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Summer 2012 Anime |OT| Goddesses, canines, and killer MMOs!

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Lol, I'm learning how to play mahjong because Akagi

Tasogare Otome x Amnesia

This show was surprisingly fantastic. You wouldn't have expected anything like what you got from just the first half of the show, but it really takes a turn for the serious in the second half and becomes a really impressive little romantic ghost story. I'm not going to pretend I haven't seen something like this before, it's hard to avoid having seen ghost romance tales like this kind of story because they are so prevalent in Asian cultures. But this show takes the fundamental concept and executes it extremely well.

I've commented about the art style of SHAFT a lot already, but this is probably the best use of that style I've seen so far. The surrealist style fits the material perfectly and Oonuma absolutely executes the style flawlessly and with a good amount of restraint. He knows when to pour the SHAFT on and when to pull back and revert to a more conventional animation technique when it suits the story. The use of color and light/shadow throughout is pleasantly effective. Sometimes there's random 3D thrown in but it's used sparingly and avoids being too distracting or jarring, which is the biggest complaint I have with 3D other than when it just looks really bad. There's a pretty obvious amount of lowbudget-ness throughout the show, especially when faces are badly-drawn in almost all non-closeup shots, but the SHAFT method has always been partly about disguising a low budget and this show does that with plenty of finesse.

I will say a few words about the ending. From what I am told, the anime actually goes past where the manga is and so they needed to create an anime-original ending. I'm going to be completely frank: I honestly don't believe the last part of the ending was necessary.
It was absolutely perfect when Yuuko vanished while in Teiichi's arms. Then they had to pull a Final Fantasy X-2 and make Yuuko suddenly reappear and turn a beautiful, emotionally satisfying ending into some stupid unnecessary happy ending for no good reason. The whole point of the ghost romance tale is that the love is fleeting and will inevitably fade like the ghost, and they just completely threw that away with a stupid saccharine sudden reappearance for no good reason. Come on guys, grow some balls and end the anime the way you obviously want to, not the way that tries so blatantly to make people buy the manga!

Overall, this was a wonderfully animated little series with a strong story, enjoyable characters, an excellent sense of style, and if you ignore the last 2 minutes or so of the last episode, it should have had a fantastic ending. It's hard to say that after just watching what is probably their best show to date, but if Tasogare Otome x Amnesia is any indication of what Oonuma and Silver Link can do with decent source material, I can confidently say that Magical Girl Ilya is in good hands.

Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Spoiler for Final Fantasy X/X-2:
"Tidus? You're alive?! Well shit, you just fucked up the awesome ending of the whole last game! Idiot!"
Final Rating: 8.5 out of 10 Ghost Moes

This show will be a candidate for my Best Shows of 2012 rankings. Currently 2 shows have qualified: Fate/Zero and Tasogare Otome x Amnesia.
I don't think the ending is
as happy as it seems, Yuuko can't pass on, age, leave the school or have an actual normal relationship with Teiichi.


Gunslinger Girl 1


A "girl" assassin, you say? Don't make me lau--


This episode not only introduced the "Gunslinger Girls" (primarily "Henrietta"), but gave a perspective to "Giuse", who is connected to the organization responsible for these experiments on young females. He, of course, doesn't feel very comfortable with this procedure. The classical music especially helps set the tone for Henrietta's awakening, training and killings.

One of the things I like most is Giuse's interactions as her superior. From the time he gave her the first tool of attack/defense to her going all-out on a mission, he never shows visible extreme emotions. Does this make him a bad human being? In my eyes, "hell no." Seeing the subtleties on him as a worker, leader and older brother figure to Henrietta without him going into poetry about how he wishes she could live a simple girl's life and not have to gun down corridors filled with thugs is great. Regardless, he's obviously attached to Henrietta and the thought of
having her die off faster in regards to increased conditioning and training
shows a mark of vulnerability from him.

The last stretch gives weight to the subtitle of the series, "...However, she is still an adolescent child." Henrietta is eager to please Giuse, he is her only family in what is akin to new life.

I enjoyed this episode. It's nice to watch a show revolving around young girls who utilize guns regularly that isn't garbage. I hope the development and identification of characters continues to handle itself in such a way that never falls into the zone of "overwrought." Giuse's clashing with peers over the value of these cyborgs has definitely not ended here. The hurdles regarding his troubles are also worthy of my notice.

Until next week!


Bioshock's backstory is a critique of Ayn Rand. Bioshock's story (or twist) is an interesting reflection on the lack of choice present in modern linear-corridor shooters, even ones with a constrained sandbox of options available to traverse those corridors. Bioshock's gameplay is a shooter with a looooooooooooooot of guns, some of which are drug needles.

You forgot to mention that you used to be able to shoot bees in Bioshock. Sadly that was changed for the final reason into something slightly more logical.

Plus, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is a far more thorough and interesting critique about the lack of player choice in games.

Gunslinger Girl 1

This episode not only introduced the "Gunslinger Girls" (primarily "Henrietta"), but gave a perspective to "Giuse", who is connected to the organization responsible for these experiments on young females. He, of course, doesn't feel very comfortable with this procedure. The classical music especially helps set the tone for Henrietta's awakening, training and killings.
Gunslinger Girl 1

Is it bad that when I heard about this show for the first time recently, I confused it with Gunsmith Cats?

I mean, you can look at that subtitle during the opening, and think that by "adolescent child", they mean "anime adolescent child", and she'll probably have tea parties with her friends and be all tsundere towards her handler.
I'm glad to see that I've started to get people watching Gunslinger Girl. I just hope you don't end up overtaking me!
Saki 20

oh a pool eps. Surprised it took so long. And I think they got someone else on this, a lot of off model, but a lot more animation. Hair actually moves!



A glimpse at the Sis, and more baddies that probably won't appear this season.


Boobs can't be this cute~

hmmm, i need to call an expert. Chet what's your thoughts?

Best girl~

I never got this, I've eaten icecream pops all my life and have never got that stuff on my nose. Etopen beach ball mode is secretly the best part of the eps though.


[Space Brothers] - Kaiji Edition


I'm constantly surprised by how this show handles time-compression. Which is to say, how little time compression actually goes on. There aren't many shows that you can watch in this day and age where a whole episode will just cover a few hours, or perhaps a day of time in the show. Especially when the next episode will probably take place right after the last episode ended.
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