Gintama Episode 27 – Some Things Can’t Be Cut with a Sword
I dont understand what happened with the last three episodes, like theyve all been so good and memorable. This one especially providing one of my favorite type of situations for the Gintama seriesOdd Jobs Gin working with the key members of the Shinsengumi. They really feel like the more well thought out and interesting episodes of the franchise thus far
Thoughis sensei really dead? Didnt realize he would actually kill of characters especially one taking care of the kids like that, Really sad
I'm checking out maybe six or seven shows, and probably will only watch three or four unless I get goaded into watching something I've somehow overlooked.
Has anyone here watched all of Umineko No Naku Koro Ni? I was looking through a couple of anime and it came up and I remembered that I watched it before. So for anyone who has watched it, was that the? I remember ittrue ending to the whole showended with the red-haired guy getting Beatrice back to her senses, and then nothing else. So was that it or did they just not show the whole ending in the anime?
I'm just curious because I remember having the hugest headache after watching it because of this.
Has anyone here watched all of Umineko No Naku Koro Ni? I was looking through a couple of anime and it came up and I remembered that I watched it before. So for anyone who has watched it, was that the? I remember ittrue ending to the whole showended with the red-haired guy getting Beatrice back to her senses, and then nothing else. So was that it or did they just not show the whole ending in the anime?
I'm just curious because I remember having the hugest headache after watching it because of this.
Honestly, even thinking of Watamote doujins bother me. Just seems so gross.
Shame, too. I wanted to know what happened.I don't believe they ever animated Chiru. That's the second half of the story in the visual novels.
Has anyone here watched all of Umineko No Naku Koro Ni? I was looking through a couple of anime and it came up and I remembered that I watched it before. So for anyone who has watched it, was that the? I remember ittrue ending to the whole showended with the red-haired guy getting Beatrice back to her senses, and then nothing else. So was that it or did they just not show the whole ending in the anime?
I'm just curious because I remember having the hugest headache after watching it because of this.
Aoi Bungaku - END
"No Longer Human" and the two tales of Akutagawa suffer from similar problems, I think. I might be talking out my ass here, having not read either of the original tales, but I think the technical skill with which the stories are reassembled by the directors still sacrifices some of what made those original stories great. For "No Longer Human", I wonder if there was a compelling internal monologue that couldn't survive the transition to the visual medium. For "The Spider's Thread" and "The Hell Screen", I think that even the incredible art mustered there can't replace what the imagination can conjure from a few well-chosen words when discussing the abstract, horrifying unknown.
I saw a Servant x Service doujin that I was entirely incapable of finishing. It was completely vanilla, but it still felt so wrong.
Not so much if the doujin itself is bad or not, it's just the base of Watamote bothers me to the point that I can't really look at lewd material for it. It just makes me feel disgusted.
Happy Birthday Kuwabara!
BassForever did you see my write up on Sunday without God Episode 12?
I haven't watched a Miyazaki film since Howl's Moving Castle when I was a young lad so I thought it'd be time to catch up. This might be the sweetest and most heart warming film I've ever seen. I was absorbed the whole way through. I had the biggest smile on my face all through the part where Ponyoescapes from her father's castle.
Aoi Bungaku - END
It's kind of hard to believe that this got made. Who would be crazy enough to finance a series of completely disconnected anime adaptations of stories at least 60 years old that have no attraction to the traditional anime-buying public? This isn't even like one of those out-there manga adaptations that might be trying to sell something. I thought vanity projects like this didn't happen anymore.
Ponyo thoroughly confused me when I watched it because it seemed to have no middle or end. It just happened. The use of colors is incredible though and, of course, that Ghibli animation.
The Umineko anime haphazardly adapts the first half of the VN, episodes 1-4. The second half, Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru, episodes 5-8, were not adapted and are roughly the answer arcs to the question arcs of the first four episodes.
The anime did a pretty decent job, IMO, of adapting the first four arcs of Umineko. However, it's not an easy story to adapt by any means, and the inevitable simplifications that had to be applied to make it work in an anime format resulted in a largely negative fan reaction to the adaptation. Combine that with the fact that the second half of the series gets even more complex and meta and would be extra difficult to adapt, and I think you'll see why a second season never got made.
I get the feeling that the effort was instead directed into the two-part PS3 version of the original visual novel, which was an extremely faithful adaptation, fully-voiced using the cast of the anime (one of the few parts of that adaptation that was well-received) and essentially functions as the "definitive" form of the series.
No what page is it on I can't seem to find it
Ponyo is significantly more ambitious (and satisfying) than other Ghibli films in terms of the animation.
That's the sad thing about Japanese voice acting - there is a constant churn because they are also expected to be idols as well. And once you get past a certain age, throwing on a school uniform and prancing around on stage becomes sad.
Those 2 minute things aren't really anything more than just commercials for the manga. They're on youtube iirc. But really, you should watch KnT.![]()
I was wondering if you were going to say that Yamato also features an after school band or something.
But does K-onGAF likes science fiction pew pew stuff? I guess we'll see. lol
Honestly, I don't think it will make much of a dent this year as well, simply because of the fact that it isn't simulcast and there's no temporal link that brings everyone together. The only way you are discovering the show is being a hardcore fan and learning about it through osmosis whenever one of the BDs are released. It has a somewhat giant thread on animesuki at least, but we all know what happens in those threads!(I have no idea!)
I hope more people watch it anyway. It really is the best piece of classic science fiction that I've seen in years (not counting that Time Jam show on Crunchroll).
Man, I guess dubbing live action TV doesn't require you to be an idol of any kind. lol
The animesuki Yamato 2199 thread is basically a group of hardcore Yamato fans who discuss the relation to the original and analyze the technical details of the setting.
I am a self-admitted Candelira fanboy. Doubly so when Tomatsu was in that gothic lolita outfit recently.Actually, the seiyuu Haruka Tomatsu is voicing one of the lead villains in the Super Sentai show Kyoryuger and she's even in the show herself a couple episodes when supposed to be disguised in human form and she's an idol there,haha.
I'm expecting that there is going to be Kuruko and Imai Yuri doujin now.
It's got the loosest animation of any Ghibli film, certainly. That alone doesn't make it satisfying as a film, though. If Miyazaki had been brave enough to go more abstract I think it would have been more successful artistically.
I saw a Servant x Service doujin that I was entirely incapable of finishing. It was completely vanilla, but it still felt so wrong.
Yes, and its stylizations of water is really enjoyable and varied.
I think the biggest problem with Ponyo is that it starts to drag a bit around the middle, when they go on with the boat, and the incredibly underwhelming ending. I agree with your comment, but of course they want the film to do well at box office so it's a tough balance.
The other visually adventurous Ghibli is of course Yamadas, with a style I like even more than Ponyo. That was one great film too.
If only Oshii reviewed movies for a living instead of making bad live action ones. (╯︵╰,)i think the overwhelmingly positive critical response to ponyo was what made me stop reading movie reviews.
Speaking of old VAs, apparently Fumi Hirano, the actress who played Lum in Urusei Yatsura, did Keito in Tsuritama.
I am a self-admitted Candelira fanboy. Doubly so when Tomatsu was in that gothic lolita outfit recently.
As long as you aren't adverse to long shows in general, both are entirely worth it, although with Urusei Yatsura you have to be patient and wait until season 2(ep 22+) for it to start getting good.Neat. Urusei Yatsura is another one of those shows I'd like to watch sometime. It looks pretty long though so I'm not sure when. The same thing goes for Doremi.
Yamadas is a film that actually went with a non-traditional film structure, instead choosing thematically organized vignettes as more appropriate for the material, and was the more successful for going that route. Just another example of why Takahata is the superior Ghibli director!
And what the heck was that stupid as hell secret technique?? your opponent is a flying beast that can wistand schokwave and can blast a moutain with his hand... What the heck did you think your "technique" would do ?