I know I said I'd vote for duckroll but age of candidacy needs answered. Can a five year old girl run for this office?
Serious answer or rhetorical?
I know I said I'd vote for duckroll but age of candidacy needs answered. Can a five year old girl run for this office?
I know I said I'd vote for duckroll but age of candidacy needs answered. Can a five year old girl run for this office?
The way Goemon speaks is heart attack inducing. Cajunator will need a medical team on standby whenever he gets to watching this.
Fate/Zero 12-13
Really love the way Gilgamesh has been handled in Zero...some really great dialogue between him and Kirei in ep 12. This has been one extremely well written and paced series thus far.
As far as ep 13...Holy shit @ Caster. Ready to see theSaber, Lancer and Rider alliance kick some ass. Hoping this won't mean the end of the road for Rider soon
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works
Wasn't sure what to think of this going in, and ended up liking it. The pacing seems rather quick and it seems like there is quite a bit that is glossed over, but then again this movie does assume one has seen the TV series, so that's fine. Liked the presentation of Shirou here a lot more than I remember from the series. I felt that the storyline particularly with him.and Archer was quite well handled. Definitely crazy for Archer to set all of that up to try to kill his younger self
Very cool action scenes throughout, howeverespecially between Shirou and Archer.I can't believe Illya had to have her still-beating heart ripped out by Gilgamesh...whyyyyyyyyy?! *cries*
Beyond finishing up Fate/Zero I was thinking of picking up Fate/Extra on PSP again. Got it from Gamefly and only played a couple of hours before sending it back, mostly because I got busy with other stuff. I wasn't crazy about the battle system, but is the story worth putting up with it for?
Boku wa H ga Dekinai - 03
Why are you going to design a character like that andnot give her a whip as her weapon? What the hell!
I still think Oath Sign was better. I'm just glad to hear LiSA's voice again though.
Joshiraku #5
I like how JC Staff takes the trouble to draw them in different outfits every episode. Take that, KyoAni!
This is what Marii thinks of magical girls. A girl after my own heart.
I just checked. Marii has by far the most hits on pixiv. Further proof that Marii is best girl.
People like Asuna so much because she is waifu perfection.Once in a while the plainest things taste the best. Which is presumably why everyone likes Asuna so much.
Once in a while the plainest things taste the best. Which is presumably why everyone likes Asuna so much.
I STILL don't get what the fuck a mollusk is in that situation. Someone freaking explain it to me! AND NO I'M NOT TROLLING!
I STILL don't get what the fuck a mollusk is in that situation. Someone freaking explain it to me! AND NO I'M NOT TROLLING!
I STILL don't get what the fuck a mollusk is in that situation. Someone freaking explain it to me! AND NO I'M NOT TROLLING!
I STILL don't get what the fuck a mollusk is in that situation. Someone freaking explain it to me! AND NO I'M NOT TROLLING!
There's something about the design characters in this show that I love. The colors are great.Joshiraku #5
I like how JC Staff takes the trouble to draw them in different outfits every episode. Take that, KyoAni!
This is what Marii thinks of magical girls. A girl after my own heart.
I just checked. Marii has by far the most hits on pixiv. Further proof that Marii is best girl.
penis goes in slot
Sweet Jesus
Sweet Jesus
Told you Kuroyukihime is the best girl
Look at a picture of a mollusk
then let your imagination do the rest
^Only good thing to come out of Accel World based on the 1.5 episodes I watched.
Specifically, find an image of a geoduck.
Some people just can't appreciate the Perfectu Waifu.
People like Asuna so much because she is waifu perfection.
After her and Cartman(god-tier moe), Kawahara just needs to come out with a fitting husbando.
Guilty Crown 10
Shu going cray cray, EMOTIONAL DRAMA, a coup, a trap, scientist doing stuff for humanity, and an annoying song.
Scilica is better imo.
People aren't saying that ironically. Fap Note has a very Noitamia feel by the end.
Well your definition of bad is really really fucked up. My definition is boring, something neither of those are. Hikari Club is also less exaggerated than Apocalypse Zero, which is why I find it more disturbing.
Drawing the fight scenes between Kakugo and Rai was the hardest part. His full-metal body made my life hell. Two assistants died, and one was critically injured during the drawing. The papers were stained red from the blood I kept spitting as I wished for Rai's death from the bottom of my heart.
If Nasu's mollusc analogies gave us anything it's the enlightening interpretations of them. You can learn a lot about someone by how he interprets them!Like an oyster or a clam.
Curved shell, like a curved body.
Its a really stupid comparison anyway.
no scar = mehwashboard.jpg
Smh at everyone not saying Niko.
Guilty Crown 10
Shu going cray cray, EMOTIONAL DRAMA, a coup, a trap, scientist doing stuff for humanity, and an annoying song.
The beautiful part is everyone in the show is underage so this image applies to half this thread.
The next episode is amazing, one of the most memorable moments in Guilty Crown.
Apocalypse Zero is actually (intentionally) funny as hell; the manga is by the Shigurui guy (though in his usual, less serious-looking style). Plus Hideki Kamiya is a fan of it and recommended it on his Twitter, so there's that too.
If not for its reputation as the 'worst anime/manga ever' from an age where anime fandom had vastly different tastes, it would have likely become known as 'good campy fun' among those who can stomach all the hyper-violence. I mean, it's not like being gross to most of the human race is enough for an anime/manga to be considered some kind of all-time worst; Kodomo no Jikan has a considerable fanbase that defends it to the death, because it doesn't have a reputation as the 'worst ever'. There was already a very well-established fanbase for such material in the west when it came out. Back in the days of 'old school western anime fandom', nobody gave a damn about Fist of the North Star either and the few fans were considered weird.
Also, Takayuki Yamaguchi's notes from one of the volumes, proving that the man is brilliant:
lol. Best episode of Guilty Crown is episode 1. Then it's 16.
Sweet Jesus
Fuck the movie. FUCK IT. You said exactly why.
It's okay, since mentally they're all probably like 40ish since 1 day in the real world is 3 years in the accelerated world.
Mentally 40ish but still act like they're teenagers. Too confusing to bother!
Apocalypse Zero is actually (intentionally) funny as hell; the manga is by the Shigurui guy (though in his usual, less serious-looking style). Plus Hideki Kamiya is a fan of it and recommended it on his Twitter, so there's that too.
If not for its reputation as the 'worst anime/manga ever' from an age where anime fandom had vastly different tastes, it would have likely become known as 'good campy fun' among those who can stomach all the hyper-violence. I mean, it's not like being gross to most of the human race is enough for an anime/manga to be considered some kind of all-time worst; Kodomo no Jikan has a considerable fanbase that defends it to the death, because it doesn't have a reputation as the 'worst ever'. There was already a very well-established fanbase for such material in the west when it came out. Back in the days of 'old school western anime fandom', nobody gave a damn about Fist of the North Star either and the few fans were considered weird.
Also, Takayuki Yamaguchi's notes from one of the volumes, proving that the man is brilliant:
Well, for what it's worth I did dock it a few points on MAL and am going to hereon choose to pretend that never happened...
Then they're probably 20s, I don't fuckin know.
The final answer might as well it's wrong in general.
She is by far the cutest character in the show.
Well, for what it's worth I did dock it a few points on MAL and am going to hereon choose to pretend that never happened...
Undoubtedly. But she doesn't have a lot of competition either.
Sky Raker can give a run for her money.She is by far the cutest character in the show.
Whoa, what the flying fuck? Litchi Hikari Club is getting an anime!? That's just.... wat?
That's a friggin guro manga! Will this be the 2nd anime of one ever?