I really like the Croc design. It looks great for practical effects, and he has a pretty interesting design for the film they're making.
Relaxing in my trailer on set for #SuicideSquad Just left costume. This joint is Fresh! #LayingDownOnTheJob
Who can he be?
Both of these pictures could be memes.
Hmm so Common has a costume?
I don't want to be that guy but..., 'costume' really just refers to the costume department on a film set and even if this character is wearing a T-Shirt and jeans he'd still have to go costume for a fitting etc.
In saying that I still think that he's playingwhich would tie into the rumour thatBlack Mantisis supposedlyAquaman's trident.hanging in Waller's office
Oh I know what he could have meant, but wanted to get some conversation going
Pictures of Common on set in costume
Well, I officially have no idea who he's going to be. Black guy with red facial hair, anybody got any ideas?
A really interesting threat to take down since he's a Green Lantern level sort of villain.
I'm seeing the name Bronze Tiger thrown around a lot on Twitter for Common's character as well.
Who is he playing?
Who is he playing?
Looking badassNew Leto pic, is that a purple bow tie?
Some are saying Bronze Tiger though I have no idea why.
He looks creepy as fuck.
Harley on set too.
I'm assuming that... he isn't... GL
I'm assuming that... he isn't... GL
Looks like Tattooed Man...
Could be a rival for El Diablo.
Edit: shit
Did Ayer's mom not let him have tatoos when he was 12 or what
It kinda makes sense because well, they are villains, they are the lowest of the low, I kinda get what Ayer is tryingn to do, but I don't like it.All the designs look kinda cheap and look like they were conceived 15 years ago.
I was thinking moreNightmare style on Letos Joker
hellboy is in this???
El Mayimbe now thinks Eastwood is playing Slade Wilson.
Take it with a grain of salt cuz this is like the third different character he has mentioned for Eastwood