Kolin has 3 counters.
One counters highs (almost exclusively for jump-ins), one counters mids, and one counters lows. If she does the wrong counter (low counter for a move that hit high), she gets hit. The counter has a 3-frame startup.
She also has an EX version of each counter which does Unholy amounts of damage. It also has 1-frame startup as opposed to 3. But she's in a counter-hit state in her recovery so you can CC her if it whiffs.
She can be thrown during the startup/active frames of all her counters even the EX version.
But her counters are different than say Ryu's parry or Giefs counter right?
So If I empty jump over her or near her I can still get hit by the high counter right? since her counter is also a hit?
And multiple hitting EX moves are useless against them apparently as I've tried.