The most fantastical part of that movie is a high schooler with thousands of dollars of equipment just lying around in his home.The only winning move is not to play!
The most fantastical part of that movie is a high schooler with thousands of dollars of equipment just lying around in his home.The only winning move is not to play!
I agree. The mix is even more prominent because all discussion is centralized in one thread, so you get to see every opinion instead of being focused into a smaller group that most likely shares similar preferences to you, which is what tends to happen in general anime forums with subforums. That being said, I wasn't really referring to AnimeGAF's views on anime as much as AnimeGAF's views on AnimeGAF. It was kinda just a throwaway remark anyway.
Let's see if AnimeGAF can effortlessly defuse discussions that cause entire anime forums to collapse in on themselves.
dub or sub BOOM DISCUSS
Let's see if AnimeGAF can effortlessly defuse discussions that cause entire anime forums to collapse in on themselves.
dub or sub BOOM DISCUSS
What is moe?
Let's see if AnimeGAF can effortlessly defuse discussions that cause entire anime forums to collapse in on themselves.
dub or sub BOOM DISCUSS
Let's see if AnimeGAF can effortlessly defuse discussions that cause entire anime forums to collapse in on themselves.
dub or sub BOOM DISCUSS
Sub automatically. I've heard so many bad US Dubs I have my player switch to the JP audio track automatically.
What is moe?
The most fantastical part of that movie is a high schooler with thousands of dollars of equipment just lying around in his home.
Sadamoto I9 will always be best I9.Someone from GAF was out shopping the other day and sent me this:
But some dubs actually improve the show, like Baccano!, Sukeban Deka, or Garzey's Wing.
That's dangerous old school.
Someone from GAF was out shopping the other day and sent me this:
Let's see if AnimeGAF can effortlessly defuse discussions that cause entire anime forums to collapse in on themselves.
dub or sub BOOM DISCUSS
I can't believe some of you having a serious subs/dubs discussion. It feels like 1998 in here.
I should really go an invest in Apple.
I can't believe some of you having a serious subs/dubs discussion. It feels like 1998 in here.
I should really go an invest in Apple.
I can't believe some of you having a serious subs/dubs discussion. It feels like 1998 in here.
Also 2010 and 2011 because, unsurprisingly, we've had this discussion before. I mean "we", but of course some of you weren't around for that.
I should really go an invest in Apple.
Also Cowboy Bebop, Desert Punk, Trigun, Outlaw Star.
I thought you were a proper GCCX fan. It was a segment done over a whole season not just one episode!![]()
Reknoc said that an episode of GCCX had "video game karuta" and sure enough, there it is. lol
Instead of trying to slap poems, the reader is reading the tag line for the game and you have to find the right game. Maybe in a thousand years, that'll be how people play the game!
(Also, guess what game is referred to in that caption!)
Golden Boy.
Golden Boy, Big O.
Dark Cat.Also Cowboy Bebop, Desert Punk, Trigun, Outlaw Star.
Well, we've obviously never had sub-forums for specific shows but the single-show threads essentially served that purpose. I think those are great in principle (and sometimes in execution) but when you have a thread devoted to a single work they're obviously going to be rather exclusive.
Which isn't to say that big, sprawling threads are necessarily better or filled with more useful content, but they are open to anyone and the discussion has the potential to go to some very interesting places. It would be extremely hard to talk about certain obscure shows in a single-thread devoted to that show (because the thread would get no traffic and die instantly. Trust me, I know), but if they're brought up here then there's a chance that they might get discussed (assuming they don't get lost in a mess of posts).
The more things change...
What was the verdict in 1998?
How I missed that Avatar. I wish we still had animated ones so Branduil could use his old Makoto one.
To be fair that was a very different time. Dubs were quite often rubbish, rushed, badly acted or incorrect (which made for some pretty entertaining stuff, from time to time). Now dubs tend to be relatively faithful and relatively boring.
That, I feel, can be a problem with modern dubbing. By being faithful and accurate you can lose some of them charm that older dubs could have. For example, no dub as amazing as this will ever made in the current climate:
So, after all the hype a couple of days ago, I watched To Love-Ru. I'm 20 episodes in or something, and my god, that shit is terrible. Problem is: There are some good jokes and a few likable characters, but the MC is typical harem shit and obviously lost both his balls in an accident with a juicer when he was two years old and Haruna is annoying as hell. I basically watch the show for the aliens and the rich bitch, everybody else deserves a slow, horrible, painful death.
Holy fuck that is amazing.To be fair that was a very different time. Dubs were quite often rubbish, rushed, badly acted or incorrect (which made for some pretty entertaining stuff, from time to time). Now dubs tend to be relatively faithful and relatively boring.
That, I feel, can be a problem with modern dubbing. By being faithful and accurate you can lose some of them charm that older dubs could have. For example, no dub as amazing as this will ever made in the current climate:
I should add that my harem MC asshat tolerance level might be temporarily lowered by Hagure Yuusha no Estetica, though.I guess that's one way to look at it.
Speed Racer
So, after all the hype a couple of days ago, I watched To Love-Ru. I'm 20 episodes in or something, and my god, that shit is terrible. Problem is: There are some good jokes and a few likable characters, but the MC is typical harem shit and obviously lost both his balls in an accident with a juicer when he was two years old and Haruna is annoying as hell. I basically watch the show for the aliens and the rich bitch, everybody else deserves a slow, horrible, painful death.
I'm 20 episodes in or something
That, right there, is the fuel that propels so many AnimeGAFfers. To outsiders it must look like some kind of madness.and my god, that shit is terrible.
It is.That, right there, is the fuel that propels so many AnimeGAFfers. To outsiders it must look like some kind of madness.
So, after all the hype a couple of days ago, I watched To Love-Ru. I'm 20 episodes in or something, and my god, that shit is terrible. Problem is: There are some good jokes and a few likable characters, but the MC is typical harem shit and obviously lost both his balls in an accident with a juicer when he was two years old and Haruna is annoying as hell. I basically watch the show for the aliens and the rich bitch, everybody else deserves a slow, horrible, painful death.
After about a decade of obsessing over it, that's my opinion on it--not enough works of note being published, not enough innovation, just tired schticks and esotericisms being recycled in lieu of actual ideas. Or just tech-wanking.
At least fantasy (the non-ASOIAF/Wheel of Time kind) has men and women willing to push the buttons.
Flight of the Navigator.
It's entirely possible that it's just my nostalgia talking. I haven't seen it in some time.
Does Haruna die in a fire in Darkness?Should've just skipped to Darkness.
Should we adhere to the Japanese original usage of words? Do words like anime take on their own meaning once they're used by a foreign audience like an English-speaking one? Do we even consider how the Japanese usage of otaku slang has evolved?
Does Haruna die in a fire in Darkness?
Does Haruna die in a fire in Darkness?
Should we adhere to the Japanese original usage of words? Do words like anime take on their own meaning once they're used by a foreign audience like an English-speaking one? Do we even consider how the Japanese usage of otaku slang has evolved?
Why doesn't this kind of thing get animated? With such a large (however idiosyncratic and underfunded) animation industry, why do we so rarely see animated adaptations of "adult" genre novels, rather than light novels? I know we have From The New World coming later this year, but even that has teenage protagonists. Aren't there equivalents to "Kraken" in the adult genre fiction world? Or is there simply no such thing in Japan, is scifi or fantasy mostly the domain of generally poor light novels or literary/magical realist stuff like Murakami works or Tatami Galaxy?
Golden Boy, Big O.
Hyouka - 18
So, after all the hype a couple of days ago, I watched To Love-Ru. I'm 20 episodes in or something, and my god, that shit is terrible. Problem is: There are some good jokes and a few likable characters, but the MC is typical harem shit and obviously lost both his balls in an accident with a juicer when he was two years old and Haruna is annoying as hell. I basically watch the show for the aliens and the rich bitch, everybody else deserves a slow, horrible, painful death.
She is. Haruna is "perfect" - for people who like to sleep with blow-up dolls. The only "bad" thing about her is that she's incredibly weak - and the show tries to sell that as a good thing. No quirks, no personality, nothing.She can't be that bad...