or maybe its just who's replacing Hardy.
or maybe its just who's replacing Hardy.
We already know is replacing Hardy as Rick Flagg, it's Joel Kinnaman.
Joker and Harley are obviously the costumes I want to see the most, but each character besides Flag have pretty iconic getups. I hope they go for the mask on Deadshot, never cared for how he was shown in AC & AO.
One aspect of SS that I'm really curious to see is how they handle Enchantress. I need that full on magic DC, I don't want pseudo science or "Magic is science you don't understand" BS.
I'm ok with this. Tom Hardy could easily be a more prominent figure, and I'd rather have Urban play Orm.
https://twitter.com/DavidAyerMovies/status/572416755890454528Should we? #SuicideSquad
2015-03-02 15:22:44 UTC
Should we? #SuicideSquad
I'm glad they are going with Suicide Squad as the title, no pussyfooting around the title out of fear of what soccer moms will think about it.
2015-03-02 15:22:44 UTC
Should we? #SuicideSquad
Was this the big reveal, or another teaser for a reveal later on today?
Busty said:I was thinking about this just the other day. I wonder whether Mattel will have a toy line to tie into (which might make use of the word 'Suicide' a bit tricky) this or whether DC Collectibles, which is aimed at an older demo, will produce figures instead.
Either way they have a 'get out' by being able to refer to certain merchandise and licensing stuff as 'Task Force X' rather than Suicide Squad. Walmart might feel a little more comfortable selling a Deadshot/Will Smith action figure with Task Force X on the packet.
Watch as that pic was it.
Remember, that dude from Forbes said they'd have some sort of "reveal" along with "lots of detailed discussion about the film".
No one legit has said anything about a "big" thing.I guess I could see how cutting someone's ponytail could be something "big".
Maybe today is the first day who's gonna put the whole get up on.
Hmm, that's true.
Re-reading his tweets, it partially seems like he was privy to some significant reveal relating to Suicide Squad, but it also seems like he had no idea what said reveal would actually be. It's a bit confusing :/
I was thinking about this just the other day. I wonder whether Mattel will have a toy line to tie into (which might make use of the word 'Suicide' a bit tricky) this or whether DC Collectibles, which is aimed at an older demo, will produce figures instead.
Either way they have a 'get out' by being able to refer to certain merchandise and licensing stuff as 'Task Force X' rather than Suicide Squad. Walmart might feel a little more comfortable selling a Deadshot/Will Smith action figure with Task Force X on the packet.
Do these companies really make that much money from their toy sales? I hardly ever see kids playing with toys anymore, it's all ipad games. But with all of these super hero properties, and cartoons of any kind, i always hear about how companies won't even give something a shot unless it has a marketable toy line.
I'm glad they are going with Suicide Squad as the title, no pussyfooting around the title out of fear of what soccer moms will think about it.
Do these companies really make that much money from their toy sales? I hardly ever see kids playing with toys anymore, it's all ipad games. But with all of these super hero properties, and cartoons of any kind, i always hear about how companies won't even give something a shot unless it has a marketable toy line.
Yeah, the title will definitely make it a harder sell to any demographic beyond teen/adult males. But without knowing what WB's expectations are for this film, it's hard to gauge how much of an issue that really is.
M... Michael Fassbender?Hair is gone
There's a reason why Suicide Squad was chosen as the first post-BvS film, I think WB wants to separate themselves as much as they can from Marvel family friendly tone.
Going with Suicide Squad as the title is the logical choice if they want to achieve that.
I have no doubt that some films will be lighter down the road, The Flash and Shazam probably, but I think early on they'll want to offer another alternative of comic book movies and not just ape Marvel movies tone.
Huh. What if the haircut is part of getting him into full costume and makeup for the first time, and that ends up being the big reveal?
I saw Focus last night. Smith and Robbie have great chemistry, and they're both in amazing shape at the moment. Bodes well for SS.
That's my bet.So Forbes dude ran with the haircut as the big reveal....