Sengoku Collection 20
By the way, looks who's back.
We meet again, "Faec".
Sengoku Collection 20
By the way, looks who's back.
SAO 7 Pre-release Pics
SAO 7 Pre-release Pics
Other posts might be NSFW. Also. More liz for Dresden.
Yet continuing on, the subsequent route after the new character is tossed within the mixture of nothing is also not particularly different in appearance than anything seen prior
By the way, looks who's back.
om nom nom nom
om nom nom nom
Oh god why? [I]WHY!?[/I]
There is no way it is that bad.
om nom nom nom
I missed this earlier...
uh what
Toloveru Darkness OVA thing
Well that was something.
Sket Dance 71
Did Shaft direct this episode or something? The animation was all crazy and stuff. Lot distinct facial expression shifts than usual.
Time to marathon Hyouka from the beginning.
Oooh, you're in for a treat
derpface isn't just for Kanetsugu anymore
Round 1, Day 3 Results:
I have no idea what today's picture has to do with anything.
Disappointment.Round 1, Day 3 Results:
1st 291 Yuuki Kataoka @ Saki
2nd 136 Rika Shiguma @ Boku Wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai
(I heard) It's a Idolm@ster doujin reference
Woah wait, To Love Ru Darkness is the "a cat is fine too" thing? Sheeeit.to love ru darkness ova
super interesting.
It's cool bro, I'm with you on this one. ...okay, yeah, that worries me a bit, but I suppose it can't be helped...... So sad....
This pleases me in so very many ways.You can really tell SAO is popular using the doujin scale.
Sket Dance 71
Did Shaft direct this episode or something? The animation was all crazy and stuff. Lot more distinct facial expression shifts than usual.
Gundam Seed Destiny 5
So far so good.
I wouldn't know what this was if it weren't for Haly. Thanks Haly.
I wouldn't know what this was if it weren't for Haly. Thanks Haly.
P.S. What's the general opinion on Hyouka in here? I have asked about it before, but only got a few responses. Is it divided, or is it generally well liked?
I wouldn't know what this was if it weren't for Haly. Thanks Haly.
P.S. What's the general opinion on Hyouka in here? I have asked about it before, but only got a few responses. Is it divided, or is it generally well liked?
It's hard to argue that Destiny doesn't start well - it's arguably got one of the strongest set of opening episodes of any TV Gundam.
It's just a shame it doesn't really stay that way.
I wouldn't know what this was if it weren't for Haly. Thanks Haly.
P.S. What's the general opinion on Hyouka in here? I have asked about it before, but only got a few responses. Is it divided, or is it generally well liked?
I wouldn't know what this was if it weren't for Haly. Thanks Haly.
P.S. What's the general opinion on Hyouka in here? I have asked about it before, but only got a few responses. Is it divided, or is it generally well liked?
We've been over this. Writers don't mean much for adaptations.
You two make it sound like adapting material from one medium to another is a simple process.Casshern sins was original work, this is not.
How can you screw up something that's already written, if your not changing anything?
Ignoring the fact that it contains one of the worst female characters in all anime, its actually probably up there for one of the top anime of the year, its a really good school setting anime with fun characters that make the potentially boring source material actually come to life and remain interesting enough to watch. Satoshi and Houtarou are amazing as is some of the visuals genjutsus.
Does he mean the ditzy moe girl? I can't tell.
P.S. What's the general opinion on Hyouka in here? I have asked about it before, but only got a few responses. Is it divided, or is it generally well liked?
It is an excellent show. It starts off a bit slow, but pleasant, then with the end of the film arc and the entire festival arc ascends to S-tier anime. Production values - direction, animation, music - are consistently top-notch, and the character moments are very well done.
Now if I could only find a legal stream of it. :'-(
Girls love their cucumbers.
To Love Ru Darkness OVA
Fall season is gonna own.
you think? doubt it though.