"NEWAGEBLACK" You hold that L you fucking scrub fuck RQing Urien.
"NEWAGEBLACK" You hold that L you fucking scrub fuck RQing Urien.
this game is hard to feel satisfied with
All the people I regularly played SFIV and KOF with dont like to play SFV but me....
I miss playing in large 8 player lobbies, I havent had a lobby full with more than 2-3 or more at a time.
ending a match with a shimmy feels satisfying. Not in a damn i outplayed him way but in a haha you guessed wrong way. feels p good
I feel you, i get more people wanting to play tekken.
While I like tekken 7 more than I like this game
I still like this game, ya know
i hate you
I don't.i have nothing but love and respect for the alex nation
I'd prolly play more Tekken if it didn't have some arbitrarily arcane means of performing consecutive backdashes. It's pretty fun aside from that.
I don't.
korean backdashesthe hell are you even talking about
I have no respect for people who play trash characters and then act as though they deserve a good character.why are you a heathen.
<< Really!?I have no respect for people who play trash characters and then act as though they deserve a good character.
korean backdashes
I have no respect for people who play trash characters and then act as though they deserve a good character.
I don't want a good character, I want a defensive character.<< Really!?
No they don't.Everyone deserves to fight on a more fair playing field.
Also you play fang, don't be upset that people play alex, because they like alex as a character and nobody but weirdos like fang.
Well it's also... the game at a certain point, and feels like a needless holdover. It's a technique that becomes essential for your own mobility and spacing.Ah, if you feel like you need to do that. Then that's your beef with the game.
Well it's also... the game at a certain point, and feels like a needless holdover. It's a technique that becomes essential for your own mobility and spacing.
FANG is a weirdo. Alex is just trash.
Well it's also... the game at a certain point, and feels like a needless holdover. It's a technique that becomes essential for your own mobility and spacing.
You're not wrong, he's the perfect garbage character. Perfected the art of being trash.Don't be jealous of perfection
alex is awful in every way. make his legs face the right way ffs
Look at that stupid haircut
alex is awful in every way. make his legs face the right way ffs
You're not wrong, he's the perfect garbage character. Perfected the art of being trash.
Imagine they make no announcement at evo.
I'm mad that people don't like FANG and then like Alex the refuse. Every other character is fine, even Necalli and Laura. But alex? Just why.Don't be mad because No one likes the character you like. Every time people look at fang they just ask " where's sagat"
They show the nostalgia outfits, done. Discounted even, they have the files there.
And they delete them live on stream
I'm mad that people don't like FANG and then like Alex the refuse. Every other character is fine, even Necalli and Laura. But alex? Just why.
Imagine they make no announcement at evo.
I'm mad that people don't like FANG and then like Alex the refuse. Every other character is fine, even Necalli and Laura. But alex? Just why.
Yo, question to the community. What was your first Street Fighter? I've been curious about where people started with the series. For me, the first Street Fighter I played was Third Strike on the Dreamcast when I was about 7 or 8. It was also the very first fighting game I ever played.
He seemed upset that I could actually punish his random shoulders. The match he stayed for, I could feel the shift in his mind after I punished his bullshit dash on reaction with super.
Literally his whole game plan was
Random shoulder getting punished? ok try...
Dash throw attempts getting punished? ok try...
Fishing wildly for st hp crush counter.
This game is breeding these fucking "yung gouki" style players, man. Since everything is blow up rush that shit down. They think they're the fucking shit.
And to anyone thinking "Man, bob, you kinda petty for going in on this dude like this"
To you I say, this is all the enjoyment I can get out of the game. Don't deny me RQ salt.
Yo, question to the community. What was your first Street Fighter? I've been curious about where people started with the series. For me, the first Street Fighter I played was Third Strike on the Dreamcast when I was about 7 or 8. It was also the very first fighting game I ever played.
Ucchedavāda;243317667 said:
Everybody tall enough to reach the buttons and see the screen in 1991 played Street Fighter II. The game was ubiquitous in the first half of the 90s. Every mall, movie theater, laundromat, corner store, pool hall and stand alone arcade had SFII. Playing Street Fighter II was just synonymous with playing video games back then. You played platformers and you played Street Fighter II, you had no choice.
*in the US.Everybody tall enough to reach the buttons and see the screen in 1991 played Street Fighter II. The game was ubiquitous in the first half of the 90s. Every mall, movie theater, laundromat, corner store, pool hall and stand alone arcade had SFII. Playing Street Fighter II was just synonymous with playing video games back then. You played platformers and you played Street Fighter II, you had no choice.
Announced last year at EVO so... yes.It's been a year since they announced the retro costumes, hasn't it?
No, only 361 days.It's been a year since they announced the retro costumes, hasn't it?
All the people I regularly played SFIV and KOF with dont like to play SFV but me....
I miss playing in large 8 player lobbies, I havent had a lobby full with more than 2-3 or more at a time.