What if I had posted a blue x red picture instead of silver x red?
Still wouldn't have worked. :I
What if I had posted a blue x red picture instead of silver x red?
Still wouldn't have worked. :I
I would say that there are only a handful of people I actually like and respect in AnimeGAF. The rest I either hate or feel neutral about. You know who you are. The community itself is batshit crazy though. LOL.
As a "new" member of #TeamPandoraHearts I hope that means, Im on the respect side![]()
Not gonna label yall. That's not smart. I'll just keep it secret. teeehhee
Someday I will convince you of SP's greatness~
Nice try but everyone knows you're tsun for all of us.
I would say that there are only a handful of people I actually like and respect in AnimeGAF. The rest I either hate or feel neutral about. You know who you are. The community itself is batshit crazy though. LOL.
How far are you in btw?
Do you need to watch To Love Ru to understand Motto to Loveru?
All you need to know is that Momo is best girl and Deviluke tails are erogenous zones.
I'm not tsun.
Of course he is ..it wouldn't be as fun if he wasn't !
Do you need to watch To Love Ru to understand Motto to Loveru?
Horizon - 20
Of course he is ..it wouldn't be as fun if he wasn't !
32, probably get back to marathon it soon, if I can stop getting distracted by other mangas/fanficsIts more plot focused than Im used to so I have to be in the mood for it.
Ultimately, I think the current overwhelming ratio of fluff posts to serious posts is just a side effect of the fact that there ended up being virtually nothing this season that warrants any sort of serious discussion. After coming off spring, when shows like Kids on the Slope, Tsuritama, Fate/Zero, and even stuff like Mysterious Girlfriend X and Dusk Maiden of Amnesia were sources of endless discussion picking apart character relationships, speculating, examining the direction, etc, it became especially noticeable a couple of weeks into summer that nothing was going to fill that void after a scant few early prospects crashed and burned. Our only discussion-rich holdovers from Spring are Eureka Seven AO (whose discussions appear to be largely contained in the OT now) and Hyouka, and other than that there's just the constant discussion on Accel World/Sword Art Online which comprises a shockingly large percentage of the thread's content in spite of mostly being largely waifu wars/laughing at the shamelessness/etc. It's just the logical result of a dry season--can you imagine what would have happened to this thread if it had been this active in the infamous Summer of '09? 25k posts of Amagami waifu wars, 20k posts of YUKIMURA/OYAKATA-SAMAAAAAAA and 10k posts of the HSotD bullet-time tits gif.
Personally, I run the conversational gamut from "higher" to "lower" types of discussion pretty easily and can adapt to more or less of another, but I'd certainly rather see high-quality posts than not see them. It'll be fall in a few weeks, which means plenty of new chances for shows to warrant serious attention.
Not to try and devalue the opinions of others, but Kokoro Connect kind of seems like the "overrated" show of the season. Not to say it is without merit or anything, but I typically find its construction to be rather poor, and the plot regularly quite stupid. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I'm not sure what people are seeing in it to clock it in as anything other than acceptable.YuruYuri and Kokoro Connect are the best this season.
I am just sitting on a pile of deep dissections of Kono Naka Ni Hitori, Imouto Ga Iru! that I'm simply too embarrassed to post.Ultimately, I think the current overwhelming ratio of fluff posts to serious posts is just a side effect of the fact that there ended up being virtually nothing this season that warrants any sort of serious discussion. After coming off spring, when shows like Kids on the Slope, Tsuritama, Fate/Zero, and even stuff like Mysterious Girlfriend X and Dusk Maiden of Amnesia were sources of endless discussion picking apart character relationships, speculating, examining the direction, etc, it became especially noticeable a couple of weeks into summer that nothing was going to fill that void after a scant few early prospects crashed and burned. Our only discussion-rich holdovers from Spring are Eureka Seven AO (whose discussions appear to be largely contained in the OT now) and Hyouka, and other than that there's just the constant discussion on Accel World/Sword Art Online which comprises a shockingly large percentage of the thread's content in spite of mostly being largely waifu wars/laughing at the shamelessness/etc. It's just the logical result of a dry season--can you imagine what would have happened to this thread if it had been this active in the infamous Summer of '09? 25k posts of Amagami waifu wars, 20k posts of YUKIMURA/OYAKATA-SAMAAAAAAA and 10k posts of the HSotD bullet-time tits gif.
Not to try and devalue the opinions of others, but Kokoro Connect kind of seems like the "overrated" show of the season. Not to say it is without merit or anything, but I typically find its construction to be rather poor, and the plot regularly quite stupid. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I'm not sure what people are seeing in it to clock it in as anything other than acceptable.
Nakama! Also, really sucks but eh, 2 more days.Princess Nine!
anyway, since Theonik brought it up earler,it seems I will be stuck with library internet til Thursday.
I've only seen YuruYuri S2 this season but all those are on my list as well as the two J shows and maybe checking out Tari Tari.Kokoro Connect is my favorite anime this season and by a fair margin.
Of course the only shows I've watched so far are Kokoro Connect, Yuru Yuri S2, Natsuyuki Rendezvous and Binbougami ga! and I'm actually enjoying all of them.
Or you can jump straight into darkness like I did. Honestly you aren't missing that much.Not really, Motto TLR is much much much better than TLR, so I would just jump in with Motto. I think the first episode even has a "introduce everyone for people who didn't watch the first season" section, but I could be mistaken about that. Either way, whether you choose to watch the first season or not, definitely watch Motto.
Not to try and devalue the opinions of others, but Kokoro Connect kind of seems like the "overrated" show of the season. Not to say it is without merit or anything, but I typically find its construction to be rather poor, and the plot regularly quite stupid. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I'm not sure what people are seeing in it to clock it in as anything other than acceptable.
I don't think there's another show as good as Natsuyuki this season.
Team Lizbeth is down 10 points. Their opinions are invalid!!!!
I don't think there's another show as good as Natsuyuki this season.
Tsun90: wrong on girls, wrong on anime, wrong for America.
I think theyre more pervy for stripping and tieing him up, lol
kayos90: right, right right.
It's just the logical result of a dry season--can you imagine what would have happened to this thread if it had been this active in the infamous Summer of '09?
Not to try and devalue the opinions of others, but Kokoro Connect kind of seems like the "overrated" show of the season. Not to say it is without merit or anything, but I typically find its construction to be rather poor, and the plot regularly quite stupid. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I'm not sure what people are seeing in it to clock it in as anything other than acceptable.
K-OS90: wrong on girls, wrong on anime, wrong for America.
Not to try and devalue the opinions of others, but Kokoro Connect kind of seems like the "overrated" show of the season. Not to say it is without merit or anything, but I typically find its construction to be rather poor, and the plot regularly quite stupid. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I'm not sure what people are seeing in it to clock it in as anything other than acceptable.
fixedI like pie!
I love K-on!
I liked this enough to watch all of it, but I'm not sure I liked it enough to spend money to see an OVA.Upotte OVA
release: 10.26
based Xebec
I liked this enough to watch all of it, but I'm not sure I liked it enough to spend money to see an OVA.
Maybe it'll wind up on streaming at some point.
Although this part is certainly promising:
An interesting villain? Please. Heartseed is the literal incarnation of lazily constructed evil. He has no personality, no motivations, and no real character, he is simply a poorly crafted excuse to create dilemma. Which is really what Kokoro Connect keeps coming back to: it feels fabricated in the most boring and uninteresting manner on every level, and it is so bluntly constructed as a story that it lacks any sort of subtlety or tact in its handling of anything.It's a unique twist on a genre that has otherwise been reserved soley for out and out comedies, has a healthy dose of entertaining angst/drama, an interesting villain who helps guide the plot and cast without resorting to overbearing exposition, and a cast with enough variety and depth to support the story. Although each individual aspect of it has been done dozens of times in other ways, the combination here feels remarkably fresh, and interesting. The emotional trials the characters face are indeed rather common, but they are real problems that many people do face, and the fact they're generally defused in an entertaining and comic way at the end of each episode helps prevent it from feeling like, say, a key show or Anohana in how much drama there really is.
I don't think there's another show as good as Natsuyuki this season.
It would help if you would at least provide a translation with that, you know.![]()
An interesting villain? Please. Heartseed is the literal incarnation of lazily constructed evil. He has no personality, no motivations, and no real character, he is simply a poorly crafted excuse to create dilemma. Which is really what Kokoro Connect keeps coming back to: it feels fabricated in the most boring and uninteresting manner on every level, and it is so bluntly constructed as a story that it lacks any sort of subtlety or tact in its handling of anything.
I don't even understand how these could be interpreted as "real problems" even. Really I think the only possibility is that we are watching completely different shows.
Service Scenes are abundant is what it says I think?
Service Scenes are abundant is what it says I think?
I thought that was obvious from the promotional images on that ad?