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Street Fighter V |OTVIII| New Delayed Generation - Controversial Inputs

Man when people speak positively of certain characters it makes me wanna play them. I'm easily swayed and just want someone to piss around while we wait for a Hugo like dude.


You can actually play necalli different ways

Weird. Among everyone I've talked to, the common sentiment—and this is what I also think—is that Necalli is one of the characters with the least amount of variability in playstyle, despite having a large amount of tools. There's a pretty direct means of playing Necalli efficiently.


What are the chances they'll reveal the rest of the Season 2 cast because....well it's been that fucking long already....I believe they did something similar when they delayed for Alex and Ibuki.


Weird. Among everyone I've talked to, the common sentiment—and this is what I also think—is that Necalli is one of the characters with the least amount of variability in playstyle, despite having a large amount of tools. There's a pretty direct means of playing Necalli efficiently.

You're not wrong, but it's like I said before, things feel different at lower levels. People get mad if you point this out too much, but if you're playing at a super low level then a lot of characters (and the game in general) feel a lot more open since you don't know how/aren't forced to play optimally. For me, Necalli started to get incredibly boring around the Gold ranks.
i've had more fun playing USF4 in the past week than I have playing V in a long time

except when seth is on screen but I'd rather play against seth than necalli tbh

I saw you on the other day but wasn't planning on playing. Only wanted to test something in SFV. Buy next time I'll hit you up and see if you want any games.
i feel you. Necalli is pretty crazy, I really don't understand why he has like no weaknesses, him and Karin have basically not been touched since S1. Just weird, Cammy too, just buff buff buff em away
Karin at the very least has always had kinda bad health and AA options. Necalli is solid as steel all around.


Man when people speak positively of certain characters it makes me wanna play them. I'm easily swayed and just want someone to piss around while we wait for a Hugo like dude.

I'm also waiting for hugo. Eternally waiting for hugo.
While I wait i'm playing ed. He's fun.

Weird. Among everyone I've talked to, the common sentiment—and this is what I also think—is that Necalli is one of the characters with the least amount of variability in playstyle, despite having a large amount of tools. There's a pretty direct means of playing Necalli efficiently.

I think necalli and kolin will reveal their hidden tournament winning power, when people start playing those two characters outside of the norm

You're not wrong, but it's like I said before, things feel different at lower levels. People get mad if you point this out too much, but if you're playing at a super low level then a lot of characters (and the game in general) feel a lot more open since you don't know how/aren't forced to play optimally. For me, Necalli started to get incredibly boring around the Gold ranks.
That's... pretentious.


I'm also waiting for hugo. Eternally waiting for hugo.
While I wait i'm playing ed. He's fun.

I think necalli and kolin will reveal their hidden tournament winning power, when people start playing those two characters outside of the norm

That's... pretentious.

Call it what you want, it's true.
That's how it is in most games. The optimal stuff rises to the top. And depending on the game or the character you might get some freedom and you might not.

I still think Haitanti is the most fun Necaili to watch though.


That's... pretentious.


I have a friend who is amazing at tekken. One of the best players I know. I can't do anything against him because his movement is so on point. I'm playing tekken now and I can do bullshit in the ranks I'm at because people don't know what they're doing. They are to me as I am to my friend.

My friend had a chance to play tekken against several Korean players and he said their gameplay was so tight, it cut the moves he thought he could use in half.

Different levels operate with different rules even within the same game. It's the entire reason we have skill based match making online. It's what super casual people complain about when they say they don't want to hop online, they just "want to have fun."
I'm keep thinking about my whole style behind this game and how I saw Nash as a run/hit and run style and defensive character (who lacks great defensive options), probably because of Infiltration who makes that hit and run style work and look good.

I think that's why when I hear people say this is an offense heavy game, I would kind of take it with a grain of salt. Watching Bonchan, he seems to be more aggressive season 2 than in season 1 and maybe this is how Nash is supposed to be played season 2 or maybe all along.

Also, characters who I do best against, I do so by playing keep away, zoning and hit and run. I'm realizing now that you can't play like that against every character. Not as Nash, anyway.

Self centered post, sorry, just thinking out loud and hoping that this realization improves my game.
Nash is for sure better at being aggressive but even Bonchan isn't always slamming Nash against the other person. Breaking up the flow fucks with a persons head.
My steam wall of shame..


Should be 4 out of 5 SF games, but when you do the upgrade from AE to Ultra it renamed it and reset all the stats for some dumb reason, I put about 300 hours into AE...


Honestly, with the complete drought in news/content, I wouldn't be surprised if there were just way less people playing online lately.

yeah but i usually get matches every 1-2 minutes, i was playing fine earlier today. Seems like a bug or something
yeah but i usually get matches every 1-2 minutes, i was playing fine earlier today. Seems like a bug or something

Steam sale have me playing Life is Strange and Injustice 1, MK needs to switch to this blocking style ASAP...I loved MK back in the days but blocking button needs to go...
Nash is for sure better at being aggressive but even Bonchan isn't always slamming Nash against the other person. Breaking up the flow fucks with a persons head.

Yep. This is what I told my brother who plays a yolo Ken. He's attack, attack, attack and it makes it easy to predict and stuff his attempts. I was almost the total opposite.
My steam wall of shame..


Should be 4 out of 5 SF games, but when you do the upgrade from AE to Ultra it renamed it and reset all the stats for some dumb reason, I put about 300 hours into AE...

Over 700 hours in SFV. The most I've ever played a single game.

Between the 360 and Steam versions of SFIV I probably have less than 150 hours combined.


That's... pretentious.

Only if it's wrong

which it ain't

it's not necalli's fault though, optimal play is optimal play and sfv has some linear ass play

sfiv did too, it's why you had your 99 second time out matches with ricki and snake eyez way back when, but sfv has some linear ass play


This kind of thing just makes Capcom look bad. And makes me wish they were this responsive.



How? Capcom already actually lowered the lag and harada is purely talking out of his ass with that "only wired ps4" bullshit.

SFV actually has a consistently working online mode and Tekken 7 is broken as fuck. Pretty ridiculous how people suck off Tekken for doing things they ridiculed Capcom for.


anybody wanna play? i just lost 600 LP trying to rank up and am super rusty....I need some practice.

CFN: ChefJoe, just a super silver again

This doesn't make sense. Why is the guy playing Bison just blocking on wake up. Did you have some OS to blow up all 200 of his wake up options in the previous matches that he stopped?

Anyways, I've been playing a lot of ranked on my new PC account. Now I already told myself that I'm not that good and will probably get random'd along the way. But I'm losing more than I thought I would. Now my ego is just kind of bruised since I thought I would steam roll almost everybody until I reach Gold rank. I must admit, the Silver ranks are better than I thought they'd be. I haven't fought players that at that level in a while and had no idea how good they actually are. Most lack decent fundamentals and go for really risky options even when there is no need for it. But some of them know enough to random out the typical Super/Ultra Gold like myself if we're not on our guard. Despite me saying that I still feel pretty upset by those losses lol. I think I've lost 3 sets in the Silver ranks and each time I was like "Money match right now, FOR ANY AMOUNT, ANY AMOUNT".
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