And once again, some of those who fell just on the wrong side of the borderline:
1st 158 Yumi Kajiki @ Saki
I blame the rich otaku's banker sons.
Sex. Waifus/husbandos entail certain obligations.
Joshiraku 3
So finally a bit of focus on Purple who up to now felt a little forgotten.
Kokoro Connect 1-4:
I have to admit, Taichi's advise to Yui was pretty funny.
So ishis confession to Inaba
Eureka Seven Ao 1
Yay Eureka Seven. But I'm it'sfinally a prequel and not a sequel ?
Just keep least through eps 12-13.
There's a difference?
Wagnaria Online 4
How messed up is it that I kept expecting? I almost feel robbed somehow.the loli to die in some contrived and overblown way for cheap melodrama
Also, beast tamer seems to be a pretty shitty class.
Bones, I am disappointed
Joshiraku 3
So finally a bit of focus on Purple who up to now felt a little forgotten.
A co-worker of mine got some free Guilty Crown BRs when some of his friends from Production IG were visiting. I never got around to watching that series even with all the initial hype around here about it. Worth checking out?
Eureka 7 Episode 11
Is it bad that I wish horrible things would happen to 90% of the crew of the Gekko? I still haven't really figured out what the point of their existence is,are they just supposed to be shitty teenage rebels who never grew up/are trying to go back to the past?
Eureka 7 Episode 11
Is it bad that I wish horrible things would happen to 90% of the crew of the Gekko? I still haven't really figured out what the point of their existence is,are they just supposed to be shitty teenage rebels who never grew up/are trying to go back to the past?
Anyway, this episode also featuredthe real introduction of Anemone, who is some sort of crazy girl who needs drugs forcefully injected into her before she gets into her EVIL giant robot full of CREEPY EYES and starts beating the shit out of the Gekko crew. I like her already.
As a Medaka-box-hating nakama, I'd urge you to finish E7.This is how I felt for the 30 episodes of E7 that I watched before dropping it
Eureka 7 Episode 11
Is it bad that I wish horrible things would happen to 90% of the crew of the Gekko? I still haven't really figured out what the point of their existence is,are they just supposed to be shitty teenage rebels who never grew up/are trying to go back to the past?
Anyway, this episode also featuredthe real introduction of Anemone, who is some sort of crazy girl who needs drugs forcefully injected into her before she gets into her EVIL giant robot full of CREEPY EYES and starts beating the shit out of the Gekko crew. I like her already.
You're so out of touch. Haven't you seen? You can only post screenshots that have been blinged up now.
That's better.
Yeah i was kind of expecting that too. And maybe she was just a shitty beast tamer.
Yeah, Gekkostate are terrible people that deserve despair, especially Holland. Something they do in the 20s made them irreedemable in my eyes, causing me to drop it shortly afterwards.
It is kind of a wonder how she managed to stay alive thus far.
Not enough Snoop Dogg. 6/10
Best show of the year.
o(^▽^)o. Yay that you're staring Saki!
Surprising it took you this long. Saki is overflowing with :cajun and :SDBurton, and also has an adequate amount of :chetrippo.
Wow, fuck Japan. We're now at a point where the shitty Japanese market is basically fucking over the North American market. :/
((((;゜Д゜)) Dresden, where's this from?
A co-worker of mine got some free Guilty Crown BRs when some of his friends from Production IG were visiting. I never got around to watching that series even with all the initial hype around here about it. Worth checking out?
For the action? yes. For the girls? probably. For story? LOLOLO%$^%&^$^$#%#%#%#ETETEDFDFT$T$UY&FHDFGHGDGDFUCK.
The next show for the new Toonami has been decided: Samurai 7 will be replacing Deadman Wonderland starting on August 19.
The next show for the new Toonami has been decided: Samurai 7 will be replacing Deadman Wonderland starting on August 19.
Holland not being a dumbass for once
The next show for the new Toonami has been decided: Samurai 7 will be replacing Deadman Wonderland starting on August 19.
The most amusing response about GC I've read yet.
The next show for the new Toonami has been decided: Samurai 7 will be replacing Deadman Wonderland starting on August 19.
The next show for the new Toonami has been decided: Samurai 7 will be replacing Deadman Wonderland starting on August 19.
Yotsuba& fanmade project probably. That would be one of the cutest animes ever. It will never get made though. Despera has more of a chance.
Every girl in saki manages to be super cute. Except forbeanpole.
I know it's Yotsuba&, I have all the mangas released thus far and I'd like for the anime to be made one day, but the author don't want it, right? -____-''
Eureka 7 episode 12
Fortunately, Holland & Co. didn't really have any opportunities to be too annoying, so that was good. Unfortunately,that dream sequence went on far too long, and didn't make too much sense. I get that there's obviously some kind of connection between Eureka/Anemone and the Nirvash/The End, but that still doesn't really help the dream sequence too much when there's stuff like a naked Anemone inside a fridge calling Renton a pervert, while at the same time the real Anemone is saying the same thing.
Saki 02
I like this show.
I like this show a lot.
I still don't understand mahjong but I like it too.
Lol. Better than GC?