Utakoi 4
Look out for my new LN series: My Annoying Little Sister's The Most Beautiful Member Of The Imperial Harem

Look out for my new LN series: My Annoying Little Sister's The Most Beautiful Member Of The Imperial Harem
KyoAni K-ommands the market yet againK-On Movie BD Limited Edition -- 96,430
K-On Movie BD Regular Edition -- 2,952
K-On Movie DVD Limited Edition -- 28,029
K-On Movie DVD Regular Edition -- 12,895
So that's 140,306 total first week sales.
You get a neat collectors ring if you buy all the Boxsets from Rightstuf!I finally worked out a deal with my sister to share her Netflix with me so I could rent Revolutionary Girl Utena, and now I see it says "DVD availability date unknown." fml.
Is there a legal, inexpensive way of watching this series?
Oda weeps at their insolence.Lies. They just can't understand the profound meaning of nakama.
Yeah, the absurdity of it's kinda the whole point.I don't think at any point during reading TWGOK, I ever thought to myself that it's trying to pass itself as realistic way of getting girls.
86.7%Anyway, sent all of you guys a friend request on MAL (here's mine), don't be like Mad Pierrot and never accept![]()