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s indication that he will use “quantitative easing” to prevent deflation points to a stock market rally that may last for the next two years, Napier said. With quantitative easing, a tool pioneered by the Bank of Japan, central banks can stimulate inflation by printing money and flooding the market with cash in order to encourage consumers to spend.

The government’s efforts will eventually fail as ballooning government debt devalues the dollar, causes investors to flee U.S. assets and takes the S&P 500 to its eventual bottom in 2014, Napier said.

“Bear markets always end for exactly the same reason, and that is the market begins to price in deflation,” he said. “Equities will be incredibly cheap.”

I think that whatever the case, considering the major layoffs are NOW starting to occur, expect demand to fall much more in coming months, and hence I think we can expect much stronger deflation. So whatever this guy says, I think that people will never hold as much purchasing power as we once did in the past.

Deku Tree

Ether_Snake said:

If that happened Warren Buffet would end up (relatively) broke. Given that he made all these bets that the stock market would be higher than it was at the highs some years down the road. :)


8 really, really scary predictions
Dow 4,000. Nouriel "Dr. Doom" Roubini, etc


Robert Shiller said:
In terms of the stock market, the price/earnings ratio is no longer high. I use a P/E ratio in which the price is divided by ten-year average earnings. It's a really conservative way of looking at it. That P/E ratio got up to 44 in the year 2000, which was a record high. Recently it was down to less than 13, which is below the average of around 15. But after the stock market crash of 1929, the price/earnings ratio got down to about six, which is less than half of where it is now. So that's the worry. Some people who are so inclined might go more into the market here because there's a real chance it will go up a lot. But that's very risky. It could easily fall by half again.

Jim Rogers said:
In my view, U.S. stocks are still not attractive. Historically, you buy stocks when they're yielding 6% and selling at eight times earnings. You sell them when they're at 22 times earnings and yielding 2%. Right now U.S. stocks are down a lot, but they're still very expensive by that historical valuation method. The U.S. market is yielding 3% today. For stocks to go to a 6% yield without big dividend increases, the Dow will need to go below 4000. I'm not saying it will fall that far, but it could very well happen.


I'm going to put some money in TBT. Treasuries are acting super bubbly, the government can't keep selling debt at zero interest forever. Even if the fed funds rate hits zero these numbers will still be ridiculous.
GM is a goner at this rate. The lawmakers need to act quickly, one way or another, so the U.S. economy can get on with its life. It's a pain in the ass sitting through all this jibber jabber, unable to make up their minds.

And, yeah, nose dive.


Comics, serious business!
I closed out my Dr. Pepper calls for an 11% profit. The only position I have now is my Campbell Soup calls. It's like the only stock that's up today :lol


CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- Bank of America expects to cut up to 35,000 jobs over three years.
(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
APTV 12-11-08 1619EST


Anyone know anything about John Summa? He runs optionsnerd.com and does a bunch of options seminars around the world. He's doing one down the road from me next month. Pretty steep entry fee at $850 so I'll probably pass. But it's tempting to learn more of teh strategeries :D
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