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Suicide Squad Review Thread: As Fresh As Green Lantern!

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Average rating down to 4.8.

Lower than Batman v Superman's.

Did ANYONE see this coming? lol.

Me, kinda, I mean, the moment BvS failed to crack the $900 million needed to break even, I knew WB would panic with its other films. Really, when has a panicky studio even been a good thing for a film?

I haven't even seen the movie. How can I be a fan?
How is anything I said remotely in the contrarian, hipster fan mentality?


Its this "Good see it for yourself!" mentality I see anytime a film flops critcially. Guess what, not everyone wants to plunk down $15+ per ticket to see a flick they'll likely end up hating.

@ me next time you bastardo

Fabrizio, that you? How did you survive the Titanic?
I don't think Gal Gadot is a bad actor. She is at least as good as Chris Hemsworth.

lol no, she's absolutely terrible and has no charisma, say what you want about Hemsworth but he's likable.

it's a shame that the first female led solo movie in either universe will be starring her. Marvel at least got a superb actress for theirs but it won't come out for another 3 years.



No, but Captain America is everything I wanted the big blue boyscout to be.

A wise but fallible leader, standing for truth, justice, and the American way, who is charming and down to earth yet rises to heroism when the need is great, who doesn't hide his powers in fear of prejudice but openly does everything in his power to save lives, even before his powers arrive. A people's champion, who from the start would give his life for others. Selfless. The hero OTHER heroes aspire to be.

That should have been Superman.

Kinda is Superman, except he had two douchebag fathers who emotionally abused him and instilled a God complex/fear into him that left him broken.

And he still does heroic things.


Man it just keeps dropping, only two percent higher than BvS now. For top critics, it has actually gone below. Goddamn.


Even Snyder couldn't mess up remaking Superman 1 & 2 I guess. Since they've moved beyond that template it's all gotten pretty iffy though.

I would actually be hyped if Snyder were to direct a (mostly) faithful adaption of a Batman/Superman comic. I actually really dig 300 and Watchmen. I also liked his remake, Dawn of the Dead. MoS was competent, but dissapointing. Template Snyder is usually fine/good, non-template Snyder is Sucker Punch and BvS...

(I haven't seen his Owl flick)


I would actually be hyped if Snyder were to direct a (mostly) faithful adaption of a Batman/Superman comic. I actually really dig 300 and Watchmen. I also liked his remake, Dawn of the Dead. MoS was competent, but dissapointing. Template Snyder is usually fine/good, non-template Snyder is Sucker Punch and BvS...

(I haven't seen his Owl flick)
If you just let him directly copy comic panels, then he's perfect for the job, just don't expect him to understand any of the themes.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Saw it last night, it was okayish I guess. Can't remember much, editing was bad, didn't like the Joker and just some very weird choices. One moment the actors were all game, the next it was cringeworthy. Especially Harley. Dialogue was really bad at times, music was weird and didn't like it tbh. Villain sucked, just awful. Kinda frustrating, because there are some actual legit good moments in there and it could have been so much more.


Bonuspoint for Margot looking crazy sexy.


I'm pretty hype to see this just to understand the train wreck (or maybe I'll enjoy it). But guys - people know what reviews are lol, I don't need to be reviewsplained. I'm aware that I can go in and form my own thoughts.

Just crazy that were doing this again after BvS.
The hilarious thing about all of these super hero movies that fall flat on their face is that they are based on comics.

DC and Marvel have decades and decades of stories that are essentially completely written and story boarded. They could cherry pick the most well regarded ones and just film them exactly as they are and people would probably love them. Everybody loves Mask of the Phantasm. Just make a live action version with Ben Affleck and it's a slam dunk.

It's like they are standing in a warehouse full of wheels trying to invent a damn wheel.


Saw it last night, it was okayish I guess. Can't remember much, editing was bad, didn't like the Joker and just some very weird choices. One moment the actors were all game, the next it was cringeworthy. Especially Harley. Dialogue was really bad at times, music was weird and didn't like it tbh. Villain sucked, just awful. Kinda frustrating, because there are some actual legit good moments in there and it could have been so much more.


Bonuspoint for Margot looking crazy sexy.

Damn dude your short review sounds like a 3/10 or 4/10. Cant' remember much, editing was bad, didn't like the Joker, cringeworthy moments, villain sucked, music was weird, dialogue was really bad at times, but it had some legit good moments.


Clearly a movie doesn't have to do much to be a bit above average for you.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
How can you like a movie you haven't seen?

You can be excited about it, or be intrigued by the trailers, or be a fan of the talent or the IP, but you can't actually say "this is a good film" before you've sat in the chair and the 120 min runtime.

We're saying the exact same thing tho.
How is asking whether you want a movie to be a movie you yourself will enjoy, over everyone else's enjoyment a bad thing. Surely that is the opposite of fanboying.
We're near BvS territory now. Good lord I never thought Squad would get slaughtered as bad as that. Might be worse considering all the corporate meddling.


Lol, I was pretty confident I was going to keep my avatar but another 2% drop and bye-bye.

Yeezus, did we say how long I had to wear it?


When Superman is described like this, it's cheesy. When it's Captain America, FUCK YES!

Superman is running his course.

I think the difference is execution. In the Captain America movies, they hammered home how human he was. Like all the time. Every scene with him had a 'shit I don't know what to do', 'shit I feel awkward in this situation', 'shit I disagree with this guy', 'shit I'm torn about this babe', 'shit this is fucked up' on a very 'normal person' level. They made it clear how pained he was pretty much every second and they thrust the camera right up into his expression every time. While there are still many moments where Superman is challenged, they never quite paint it in the same 'mundane' light as they did for Cap.

FYI I'm not a big fan of either series.


We're near BvS territory now. Good lord I never thought Squad would get slaughtered as bad as that. Might be worse considering all the corporate meddling.
The Nolan era feels like a lifetime ago.

Thankfully to WB, most first-week movie goers don't let reviews change their minds.

But those people who go see it will spread word of its terribleness and it will drop as hard as BvS. The real money is made in the marathon.


Also, as someone who probably won't see the film, can I ask how Leto's Joker is?

The only thing making me consider it. Can't stand his music but damn the guy can act.



lisa continues to tear this thread apart


Saw this movie yesterday, I liked it, it is not excellent as it has its issues but its far from the big pos that some people and critics are claiming. My biggest issues were the dialog at times however sometimes it felt as a straight translation of comic book dialog to the screen which made me kinda like it, I also though the movie suffered of too much content for one movie, making the pacing felt weird and kinda rushed, finally, this is really Deadshot & Harley happy time with friends because everyone else was really underused.

Another thing worth to mention was that I liked the Joker, it felt menacing and crazy but it always gave me the impression that he knew what he wanted and had a plan of how to do so in the best possible way unlike TDK Joker which always gave me the impression that was more careless and letting some stuff to luck in order to bring chaos with him. However, as much as I have liked the Joker here,
I felt that when he really appears on screen, he do so in a really distracting and forced way, it would have been better for him to appear just at the end taking Harley instead of the whole helicopter scene


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Rush was amazing. I don't give a damn about formula 1 or race cars in general but that movie made me want to watch anything related to racing that I could find.

That's because the main character from Happy Days (forgetting his name... Ron Howard?) is a big F1 fan. Stated it on old Top Gear when he did the reasonably priced car to promote the film.

Sadly, people in the US just don't care about F1.


Again, clearly for the fans.

There were some good moments in that though.

The montage of Decepticons killing goverenment dudes, John Malkovich committing career sepuku on screen, and the effects are really good.

That chase scene in the middle is really good too.

I liked it. Underrated.

Not to sound crazy, but Bay could of probably made a good Suicide Squad movie. Like for real he could.
It would have been brainless fun.
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