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Street Fighter VI |OT| VI is for VICTORY


As an iron rank Chun Li, the number of Lukes spamming the modern control assisted combos is too damn high. They lose, but it’s not that fun to play against.

I’m up to iron 3 or something. I am slowly learning combos with Chun Li. Each session, I go into the combo trials and learn a couple more. I really want to unlock her classic outfit, but I’m burnt out on world tour.
As a fellow Chun main I miss getting hate messages and rage quits: no one seems to make the effort anymore unlike SF4.


Shit, use JP. That's all I get. Rage quits, and hardly any run backs. Oh well, I'm used to it. I played FANG in SFV.
Do you get angry voice messages on PSN or XBL calling you the C word though? I’m a dude but back in the day I got so many misogynistic voice messages to Chun Li in SFIV after rage quits: good times.

IDK no one talks anymore online I almost miss the racist 10 year olds on XBL that had their mics on by default.
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Earlier I got matched with 4 Geifs back to back. Was starting to wonder if people are playing anyone else tonight. Actually lost against 1, was very surprised lol. Light SPD like vacuums you in, it’s insane. There’s clearly a space between the characters the width of an actual fucking character and the next instant you teleport and are being SPD lol

It’s all good tho, took a gang of points off them, over 12k now, sitting pretty. Good progress tonight. Ugh, if I could just sit and play all day and not have to work I wonder how far I could get with some of these characters lol, ahhhh, to be young again… what a dream


Guile’s been fun so far. Got placed in Gold after my matches. 1/2 way to plat now.

My favorite match up is Geif lol. I don’t think a single one has stayed for the second match hahahaahahaha
Guile is a hard counter to Gief, especially players that wanna do a lot of grabs with him, I should try next actually, I loved him back in the SF2 Turbo days as I loved his weird upside down kick thing he did


Do you get angry voice messages on PSN or XBL calling you the C word though? I’m a dude but back in the day I got so many misogynistic voice messages to Chun Li in SFIV after rage quits: good times.

IDK no one talks anymore online I almost miss the racist 10 year olds on XBL that had their mics on by default.
If you're on PS5 you get a lot of people forgetting to turn the Controller mic off, takes me back to those days, especially in CoD
Is it crazy that I’m trying to rank up not one, not two, but three characters at once in Ranked mode? I even thought about trying a fourth character in ranked as well, but that’s probably overkill.


Is it crazy that I’m trying to rank up not one, not two, but three characters at once in Ranked mode? I even thought about trying a fourth character in ranked as well, but that’s probably overkill.
No you still develop game sense and knowing how characters work can only help you, plus you may find a new character you like that you didn't think about like Manon in my case


Today i've played against Daigo and I beat him
jk, i wish, lol
But seriously i have a question, hows the Singleplayer World Tour mode, is it actually really good or just repetitive stuff?
It's not horrible but not great either.
More like an intro to the characters and mechanics, and you can unlock secondary costumes, but outside of that it's kinda bland and simple.


It's not horrible but not great either.
More like an intro to the characters and mechanics, and you can unlock secondary costumes, but outside of that it's kinda bland and simple.
Thats the info i wanted to hear, i've hoped for more but it is what it is.
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If you're on PS5 you get a lot of people forgetting to turn the Controller mic off, takes me back to those days, especially in CoD
That explains it I don’t really play COD on PS5 and I think mics are muted by default in SF or maybe most people are using fight sticks IDK?
Is it crazy that I’m trying to rank up not one, not two, but three characters at once in Ranked mode? I even thought about trying a fourth character in ranked as well, but that’s probably overkill.
I’ve been doing a new character each week.
Week 1 Honda
Week 2 Kim
This week is Guile

Seems I can make it to platinum in a weeks time. If I could play more I think I’d be able to go a bit farther. But gotta pay the bills and spend time with the gf and whatnot. Guile is on track, might get there tonight actually. The idea is get more general game and matchup knowledge, and once I’m done I’ll go back and focus on the 1 or 2 characters I like the most. I’m pretty confident I could take my Honda to at least diamond, went on many good win streaks while playing him. Im already debating who to pickup next week, since I did a charge character this week I will almost certainly choose a motion character next week, probably one of the shotos.

Edit, well the first like 3 days I just played world tour to get it out of the way and unlock all the costumes I wanted. I do actually go back from time to time just to buy more random shit so I can customize my avatar more lol.
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That explains it I don’t really play COD on PS5 and I think mics are muted by default in SF or maybe most people are using fight sticks IDK?
It must be muted by default cause I aint heard no one and my controller mic is on and I be screamin.

I just looked and don't see it in the options?
What's this talk about rank resets? Do other games do this as well, and what's the point if you can already lose rank if you stop winning consistently?


Manon is definitely becoming a favorite of mine, carried on to a 10 in streak and Gold 2 Star with her, only a good Dhalsim posed a challenge tonight


What's this talk about rank resets? Do other games do this as well, and what's the point if you can already lose rank if you stop winning consistently?
Some fighting games does, seem like more of a trend. It's more so a challenge thing as the competition gets better over time but your last point still stands so it's still not necessary imo also.
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Got to Platinum in ranked and I'm not sure I can cope with Ranked mode anymore, at least not on european servers (dunno how it is for US or Asian ones) but it gets far too sweaty now. I know, its ranked, it's gonna be, but literally everyone plays the same way. Hangs back, buffers their AA's and just waits for you to do something so they can DI it, no one goes on the offensive anymore.

This should probably be ignored, im just being salty and need to vent.
Got to Platinum in ranked and I'm not sure I can cope with Ranked mode anymore, at least not on european servers (dunno how it is for US or Asian ones) but it gets far too sweaty now. I know, its ranked, it's gonna be, but literally everyone plays the same way. Hangs back, buffers their AA's and just waits for you to do something so they can DI it, no one goes on the offensive anymore.

This should probably be ignored, im just being salty and need to vent.
Right now I’m figuring out ways to over come cr.jab jab jab, cross up, cr. Jab jab jab, cross up…. And just cr. Jab spam in general.

It’s annoying, but it’s something that I have to learn to deal with. That’s ranked, people are going to gravitate towards the most effect tactics that require the least amount of effort. Just have to out play and out think them.
I’m just trying to stop Luke/Ken assisted combo spam. As a modern player, I gotta say you modern players can suck it. Being able to do special moves with a single button and damage penalty? Cool. Being able to hold a button and perform a 4-hit overdrive combo, not so cool.
I’ve been doing a new character each week.
Week 1 Honda
Week 2 Kim
This week is Guile

Seems I can make it to platinum in a weeks time. If I could play more I think I’d be able to go a bit farther. But gotta pay the bills and spend time with the gf and whatnot. Guile is on track, might get there tonight actually. The idea is get more general game and matchup knowledge, and once I’m done I’ll go back and focus on the 1 or 2 characters I like the most. I’m pretty confident I could take my Honda to at least diamond, went on many good win streaks while playing him. Im already debating who to pickup next week, since I did a charge character this week I will almost certainly choose a motion character next week, probably one of the shotos.

Edit, well the first like 3 days I just played world tour to get it out of the way and unlock all the costumes I wanted. I do actually go back from time to time just to buy more random shit so I can customize my avatar more lol.
Nice. Doing a new character per week is actually a good idea. Maybe I’ll try that. I’m playing all 3 characters at once for some reason. I’ll do a few ranked matches with Ryu, then jump to Guile and then Chun li which sometimes throws me off a little.

I think I’m on the final chapter on the World Tour mode, but I haven’t even unlocked a single costume yet and I think I missed a few characters? Guess I better get grinding on those gifts.


Is there an option not to match with modern control players?
There is an option to confirm the players you are matched with. So I assume you can say no to people playing with modern or over wifi, and even you can also go their profile and block them by adding them to your black list.


Curious if there's a GAF club in-game. I searched by "NeoGAF" and found no hits, so I'm guessing no. Would welcome more opponents.


Finally got around to getting my Cammy to Plat. It wasn't super hard to get considering the game doesn't penalized that much for losing. I think I'm good with this rank tbh.
I think Platinum is the new Gold

Great clip from Aris

Totally agree with him about DI. Great mechanic that makes a player have to think before just throwing out a move in neutral. And I like his point about it being useful at every level from beginner to expert.
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The other day I won Sheng Long in World Tour. He was a level 90 kinda hidden boss in World Tour who looked like a fake Heihachi. So I now can have a chance.
Yeah it's great they really made Sheng Long canon after all with this mode and that you also get to fight Roxy for the first time in SF (plus Axel and other FF chars).


Yeah it's great they really made Sheng Long canon after all with this mode and that you also get to fight Roxy for the first time in SF (plus Axel and other FF chars).
Yes, I loved that.

Something I also realized is that they didn't include -other than maybe Carlos Miyamoto- any main Final Fight character like Haggar, Guy, Cody or Poison even if they were referenced multiple times.

Something that makes me think we'll see them in a Final Fight themed DLC, which could be the Final Fight project Capcom mentioned in the leaked roadmap. Also, next year is Final Fight's 35th anniversary.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
The other day I won Sheng Long in World Tour. He was a level 90 kinda hidden boss in World Tour who looked like a fake Heihachi. So I now can have a chance.
Understand Captain America GIF
Is such a chart even meaningful when rank is on a per-character basis? Does it only count the highest rank per account?
From what I understand it’s just all the ranks of the CFN leaderboard. So in the case of people who have multiple master rank characters ya they would be getting counted twice. I think it’s fine, just means there’s actually even less individual humans at that level.

Is this data going to crack open the heavens and reveal hitherto unforeseen truths about the nature of reality, and our place in the cosmos?
Probably not. But I like data and charts, and there’s definitely some value here. Sorry you’re not getting it, I guess I should have posted a week 3 tier list instead.


Tears in the rain
Dayum I am done for the night, and I don't want to brag (and I am using Modern controls since I am a fossil) but....I won all matches with Juri.

Now I know that Juri is one of the most popular characters being used in all tiers online. I know that.

But you people use her because she's a beast with almost no weaknesses, a complete arsenal that even contains air throws, projectiles, anti airs and combos for days. Me, I use her because I am a man of culture. We are not the same.
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Got the Victrix FS 12 a few weeks back specifically for this, and am absolutely loving it. I've played on arcade sticks for nearly 40 years, but with the hit box style controller you get exactly what you want, when you want it. I found myself feeling like my stick wasn't doing what I was inputting too much and decided to try something else.

Maining Marisa so far and really enjoying the game.


Tears in the rain
Is there an option not to match with modern control players?
Why are you acting like Modern controls are like an insta win button or something? That's scrubby on your part lol. Modern have massive drawbacks like losing many of your moves (Manon loses her antiairs flat out), and you do less damage as a drawback.

The control schemes are 100% balanced and hell the best Ryu player (a Japanese tournament legend whose name escapes me) is one of the top 10 in master rank, and he uses modern. And even on classic he'd pulverize all members of this forum.


Right now I’m figuring out ways to over come cr.jab jab jab, cross up, cr. Jab jab jab, cross up…. And just cr. Jab spam in general.

It’s annoying, but it’s something that I have to learn to deal with. That’s ranked, people are going to gravitate towards the most effect tactics that require the least amount of effort. Just have to out play and out think them.
Man, same thing here. Try doing jump back jab or jump back lk to get out of that vortex. Im honestly getting annoyed with the priority that jabs have in this game, sfiv devolved into a jab fest in the end. Im on the verge of returning this game honestly, between jab mashing, random DR and DI and broken characters like JP, DJ and Ken this shit super not enjoyable.


Got to Platinum in ranked and I'm not sure I can cope with Ranked mode anymore, at least not on european servers (dunno how it is for US or Asian ones) but it gets far too sweaty now. I know, its ranked, it's gonna be, but literally everyone plays the same way. Hangs back, buffers their AA's and just waits for you to do something so they can DI it, no one goes on the offensive anymore.

This should probably be ignored, im just being salty and need to vent.
Play against some Juri, Cammy or Kimberly players if you want to get rushed down lol.
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Street Fighter 6 rank distribution, by @JD_FGC on Twitter. Data taken from CFN.

Just a reminder to not get discouraged if you’re not master rank, there’s like less than 1,000 of those guys total. Doesn’t mean you suck at the game. Have fun, don’t worry about your rank so much!
Interesting chart. I don't know which rank i am since i've not played ranked at all. Never thought there would be so many Gold ranked and Platinum.


Interesting chart. I don't know which rank i am since i've not played ranked at all. Never thought there would be so many Gold ranked and Platinum.
There's alot of gold and platinum due to that placement thing sf6 has at the beginning, alot of people placed high from that who didn't go through the normal means. It's also easier to get there while people are still learning, the game has alot of new systems to learn even if your an OG.
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