At least people recognize the DC films are heavily faulted and sometimes outright bad. Marvel films continually get a pass despite lackluster, uninspired, poorly developed villains with lame motivations. Dull climaxes with no real emotional weight, risk, or challenge for the frequently bloated, undeveloped cast, complete with a predictable outcome. Two dimensional cast of heroes who go through the same motions and puddle deep internal conflicts quickly and easily resolved. And the same big budget explosion filled aliens/blue sky laser/floating ship shlock at the end. But don't forget to have 2 - 3 post credits scenes that only exist to market the next set of films.
Unless it's an "origin story" in which case the villain will be the same as the hero only a badguy version with all the same powers/suit and be motivated by money/power and probably wear a suit, and it'll go through all the story beats of every origin story because they're endlessly replicating Iron Man's success.
Super hero movies.