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Street Fighter V |OTVIII| New Delayed Generation - Controversial Inputs

GGs! Was real fun but damn am I salty about losing that last set lol. Thought I had it.

Yeah still figuring out the v-trigger and how to use it outside of combos. Basically I tried to shimmy you with it but it worked like once or twice. Jumpins could work better for sure. Dude could use a overhead tbh so the v-trigger would be way scarier.

Pinwheel is the one you do usually after knockdown to catch bad meaties/dash ins, right? Good to know and will try to remember next time.

Also your AAs are very on point. Probably lost half of my every round just by trying to jump at you.

Yeah, I can understand why you would be salty. I didn't expect to win that one either!

And yes, that is the light pinwheel (Tensenrin). Just in case, you can see it here: https://youtu.be/0KlH39hk5QE?t=4m48s


Yeah, it's not like they added a feature length movie, 9 characters, more trials, more stages, more music, new moves, stage KOs, costume/stage easter eggs, weekly missions, extra colors, and a new server.


The Story mode that should've launched with the game but didn't
9 characters that you have to pay extra for
Stages you have to pay extra for
Music that is mediocre
Moves that have terrible animation
Stage KO's that were unfinished when the game launched and took them 9 months to bother finishing
Costumes that, again, you have to pay for
Weekly Missions that were supposed to be Daily
Colors that you have to pay for
Vs CPU that launched 7 months after launch
And a new Server that is one step forward, two steps back

And they still won't allow Player 2 to have a choice in going back to the CSS

Ucchedavāda;239418717 said:
What are the two steps back?


Ucchedavāda;239418717 said:
What are the two steps back?

They made searching in Battle Lounge worse.

Plus the new features they added onto the CFN just feel tacked on to make it look like there's more things going on than there really are. They're a waste of space. This is on top of a UI that doesn't feel cohesive, making it feel more disjointed and slapped together.

If Capcom wanted to make SFV less "barebones" then they'd actually listen to their fans and players instead of adoring their own echo-chamber which is pining for more Chun-Li costumes.
I honestly can't imagine waking up every day and consistently putting in the effort to hate on/defend this game. I don't think I feel as strongly for my own family as Broly/TLD feel for SFV.
Why do you guys engage either of them when they are like this? Just let them have at it.

I do wonder why people have tomorrow forward in this game Versus other titles tho.
Saying how Tekken 7 showed you how barebones SFV is is some goofy shit.
Its fun but it isn't exactly exploding with content and it has some really dumb issues atm but people just seem to give it a pass so /shurg.

Also, TLD and KingBroly are on opposite ends of the spectrum of "extreme hater" or "extreme fanboy" when it comes to this game. No good conversation will happen at this point.

Though KingBroly, the listed you just posted is kind of irrelevant to your previous point but whatever



I love Tekken 7, and I think it's probably gonna be my go-to fighting game for the next 2 years easy.

But that game is lacking some BASIC ass features for online, lack of a rematch option/setting a specified "first to #" option for lobbies being the most egregious one.

The sad and pathetic thing is that SFV has been barebones since launch and hasn't gotten much better. I don't know how many people they had making it/working on it now, but they didn't do a good job.

Yeahhh, I don't buy this anymore. Tekken 7 is pretty barebones bro.

humbug, tekken is pretty damn light on content and features, lobbies are in a pretty sad state atm.
Sure. None of this is wrong. But like, I haven't really engaged with multiplayer much yet, as I've just been figuring out characters (it's my first Tekken since Tag) and messing around with the story mode and the character creation tools. While it's missing some basic stuff, what's currently there is really hitting the spot. The story mode was silly and fun, and was way better than SFV's story. Plus uh, it actually came out immediately. Which was nice. I also like the treasure battle content, because I can engage with single player stuff in a fun, interesting way and get all sorts of stupid stuff for my characters. I feel like basic modes and tweaks like allowing for rematches are something that can come fairly quickly. Also, how the fuck did they make Akuma more badass in T7 than he's EVER been in Street Fighter, outside of maybe his first appearance?

I guess what I'm saying is that it's really sad that SFV was made on such a strict budget. If it wasn't such a bare bones package, it really could have been something really cool. Feels like a gigantic missed opportunity. And I really like SFV's core gameplay.
To be fair, Tekken has been out for a while. That shit has been sitting in arcades while we played that busted ass PSP mods. SFV should have followed the same route, but let's not act like we weren't waiting on Tekken for an overly long period while NB raked in that cash.

Shit, maybe Capcom should have done that too and spent the dough on the game. Ahh well.

Also, I think Capcom is moving for a rerelease. If FFXIV could save face, so can SFV.


I was thinking of buying Tekken 7 this week but I haven't really sat down and played Tekken in probably decades. So does it have a decent tutorial? Even something that explains basic gameplay mechanics (since Tekken feels much more complex than 2D fighting games in this regard) would be good. I don't need to become a lord or anything, just understand what I'm doing and how to do it beyond simple button mashing.
I was thinking of buying Tekken 7 this week but I haven't really sat down and played Tekken in probably decades. So does it have a decent tutorial? Even something that explains basic gameplay mechanics (since Tekken feels much more complex than 2D fighting games in this regard) would be good. I don't need to become a lord or anything, just understand what I'm doing and how to do it beyond simple button mashing.

It has terrible input reading AI, character stories that are literally 1 fight, and not even for every character, no vs cpu, no replays, no rematching/sets in lobbies, higher input lag than previous tekkens (and sf5), long load times, host can sabotage tournaments by leaving, no rage quit penalties (afaik), no tutorial, no trials, characters locked behind real money.

But at least it has arcade mode and customisations!

so, no it doesn't.
I'm having a lot of fun with it though.


I was thinking of buying Tekken 7 this week but I haven't really sat down and played Tekken in probably decades. So does it have a decent tutorial? Even something that explains basic gameplay mechanics (since Tekken feels much more complex than 2D fighting games in this regard) would be good. I don't need to become a lord or anything, just understand what I'm doing and how to do it beyond simple button mashing.

Haha no. It has absolutely nothing to teach you. Not even any trials.

It's still worth getting into since it's fun, and I was pretty much in the same boat as you. I'm getting the hang of it now, but boy those first few hours were rough.
I was thinking of buying Tekken 7 this week but I haven't really sat down and played Tekken in probably decades. So does it have a decent tutorial? Even something that explains basic gameplay mechanics (since Tekken feels much more complex than 2D fighting games in this regard) would be good. I don't need to become a lord or anything, just understand what I'm doing and how to do it beyond simple button mashing.
The game teaches you how to do story mode assist moves. Nothing more. It's actually kinda amazing how the game just throws you off the deepend assuming you know how to play.

Aris is doing a better job on his stream teaching Tekken than Bandai Namco.

That being said, it's still an incredibly fun fighting game even if all you do is mash.


Man, I like Tekken too, but I feel bad whenever people turn SFV into a damn punching bag even though I haven't really played it in months >_>

Like, we all have our grievances with the system and whatnot, but I think this game will be amazing in like a few more years once they kinda figure out where they're going with the balance and whatever...


Man I'm loving T7 so far but bamco incompetence actually made me appreciate Capcom. those guys had extra two years + SFV to learn from but yet they still repeated most of SFV mistakes and released an incomplete product:

-short one fight stories though they had an arcade mode and they could have just added the story at the end.
-rushed story mode.
-non functional online (completely broken on ps4).
- worst qol (there is a loading after every screen and even to when i rematch in lobby i still have to go through leading again).
-no tutorial or anything to help new comers.
-the game has so many performance, where frame rate becomes choppy and The game crashed so many times during story mode on PS4.

This game is a prime example of getting a free pass And how only Capcom games get so much hate.


Alright, so here's a follow-up question about Tekken:

How's Nina in this one? I really liked her back in the day and wouldn't mind maining.
Alright, so here's a follow-up question about Tekken:

How's Nina in this one? I really liked her back in the day and wouldn't mind maining.
Tekken 7 is one of the most balanced games out there right now. Believe me when I say that you can pick any character and if you're good at Tekken, stomp everybody.

Arguably the one character that a lot of people think is bad, is Lucky Chloe because she's one of those "good against newbies, bad against veterans" type of character. And that's STRETCHING IT.

Pick WHOEVER you like and don't worry about tiers because they're all good. But if it still matters to you, I'll answer your question.
She's pretty damn good.
Ucchedavāda;239427513 said:

E-S-P-O-R-T-S Baby.


Shit, alright. I thought she looked dope as hell in the torn up wedding dress and thought about picking her up, so I'm glad to hear she's solid.
Shit, alright. I thought she looked dope as hell in the torn up wedding dress and thought about picking her up, so I'm glad to hear she's solid.
Be warned though, that she is a character with a somewhat high execution requirement. Not the BEST character to learn Tekken with but if you really like her, then fuck it go for her.
Even though dealing with a lot of his stuff isn't too difficult, I absolutely hate the fact that Akuma and Eliza play exactly like SF characters. If I wanted to have to deal with motherfucking invincible DPs and FADCs then I'd play Street Fighter.


The real reason I want to main Nina is because her blonde hair and torn wedding dress remind me of Cammy and her Halloween bride costume tbh.
Eliza's srk isn't invincible, not even the "ex" one, it works the same as Kazumi's.
And she doesn't really have an FADC either, since she can only cancel a special into a dash, not an attack. Not sure that she can cancel all specials either.
Even though dealing with a lot of his stuff isn't too difficult, I absolutely hate the fact that Akuma and Eliza play exactly like SF characters. If I wanted to have to deal with motherfucking invincible DPs and FADCs then I'd play Street Fighter.

He's so great. He just lets me do things and get away with it. Like Urien.
Eliza's srk isn't invincible, not even the "ex" one, it works the same as Kazumi's.
And she doesn't really have an FADC either, since she can only cancel a special into a dash, not an attack. Not sure that she can cancel all specials either.
It's mainly the fact that they defy the conventions of Tekken. It's insane how much they can get from ONE low into fireball into FADC into shenanigans, especially if they have two bars of meter and if they're somewhat close to the wall.

The lows that usually lead to THAT level of damage aren't so fast on startup for other characters. And even if it's blocked, no big deal lol just FADC/focus dash.

He's so great. He just lets me do things and get away with it. Like Urien.
At least you admit it.


『Inaba Resident』;239420751 said:
Saying how Tekken 7 showed you how barebones SFV is is some goofy shit.[/SPOILER]

Pretty much, IMO it only made it more obvious how bandwagon-ey a lot of the SFV hate was.
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