So i marathoned SAO 1-7 (guess i am lacking impulse control, like that guy jumping the bridge in ep 3 I just spent a perfectly fine afternoon marathoning SAO, what a truly relatable character to me)
and it was stupid and funny.
I am kind of pleased.
This could have been good science-fiction if they just really went with the premise.
You know examine it a little.
(I couldn`t help but think about what kind of story I would have enjoyed more and came up with either a lord of the flies scenario in this setting (boring) or
more contrived an over the top coming of age story in which Kirito is really the son of the maker, who build this entire world to make him grow as a man and leave his loner otaku self behind (and release that years of semen built up). Of course with more and more symbollically charged stages to adulthood.
But I couldn`t not be entertained by it, as it made me laugh a lot and after all I simply watched one ep after the other.
Also I need a little more time to sort out which team I am on -as with the progression of the plot- is the really important question.
Then you will inevitably be join my team.